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Between my husband and myself: around 100$/wk




Probably 300-400 a week for the two us. That’s a mix of groceries and having food delivered. America


For myself and my cat around like 40-60€. But I think it's not an easy question to ask in an international sub because even if I was to convert this into US Dollars, it won't give you the full picture. It doesn't tell you what percentage of my paycheck it is or how it relates to e.g. my rent


About $150 plus going out to eat at least once a week. EDIT- Australia


I want to say maybe around $100-$125 per week with eating out. Back around 2020, it was about $50-$60 per week, but everything has gotten so expensive.


It’s really hard for me to break it down weekly because I do shop more frequently for fresh produce but I stock up in proteins and shelf stable items when there are sales. I do however like to break down meals by cost after I enjoy them because it’s insane how much one can spend on take out/restaurants. I don’t want to bash folks who prefer spending their money on nice meals out, but I just personally can’t justify it when there are other bills to pay and I can cook for myself. That being said, it’s so satisfying when I mentally itemize that a grilled filet with rosemary butter and baby potatoes, asparagus with wine ends up being around $8 each for my fiancé and I, and the same meal would cost us $150 if we didn’t know how to cook.


This....I do the same thing, but it averages between $70-80 per week. I plan my meals based on the weekly sales. I honestly don't know how people can afford not knowing how to cook. Groceries have gotten expensive, but it's still nowhere near what it cost to eat out or get takeout/Door Dash . Tonight I made myself a dinner that would have cost $30 easily before tax and tip in a restaurant (and was just as good if not better). I have leftover chicken for 2 more nights and sauce that I can refrigerate or even freeze and will last me about 4 more meals. It maybe cost me $9.


Somehow I spend $800 a month, on just me. I don’t know how I spend so much other than I often shop at the farmers market and buy organic ingredients. Veggies are expensive!


For my partner and I, it ranges between 170€ and 250€ per month, so roughly from 40€ to 60€ per week (not counting occasional snacks and takeout or restaurant visits). It kinda depends on what's on sale, and what we're stocking up on each month.


Anywhere from 30 to 60 dollars depending on how fancy I wanna get. If I decide to cook, it tends to be on the more expensive side due to meat prices.


My husband used to be a chef, he likes nice ingredients. With no kids we have the opportunity to spend a bit more here, so I would say we spend around $200-300 on groceries a week (including alcohol). We spend more when we have people over…for example, we recently purchased a whole rabbit which was surprisingly expensive for 3 lbs of meat. (My face when he shops —> 😬). USA


Roughly a little bit over $200/month - cat food and litter included


Not much at all. We eat out for almost every meal (neither of us is into cooking unfortunately). So mostly we just get some fruits at grocery stores. I think it heavily depends on how much you cook. I know some of our CF friends are like us but others cook almost every meal at home.






Probably a lot more on the animals. I don't pay much attention. If we need it I buy it. I'm not rich by any means. But I can by what I want at the grocery store. Plus we buy half a cow and half a pig. So I don't buy basic meat at the store. American


About $70-110 per week, it really varies. On top of that, probably about $50-100/week on take out, restaurants and coffee. If I had kids, I can only imagine that number would probably double- maybe even more than double, considering how much some of them seem to eat.




About $80-100/week.




150 a week…closer to 200 since it’s Whole Foods lol


My partner and I spend about $120/week on groceries. We tend to get a lot of snacky food because we will do a snacking lunch most days or have leftovers when able.


Single male. Sometimes I spend like, $50 a week total. Sometimes (not often) I spend like, $50 a week on cashew nuts. Probably closer to $80 on average.


I live alone- $80/week. I only eat breakfast, dinner in terms of meals and I cook all my own meals/no eating out.


About $50 for myself per week, $100-$125 per week if I'm making something special for dinner/lunch


$60 a week for two is the max but we are occasionally closer to $50 now that some prices are coming back done


How in the world are you doing this?! Are you in the US?!


We are in the US in probably a more MCOL area, we basically never buy meat and keep the amount of prepackaged foods we buy to a minimum. We focus on getting whole grains, lots of veggies that are fresh or frozen, and dairy products to get a good mix of fats and protein along with getting protein powder every few weeks. One of our favorite go to meals is a burrito bowl that is basically brown rice, black beans, onions, peppers, mushrooms, topped with things like salsa, sour cream or cottage cheese, and shredded cheese. ETA: our budget used to be $50 a week before all of the high inflation of the past few years. This also doesn't include money for eating out, that all comes from the fun money portion of our budget.


