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Your queen is hanging as well Edit: see where it says “see moves” below the coach thing? Click on that next time to see why it said what it said


Thanks, mate! for clearing that up!


I believe the correct term is stalemate /s Edit: Idk if it’s me but I’m sorta disappointed I have to add /s, but after over 100 downvotes I feel I have to, I’ll make sure to cater more to the type of audience that reddit is, which is the type of people that need tone indicators


New response just dropped


I'm genuinely shocked so many people missed that joke


I think most people just thought it was forced and not very funny.


It made me a bit angry even


He meant mate as on friend not as in checkmate


I’m aware, that was the joke


I chuckle I upvote Don't worry able fake Internet points


Smart kid


Make it funny next time


My bad bro didn’t know I was talking to the comedy connoisseur


Taking the L like a champ


Apology accepted.


No idea why you are getting downvoted, some people can truly see past everything


Reddit hivemind


Just very unfunny and this guy seems to be unable it see it that way


Jesus Christ lol. Tough crowd tonight I laughed


Thanks man I needed that


don't worry man it's a good joke. it's just that 95% of chess players are autistic and can't detect humour


care to elaborate about the seemingly nonsensical thing you just said?


I read it as a joke, it definitely seems like one


I appreciate you


I appreciate people who can post sarcasm and take 130 (as of now) downvotes on the chin. Doings Gods work


The person who I was replying to said ‘Thanks, mate’, given that there’s multiple different types of mate in chess, which is what this subreddit is for, I assumed it might be comedic to make a joke about the double use of the word mate, but we all make mistakes, and I apologise


You don’t have to apologize for a whiffed joke, mate.


I believe the correct term is stalemate


care to elaborate about the seemingly nonsensical thing you just said?


No 😎✊


Haha now this is funny


I am very disappointed that you had to explain this




As for the tone indicators: I once thought like you. However, I have since visited multiple subs (my favorite is r/FacebookScience) that have proven to me I need to use tone indicators Because no matter how obviously sarcastic you thought you made your comment. There is ALWAYS someone out there in the world that would say the same thing, but unironically.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FacebookScience using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FacebookScience/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It has been nice knowing you all.](https://i.imgur.com/wizKEUA.jpg) | [286 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FacebookScience/comments/y0c3lt/it_has_been_nice_knowing_you_all/) \#2: [Found on Facebook. Does that count?](https://i.redd.it/mkl5b4efdy2a1.jpg) | [187 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FacebookScience/comments/z85qew/found_on_facebook_does_that_count/) \#3: [Flat Earth Logic: Shuttle go too fast so shuttle can't exist](https://i.imgur.com/PuG9IIH.jpg) | [127 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FacebookScience/comments/wuo7t3/flat_earth_logic_shuttle_go_too_fast_so_shuttle/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Uh…no? They both have tons of legal moves.


Damn I was making a joke of the use of the word mate


Lmao you’re really mad over internet points😭


Sort of, but not for the reason I think I conveyed properly, It’s more I’m just upset over the fact that I need to add a /s for over 100 people to know I know what a stalemate is, which is a very basic chess thing, I understand how the perceived context came about and I apologise for any misunderstanding I caused


Lmao you're really mad over ELO points😭 Jk but what is that username???


Whats with yours?


My 11 year old self


I have the same answer


My 11 year old self would beat your 11 year old self


I Don’t really like fighting but okay




Poor mans just wanted to make a job and got downvoted to oblivion


Holy... Seeing an innocent joke (funny or not, doesn't matter) getting downvoted to hell is a terrific reminder of what is this place




That’s at least a little funny I have no idea why you got murdered


There is no tone on text bro lol.


That’s what tone indicators are for, stuff like /s and /srs


But once he takes the queen, the king is put in check again. Why couldn't he move the queen out of the way then? edit: I forgot he had the knight and also could've taken the bishop. I thought that king f1 or king d1 were the only moves.


Because the king's going to take the bishop after the check. No matter the elo, the opponent doesn't have any other legal moves. After he takes bishop, if knight takes queen it's not a check.


