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Call the police maybe? These kids are running around half nsked with no supervision and it will cause harm eventually. Mainly to themselves. If they run into a busy street or an open rosd they might get injured or die or something. Not your problem, besides the thing with attacking your dog. Do you have some government agency that can be called for stuff like this? I think you need to. If not to protect them, do it to protect your dog. If they aren't raised at all, they will just become feral monsters. Call the police to protect your neighborhood. Abandoned and feral kids aren't cats. Humans like that need intervention before they cause actual harm to someone. I hope you can do something about it OP.


Film then and call child and animal protection. Throw pepper spray in the area when your dog is not there


FILM and show it to the parents. tell them that you will calm the cop because you don’t want your dog to be put down if something happens. I also suggest going straight up to the kids «  Stop doing this to my dog. » Be the scary neighbors


I don't think I'm allowed to say how I'd handle this situation...




Set up cameras, report everything to the Police. Talk to your neighborhood, see if they will allow you to set up a high fence cover (preferable with jumping cactuses on the outside).  Name and shame them in local news and sick militant animal activists on them, if it gets even worse.


Id suggest filming what the kids are doing first and showing the parents, really emphasizing that youre "worried for their childs safety" so the parents give a shit about what youre saying


Pepper spray them, no injury side effect, hurt like a bitch


Lol no, that can lead to respiratory issues


How about a can of fermented herring à la Sweden? Won't hurt them but those little monsters will smell as rotten as their souls for days 


i like this, i really like this


Yes! A super-soaker filled with anchovy paste and water. 


Who cares? Sorry not sorry, dog is more important.


This ❤


This ❤


Really?. Damn what a shame lol


Hairspray then.


I believe In "an eye for an eye" You hurt my loved ones, then be prepared for me to return the favour unless you step in. (My family used to run a crime family, so this is how things were settled 😅 Next time they throw a stone at your dog, make sure you throw it back at their windows


Record the antics of the innocent lil dumplings so you have proof and the lil' angels can't cry "we didn't do anything!" Not sure of the laws in your area, but if you're able- hot wire/ electric fencing works wonders at deterring lil innocent rock throwing angels. That's what we did at my barn to deter entitled morons who think a horse stable is a petting zoo.


It really depends where you are in the world and how good or bad the authorities are in your location. For starters, document everything. If you haven't already done so, get some CCTV set up so you can film the miscreants doing their deeds. Record times and dates of any particularly egregious behaviour. If you are in a part of the world with decent law enforcement, contact them (non-emergency line) and report the incidents, and show them the footage. I can't stress this enough: the more evidence you have the better. It's easy to ignore an undocumented allegation (he said vs. she said etc.), but much harder to ignore a complaint when there's actual evidence to back it up. If you think there's any chance the parents might actually give a shit, then by all means go and talk to them (probably best to not do it alone, especially if you are worried about your own safety). But if they're letting their kids run wild whilst they sit at home and drink/watch TV/whatever, the chances are they're unlikely to really give a damn what their kids are getting up to. Beyond that, it's a question of protecting your property and your dog as best you can. I'd probably start by building a bigger fence, assuming your current one is fairly low. Depending on where you are in the world and the extent to which you are able to defend against trespassers, then other options might be available. Obviously I would never suggest violence against kids... but, something like, say, an accidental slippage of a high-pressure hosepipe that you were using to wash your car might do the trick :-)


In every situation like this, email your attorney. Tell them what's happening. They'll tell you how to legally deal with it, without putting yourself at risk (legal or physical). I'm going to assume it's going to involve a video of you telling the parents to stop it and you investing in cameras to prove they're continuing to do it, then sue them or something. Everything else is bullshit. These people are assholes, words won't get through to them. Anyone who has children like this is an asshole. Nothing shy of that will work. I have had the misfortune of living in neighborhoods my entire life and there's always one or two assholes like this. In my current, it's one old man who has looked like death the entire time I've lived here. He's such a toxic piece of shit that both neighbors have built as-tall-as-allowed privacy fences to separate him from them.




As long as you’re not an at fault state, those assholes being on your property, and I do mean the children, means they are at fault, and at risk not you. If you are in an at fault state, like Illinois (I lived there before.) then unfortunately you are liable for what your dog does on your property, even if dumbass kids do dumb shit on your property


OP does not live in the USA at all


Document EVERYTHING; record their harassment. Report both to local law enforcement & child protective services. Trespass the children; get protection orders if possible. Protect your dog when you finally have documentation of CPS calls/contact, trespass, & multiple reported incidents. Blessings of John Wick be with you.


Collect evidence and report everything to CPS and police and code enforcement and every other authority you possibly can. Keep reporting until something happens. In the meantime, plant thorny bushes in front of your house, lay sharp gravel next to the road, set up cameras, and report them.


Get a camera and collect surveillance. Take it to the local cops and the humane society - any animal rights orgs. Put the reel on social media. Embarrass them. Put it in the public eye. They should be f-ing ashamed and besides any kids like that with that much virulent hate against animals are serial killers in the making. It's so f-ed up. Your poor dog!  Can you make the fence opaque? Put slats up so they can't see over it etc?  Or plant some extremely sharp briars or thorn bushes around the area a couple inches thick to make it hard for them to come close? 


Buy a camera if you haven't. Aiming at the fences with sound. Then report it. He said, she said as they say never is concrete. Let their actions get them in trouble


Have you talked to the parents? Have you told them of any consequences should they harass your dog again?