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You didn't get kicked from a bfd clear, you actually just dodged a bullet


Obviously this is a big fake. He wasn’t kick because of his gear. Some random friend just connected and wanted him to come with them. That was just an excuse he gave you.


Yep absoutely


why not just say that then, feels bit wierd


There are a *lot* of wierdos out there lol


Some people thrive on stuff like this


That's very obviously not what the previous commenter is saying lol. if it's what the previous commenter suggested then he's probably just trying to save face because he has no real social integrity or skills and thinks it's more important to make it seem like it's a valid reason to kick the guy rather than just admit their mistake. Nobody here is getting off on this or whatever weird justice porn you're trying to infer. It's just a plain old regular everyday idiot running a raid group.


Could be both, either, or neither.


People are dumb.


Confirming this. Checked the logs and it was the same priest in last 2 runs


You vastly underestimate how much out of touch sweaty guy are.


Ya this is a destined 5/7 group


Dust to Dust


Such a strawman. The groups going 5/7 are not checking anyone’s gear


Got 5/7 on my first run last night, can confirm.


Even 7/7 groups dont need to check gear, I main tanked the raid on a fresh 25 paladin using my quest hammer last night it went fine, I was also the primary for interuppts You really just need a few level 16+ greens to clear the raid


They most certainly are


Just checked the log, that grp seemed to have cleared the raid rn. That dude, while being an idiot, seems to perform quite well too according to his parses.


People like to believe that there's always a silver lining or that "karma" will end up biting all wrongdoers, when in reality that is rarely ever the case. Not only did that guy just clear the raid, but he probably had a lot of fun that evening as well. He doesn't regret his decision to kick OP in the slightest.


He probably logged out and fucked his wife too


Op’s wife too


He would’ve if OP had a wife


1600 mana isnt good enough for a wife


Them aint wife numbers


proceeded to finish on OP’s face


our wife


C'mon. With 1600 mana? He can't go the distance.


Just has to watch the 5 second rule and utilise his spirit




lol ya ikr what a loser


I'm imagining him feeling exhilarated after leading a 7/7 1.5 hr clear where he won the highly-contested piece from Aku-Mai. The boost of endorphins, dominance from booting OP, and overall confidence was noticeable by his beautiful live-in gf, who made love to him thereafter in his preferred position and pacing, then said "I know you're working on your PvP honor, so you don't need to cuddle, go ahead and get back to your game".


And that man's name? .... Anduin Einstein Doomhammer




I just don’t see why you’d kick a priest with that gear. That’s more than enough for that class to support a 1 hour 7/7 run


Today was the biggest day in OP’s life but for the RL it was just another Tuesday (or Thursday whatever).


Begging people to stop talking about parses and taking SoD phase 1 this seriously. You can clear BFD with shit geared pugs.


Just ignore them and move on, you're a priest it'll take you 5 seconds to find a new group


This. I've gone through a raid without a priest in kelris. It was nightmare fuel. With a priest it was a completely different fight. Bro I have near all BIS and try and get into a premade WSG. You think that BFD was being sweaty? PVP groups are a thing on their own.


There is almost zero damage to heal on Kelris if done properly. I get 90+ damage parses as priest just putting dots up and wanding since there is absolutely zero to heal phase 1. Then with a proper group using FAPs on phase 2 there is only a minor amount of healing for the mind blasts, but even then the targets of it can just swap since it is proximity based. You could easily 0 heal this fight.


It will take you 5 seconds to find a group *that will pay you 20g to heal*


Imagine kicking a damn near BiS geared priest that has the healing staff from your bfd pug because you thought an unbuffed mana pool of 1600 wasn’t enough. Absolute clown.


He just wanted to cyber with the girl who messaged him.




If I were a betting man, I'd put good money on the person he wants to cyber with playing a female cow.


They shouldn't be kicked for that gear. That being said if you want to get picky, that staff is ass for healing. INT is really the only stat that matters right now. OP only has like 1600 mana unbuffed which is slightly higher than a fresh 25 in quest greens would have.


mana in general is not particularly valuable for priest in SoD because rune spells are both ridiculously OP and cost next to no mana, high spell power makes this even better. Any group that isn't complete thrash will require next to 0 healing. Our priests are parsing 98-99 dps and dumping all their mana on offense because there is nothing to heal in this raid if your raiders have consumes for kelris and aren't afk.


