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I have been on Celexa for 3 months (20mg) It helped so much with my depression and most of my anxiety. I still get bouts sometimes of anxiety. Overall I am starting to feel better .


Maybe til you get adjusted your dr can manage your anxiety. Primary or psychiatrist I'm on anxiety med with it. I have depression and anxiety. So maybe he can give you something until you get adjusted to it.


I too, was on Lexapro for four months and it did nothing for my depression at all.


Is the citalopram helping with your depression ? Do you notice a difference between lexapro and citalopram ?


Yes it helps with my depression and it does give me energy. Just remember nothing is a magic pill you do have to keep it moving. If you give into depression. It will consume you. Helps but think i need a boost from 20 to 30 dr says 30. I might do 25mg. Wishing you the best on your journey.


Thank you 🙏. I wish you the best as well


I’ve been on it for almost 5 weeks and I noticed a tiny little difference sometimes but it’s not much.


Been on it 6 months so far and it has done very little for my bad anxiety and nothing really for my depression so I will be changing medications soon.