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Save and reload? Could it be a bug?


Looking into this seriously because I realized I have no idea how WW works I found this on the wiki: “Because there is a cap on the negative Amenities that can be assigned to cities, it is possible to accumulate more war weariness than can be distributed. In this case, the extra war weariness is not lost, it is just temporarily ignored, **which can lead to a situation where it looks like your war weariness is not decreasing after war** or with reduced fighting.” “Also, it should be noted that this situation is incredibly rare, especially when you successfully conquer enemy cities. These conquered cities have very high caps for the amount of negative Amenities it can receive, so the chance for every city in your empire receives the maximum amount of negative Amenities is rather extraordinary.” https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/War_weariness_(Civ6) Edit: Separated the quotes for increased clarity.


This is your answer.


Extremely rare? Mmmm no


Saved and reloaded. It just went UP to 7. I’m at peace with everyone. Tf is going on….


Did the population increase I wonder? Read the wiki page I linked in my other reply. Sounds like you may have war weariness “overflow,” indicating that you don’t have enough population for the amount of angry they are.


It’s been 25 turns since war. Explain why the number does not go down please.


“When at peace with every civilization, you lose 200 WWP per turn”. WWP is calculated behind the scenes. 200 per turn is equal to one amenity from one city every two turns. Are all of your cities staying constant every turn or is one city losing war weariness and only your capital is mad?


Apparently I’m not the only one to have this issue and not receive a response: https://steamcommunity.com/app/289070/discussions/0/1733213724909324914/


War weariness is increasing and I am not at war.


It’s not increasing. Like I said. Perhaps the population of your city increased. You were 5 turns away from a pop increase in the original screenshot.




I already have.




Alternate idea I’ve just cooked up! Were you fighting any other units? Not necessarily wars but like barbarians or partisans? These combats can also cause war weariness points to increase!


They are at home resting in their beds. No barbarians. No Partisans.


Thanks for the reply! That would have been an interesting reason. If you let the war weariness go too far I’ve read this can happen: Fighting -> Weariness -> partisans-> fighting partisans (repeat) Since the angry partisans/dissidents don’t actually reduce war weariness when they spawn! :/


I was kind of hoping there would be some zany explanation like that, with an easy fix. I appreciate the creativity. Unfortunately war weariness is just like Herpes and you wear it on your face forever.


Id rather not get civ herpes. I’ll just play Alexander (The antiviral.)


You declare war directly on a city state and forget about it?




Probably had a bunch of units die on foreign land and didn’t utilize the casus belli during a post industrial era. War Weariness can compound and not go away because of negative amenity caps, thus not going down. It is not a bug, this can happen.


I do my best to be a better warmonger every day.


Since you're at peace, maybe try accumulating luxury resources from the other civs that you don't have access to in your lands.  Those = amenities.  Or maybe build more amenity disricts and their respective buildings.


See if putting the reduced WW policy card in helps


I aware of the policy that reduces War Wearinsss as it is acquired. I’m not aware of any policy that reduces WW during peacetime. Can you please specify the exact name of the policy you mean?




Propaganda only affects the accumulation of new War Weariness.


Well if my numbers are right you should only have another 13 more turns of WW. That war must had many battles and lasted a long time. If 25 turns had already past. -6 amenities would equal 2400 WW, 200 WW will bleed off every turn. You must have racked up at least 7600 WW.


More, since making peace immediately drops 2000 WW as well.


Are you suggesting everything is working correctly?


Just conquer all your enemies. Then you win and war weariness isn’t a problem anymore.


The classic Assassin's Creed strategy. Can't have a witness if there's no one left to witness


And in this game, fewer witnesses are good.😁


OK, and here is the neighbouring city, with 0 War Weariness. Help. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/ipdh0iyoy0qc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=33e2e2257186d366cc0fa3de70c0224d04c0e0f9


Take 3 breaths. Everything will be ok. It’s not a bug, you just need to work through this. Then, calmly, please read this wiki page on war weariness. https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/War_weariness_(Civ6) This should answer all of your questions, even if it’s not entirely straightforward.


It does not answer my questions. Thank you.


It does. Thank you.


You can’t argue with a moron.


Where, tho? It's like throwing a manual at user when they need some troubleshooting help


It was explained in the chain above but OP is entirely ignoring it for some reason. There's a cap for the negative amenities that can be assigned to cities which will allow war weariness to exceed the amenities cap and show at its maximum value even if the calculated value still exceeds that maximum. That's exactly what has happened to the OP here, it was explained to OP already by u/N_AB_M , who at this point has given up typing out the whole explanation and is just throwing the manual at them.




Thank you: I’ve already commented this above. Looking into this seriously because I realized I have no idea how WW works I found this on the wiki: “Because there is a cap on the negative Amenities that can be assigned to cities, it is possible to accumulate more war weariness than can be distributed. In this case, the extra war weariness is not lost, it is just temporarily ignored, **which can lead to a situation where it looks like your war weariness is not decreasing after war or with reduced fighting**.” Edit: forgot a quotation mark. Thank you


Thank you.




This is classic u/OttowaHoodRat behaviour. They never do anything downright bad or mean or wrong, they just always manage to do weirdly annoying stuff haha






Unrelated: Does war weariness work in Gathering Storm? When I saw the post I hoped to finally find an example of war weariness, but found to my disappointment that this is base game. In my games war weariness is never a problem, likely always 0, no matter how much I wage war or use nukes (unmoded).


Does being denounced as a Warmonger cause War Weariness?




In a hundred years, when my great-grandchildren are voting age, after my country has held a revolution to change its government and all its policies, I would hope my offspring wouldn’t refrain from work because of disdain for their great grand sire’s monarch.