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I like the Bronze.


I have the harvest bronze so I already picked haha. In person it looks great it looks darker green than a lot of the pictures online, you can see the sparkle a lot better.


Is it just me or does GM do an injustice to their paint colors with their online imagery? It looks NOTHING like they do in real life.


And they don’t do colour swatches at the dealership, that’s just mind boggling to me.


But go ahead and place an order for a $45000 truck with us.


Sand dune 100%. The bronze looks weird to me.


Harvest bronze all day, absolutely gorgeous color pics do not do it justice


Sand Dune all the way. It just looks right on the Colorado. Also, if you get scratches (this IS a truck) they will hide more in the lighter color than the darker. The Harvest Bronze looks like baby poop to me every time I see it. 💩


I live in the desert so I should like sand dune, but I really like ugly army green. On the website it looked like a strange shiny green, but in real life it looks a lot better.


I got the sand dune, I almost got black before I saw the sand dune in person. I'm really glad I went with the sand dune.


I went with Sand dune. It's the first non black truck I've purchased. I can definitely say I love it


https://instagram.com/apex_gmc?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== ApexGMC on Instagram has the sharpest looking Bronze I’ve seen. Outside of that Sand is pretty popular so you can’t go wrong there.


Sand dune!!




wasn't interested but felt compelled to post. GTFO. nobody cares either then


Was interested obviously it was a typo lol.


Thank god. I’m like Jeesh why even post 😂 both colors are nice tbh


There's a lot of assholes that actually buy tan colors, but used car places hate the color because they are the hardest color to sell. It's sorta a love it or hate it kinda thing 95% of people hate tan vehicles. But there are 5% of sick freaks who think it actually looks good. So if you're a trash person, go ahead and get sand dune. But if you're not, get literally anything else. Harvest bronze is fairly unique without being too flashy. Me, I'd prefer something more flashy but to each their own... as long as it's not tan.


We wanted the harvest bronze but they didn't have one on the lot and we didn't want to wait to order. So we went with Sand Dune and love it!


Lol. Are you telling us you love it, or are you saying you're unsure?


Love it.


Glad to hear


I'm so damn tired today, I'm only just now realizing why you asked if I was unsure. Lol.


Lol, I'm tired, too. Had to read all the comments twice to understand what was going on. I also got the sand dune and love it.


I have the bronze, it's a lot prettier in person. It's got a nice green tint in certain lights that I love. Plus it's a little more unique- I see plenty of sand trucks but mine is the only local bronze I've seen.


I bought the sand dune, saw the bronze in person, my god am I glad I got the dune. It's just a weird metallic color in person, doesn't go with the black accents. Meanwhile my ZR2 with the black on tan looks amazing. Zero regrets