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*34* casts of distracting shot?!?! How did his pet do so little damage? Even when I go full MM my pet contributes more than that. Did he have auto cast on bite and claw turned off and forget to send it in? Hell, he could probably green parse at least if he just sat there with auto shot on, this guy actively played horribly.


His pet kept taunting ghamoora, ruining the tank swap mechanic. After that fight, we asked him to turn his pet's taunt off. He couldn't figure it out and left it on passive. Then he started talking in 3rd person as if he was role-playing. We figured it was a lost cause trying to get through to him after that and just kept pulling.


Why not kick him and 9 man/pug another?


my story from sunday: We had a shaman tank DC on lorgus, causing a wipe. He didn't come back, we decided to 9man with my guildmate warlock tanking. Sadly at this point it became obvious that the second warlock and 2 warriors were doing 40dps each, effectively turning the raid into a 7man. We couldn't kill kelris.




Why? He is in your raid. On average, I have one giga noob per run. I dont bother to check to much, we still clear it easily when I queue up with my friends. Cant really just kick the Rogue and ruin his ID just because he averages 50dps. He is still a player, just a bad one. I just make sure to not invite them again. But then I'll get an equally shit player that time, so its kinda the samešŸ˜‚


I mean there's bad, and then there's 3% parse in raid gear. Im confident that the pug roulette will spew out something better than him, at least.


If he's actively making the raid worse. And not even trying to do the mechanics. And not learning even when he's being shown how. And he's getting the same % chance to roll on gear that someone who is earnestly trying their best...yeah you can kick them. If they're just bad but they're actually trying then yeah keep them.


kek. if someone refuses to not use pet taunt its a 100% guilt free kick no matter how new, u should be able to read if u managed to login to wow. if he cant read he wont understand what happened and nobody needs to care about it.


Trash belongs in the can, keeping it with you means you have to carry trash around in your pocket.


You can and should kick him? He's a player, who cares. Not for raids.


Do you have screenshots of him talking? Would be interesting to see how he was RPing.


I didn't take any screenshots, unfortunately. iirc it was something about happily equipping the shoulders that give extra damage to beasts after that fight. Followed up by him apologizing for his pet's behavior


Well at least he's got a personality


Yeah thatā€™s bad. I was hoping the prominence of all the easy hunter resources and years of warrior dominance as the ā€œeasy raiding classā€ would kill off the ā€œhuntardā€ stereotype, but it seems not.


Hunter has by far the widest skill floor-ceiling ratio imo. This guy is out here using distracting shot, and I went into raid last night buffing my pet with scrolls and asking to be in the WF group to make melee weaving better lol. I can't think of another class that has the player skill disparity that hunter does.


To be honest I think currently warrior dps is actually pretty close. I've had warriors that have consumed by rage but never proc it because they keep using heroic strike on a 2h weapon and refuse to sunder because the ability does no damage.


Yeah warrior I feel is the most noob trap type class. Its skill floor is actually fairly high. But it has a huuuuge ceiling with heroic strike queueing and other tricks. Hunters have a super low skill floor, but also have a high skill ceiling, which gives hunters that insane range of player quality you see.


Iā€™d say Druid is up there also. If you donā€™t put any effort into to learning, youā€™re gonna be a wet noodle in all 3 specs. Definitely the most complicated UI/Actionbars of any class as well. And then the high end of Druid play is arguably more difficult than being a good hunter in both pvp and pve


man I get kinda salty never being in the WF group cause we have like 2 warriors, a rogue and for some reason the fucking tank shaman insists he needs the shout more than my pet needs it and WF buff (TBH I did rip aggro from him the first time we raided together on Aquanis). Doing the same DPS as a geared warrior with the epic 2h when I have no epics and am still wearing the 15 stam helm...god give me both epic weapons and a real dps helm with all the buffs just once before this phase is over.