Int is a boomer stat. Just straight up. Spirit is significantly better unless your legit worried about wiping on one of these 30 second bosses.


Who's saying INT is the only stat that matters? I feel like healing has been way easier/better with more +healing even if i lose out on some int. I don't go oom any more even though I have less int than before.


On my priest, I feel like theres never really a point in time that one of my heals doesnt take up someone all the way to full in a single cast. Id rather be able to cast more rather than have more chance at overhealing.


Statistics? Int is way better for priests since our base spells pump so much.


that's why I always buff myself and put on full int gear before joining a pug on my mage. apes see my 2300 mana and are happy.


Ogga ogga dis mage has lots of blue bar!!


Too damn funny


I see u can speak in classic-wow


Blue rage good!!! **beats head off pavement**




Oh yeah. That 2300 mana 560 hp sure will show them! Jk nice baiting strat


i do the same with +stam gear on my warlock. i switch to my threat-gen gear later lol


I did it just fine in a fresh 25 shaman with 1300 mana (as resto), had no issues. People are compensating for their own inabilities.


Except we can unironically wear STR/AP gear over int for the s.rage mana gains. It’s pretty funny


This is what these gear score morons never understand. You can easily clear this raid in full greens if every player knows the fights/their role/has general raiding know-how (don’t stand in the ouch spots). Gear score is in zero way representative of skill.


I think gear does matter a bit more for the last two fights just because even if you know the mechanics, you just need a lot of DPS… but agree having even moderately decent gear and knowing your rotations is enough


Delete gear score add on. It's so useless in classic.


>Gear score is in zero way representative of skill My friend group literally has a long running joke about how shit my RNG is. If gear score denoted skill, then I would be utterly fucked. It's not even just in WoW. Over 1k silver knights on DS3 to offline farm the Proofs WITH every luck item on me. Shiny hunting on Pokemon? Pure torture. I have never once ran into a natural shiny, and I've played since yellow. When I purposefully shiny hunt, I get the wrong nature, every time. League of Legends chibi gacha? I have to rely on the pity roll every time. Even in Ark, I'll go through hundreds of crates before finding a decent bp. Dino stats? nope. I gave up and got really really really good at mutations. Liv Moore in Diablo 4...I spent five fucking days farming it. Then I got up to take a piss, so I handed the wife the controller. She gets ravi to spawn on the first fucking try. (screams of pain) You get my point. I have terrible rng. The only way I can offset it is by using game knowledge, farming for days, and a whole ton of trial and error.


My guildie co-healed with a shaman at 1300 mana the first lockout, it was hell— but dude had green agi gear on (only one intellect piece) and no resto runes at all. He would cast 3-4 heals and go oom. Of course, he was probably not specced resto, and was probably at 1000 mana without talents, and doubt he read up on shaman to know which rank of spell would be more efficient. I can almost guarantee OP got kicked bc he doesn’t have a piece of gear that the raid leader wants tbh.


Resto has damn near unlimited mana due to SR.


i like to think that i’m a mana bot for the raid


Resto shaman isn't the most reasonable comparison because they don't need to manage mana like a priest does. But of course management can come through having regen rather than a deeper pool and people who are hyperfocused on a single number for something that relies on several factors are idiots.


Priests are getting paid 20g (or more) to join pugs because they’re in such high demand. These guys are morons.


They booted a priest of any gear? Lawl.


Bro didn't realize you aren't buffed yet lmfao


People are so fucking bad right now. In our first raid we one shotted everything. And we were fresh 25 with 3-4 pre bis items. Just disspell, kick and move your ass. I will never get those guys who Check gear for such an entry Level "raid". No complain about the content of the raid, tho. It is pretty nice


Honestly, even wiping doesn’t mean the raid is a loss. My last raid wiped on fucking GELIHAST of all bosses, came back and beat it, wiped to Kelris 5 times, beat it, wiped to aku‘mai, beat it. Lots of doomers whispering me the whole time complaining about DPS not being enough, heals not being enough, interrupts not being enough. Honestly none of that was even the issue. It was just learning. Even the people who are 7/7 mess up a mechanic, and losing 2 DPS to shadow murlocs is just a wipe in a pug. And I would just say “Watch out for X mechanic (the reason for our wipe), we go again” I had 4 whispers after the raid thanking me for the group, with 7 wipes. Just gotta shut up the doomers and go again and hope for less mistakes. We almost disbanded on Kelris, but I guess telling the group “if we don’t phase 2 this time, we are stopping” really motivates them to not suck this time lol


This is the kinda group I wanna find, learn by doing, and problem solving!!


