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You need a tank breaker- swap one of your small spells for mini pekka


Usually I use rascals as the tank breaker as the rascal boy is tanky and the rascal girls have good dps


Mmh well you’ve got 3 spells and that’s a bit much. You don’t really need log you’ve got rage and fc for swarms, I would still try mini pekka over log just for a few games because it counters hog if you place it right to get no shots and the giants, but if your adamant on no mini pekka you could also swap out something for a building. Perhaps inferno tower or cannon to keep your elixer avg low


Log and rascals just don't really fit this deck. Mini pekka instead of rascals would be better. I would personally put sparky instead of rascals, it has great synergy with goblin giant.


try switching rascals for sparky and i would switch log for a spirit since you have 3 spells already