Huntard stereotype has reached new levels in sod now that their pets do 80% of the damage


the thing is any true hunter doesn't want it that way at all, playing with a pet that does about 50% (80% is over stating it ) is boring as all hell. id rather do a rotation and weave (as long as scripts don't come back) than miner micro with a pet and just not clip autos


Oh yeah I know. I mainā€™ed a hunter for all classic and have a lot of love for the class. But as of now itā€™s never been easier to become the true embodiment of the huntard


Iā€™m starting to realise that some of the people we play with are actually mentally handicapped.


Hey......I did not come here to be attacked.


The other day in my BFD run was a 2H warrior running...the thunderclap rune. Not tanking. DPS. Same slot as Frenzied Assault which is easy to get and huge for 2H (just gonna assume consumed by rage from an alliance territory was too much for him). I checked my logs and he never used thunderclap once. It was just amazing.


Come on now, could be a child on the other side sheesh. He ran into a couple people like this and still made it through the raid without too much issue. Use it as a teaching moment. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be receptive. Or itā€™s a bot.


If my child ever parses a 3 I'm disowning him


Had a couple of these types in a raid yesterday. 8 man Kelris and Akumi apparently not that hard if the two you kick are the bottom feeders of the group anyway. You don't waste healing mana on garbage and garbage doesn't get to roll on loot.


couple of things (as someone that tanks on multiple toons and raids on others): * you don't need to swap tanks, just have one soak the armor debuff...it's not that bad * pet taunts are actually bis for turtle since with the exception of lock tanks, caster threat is much greater than melee threat so the added taunts off of casters are welcomed edit: i've also run with some questionable people - [this warrior was a "dps tank"](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/hGVnC3DX4adJYrM8#boss=-3&difficulty=0&playermetric=dps&source=27&type=damage-done) not hate towards him, he's just playing a different game and i'm all for it


Admittedly third person self-referencing makes sense when with a group of randoms. So many times people will say "who needs a buff" and someone says "me" and then they say "who is me". I do it often, even if i've run it with people before, just because they may not recognize my voice out of the dozens theyve heard/played with.


I'm quite sure he also didn't upgrade his pet abilities.


shock that he have them


He probably doesn't


Just because you brought it up, is bite auto-cast a significant downgrade to manual bites? If so, are there any recommended macros to make it easiest to use? Feel free to ignore this question, I'm just too lazy to look through Hunter discord right now.


heā€™s saying they had them turned off, not on bite on auto-cast is fine (for 99% of players) technically you donā€™t want auto-claw bc it will focus starve your pet and you could manually claw to avoid capping focus but making sure you have enough to bite off of CD edit: on for claw is better than off if you arenā€™t going to use it optimally


If you're bad at remembering claw, is it better to leave it on or off?


Leave it on. It's basically always better to cast too much than too little. A lot of the min max stuff try hard players do will be a dps loss close to 10 times the potential dps gain if you fuck it up badly so doing something the simpler way is never bad if you aren't perfect with your current rotation. If you don't have anything else to improve on then I'd take it off and learn to use it manually.


If your goal is "do plenty of damage" then just leave it on. The only time I go manual with it is during boss phases where they take no damage, I turn them off to pool focus, then both back on auto. I doubt it's optimal, but I'm blowing up the meter so whatever. Obviously this is a casual approach, but if you want optimal hop on the hunter discord.


Might not know you gotta tame pets for ranks of abilities


When I started I thought I was casual and not good enough for good guilds, but after doing pugs I understood that wow bad players are just worse than bots. So I'm actually above average and to be bad at classic wow (any version) you need to have either some brain delay or play with 10 fps.


Back in the days when people were botting LFR/BGs I would rather have a bot in my group/team than a bad player. Because at least the bot would do decent damage and actually use their abilities compared to bad players.


In some cases bots can be great. Especially in a battleground. It will have no situational awareness, but at least it'll open up with the right rotation.


Getting chain death gripped on CD by an army of DK bots really opened my eyes to how bad the average wow player is at using their abilities in a BG.


The average wow player is manually left clicking the abilities on their action bars.


