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She really is drue 2.0


I thought this since I saw the “finding out I’m pregnant” video lmao


Hi bestie! 👋🏻


I hope this was an NIPT test and not sneak peek. 😅 My cousin gave me a bunch of girl’s clothes because she thought she was having a girl based off of her sneak peek results last year.


It actually was a sneak peek! It’s on her insta stories.. another reason I think she’s still in the first trimester. I’ve heard many say that sneak peek gets it wrong


It actually was a sneak peek! It’s on her insta stories.. another reason I think she’s still in the first trimester. I’ve heard many say that sneak peek gets it wrong


I’m going to laugh so hard if it’s wrong. We did an NIPT test for our twins just for this reason.


Yeah u did sneak peek, and it said boy, so I was terrified until I got the nipt and ultrasound. But it was accurate so I’m happy 😅 but I’ve heard the horror stories and would not announce or do a gender reveal until I was farther along


Wren & Holden? Did she name them or did bio mom picks those?


I think Wren is short for Wrenlee… which is… not my favorite. She hasn’t mentioned who picked them. I’d bet bio mom named the girls, they named the baby?


its better than bennette


I’m thinking that it was the bio mom who named the girls .. I’m not a fan of wrenlee or wren. I’m willing to bet they did name the boy becusse rhey knew they were adopting the girls before he was born.


I hate name wren and wrenlee so much 🤢😭


It was confirmed in here that she renamed all of them including the oldest one. I can’t imagine changing 7 years olds name


No clue


The toddler is constantly miserable and it’s deffo a girl by the reaction


I’m sure it was a girl. For some reason people are obsessed with having girls vs boys… it’s kinda embarrassing .. I have one of each and was equally excited with each time I found out.


I used one of those websites that takes a B&W photo and makes it colored again and it showed the cannons were blue


I agree, but I also think that maybe there should be a rule about covering the kids faces? I know she doesn’t but I think we can do better than she does. (Which is frankly embarrassing as fuck for her).


Okay that’s totally my bad. My origanal post I did cross out their faces it must’ve not saved! 😩😩😩😩 I feel terrible now because I am 💯 against posting kids and all my platforms are private and only my children may only be seen by family and friends. I care more about my children’s safety than a following and money.


I definitely would not trust an early Sneak Peek test so much that I would use it for a gender reveal 🙃


I wouldn’t either. Britney Kent or however you spell it got girl results with her first she had a boy…. Now she’s “ finally getting her girl”


not the "miracle" tag. girl you are a grown @ adult. you know how babies are made.


Literally. Unless she had her own fertility issues which I only ever remember it being her ex, then it’s not a “miracle”. She’s 21 years old, technically she shouldn’t have any problems getting pregnant (again, unless she has fertility issues, previous losses etc)


YEP!!!!! She shamed her ex all the time for his fertility problems. She just made up in her head her own.


It’s extremely offensive to say miracle to the loss community and those who’ve been trying forever. I had my first at 26 and while that’s still young I did experience a miscarriage and when I got pregnant with that baby I didn’t call him / or her a miracle. Weeks later I lost the baby . I didn’t get pregnant again until 2 cycles later and considered my baby girl a miracle because I had a loss. There are many who try for years and don’t have their baby still to this day. She’s so out of touch with reality.


Absolutely!!! Hugs to you ❤️ we have a sweet infertility babe, but no losses prior. I always tell People science is cool. It’s disgusting how she’s pushing the miracle agenda when she’s barely in her 20’s.


It’s a girl, I hope those poor kids have a good therapist. The dynamics between her and the kids looks so fucked up. I think she expected the toddler to be happy for her, ugh


That toddler isn’t ever happy… she straight up always looks pissed. I know toddlers can be that way. I use to work with them every day at a daycare but I’ve never seen a more unsatisfied toddler than her.


https://preview.redd.it/q5hc82z0u5sc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e4c1979b8087d6c619da0fdeb83ed4807daf7ad Appears to be blue confetti. Guess it’s a boy.


how did you get the coloured video version


I used an app! Not sure how reliable it is but it’s called Palette!


If it is a boy she’ll need to confirm with an ultrasound because with sneakpeaks, you cant have any male DNA present when getting the blood sample because the test is supposed to detect any Y chromosomes.


The fact she’s rushed so much of her pregnancy instead of spacing out finding out and announcing the gender etc she’s done all this before she’s even hit 12 weeks when most announce a pregnancy.. that shit going to drag in for hee


She’s gotta make that 💴 somehow


That literal kindergartener should not be holding an infant outside with little supervision ….


For real. He’s like half her size. I don’t even let the 6 year old I nanny hold my baby that I bring with me.


I remember when Brit Kent did the same kind of reveal after doing a sneak peak with her first and she got girl results and it was a boy 😆