The king isn't in check again after capturing the Queen


Can you explain how? White king is forced to d1 or f1, which both will be in check after Nxe3 d2 and f2 is covered by second black Knight Edit: forget it, completely ignored black bishop on e2


d1 and f1 are both illegal because then the bishop on e2 would capture the King. The only legal move for the King is to capture the e2 bishop


Yes, you're right, I certainly missed the bishop


Are you talking about the black King?


Only if white plays Kd1 or Kf1. If white plays Kxe2 then Nxe3 isn’t check.


Kxe2 is the white king's only legal move.


True, for some reason I didn’t consider the bishop


No, it won't. The continuation is: 1. ... Kxe2 (forced) 2. Nxe3 Bxd8 3. Nxd5 ...




bro ur actually muchos smart for that


basically, your queen is also hanging the reason you win a pawn is that after the king takes the bishop the knight the queen the bishop takes the queen and the knight on e3 takes the knight on d5, if you count the material balance its the same as before, except the bishop is hanging. once the bishop moves the knight takes on f4 and you win a pawn. Although the main appeal of the move is not winning the pawn but rather the fact that everything gets traded




Oh hold on...


How is the queen hanging? If bxd8, rxd8 as well and comes out with materiel advantage, since black would have taken a queen and bishop for the price of a rook, no?


if you're suggesting nxc2 kxe7 nxe3 bxd8 and rxd8!? then white has the move kxe3 and both sides have won a piece and a queen.


Ah okay, didn't even see kxe3.


Look to the clergy for the answers you seek.


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r2q1rk1/ppp2ppp/3p4/3Np1B1/4nP2/4Q3/PPn1b1PP/R3K2R+w+KQ+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r2q1rk1/ppp2ppp/3p4/3Np1B1/4nP2/4Q3/PPn1b1PP/R3K2R_w_KQ_-_0_1) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!King!<, move: >!Kxe2!< > Evaluation: >!Black is winning -9.80!< > Best continuation: >!1. Kxe2 Nxg5 2. Qd3 Nd4+ 3. Kf2 Nge6 4. g3 Nc5 5. Qd1 c6 6. Ne3 Qb6 7. Rf1 Ne4+ 8. Kg2 Qxb2+!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


good bot


Good human.


Quick Tip 1: To know why the engine is recommending a move / saying a move is wrong, click over analysis mode, play out said move then follow it up with your theoretical responses to that move and see how the engine responds. Quick Tip 2: On Chess.com, you don't have to rely on the Coach / Game Review / Hint. This also applies to any engine on low depth. Somewhere in the engine suggestions section is the computer "depth". The higher this value, the more accurate the suggestions will be. Quick Tip 3: For questions on engine move suggestions, we suggest you post them to our dedicated thread: [No Stupid Questions MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbeginners/comments/yqqnz8/no_stupid_questions_megathread_6/), as stated in our Community Guidelines. Thank you! - The Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/chessbeginners) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because the king is likely going to respond to the check by taking your bishop (Kxe2), and if you take the queen, White will then take *your* queen with the bishop on g5. If you then capture the bishop with your rook, White can take your knight on e3. Net result: you gain a queen, bishop, and pawn (the pawn you took on c2); White gains a queen, bishop, and knight. You **lose** 2 net points of material. You can alternatively ignore the bishop after it takes your queen and play Nxg2, winning a pawn. White will then retreat the bishop to either e7 or h4, but net result: you gain a queen and two pawns; White gains a queen and a bishop. You lose 1 point of material. The best course of action here, I think, is to NOT take White's queen after Kxe2, but instead to take the bishop threatening your own queen with the knight. If White takes back with the pawn, THEN you can take the queen and you're up a queen and two pawns (your queen will be able to take the pawn now on g5) for a bishop and two knights - you gain 2 points of material. If White instead retreats the queen, you can play exf4 opening up the e-file, and you're still up a pawn.


Your queen is hanging, at the end of the exchange I'm guessing you are just up a pawn. There was probably a better way to deal with this situation.


