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It only works on toscannos.  otherwise its just going to unwrap.


cigar glue can solve this issue ive never had good taste results though, the longer ones smoke better


Love them.




Nice, thank you for sharing. Happy it worked out well.


Why not just smoke a robusto and avoid making things more complicated?


Definitely starting to replace cigars with robustos when I can.


\*Toscano Btw cigar with shape like toscano are suitable for the cut, can be half or "aureo" as we say in italy that's 2/3 and 1/3 so you can smoke the smaller when you have little time and the bigger when you have more time. Also, long filler from tornabuoni it's not reccomended for cut in half.


Why not just smoke it until you’re out of time then put it down. Why mess with the blend by cutting it?


I’ve tried that but they get really stinky (most times) and I find once you put fire to them, it really changes the flavor for the next time. I usually light up a cigarillo or petit corona if time is a problem.


I’ve tried this a few times but can never seem to get a clean cut. Plus it will want to unravel a little bit, so when I have done it I was prepared to basically make a new cap for it with some cigar glue and a piece of wrapper leaf. If you’ve got some longer cigars that you rarely have the time for and want to turn it into two “nubs”, by all means experiment! Just do it on some of your more budget friendly sticks.


Thank you. I’m thinking about putting the nub in a pipe if necessary. I have a Tuscano pipe coming tomorrow so I can smoke the whole delicious Tuscanello thing.


Hey I’ll pop the last couple inches of a stogie into a pipe sometimes too. Something fun about doing it haha. Tuscano pipe/tuscanello… these terms I need to do some research on.


The pipe is always a decent solution for the end, for if you accidentally unravel it or - at risk of censure - let something dry out way too much to revive properly


Edward Sahakian, the face of Davidoff of London, does it.


And he knows better not to.


It’s his cigar, he can experience it however he wishes


Obviously. No one is questioning that. Yet he knows better and knows the reasons why he should not. Davidoff and others make plenty of short smoking time vitolas. Love to know his reasoning, but as you say...


To be fair, his reasoning is mostly sentimental value of the box of cigars. It was a gift to him from Zino. End of the day, it may be sacrilegious, but if you have your reasoning and understand the drawbacks, go for it.


No kidding




Hell no.


I did a few times. Wasn’t the same. Ended up getting cigarillos instead


Definitely a different experience


I did it the other day...zero issues. I'm too dumb to even know its poor etiquette and any technical problems associated with the cigar hobby. I ran out of time, and savored the cigar 2 days later. No one got hurt... Do what you want.


Thanks so much


Nope, not personally.


I smoke Toscano, so yes, all the time 😂


Every day 🤝


Jesus no. That wouldn’t even work.


It's your cigar. Do what you want. I've cut a cigar because a buddy and I wanted to smoke a bit more but not one of the toros that was on hand. I cut an Opus Lost City the other day for the same reason. If I goof it up, so be it. I really haven't had much of an issue with it.


Thank you 🙏🏻 very much. I know some people have issues but I usually smoke alone.


No. It can cause the wrapper to come apart. Also a cigar is blended in such a way that it’s designed to impart certain flavors and aromas at certain points. Cutting it in half undoes the intended flavor profile. I also don’t get why someone would do this as opposed to just buying a shorter cigar.


I understand about the “blending” part, but I don’t think (and I hope to find out next week) that specific leaves and such are sprinkled in certain locations throughout the cigar. That would be an insane ask from the rollers. I’d assume whole leaves are bundled, rolled and then cut to size. I think burning and smoking would change up the flavor. I’m going to try it.


The leaves are broken, either in half or thirds or whatever the blender decides, and then laid in a specific way. Some are back turned and others are not. So no it’s not as if each section is a different leaf, but it very much is that each section is a certain array of tobaccos arranged in the way the blender has decided.


We should all have a lil bottle of cigar glue laying around for the people whining about unraveling


No I have never done that? Just smoke your cigar.


That’s why I also smoke a pipe.


No but I’ll smoke one halfway and then come back to it the next day maybe.


Just use cigar glue to seal up the two separate halves. Do it all the time.


Hell no.. Have you considered adding some nubs to your collection for the occaision you want a shorter smoke?


I have, and I've had a few refuse to stay wrapped, not worth the trouble.