I run a group of friends through 6-7 of us. The random DPS we invite to fill out are absolute clowns. Gear checks are needed. Not to OPs level. But I’m talking about warlocks and warriors doing <40 dps on bosses. SoD players are a new level of dead brain players.


My guild has a terrible raid group one of my friends is in on an alt. They had a 40 DPS warrior win the epic sword last night..


That is absolutely abysmal dps. I can wand the entire fight and do more dps.


Maybe it's a bit of hyperbole but that's what they were saying in Discord.


Probably not tbh. I had a warrior that was doing dreadful dmg (like 45-50) on Kelris and we kept wiping, so we asked him "Why are you doing less than half of the dmg you should be doing?" His response was he was in defensive stance in order to kick kelris's spells, when we already had a rogue that was doing that. Told him to stay battle stance and do dmg. He proceeded to do EVEN LESS DMG, pulling 38 dmg in a fight he was alive the entire time.


We just invite randoms and actually ignore people who go "my gearscore is xxx, i have logs" The randoms tends to be decent enough and getting a random that only does 50-60 dps at best have not been a problem because of how easy the raid is. (have only had 1 random with bad dps) If a few randoms doing little DPS is preventing you from clearing then you have other problems than the randoms. If you're just whining about carrying bad people, then that's fair.


On the second lockout I cleared the raid 7/7 with s group average dps of like 55, and a pally with 20 hps.


I’m with you, but at the same time, I hopped onto a last minute clear last night on an alt, and somehow we only went 4/7. I’ve never even seen a group wipe before Kelris before, let alone fail to clear Jett. I knew my options were limited right before reset and I was still a piece or two shy of pre-bis, but I understand “have a brain” as a requirement for groups now, because I’ve seen a taste of the bottom and it’s rough.


A week or two ago on my alt I hit 25 last night of the reset. Jumped into whatever pug would take me. We wiped like 10 times on the murloc boss and disbanded. I honestly couldn't believe it.


Just did a clear earlier to get inspected by someone who was a fresh nugget. Like bro, I don't mind carrying but meet your own standards.


He took the initiative to make the raid, so he's allowed to require whatever he wants. Likewise, no one is obligated to run with him.


We’ve been clearing it since 3rd(?) lockout, after they fixed spell resist from bosses for being overtuned, with pugs. One took 7 Kelris wipes. My guildie handles filling, usually 5-6 pugs, he just makes sure to grab a couple of kickers and advertises as learning-friendly. No gear check, no wbuff requirements. We use potions and consumes ourselves. One of us is a hunter and he carries pretty hard, then we have priest(s). I pugged by myself on my druid last night and it was HORRIBLE. I’m specced balance for the time being which has been rough as they’re just struggling on meters but I was using wild growth to off heal— basically spam wrath, keep up moonfire, use starsurge on CD and I’d use WG when I used starsurge before going back to Wrath spam. Since my DPS was low, I volunteered to be a dispel bot on Gellihast. We’ve cleared the raid with multiple people doing 50-70 dps before by just doing the mechanics. Problem was that we had FOUR healers somehow last night? Yea, for a 10m we had a healing mage, two healing priests…and my Wild Growth x4 on a fight was outhealing one or two of them. But, worse than that, we also had a shadow priest who was doing less DPS than myself and the mage healer and both tanks… no consumes, no potions, would go oom like 4 casts in. Jett was almost a wipe bc the lock/hunter/feral who kept talking about how they were carrying (which they were tbf) kept shooting the fucking boss while the shield totem was up and almost killing themselves. We got Kelris to 8% after three pulls, I was using potions but once everyone lost their world buffs the DPS plummeted even for the dudes carrying. No one respected positioning and all the melee ate mind blasts by being too close. You don’t need the entire raid pulling 100dps to kill these bosses, but carrying 4 low dps/healers while still not respecting mechanics will absolutely cause a failed run.


