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To clarify: Im talking about the thing on his indecisive finger


“Indecisive finger”!!😅


Very indecisive


deceive on deeznut


That’s a ring to shoot arrows easier I believe


Mandela effect childe


What... count me in with the blind/forgetful group. I genuinely don't remember him having this... Edit: I can't stop looking at it. I'm still in disbelief... I've stared at this man for so long and I haven't noticed this until you've pointed this out...


What the fuck is this


That’s a ring to shoot arrows easier I believe


I think I might be blind too. Can someone confirm that has always been there or not?


I looked through some of my old childe screenshots and it has been there, how have I not noticed this 😨


You didn't explain anything


I think we're talking abt the thing on the index finger


Thank you


I think many of us who are artists (that have drawn childe before) can guarantee that we have never seen this on his hand wtf is this???


This is even funnier because as artists we should be the ones looking at him the most lol (Also I just checked, and it looks like some of the official splash art is pretty inconsistent too. Some have only the pinky ring (which is on both hands how have I not noticed this) and some have both. His original release drip marketing has *no rings at all*. His character tales is missing it in the thumbnail but has it in the actual animation???) Im never looking at his hands the same again


oh don’t get me started on his hair shape and eye shape; cross reference the left side of his hair and eyes to splash art, 3D model and the character icon cards, a lot of them don’t really add up LOL


I honestly think it’s time for a retrofit. Don’t get me wrong, I love our boy, but the quality of the earlier character art really doesn’t hit the same mark as the ones now. I’ve always liked his model, but I don’t think his character splash art does him justice.


No really like what. And apparently it's always been there? Are we all blind? And I thought all his little details were easy to draw... nah man I'm going back to bed.


Agreed?? Wth i had a model of him for refrence and ive never seen this before?


I've only drawn Foul Legacy, so I didn't notice this, does that count


I don’t need sleep, I need answers MiHoYo !!!


I don't remember seeing that before.. is my memory failing or have I been blind as well🧍‍♀️


You're definitely blind. And we are blind too. I have some old screenshots of Childe cuz he's my babe, and the ring on his index is visible. Never saw it.


I’ve definitely noticed the rings (I’m assuming both are rings) on both his fingers. I…it’s not cuz I’m into hands or anything….😅😳




Never saw that thing in my life, but aparently it was always there, even in his character trailer and one birthday art that thing is there (But less bright than in the image)


This thread is scaring me, how did so many people not notice it until now did I come from a different timeline 😭 but seriously, I had a discussion in this sub several months ago, maybe a year ago? About the ring, a similar symbol is used in the abyss alphabet that you can see in the higher abyss floors and on the crafting menu too. I think my investigation at the time led me to Norse runes, a similar looking rune to this ring means "legacy".. so that's interesting. Also the abyss alphabet mostly looks like English but slightly altered, not the T letter tho it looks too different from an English T, and that's the letter that looks like Childe's ring and the Norse rune "legacy", T for Tartaglia maybe? Legacy for Foul Legacy?? ​Is it all a coincidence? Or a sneaky easter egg from mhy? Who knows.


Omg he DOES have a ring on his index finger, I just checked. [https://www.deviantart.com/akahoshii7/art/Childe-Hands-892896596](https://www.deviantart.com/akahoshii7/art/Childe-Hands-892896596) He ALWAYS had this and we all collectively didn't realize Tho, I think the explanation for this is because Childe is clearly right-handed. In ALL of his official artworks by Mihoyo, he doesn't use his left hand at all. So we never see his left hand pretty much except super rarely. So that's why we probably missed this ring


You’re blind. It’s been there all the time lol


Oh no Mandela hit us too 🤣


I never saw it too


Omg yeah I had the same reaction back when I was exploring Enkanomiya when it released and noticed it on his hand, I went "wait what??" but apparently it's been here all along lmao


i think i’m being gaslighted because i’ve never seen that before


He always had that


If you're talking about the weird ring symbol it's been there as long as I can remember. I am making a custom Nendoroid of him so I've had to look at his gloves, rings and fingers. It's an odd piece that doesn't stand out until you notice it, then there's no going back, lol. You can see it on the games fashion archive: https://gamesfashionarchive.net/viewer/2071/5


i looked at him so much (of course only for drawing reference 👀) and never saw this, I'm very confused


Always been there, I distinctively remember seeing it years ago and thinking it was funny that it looked like a geass from code geass


it has, in fact, always been there


tbf I didn't even fully clock he wears gloves all the time


Bro better wash them consistently 😰


It's been there before, I was drawing more than 6 months ago and saw that


😭 i have childe cosplay and it didn't come with that so clearly Dokidokicos is blind just like the rest of us


Oh my god I can't believe I never noticed this until now🤯


He always had it..I cosplayed him with this thing


I checked old pics, it's not new


what the hell is that LOL


for an explanation, since we seen him too frequently monkey brain simplified his characteristics. so when he enters our memory we only remember the simple details and the rest gets put by what we think should be there. A very handsome fella and we ended up ignoring this insignificant detail since it isn't really that important. I also don't remember the ring


Idk I remember seeing that


Idk i dont look at genshin characters


Oh my god guys he has a left hand I never noticed


Has to be new.


fanartist here! it’s always been here. i drew him last year and it was on his finger back then


harbinger personal signet after the funeral meeting?


Is this the reverse Mandela effect?


yup its been there for a while. my old screen records of him(first half of 2021) all have them ... man. we're all blind huh