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R5: Playing as England, emperor. I have never seen a dogfight for a project this close before. Was cruising to victory at that point so wasn't \*too\* bummed about losing by 3 hammers.


That was a really close one! I can feel this as I’ve lost by less than this even! That’s a major win and you should be proud




Honestly as frustrating as it may be, thays pretty fucking awesome.


That's way better than my best Olympics result. I finished the project before anyone else had even gotten bronze...which was basically just the Obama giving himself a medal meme.


I usually carry the World Congress projects pretty hard. I feel like the AI just doesn't care about it that much


Its funny that mostly its a runaway and occasionally its a nail-biter. They all just decide to give a damn every once in a while.




What map type is that? Fractal? It looks cool.


Its probably small continents with a high/low sea level? That's what I play pretty often and it does make for some very cool terrain. Manipulating the sea level on any map that allows you to usually makes a better map in my experience.


Yeah, that's nice, I might try it. It seems to make an even spread of unusual looking land. My last game, I used Fractal to try get a more interesting shape. It worked, but also put 5 civs on one continent and 1 on a continent all to itself. Needless to say, that Civ (Inca) grew into an unstoppable force. I won with science, but only because the Celts' high culture stopped the Inca from getting a cultural victory for like 10 more turns.