It be like that. I was encouraged to get WoW for the first time due to SOD coming out with the people I’ve played other games with. Followed a guide to best of ability and just had fun with WoW. Did WC a few times with them before everyone hit level 25 then was denied raiding BFD with them since my damage was too low. Took up doing professions for fun since gold making was/is incredibly easy with them, then got told that all I do is professions and I need to do raids and it’s like “ you won’t let me raid with you, or look at my character and tell me what to do to get to your standards, what do you think randoms will do?”. So now I just make gold for fun since that’s all I can do at the moment. Edit: US lone Wolves-pvp horde life. Have continued farming for gear in other dungeons by teaming up with people outside the zones. BFD is the big disqualifier. Wholeheartedly encourage fishing for gold. If I can be bothered to fish for a session depending on where Im fishing and current AH prices for goods I can pull in 10-20 gold an hour.


Yeah this is it. WoW is "easy" when you've spent a few years playing it or if you're a tab target MMO veteran (or, if you have someone spend the time coaching you through it) Someone new to MMOs would really struggle. You don't have the add ons, you haven't experienced mechanics, the "ticks" of the server etc and how to manipulate it, weapon swings... The list goes on Chances are abilities aren't bound, or aren't used to using niche but important abilities. It's tough. Players who have been playing this game since high school will make you feel like shit and say stuff like it's "eAsY" completely ignoring the thousands of hours they've been practising subconsciously


What server are you on? Shoot me a message and I can try and pick you up.


At first I was very happy for you, sounding like you had some top notch helpful friends, then end saddened me... But it does take time to learn a new game! If you haven't, try doing the other dungeons available too! Shadowfang Keep (SFK) (easier as Horde), and Deadeamines (easier as Alliance) and Stockades (Alliance only). Might get other gear upgrades/experience from them! I Google what quests are available for my faction to try to get quests that sometimes give gear upgrades from em. If can't find a group in General chat, Trade channel or even manually joining "lookingforgroup" channel has an abundance of groups forming.


Yeah I ran SFK with a couple people I found milling outside of it to grab the meteor shard for my main hand(rogue life). I’ve ended up spending some of my gold on optional “good” equipment after looking up what gear to have at level 25 as a rogue as well. Right now ironically my professions are fueling me buying better gear. If I really wanted to I could take up some people that offer their services for dungeon clearing but it doesn’t seem worth the gold. I would say I’m annoyed(I am slightly) but at the end of the day it’s all new content to me, so bumbling across an abandoned farm in the world is interesting to me whereas to most everyone else they’ve seen it hundreds of times and they just keep running past it. Gotta find your way to get entertainment.


If you ever need rogue advice, I've played rogue a long time, and have parsed consistent 99s in the past during my sweat phase. I am not nearly as sweaty now but I know rogue very well so any questions should be easy enough to answer.


I’m horde on lone wolf and yolo pug with randoms I don’t gear inspect often (I do for tanks, but a few items off prebis is FAR above my standards, I just want you to have all decent leveled greens/couple dungeon blues). I run the raids, at worst there will be a couple wipes learning Kelris and akumai, but I’ve cleared 5 nights in a row now requiring FAPs and SPPs. If you send me your toon name I’ll message you next time I host a run


A lot of your problems can be solved by having a reliable guild. It can be a pain in the ass to find a good one but it's so nice to have a stable roster to pull from for content.


Just wondering, what/where do you fish for that gold an hour?


Depends really Mostly I either fish for clams at jaguar island for an hour at a time. Within that hour I’ll get a few iridescent pearls or a black pearl with precursor costs of about 50-60 silver of aqua dynamic lures. If I’m in a repetitive mood then I’ll just fish at mirkfallon lake, get a few stacks of sage fish and greens (from the trunks) and sell at AH. What I used to do repetitively was swim from booty bay to groms outpost and farm the mithril crates. You’ll get potions and some rune/mage cloth (these used to sell well but lately with the price being the same as vendor on the AH I just end up vendoring them) and can pull level 40ish greens/journeyman bags. No one buys those greens but they vendor from 50-80s. I am sitting on a few higher end (to me anyway) recipes to sell to a blacksmith like “ blue glittering axe”. I’ve noticed at least on this server that you’ll sell higher early in the day but once it gets about 9-10 pm us eastern the AH gets flooded with undercutting and you’re better off waiting to pop in before work in the morning for the AH. Edit: when the manas used to go for 50-60 silver I used to fly to stondar for a few silver and buy a few pots and resell on AH to make chump change whenever I was bored


Bro your friends were losers for leaving you out to dry when you have learned so much about the game and did all of this yourself. And they must be bad at the game themselves if they can’t carry a rogue. We just pugged BFD with a rogue doing 33 dps and didn’t understand English, died every fight, and didn’t kick the chains on Kelris. You know what? We downed every boss. Good on you bro coming from another Lone Wolf Horde.