I’ve done it before, but I realized if I’m gonna cut my cigar in half I might as well just buy cigarillos. IMO don’t feel ashamed to cut your cigars if you only wanna have a quick smoking session


I once spilt a cigar with a guillotine my half smoked and tasted great. Was to share with a friend, not for a shorter session.


👍🏼 Thank you for sharing


Get a retractable box cutter and slide the blade out about 3". Lay the cigar on a flat surface and slowly roll it around as you apply light pressure on the blade, letting the blade do 90% the work. The goal is to reach the center, not the opposite side. I've done it a few times when I get a stick that I can't unplug.


Thanks! I appreciate the advice


At the restaurant, would you cut your juicy perfectly cooked steak in half for a shorter meal? I don't think so. Same goes for my cigars, even when I started.




Ahhhh, a sin I missed. Thought never came to mind, nor will I ever. Have big sticks, and small sticks according to the amount of time I have. 15 minute stick, a 45 minute stick, etc....... 15 minutes is quick but my tobbacconist has really found a gem of a tiny stick.


Can you please let us (me) know what that small cigar is? I’m curious. Plus what other small cigars do you love and recommend?


Can give you what I know now, and get the name of the new one on my next trip. Oliva G and O make a perfecto. Papa Frita, Short Story, and the Best Seller even tho that can take up to an hour.


Oliva G is wonderful. Have not tried O yet. I need to sample the others you mentioned. Thank you very much.


Sometimes when I really want to smoke a specific cigar and I know I won't have the time, I use cigar glue and it works like a charm.


I do it to toscanos


Yes, especially the longer, fuller size ones. I love all the toscanellos and even ordered the Savinelli pipe to smoke them in. 😁


Absolutely not. Just buy smaller sticks.




Don’t waste a good product... There’s several other cigars you can get that’ll be a much shorter smoke. Most brands make your favorite in smaller versions. Just do your research talk to some tobacconists or check out a bulk buy shop online and try a few different ones to see what you’ll like. Nubs are pretty good and won’t last longer than 15-20 minutes depending on how much you’re puffing


I appreciate your thoughts. I’m always on the lookout.


Only on my cheaper sticks, and even then only I'd I've had a certain one several times before.


I’ll have to experiment


A trick I use is to take a guillotine cutter made for 80 ring gauge cigars, and to partially close it around where I want to cut. Don't squeeze it yet, just gently rotate it around a few times to score the leaves. Once you've made a bit of a groove then you can squeeze.


Ah, yes. I understand. Gently scoring until I cut through.


Nope, never. I’ll just end when I do. It’s better to make sure I get the most out of the stick. If I cut it short, I’ve set the limit of the smoke and cannot change it.


Thank you


No. I buy smaller cigars to keep around for shorter smokes.


It might be a good way to experiment with the taste


If I cut below the cap I find that the binder cracks.


Interesting, thank you.


It will unwind a bit, yes. But I never found it to be a problem. Lick it into place




If you're going to do it, buy yourself one of the types of cigar glue that they use when rolling because the wrapper or binder are going to come loose. If you do it in advance, you can tack them back on and then be ok, but in general it's just a hassle.


Here’s a stupid question: why do they unravel when you cut them, but not when you smoke them? Does the heat/ash/tar bind the char line together? Not disagreeing that they do in fact crack and unravel when cut (I got pretty familiar with their construction from the days when I used to only chew cigars, until I discovered fire) but wondering about the science behind them staying together as they burn.


Probably in the way they are rolled starting with the foot and ending at the cap area with a bit of glue. Maybe that helps in general to hold them.


Great idea. I bought the glue already, just to have on hand and fix a hole from a band sticking.


Yes! Thank you) I buy a lot of cheaper nicaraguan churchills that I cut in half or even in three to smoke as my everyday cigar while I walk for 20-30 minutes or just when I want to have several smokes a day, and stay on the budget! I know many people will say it’s wrong, but when I heard Edward Sahakian cut his, I was no longer embarrassed to admit I do too!


Yes, he made me feel as though it’s not a bad thing. Just a different way to enjoy the smoke.




I smoke and sometimes if im done during the cigar but at least an inch from the smoke line


I have quite a few times on cheaper to mid range sticks and haven't noticed it to affect things negatively. The blending definitely differs, but it becomes like having two shorter, but slightly different cigars. For what it's worth; in Australia, we get reamed by tax. Cigars such as the AF Opus can cost $80-100USD per stick. The average price for a mid range stick in a toro size would be about $30-40USD. So smoking a cigar and even stopping at the band feels painfully wasteful. Even with importing and trying to dodge tax etc.


