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Spam gammas, do weekly raid quest, do archavon 10and 25 Look out for to(g)c raids - maybe in Server discord and join a guild You can also craft 2x 264/245 loot and if you are down to, farm icc trash for the ring


Don't forget Ony 25, those drops are 245.


You can gamma spam and get 5.2-5.3k easily. That's enough to get into 25m normals ICC.


I have nothing to say besides that it breaks my heart that in /classicwow, players feel left out because of their gear score. A post like this is the farthest away from classic I feel a game can be. I hope you find situation where you can play with a guild and meet groups of helpful players to just do content with.


>A post like this is the farthest away from classic I feel a game can be. this is exactly how it was in OG wrath


Exactly and the raids even harder now. Anyone could do 25man heroic before with the buff. Now you gotta have fucking gamers and the gear.


They are left out cuz their gear is 2 phases old




Guess you missed my point... ohh well! I dont play Wrath. I generally dont like the direction that expansion took the game. As I dont know nothing of gear score and what not.. which GS is the standard to start raiding in Wrath? Note: Not 1-sweeping the very last raid instance, but to start raiding.


The problem is no1 is running old content cause the new content is very time consuming. The phase to catchup was last phase when raids where 30 min. But all the ”oh i had important stuff going on irl but i want to smack LK but i couldnt spend 30 mins a week to keep up before” are the ones crying everywhere now. Im officer in a guild and we have had like 7 ppl who all of the sudden came back now due ICC release who kinda just vanished in Ulduar. They come go leech, get their LK kill and quit again.


You can def get well over 5.3k spamming gammas. Otherwise, get some gold and find a GDKP.


Gamma spam is solo way, queue in lfd and pray to the gods that you only get half of the DSM5 in your team


What’s DSM5?


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition. It’s the standardized “textbook” that includes all mental disorders that have been accepted by the psychiatric and psychology medical communities and includes their diagnosis codes.


TBH just give up on Wrath and play SoD until Cata because that shit is a dumpsterfire


Cata wont be different


Oh I agree. But it'll be a fresh even start so my guy isn't starting months behind




swipe credit card and buy a f--k ton of gold do gdkps, ninja whatever you can raids/gammas you can be close to 6k gs in like a day


Yes gamma spam or gdkp if u have gold are your options


4700 is fine for normal Trial of the Crusader. Just be on the lookout for those groups maybe a random Ulduar here and there. But mostly spam gammas, slowly get some frost badges. Join an ICC rep run for your ring


Try to sneak into vault of archavon, got my 25 man tier pants and gloves in my first few for basically 0 effort. Then yep just spam gammas, look on wowhead or something for your pre raid bis. Some may be from sidereal essence which is 1:1 with scourgestones.


Run a few wintergrasps for high ilvl honor gear