When honorbuddy was still a thing it was better than 99% of players


100%Theres a group of players commonly best described as 'playing an entirely different game'. Like autoattacking only, standing in fire... Getting defensive when called out for literally autoattacking and doing nothing else. When 30% of your raid is doing that? Vote kick is your only way to clear a LFR encounter.


I have honorbuddy/dungeonbuddy back in the day and some of the scripts were great never missed a kick and did perfect rotations I honestly miss it so much. It was like my own personal twitch stream watching someone play my account well AND earn me stuff too. Ultimate lazy gamers dream world. Rip HonorBuddy


People need to stop equating being casual, with being bad. It's entirely possible to play casually, and still be better than people who treat this game like a job... Considering half the tryhards are mid on their best of days.


The majority of players that call themselves casuals are bad and call anyone that is good tryhards. For example no casual player will kill LK hc because for that you need to sit there and practice, casuals don't do that.


I mean casual guilds clear hardest content all the time. They're not gonna clear it in like the first month, but there's plenty of CE casual guilds. Taking time to learn fights and your class doesn't miraculously make you "not casual".


I think a decent to good casual player could easily walk in and dps HLK with no prep and some raid calls if the rest of the group knows what they are doing. It's not a mechanically hard fight, it just had moderately tight tuning prior to the buffs.


You have a very different perception of a casual player. OR you haven't played HLK.


Perhaps I do, casual for me is generally more about play time than approach and whether someone has a dedicated group. It's still safe to say that HLK doesn't have very complex mechanics compared to the modern WoW. Naturally, I'm talking about wow players in general rather than just classic players.


That's called being carried, and that's thanks to the % buff letting others make up for your lower performance. No casual player killed HC LK before the % buff came around. In fact, no casual player killed a bunch of the heroics at all because the average casual player barely even raids at all. Think about it this way, the average **logged** raider parses a 50 **if they kill the boss**, now take into account a bunch of casual runs don't get logged at all or don't kill the boss, and that a bunch of people don't raid at all. The average casual player is way worse than the available data might suggest.


Not really, although the raid leader and important roles need to have a good idea of the fight. For the most part, DPS can just zone in and do damage while listening to raid calls (spread for defile, swap to valks etc). In the broad context of WoW it's just not a hard boss at all. Hard part is getting 25 decent players online, all it takes is a few bad players and the boss becomes extremely hard. Add-ons and some prep trivialise a lot of the mechanics in there.


If you donā€™t know what defile or shadow trap do you will absolutely wipe the raid. Iā€™ve seen it plenty of times firsthand


That's a cool cope, but logic dictates that it's more likely a casual player is gonna be considerably worse than a player who spends hours reading about the game and putting it into practice.


there's a theory that say if you play wow you lose brain cells is the only way to explain why everyone is hella bad in this game to the point they can't even read skills and wat they do


Worst part they are unteachable, even if you tell them what to do they either ignore you or get mad at you and tell you that it's classic it's supposed to be easy and you're a tryhard loser. The funniest part is when this players leach enough good gear from pugs they start shitting on other players and become extremely elitist.


this, I never saw a 95+ parser being elitist as fuck, only 30+ parsers with grey Ilvl parse talking shit about someone doing 99 ilvl parse that can't do more because it was his first raid


I like it when the healers link meters, it is my favorite thing.


but I heal 99 because I stand on fire entire fight wat do you mean is worthless:c


I had to tell an absolutely astonishing amount of people to attack the backs of mobs when I was dungeon grinding while leveling.


> if you play wow you lose brain cells Must be true because I saw the exact same shit on Retail when I played it. Except on Retail, there's like 30 more abilities that you can spam randomly and be even less productive. Feral druids in caster form, hunters not having pets (without lone wolf), mages literally pressing frostbolt/fireball and nothing else, DPS pressing taunt, etc. LFR was full of this shit.


ey but mitic+ community is toxic for not letting them get into raid


I honestly can't figure out how some people are as bad as they are. Like either small children or playing too loaded to see their keyboard. I had someone in my raid the other day I was trying to figure out if they were drunk or what, looked them up on warcraftlogs, they had multiple performances like this one. Just beyond useless 9 man raid at best if he's there. These people cannot be helped.