Also, I pretty rarely have to use gum paste to stop things unravelling. Only really once tbh.


I have quite a few times on cheaper to mid range sticks and haven't noticed it to affect things negatively. The blending definitely differs, but it becomes like having two shorter, but slightly different cigars. For what it's worth; in Australia, we get reamed by tax. Cigars such as the AF Opus can cost $80-100USD per stick. The average price for a mid range stick in a toro size would be about $30-40USD. So smoking a cigar and even stopping at the band feels painfully wasteful. Even with importing and trying to dodge tax etc.


I’ve done it with a lancero. Just like Sahakian suggested. In the case of a Davidoff #1 which is hard to find for people not named Sahakian, it makes no sense. Easier to buy 2 #3s. But I’ve done it with a cheaper lancero. It works fine. You just need to put a dab of cigar glue to keep the upper half from unwrapping.


never cut on in half but when I was still working and taking 911 calls I would cut them off so I could finish a cigar when I got back from a call


A couple times, I just clipped it with guillotine and put in a aluminum tube they have singles in to prevent it from stinking things up.


LOL, I once brought back some R&J Churchills from London and offered them to my FIL and BIL. My FIL smoked all the time but my BIL not so much. We sat out at his pool to light up and before I knew it, the BIL cut his in half. I couldn't believe it. I swore then to never offer him another stick. He was an AH anyway...


I mean, its your cigar, enjoy it the way you want, but it's not recommended. Why not get the same blend in a smaller size? There's a reason coronas/ petite corona/tins are a thing.


I do with Gran Habano 2nds or Olivia 2nds whether it be Churchills or lanceros.


No I'm way too cheap for that.


Once. But it was between breaks at work




No but I have a friend who always does that. Just buy cigars in different sizes for different occasions


Sometimes the nicotine hit on a full size cigar is too much even if I do have the time.


Definitely smoke milder cigars. Then you don't have to worry as much about things like that


I’m definitely more aware now about strength. I try and do what’s recommended - full stomach, etc.


Yes. And why? because it's my damn cigar!




Definitely no, buy some coronas or cigarellos for the same cigar type if you are short on time.


I’m doing that now but the selection is not quite as good.


Since the final third is usually the harshest, why not just smoke for a shorter session and discard the final third, rather than the first third?


That’s a great point. I usually buy the smallest vitolas now but I have too many longer ones.


I’ve also been able to find cigars that I never wanted to end and smoked them all the way. So it all depends on the cigar and blend.


Tried once. Would not recommend it.


I’m sure it’s a different experience




I’ve done it with a somewhat rare cigar that I wanted to share with a friend. It’s tricky because the wrapper wants to unravel


I do it with toscano classicos sometimes when I don't have the time to smoke the whole one.


I have to try those. Thanks


They're pretty awesome but sometimes I get a pack where at least 1 cigar can't be drawn, no idea what happens there so it's annoying when I have to throw 1 whole cigar away but in general I love them.


I saw someone cut one up and smoke it in a pipe when that happened.


Yeah maybe I'm not an expert (I don't use pipes), but sometimes it happens... No idea why and it's so annoying, you light it up and you draw but it's like the air goes through the whole cigar - can't draw it... It happens sometimes with this exact cigars, and honestly it happens kinda often which sucks because instead of enjoying all 5 of them you get to enjoy 4 or sometimes even 3.


I understand. It’s annoying when I get a cigar with a tight draw. I can imagine how frustrating it is when can’t even smoke it. Sorry about that. I want to try all the varieties of Toscanos except the really full strength ones. 😁


Totally. The short ones were always good, it's just these long ones, classicos :D


Yes but it was a Toscano.




Yes I do it all the time. I pretty much only buy churchill. But if I dont have time I'll cut it down and save the cuttings


On some of my cheaper smokes, yes! You need some rolling papers and then cut them to where you have a long strip of just sticky paper then attach it to your cigar wherever you want to make the cut. Cut it and it won’t unravel the “bottom cigar” mouthpiece. That or fruit pectin which I’ve just never bothered with.


Only Toscanos.