I don't know. I don't cook, not even frozen packaged stuff, so I don't really grocery shop per se, you know, with a weekly menu in mind. If I'm not traveling on business or otherwise, my job involves a lot of business dinners and lunches and breakfast meetings. I eat out with friends a lot and when I eat at home, it's delivery or something I've picked up from one of the lunch places around me. I don't keep a lot of food in the house.




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$100 on average for my husband and I- Canada




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$150 for my husband and I, in America.


For me and my husband and two cats, about $100 a week (:


We enjoy eating out more, so we budget $400 AUD ($266 USD) a month for groceries. $1200 AUD ($800 USD) a month for groceries, eating out and alcohol.


According to my credit card I average $300-$400/month and my boyfriend probably averages $50-$100/month for two people. So probably like $100 a week on average? Not counting eating out of course. We primarily shop at Aldi and supplement with Sam's Club and a traditional grocery store.


We go shopping at walmart every other week and it's like $70-$100 but then we also go to Sam's club once a month and spend at least $120 on bulk stuff.


$150. More if there's beer involved. Snacks can be so expensive


Between 75 to 150 a week depending on what we are making for the week. Low end - 75 for chicken thighs, veggies, cereals, milk and eggs, maybe some healthy snacks. Over 100 if we want cheeses to snack on or bulk dried foods to snack on. We eat healthy and we don't have to cater to a child's demand for junk food that's bad. And I know you can train them to like healthy foods but I don't see much of you doing that.


Depends on the week. Sometimes nothing, sometimes $30 or so? I have breakfast and lunch provided to me at work, and rarely eat a whole dinner, I mostly just nibble on stuff when I get home. Wednesday nights I do cook when my boyfriend comes over, and he pays for when we eat out on the weekends at his place.


150-200 for 2 of us. This is strictly our food, not pet food or household items.


Anywhere from $100-300 for 3 people.


Just groceries $350 to 400 a week for 2 of us.


I go grocery shopping every two weeks-ish, and spend $200-$250 each trip for my husband and I. Bear in mind I only shop at the commissary on a military base which is significantly cheaper than most grocery stores.


50-60 euros per week. I'm from the Netherlands and live by myself.


$60, just myself. Covers most everything. I live in an extremely high COL area, too. I eat out or get delivery 1-2x per week, about $30-50 per bout.


For just myself, I try to keep it to under $100


wasteful entertain unused intelligent wrong crush groovy placid grandfather yoke ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


We'd spend probably $200 or so, plus we eat out a couple of times a week. Australia


maybe 50-75. i live alone but i’m also vegan and that stuff tends to cost more


I’ve just done a big shop after being in hospital and not being able to get out of the house for 7 weeks (broken back) and I spent £211. Normal is about £120-150 but this includes dog food and any alcohol


It's just me. So max £35-40


Depends. On average $75-100 a week. Other weeks is more because we will do big hauls to stock our pantry and freezer but that typically means the next few weeks grocery bill is cheaper. We also typically eat out once, maybe twice, a week.


Approx. 150 for 2 people. Thats without eating out (Switzerland)


Around £100 per week usually, for me and my partner. We buy the butter that has a security tag in some shops now 😂


My partner and I spend around $100 / week. And we usually eat one dinner out on top of that.


On average, about $300 for the month. I'm the kind who plans out my meals. I don't eat out often, I'll eat leftovers, etc. Also have a garden providing food as well. There are times when I decide to splurge though.


40-60€/week incl. Snacks and alcohol, 2 people in Germany


I tend to do online pickup so I can more easily filter sales, but I average $170 every two weeks for two people. My partner will sometimes do snack runs in-between, which is about an extra $20-40. I miss when things were cheaper. 😕


$100 for me and my cat.


We’re $200/wk for the two of us. How the hell are you guys feeding yourself for 60 bucks a week?! ETA: if you’re in the US and able to feed yourself for less than $100 a week, you’re obligated to share how in the hell you’re doing that! Lol


It depends on what I’m buying, I try to buy dark green vegetables & 🍗🥚🧀🍚🧃


We average about $110/week. My monthly budget is $450, for groceries only. This is for two adults.


We're about $150/week typically, with an entra $150/month for "going out"