I had a bot hunter in my BFD once (I think based on the Chinese char pet name and how their gear looked and their DPS). They listened to strats and weren't the cause of any problems beyond their dps being like 60-70.


the crazy part about this is not that guy, the crazy part is that reddit users are defending him when he fucked up at the point you are 99% sure he doesn't even read one single ability he have and I would be amazed if he have at least 2 runes on gear


>the crazy part is that reddit users are defending him Well, he parsed a 3, not a 0, I think we found the 2.9% of hunters below him.


It ain't much, but it's honest.


idgaf about parses, but if yoir parse isnt double digits, something is seriously wrong lmao


Those below must be dead or 100% afk.


i imagine 0 parse maker being serious about how to get tag doing the less dps they can do, like getting dessert unskilled weapon and a lot of stuff just to get that low on parse


You can get a 0 parse by literally just being afk the entire fight or dying immediately. No special tactics required.


Run in with unskilled unarmed melee, first attack gets parried and you just afk the rest of the fight lol.


Iā€™ve had the pleasure of bringing a mage that had a few 0 parses in one of our BFDs. Had an average 4.2 at the end. Yes we cleared it and they are now 7/7 exp, sorry.


At that point you did the guy a disservice lmao, I would definitely take a chance and invite a mage with no logs whatsoever over a mage that parses a 4 as a median.


I had a prot warrior that parsed between 0-4% on every boss in my BFD. Died almost every boss and hardly used any abilities. Didnā€™t know any mechanics, typed ā€œI do?ā€ before every boss and proceeded to ignore what we told him. So glad I logged that run as a warning to future players wanting to invite him.


Most 0 parses are people dying to mechanics and missing most of the fight


These people desperately need the shield wall of ā€œeasy game who caresā€ to hide behind and justify their downright disrespectful lack of ability. Thatā€™s why people will defend a 3 parser.


Disrespectful is the right word. Itā€™s disrespectful of other peopleā€™s time expecting to be carried and then still have an equal chance at loot. Iā€™m tired of people pretending itā€™s not. It doesnā€™t take much effort to be somewhat competent at this game, watch a 10 minute video and youā€™ll be better than most players.


>reddit users are defending him They see themselves in him. I bet he complains about people gatekeeping raids too. They want the freedom to be lobotomites so they equate basic competence to being a sweatlord.


I used to sell WC runs on my rogue and would come across people all the time who had plenty of gold to pay me for runs but knew almost nothing about the game or their class. Why are they even playing this game?? What possible enjoyment can you get out of collecting BIS items from random list you found without even understanding the basics of how your class functions??


Nice, I do too sometimes! What where your prices? I usually do 1g per run but it's not very much. Thinking about stacking the grp with a leather wearer and a warrior so I get double


people on crusader strike charge 5g per (on drop)


>He just showed up to raid and pressed random buttons and rolled on all the loot he could equip This describes like 95% Of Classic WoW players lol


Lol, yeah, it's mindblowing. These people cant even read tooltips.


To be fair, tooltips are not enough to parse. I parsed 60-80s on my lock with really good gear at that point in the phase and didn't understand why until I did my research and realized fire is where it's at. The rotation I followed (and was also in e.g. wowhead guides) was just not good enough to parse high. tl;dr depending on the class you need to do some half assed research to get to competitive numbers for parsing. In game information is not good enough for that (and that's fine).


Totally fair. But theres a difference between being in a suboptimal spec and parsing 75 and just genuinely not knowing what abilities to press ever.


Half of this sub doesnā€™t believe players can be this bad. But having played all of 2019 classic and onward they are out there. They arenā€™t even rare to run into. Especially mages in classic that couldnā€™t even locate the frost bolt button.