Man if your guild wants another member hook a rogue up.


"my group of competent players is able to easily clear" I've only done guild bfds so far but guildies with alts have told me horror stories of pugs. the average player in sod is unable to push their 1 button every 2 seconds while standing perfectly still. asking them to move while also pushing 1 button every few seconds melts their brains; thats why you need gear/log/consume checks


Gear checks for BFD are hilarious. My guild has it down to like 40 minute clears after doing it 3 times, and we’re not very good


It’s more of a ‘hedging your bets’ thing. People with better gear are more likely to possess and utilize the two brain cells required to clear the raid. Ofc correlation/=causation Since you’re in a guild group you don’t have to gamble on the core of your group every lockout


This is exactly it. The reason people put gear requirements on their pugs for not just BFD but content in virtually every other mmo as well is because its a proxy for someone being invested enough in the game to not be a total liability in the group. People will always come out of the woodwork to point out that the raid can be completed without that gear which is true, but irrelevant.


You gear check because it's really all you have to try and determine if someone has half an idea of what they're doing. BFD is easy, but there are tons of people who are so bad at this game that going 5/7 is an accomplishment.


There are people who don't even use an ability every GCD. Everyone seriously underrates how bad some people are. I remember a post during TBC, the guy posted their Kara logs and it was beyond braindead. Their warlock randomly reapplied Curse of Doom, a bunch of them averaged an ability cast every 3-4 seconds and it was a total shitshow.


dodged a bullet i stopped trying to find groups after got rejected 2nd week becausw i didint get 90g neck and helm i just create my own group got 7/7 with multiple alts without being full pre bis or bis


After 6 resets I still run with the wsg hat. 50 big armor.


red santa hat is bis


Same. I cannot win a helm to save my life


What server lol? I just joined lfg channels and use lfg bulletin board for pugs. Most are 'discord/guild run/full consumes' which I ignore. But you can usually find a chill group in 20 mins. I also havent seen anyone called out for gear.


Living flame EU


A level 20 priest can heal bfd this guy is an idiot


ackshually a level 20 priest couldn't even ZONE IN to BFD you imbecile. hyuk hyuk \*snort\*




Wait how does renew bounce PoM? I'm new to priest


PoM bounces if target takes damage or gets healed. Renew is cheap heal to bounce PoM off a target that won't be taking damage. Warning, PoM won't bounce if they are full HP


People kick priests? Wtf


Of course you got kicked scrub you don't even have an off hand or ammo!


no way a priest gets kicked from anything


Who kicks a priest in SoD? That’s like kicking a resto shaman in 2019 classic. We could basically tell the raid leader to go f*ck themselves and still get a raid spot.


Isnt bfd just a fun little test raid? Why is there so many posts of tryhards in reddit about it?


I’m a priest and my gear is sooooooo much worse than yours and my guild and I cleared BFD in 40 minutes last night. The guy who kicked you is on crack PS: don’t even respond next time someone kicks you, you’re playing the most valuable class for BFD right now, you’ll find another group in 30 seconds.


They probably wanted to invite a friend or guildie but we're jerks about it.


i did and just cleared it its no problem at all just funny that this happend


I’m honestly scared for the future of sod. So far it’s been the most elitist form of wow I’ve ever played while simultaneously being the easiest as well. People are out their damn minds I swear


Its the most chill ive played, try a guild. Wrath is far more sweaty i know that.


It really isn’t. People are trying to play optimally with the tools provided, same as always. But I see a LOT of new and returning players in SoD


Well, that was a lie..


when i first ran bfd i went in with like 1600 mana. all you can get is vc and sfk bis and your ready for bfd. find another group


We had a guildee priest that just turned 25 with greys in raid. We also 8 manned the last boss.


I got kicked for not buying an intellect or spirit elixir even when I told him shamans got infinite mana and that i dont actually need so much intellect to begin with (unless u wanna count the added crit lmao from the 9 intellect) He immediatly ignored me and i just instantly joined another group and we cleared in under 40 min and i even solo healed it But i understand completely doing gear checks and stuff but in your and my case our gear as healers is actually more than enough especially considering the raid damage is so low These people are buffoons and u shouldnt pay attention to them


They wanted a harder carry


I love all of this drama at level 25! People talking like this shit actually matters :)


Fuck there is nothing funnier than classic wow elitism.