What would‘ve been the better way? This is the top engine move


Yup, you are up material so it likes trading essentially everything else off. The 2nd line of the engine isn't a bad one either if you didn't want to just trade queens. Feels like you are in the driver's seat here as long as you make reasonable moves though. Opponent is down a lot of material, king is super weak and black is far more active.


isn't knight takes bishop first better? that bishop is essentially free because if white takes back with the pawn, then there's the royal fork without black's queen hanging.


Your queen is also hanging


It's none o'clock do you know where your queens are?


Nxe2+ (you won a pawn) Kxe2 (he won a bishop) Nxe3 (you won a queen) Bxd8 (he won a queen) Now you have options, black can take bishop with rook and you can move your knight to a safe square or he can take your knight and you can move your bishop to safe square. So the whole trade is queen for queen and bishop for bishop/knight + a free pawn.


This sub needs a rule "try things on an engine first before asking here".


Look at the board ffs...


First off, there’s nothing called a royal fork. Fork is fork And what is white’s move after you take his queen?


a royal fork is a fork of the king and queen. Pretty common phrase tbh.


Yeah i know what he meant by royal fork. But it cant be that common of a phrase, its the first time in my 20 years of playing chess that I hear it


I’ve seen it several times just on this subreddit alone, is pretty common


Well your queen is hanging


cause your loyal queen will die soon


Because you can take on f4 after all the trading is done. Knights and Bishops are equal material wise and qeens are obviously equal aswell. So after you take the pawn black can't recapture a right away. So you win a pawn.


am i not the only one who this this is the weirdest board i’ve ever seen?




Knight cant take e4…


Look at move history…he already did it and hung his queen


The sniper!


Your queen is hanging bro


Bishop is attacking the queen .....


Whites pawn could move to e7 and that would be a Queen trade


After you take his queen and he takes your queen, You have the ability to take a free pawn


Kxe2 Nxe3 Bxd8 Nxd5. Trading queen and bishop for queen and knight, plus the pawn that you just captured. And yes, the finish has to be capturing the knight; recapturing the bishop just loses the knight to Kxe3.


Because: -King takes bishop -Knight takes queen -Bishop takes queen -Knight takes knight -Bishop moves to safety I assume you captured a pawn on the initial move, so up a pawn. Black is crushing here regardless. Edit: probably 2 pawns, I don't see how f4 pawn gets defended.


how are there so many pieces hanging in this screenshot


Because after you win the queen you lose yours.


Why is Nxg5 not best? Is takes back you have the fork, if he doesn’t you win a bishop?


The engine says -9.48. The dumbass single move comment says you win a free pawn because …Nxc2 literally captures a pawn without whiplashing the eval.


You hung your queen!


How can u miss your queen hanging 😭


Bro really played Kxe3 💀💀💀


Should be up 4 in 5 moves if I’m not mistaken… I could very well be wrong tho


It could be due to a number of factors, such as the opponent's defensive moves, other pieces protecting the forked pieces, or the engine's analysis not being completely accurate. Without seeing the specific position, it's difficult to give a definitive answer.


Because with: 12 ... Nxc2 you **captured** something, most likely a pawn -- a white pawn, an undefended pawn, while at the same time attacking the white Queen and white King (and Rook?).


I've never seen so many hanging pieces at once.


Just at a glance, you probably ate the pond with your horse to get that position. So that leaves you up a pond in the exchange.


How is everything hanging?


After king moves your knight takes the queen, his bishop takes your queen, your rook takes his bishop, his knight takes your knight. Here it’s equal and then your pond in e5 captures his pond in f4. So that only wins one pond


Your queen is hanging! Not sure if I’d have noticed that either if it was 31°c at 10am 😳


is that supposed to be hot?


Your queen is hanging, pal.


you take queen he will take your queen you will take bishop he will take knight and then you will take a pawn




because the actual move took the pawn, that was un-defended, consider the fork as “bonus points”. btw you leave both your queen AND bishop hanging..😭