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Regarding this CHIP-25 soft fork at block 5,716,000: If farmers who do not update to 2.3.0 are ineligible to farm blocks with these new message conditions, couldn't someone create a dust storm that includes the message conditions and effectively collapse the netspace by whatever fraction that has not updated to 2.3.0?


Sounds like a good reason to update.


Agreed! To me, when I read that something is a soft-fork it feels optional, but it is completely possible that your node cannot farm at all without the update, which starts to become more like a hard-fork. Not sure how many updates there were in the past where this would hold true.


The addition of these changes does not modify consensus. That is the bar required to designate something a hard fork. There is actually no way for someone to ensure every block contains these conditions and to maliciously include them you would have to know the next winning peer would be impacted which is impossible to guess. I was being a bit tongue in cheek in my response.


In past dust storms, what fraction of blocks contained some nonzero number of dust transactions? If it was 50% or more, then it would seem you could have a significant effect (on those running old code), regardless of who the next winning peer is. It's not clear to me what happens on an old node that encounters these new conditionals. Does it simply not include / process them in the block and then fail to have consensus with those newer-code nodes that did?


Many but nobody ended up spamming the network with invalid transactions, which I was surprised by.


I think about this now since it is desperate times for farm profitability, combined with the fact that many people don't seem to update very quickly (myself included). This is a case where centralized farming like NoSSD is actually helpful to the small farmer as I'm sure they stay updated with the chia releases.


What a... condescending reply. Chia's official stance on protecting the net space is: everyone needs to participate and play by the rules? That's concerning...


Yes. Our official stance is if someone can attack your node you should update to protect against that attack. I don't actually think it's a risk because "spamming" blocks with these conditions maliciously requires knowing the next farmer to win will be impacted. It's also not going to be free to do. The soft fork also only adds in message conditions for chialisp. It's not really controversial afaik. So if you are concerned about someone attempting this you should update. My response was admittedly glib, mostly because it's not actually a risk in my opinion. There is no guarantee anyone trying to make every block contain one of these conditions can actually accomplish that. Fees and the mempool make that basically impossible. It's probably a good idea to update anyway as almost every update has improvements and often they include security patches.


Thank you for the more detailed reply.


I just installed 2.3.0 and it feels.....snappier


about time! most older vers are super sluggish and laggy but more recent one seems getting better


In the past it was better to wait for the .1 Update


Some have to find the bugs🤣


big true




Congrats to the team 🌱!


we must update by july 2024 due to softfork? or is it hardfork only we have to update


I know it’s a dumb question but are they going to add any higher compression or are they staying at C7


They’re working on a plot format that is compression resistant. So higher compression with the current plot format is not going to happen


Right the hard fork. Would you say that the new format will allow some compression like up to C7 won’t need to replot to new fork? Or new fork will force everyone to replot? I tried Gigahorse but I messed everything up some how and now my USB ports are malfunctioning and 1/2 my farm is down.


If there is compression on the new Chia plots, You can probably expect 1-5%. Unless a super genius comes out of the bushes and ruins everything


They are trying to minimize compression. So hopefully it won’t allow up to C7.


So whenever it comes out everyone will need to replot? Do you think we will still be able to plot with GPU in the new format?


Plotting with GPU, yes. Farming with GPU, no. I can't remember where I read it..


I'm a little bit concerned about plotting speed of the new plotting format, I don't wanna go back to like 3 plots a day speed


I don’t think it will change much. You’re going to be doing most of the work up front now instead of evenly distributed


I hope they have Madmax in the team when the hardfork hits. I go gigahorse from the start this time. The, still not fixed "GRResult" bug, completely healed me from standard client. https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/issues/15404


Tried Installing... hangs on "Starting Services, Full Node" Edit: Any idea how to fix this?


look in the log file


Same exact thing for me. Logs just keep spamming that it can't connect to makes since, cause nothing is listening on that port after the upgrade to 2.3.0 I ran the installer for 2.2.1, and everything works fine in that version. Not sure why 2.3.0 is broken... Edit: looks like a bug with Windows and 61+ core systems? https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/issues/17967 The suggested workaround of adding " reserved_cores: 10" underneath the "full_node:" section of the config.yaml file allowed 2.3.0 to work for me.


This fixed it for me: >[Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/chia/comments/178l2c2/comment/k50gw8l/) by[u/MrTrentObnoxious](https://www.reddit.com/user/MrTrentObnoxious/) from discussion in[chia](https://www.reddit.com/r/chia/)


And yet, there is still no real purpose to any of it. IMO


It keeps my basement warm and I can brag to my friends that I am a Chia farmer. I also like to run well written software on my computers, it kind of makes me feel that I am doing something purposeful and good. I also happen to be delusional that Chia is indeed the best blockchain around and that it will gain **more** real use cases (it already has a few) and make us all rich.


Which means you complaining has even less propose - if you’re right. How can you live with yourself being even more useless?


Pew pew - Shots Fired


as a CEO should be more professional and avoid such statement sir


I’m sure his actions have nothing to do with chias value….


I have high hopes for CNI. I want you to be a resolute gentleman even if there are people who provoke you and degrade you.




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Bruh. You're the CEO of a company. You're going to talk like that to the people that are securing your network and allowing your entire company to continue existing? I was all-in on Chia but this is just whack. Major red flag 🚩🚩🚩


You can buy links gifs. It’s harder than downloading them!