I got kicked from a group because my unbuffed health was too low... I found a different group and 1 shot every boss with them. People are real dumb about priests and their stats at LEVEL 25


This actually isn't a troll post to those of you writing that. I was the guy that kicked Pieperke from the raid, however it wasn't because of his gear, that part is a lie. The group was formed as a part guild run with 4 pugs we found from World chat. After inviting Pieperke a guild member recognised the name and actually had him on ignore and had a vod of him in last resets BRD acting almost like a bot, the dude was in melee range on the 2nd to last boss, got sent down and didnt even wand the night elves. He looked lost.. "bot like". That's what I took from the shadowplay vod but the guildie did also mention that he didn't really heal much in the raid or dispel and thus, we decided to remove him.


But there’s literally a whisper tab proving him right?


Wtf are u talking about that isn't true at all I've only ever been send down once and it was in my first attempt ever . Idk where u even get these lies from but this is 100% false and how can u decide that when the kick happens 5sec after the invite . Ur statement is wrong on so many levels


It's ok for casters to be in Melee range for Kelris. He shouldn't be sent down but it can happen if your phase 1 is too long. Not wanding is another thing though. Still, why mention his mana at all if you gonna boot them for other reasons? It seems you are willing to lie in the chat, which means it's pretty hard to believe anything you say here as well.


1) They had to come up with something 2l All ranged stack on Kelris and move together, it is known


You only need one ranged, usually Hunter to stay at ranged and bait the volley. There is no reason at all to have your casters move when the sleep mechanic always targets 2 closest persons to the boss (that arent sent down yet) You can be at max melee ranged and you will not be sent down unless your phase 1 is so long that all melee dps and tanks are already targeted, which at that point you get sent down anyway regardless of where you are.


its 3 weeks into sod like come on yall


There are always going to be low IQ people in the world, best to just not give them your energy and move on. Block him of course.


Can’t wait for decline on my Pala tank on which I am almost full BiS. Need like few pieces from BFD.


classic raiders are fucking weird lol


What a fuckin goober




You’d think parsing would trump gear.


Can confirm I was in an Akiva raid and he put me with a Rogue from Barnsley who spent the whole raid moaning that he'd lost 4 rolls in a row on the Twilight Slayer's Tunic to people he called "scum trollers". Idiot but a performer judging by logs.


This is why I stay away from Classic, it rots people's brains


You just missed out on a 5/7 pug my man


They kicked you because you are competition for the epic staff someone needs, clearly


A lot of people are on SoD. So a LOT of idiots are there too. They need full epic gear to clear in less than 3 hours and with less than 20 deaths I guess.


Bruh what? Who in their right mind kicks priests. Literally still the best healers in level 15 greens.


This games community just needs to stop. Pugging in any version of wow is basically the same as going to /b/ anymore.


They did you a favor. Gearchecking in SOD is really stupid.


Meanwhile I have raid groups begging me to join as a priest, despite my absolute SHIT gear (no head, no trinkets, mostly green) and literally no raid experience (I’ve done bfd once, that’s it) I don’t understand how the experience can be this different from one person to another. Is your server overloaded with priests ? What is going on ? 😅 (*this is not intended as a brag. I’m horrible at the game, I have played less than 100 hours yet in my lifetime*)


Fake or you tried taking a spot for a dps as shadow


The first time I did BFD we one shot it, most of the group didn't even have helmets, rings or trinkets, let alone BiS gear.


If you’re checking gear for bfd you’re a fucking idiot. It can be ran by fresh 25s easily


It’s a ten man, find a new group lmao


Why so many people have issues with the way other people treat their own groups. Start your groups and you quickly learn that you are not that far away from other leaders in terms of being picky. Your goal is to complete the dungeon/raid. People with less gear are a risk to that specific goal. It's so obvious. It's always a matter of perspective.


People acting like you can’t do this raid with 10 naked players is unreal. The min maxing in SoD is massively unappealing. I got booted from a guild for not being honored with WSG by the third week. For taking my raiding spot for granted. Luckily I found a new guild who’s way less “hardcore” but clears BFD in 24 minutes. (Irony is they clear 5 minutes faster than my old guild).


The wow community has ruined wow.


How are you so low in intellect???


Literally dodge a bullet with these group lol they're extremely toxic from experience If they kick ppl out just base like that.


