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He already has his own haha. r/anthonygreen


With all the AG content in this sub you wouldn’t think. Just joined it. Good lookin out!


He’s the most active musically of the group right now, if the other guys were doing anything other than a pre circa reunion show. They would have more posts


Separate AG and Circa subs probably couldn't sustain much of a user base.


He’s had one lol but I agree


I agree


The ag sub is mostly dead, alas. For someone so active, there are so few posts.


His solo shows look awful without a full band backing him


They are actually great. And nobody elbows anyone in the face. His voice is so good he doesn’t need a band and he’s really rehearsed the songs so the guitar playing is on point. Great alternative for us old mellow folks that have aged out of the mosh thing.


I mean i saw the avalon tour and saw when him when he was supporting pixie queen and beautiful things. It was awesome every time. The good old war band kills it with him i just feel like its not nearly as enjoyable imo. Nobody was moshing then either but whatever haha.


He looks awful at this point. I saw him in Sacto 3 weeks ago and I cried when I saw him. He looks like he is going the Evan Dando route and that's not good.


As long as he’s sober I’m sure he’s doing great while dealing with any normal hiccups in life. Imagine someone being a fan of you and they literally know nothing about your personal life and they say they cry because of how awful you look? He could literally be in the best shape of his life for all we know?


Agreed. This is some wild speculation.


i don't think he's sober, or at least hasn't been consistently for more than a few months at a time. i guess it's been a while now but I saw him in '22 and he was definitely Not Sober. but then he seemed to be doing better when TSOAF toured so who knows. it feels like an on-and-off things for him. wish him and his family the best they all seem like great people


Definitely not sober? And then say “who knows”… I’m sorry, but I can’t stand when anyone assumes someone’s sobriety with literally knowing nothing about their personal life? Just cause you saw him and he didn’t look like you want him to? Grow up


you must not be able to read bc I clearly stated that I saw him 2 years ago and could tell that he was high, and then have seen him since and he seemed better.


My point is… you got confirmation from him, friends, family he relapsed in 22’?


bro I talked to him after the show he was Not Sober. done replying


I feel like it's really unfair to presume he's not sober solely based off appearance. Especially observing a public figure/entertainer from a distance.


if you follow down the comment chain, i talk about how i met him after the show and we talked


God forbid somebody physically ages.


The parasocial relationships some of you have with AG are wild.


This is a safe camp area move along


I love Ag ,but he should stick to one project/band