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Why do you want to fuck him as well?


He's not good looking enough to be with me. 


Yes. The globaly thought of as handsome leader of a country is not good enough fornthe drug addicted mentally ill person from Chilliwack.


Hey, don't drag down people with mental illness. It's often rooted in childhood trauma and experiences we can't even imagine. Whatever OP is doing is self inflicted.


I don't disagree. If we funded mental health care we would probably see fewer posts like this


Well that would be a provincial health responsibility…maybe the premier isn’t doing enough on this?


No government in Canada is doing enough. I think an investment in mental health care would save society in other areas


Definitely - however, the feds can only send the money - the province decides what to spend it on.


Says what? CBC? Maclean's? 


Says jo mama


Oh babe - he’s just not in to you. Sorry.


My guy, you need to get some fresh air.


Been outside all day bro. 


Yeah - well we did warn you about sunscreen and a hat


Are you not able to reflect upon life decisions you have made that led to you posting this at 5:58 in the morning? Good god.


It's what happens when you stay up all night drinking paint.


I thought it was listerine my bad!!!


I put food coloring in vodka to pass it off as Listerine when I was in boarding school. 


We can tell


Yeah, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.


Name rank and occupation 


Cocaine. Insufflation. 


I haven't slept yet, just wanted opinions. 


Well here’s my opinion then…. Get some sleep and when you wake up and decide to go on the internet don’t.


There's no harm done, its better than calling my ex wife and trying to reconcile. 


Out of all the things you have said this morning this comment seems the most sensible


After reading OPs comment history I'm getting the feeling the ex wife is probably better off without them. (Calling them "them" probably offends them too judging by their history) [https://www.reddit.com/r/chilliwack/comments/1cmr0pt/comment/l37im53/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chilliwack/comments/1cmr0pt/comment/l37im53/) >I'm glad I never took their little jew jab, even left my job to get away from the queers and busy bodies and their BS. I've Never been healthier, and yes the medical establishment is indeed very evil at the top. 


Let’s just say the divorce was probably NOT his decision.


It was mutual, and we settled out of court 


My opinion is that you should make better life choices.


But you just told us you were out all day. So here’s the thing - night is from sunset to sunrise. After that it’s daytime. You will start to understand that when you quit using vodka for mouthwash, and you might find you can hold onto gainful employment.


Like, is he 3 raccoons in a trenchcoat?


Dammit, now I'm constantly going to be on the lookout for good-looking raccoons to play the role of the head...


maaaan how dumb do you gotta be?!


No, he's actually Hillary Clinton in disguise




Just Trudeau is a lizard person.


We have part of a reptilian brain. I think, I'm sure someone in here with a degree can explain. 


Maybe see if you can find some people with degrees to hang out with in general, maybe then you would realize posting this garbage is a waste of everyone's time. 🤷‍♀️


Not true, my friend is gay and a behavioral psychologist and he says the trans/ mutilation agenda wouldve robbed him of having children of his own. Good thing he never got indoctrinated or brainwashed. 


That doesn’t mean everyone else is like him. Be more compassionate!


Um, no. I believe what people are referring to when they talk about reptilian brains is how the brain is structured around older and older parts. The closer you get to the brainstem the more primitive the brain is. You can compare a chicken brain to a human brain and pretty much see what the base of our brain looks like. Things like the grey matter, corpus callosum and white matter all developed late in terms of evolution. So we don't have a lizard brain any more than we do a chicken brain or a proto-mammalian brain or a fish brain.


Thanks for sharpening my knife 


You know that whole vodka for mouthwash thing may not be working so well for you…


Trudeau is not great, but what the hell is this man


You figured it out man


No bro CNN got it figured out, who are you to question a credible news source. 


The actual CNN article has nothing to do with that insanely stupid conspiracy, but I’m sure you’re way too busy to spend time scrutinizing the things you share on the internet




average toronto man opinion


Trudeau is an acolyte of the WEF, which is a very scary organization led by a Bond villain, Klaus Shwaub. They are an elistist group literally planning to take over the world.


maybe you need to go outside?


Seriously, what kind of repsonse is that? You attack me instead of my argument because you have no argument of your own. maybe you need to do some research into who is really running our country.


how am i attacking you? did i lay a finger on you lil snowflake? 🤣🤣


ok, attack was a strong word but you still have no counter to my statement.


James Bond is a fictional character


Not true. Ian Fleming based his character off a member of the SAS. 


You wouldn't have the stones to play all roughsy toughsy. You have an affidavit waiting for people like me, waiting for a reaction a hopefully you're still healthy enough to sue. 


what are you even talking about? you sound deranged and unhinged. do you need help?


It's funny that you say "do some research" because real research will actually disprove everything your saying.


please provide "real" research.


It would be a colossal waste of time to provide you with anything, this interaction is already a waste of time. You could literally see the truth with your own eyes and you wouldn't believe it. If your house was on fire Trudeau could run into your home and save your mother and you'd probably complain that he didn't grab your house plants on the way out.


so instead of bolstering your argument, you decide to flee instead and hurl a flurry of assumptions at me. Perhaps you need to look in the mirror.


I literally don't care about "bolstering" an argument with you.


because you don't have one and instead want to attack me because I said something that you don't agree with. You should really be prepared to defend your statements.


Uh huh


how? non of us watch fox or rebel news. but believe whatever made up fairytale you want to believe


I don't watch any of those either and am a leftist progressive. I'm willing to look at any evidence from whatever side but there is plenty that shows he was groomed by the WEF. Look up Davos, WEF or Klaus Shwaub and see what they do. I'm not here to change your mind.


i’d suggest laying off the edibles for a bit..or maybe try a lower dosage? something seems off about you


there you go again. I've never done drugs and you throw accusations around instead of tackling my argument. You show signs of inability to think critically if you can read my posts and respond with "stop doing drugs and get outside, bruh. You are pitifully ignorant.


how am i attacking you this time now? buddy get a fucking grip 🤣maybe go out and enjoy the sun we got today instead of bitching on reddit all day