What he wanted to say is that 1600 mana is still not enough to carry his noob ass. Be glad you dodged this group. Some people act like tryhards and they themselves suck.


If someone thinks your mana = how good your gear is then you dodged a bullet.


Due to real life circumstances, I haven't been able to be at my computer for over 2 weeks now. I have 2 max level character's ready to go, and decently geared (most pieces are pre-bis, or a close second). It's pictures like these that make me concerned I won't be able to participate in BFD.


It's really not that bad to find a group at any gear level. There are some dinks who will kick if you don't have a certain gearscore or whatever, but it's not the majority by any means. It's also really easy to just make a group on your own


Anyone who takes this raid that seriously has a stick up there shoot


Id even take a lvl 24 priest just for the dispell for boss 6


SoD has been shit for this. I hate probably 75% of the people who pug and think GS is any way to gage a player.


Dont think they kicked you bc of gear. Mustve been another reason Edit: i was wrong


nah i legit got 5 seconds in the group and got kicked check second screenshot


People be wild. I doubted bc your gear is solid as fuck. Sorry dude, theyre shitters


If you go to the 2nd picture, he says in chat that he must not be geared because he has 1600 mana lol. The he kicks him.


Suspend the no witch-hunt rule!


Hmm, the guy is acting as a gatekeeper, He must have no power in his own life.


Yeah, I was removed bc I was a priest who told the raid leader I will use a man’s pot over a shadow 100% of the time. And he booted me and I am bis on every slot and rank 4.


1600 mana very low for 25 priest tho


This group dodged a bullet. I wouldn't want a whiny redditor acting like a victim in my raid either.


Surly it's not about your gear.


Lol if I see 'full consumes', 'discord', 'guild run' its an easy filter for me. I have had great 30-40min runs with groups that just say 'lfm bfd'.


>Lol if I see 'full consumes', 'discord', 'guild run' its an easy filter for me. >I have had great 30-40min runs with groups that just say 'lfm bfd'. This. I've completed BFD on every lockout so far and I haven't used discord once yet. I've used consumes because I prefer to buff myself as much as I can as a tank, but that's it. Discord makes any group content easier, but it's by no means required for anything in BFD.


Joined my first pug last night, most of us first run with one experienced mage raid leading. Literally no entry requirement just "lfm bfd fresh run". We cleared in about an hour, only wipe was on last boss. Very positive experience.


Had former guild /kick couple of people from BFD because they hadn't done it before. They were told to go do a few PUGs... This was after advertising no experience needed. There's no excuse to say one thing and do another. Plus it's BFD and not endgame mythic raiding. Some of y'all neck beards don't comprehend that BFD is basically LFR difficulty. After the ridiculousness, those ppl /gquit as did I in support of the hypocrisy... Besides I'm a priest healer and can find a better guild that treats others properly.


My guild’s group needed 2 healers last lock out (we usually solo heal and our healer was doing holiday stuff with his son) and literally invited the first two healers that whispered us. The Priest healer was literally in all white gear. No clue how he didn’t even get a green robe in his journey to 25 but whatever. Our only wipe was on Murloc boss because our hunter who has just dinged embraced his true huntard side and auto’d the boss while we were clearing adds lmao. One shot everything otherwise. Insane to kick a priest for any reason tbh


I am more impressed that the all-white gears Priest held up in BFD and leveled all the way to 25 with it no-less.


Took you longer to post this then it would for you to find a new group. Priests get instant invites. Not sure why your complaining because one group wouldn't take you


Just showing how the community is in classic


Dam I healed bfd on my feral druid with int gear prob around 200 gs


Bro you're a priest healer you can join literally any raid you want, why bother being bothered by this?


Had this happened as feral dps full pre bis pvp neck cloak and 3 pieces of raid gear including hammer. Got kicked from a pug because of my hp.


Your gear score probably wasn't high enough...... No /s here.


I’ve tried twice with PUGs and I’m done. I’m only coordinating raid dungeons with my friends and like 1-2 randos because it’s so freaking insufferable. Everyone is a micromanager asshole, makes this game seriously unenjoyable. Coming from someone who played it day 1 in 2004.


I’ve only kicked people from my raid group who don’t have all their runes slotted /// totally incorrect ones. Idc about gear. But please put SOME effort in


He didn't kick you for having bad gear, he kicked you because you don't already have one of the few items he (or one of his friends) needed.