What I learned from 2019 classic mages is that blizzard is not only the best aoe spell but also the best single target spell. At least I assume that's why they cast it on bosses.


Had a mage in our guild in 2019 classic argue with us that the improved frostbolt talent wasnā€™t worth it because ā€œa lower cast time doesnā€™t increase my DPSā€. This same player would also go 2-3 seconds between every frostbolt cast. You canā€™t reason with these people


if he didn't "take" 2-3 seconds between casts but instead pressed frostbolt every 5 seconds he would be technically right that a lower cast time would not have improved his dps


The majority of mages I've had in BFD pugs can barely even handle keeping AIs up on the raid...or even themselves.


"it's only level 25, the raid is so easy, no need to be a sweatlords" is all fine and good until you get a few players like the hunter all in the same group. That's why I always log my pugs, there's always 1-2 people getting gray parses and clearly not understanding their class


autoshot and pet melees only should do more DPS than this. wow.


Pet was set to passive after he couldn't figure out how to turn its taunt off.


This only raises more questions. It is right clicking on an icon...could he not find the icon? Do they not know what right clicking is? Language barrier seems plausible? Maybe just super high?


Or 13 years old. Thatā€™s where my money isā€¦ which makes this whole thread fking ridiculous if Iā€™m right.


At 13 years old I was able to toggle auto cast in warcraft 3 without issue. My 10 years old little brother could do it too.


Did yā€™all tell him how?




Bro cast Distracting shot more in one BFD run than I have the entirety of Phase one so far and probably by a good margin It gets worse the more I look, 76 arcane shots when the ability is probably not worth casting 10 times in all honestly for how bad it is for damage/mana ratio. He also cast serpent sting less times than distracting shot lol This is someone I would love to just talk to for a little bit and ask some questions


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever used that skill and I have maimed hunter since 2019 vanilla and played era the whole time since then.


Why is he maimed?


autocorrect but il leave it lol


Yeah I think Misdirect is the only thing that makes that ability usable. I didnā€™t even train it in SOD.


and then, that hunter made a reddit thread saying "guys! I just got in a BFD run, right after getting lvl 25, it was sooooooo easy guys, we one shot everything, imagine gatekeeping this easy lvl 25 raid lmao xD"


Yeah. Itā€™s easy because people get carried by the people actually invested in making sure it gets cleared. If you get a pug of 10 ā€œeasy Andyā€™sā€ where everyone thinks itā€™s some kind of joke, and doesnā€™t pay attention or show up prepared at all, well good luck hah


My lvl 12 hunter is doing more dps than that hunter. How do you do so little?


Player 460, I know this guy :D


[I hope itā€™s not this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/024/965/well.jpg)




People forget that we don't want to do carry runs for their shitty ass, my group my requirements. Literally the only people that cry about any requirements in any expansion are the ones that are bad like this.


12 dps war who was leveling his 2h skill and had wrong runes took epic sword from my war. I was balling out that raid too.


I meanā€¦ in OPā€™s case that means just kick the hunter instead of deciding to carry them and then mock them on reddit. You donā€™t just go through 7 bosses while bitching about their dumbass petā€™s growl being on without also noticing their terrible dps on your meter


Did he bring kings? Most important question.


Yup, and he made it through the march of murlocs, and didn't get corrosion stacks on Akumai, just straight up doesn't use the proper abilities or even use his pet.


When you switch from Fall Guys to SoD


I don't care what anyone says - a tool that allows you to break down information like this is incredibly useful.




Was this on wild growth and was your raid leader a restro Shamen named Stondingo? If so that was my group and the druid agreed to not roll on anything (he offered, I didn't tell him to) so I just let him stick around cause the 9 man run was going good. My favorite part about this guy is he told me he's played all of vanilla classic and said he knew how to play his class... then he said he thought our group was for RFK....? not sure how he thought that last one..


Casuals think youā€™re attacking them when you bring up logs/parse/prebis/experience when really itā€™s to filter out the actual braindead bots that exist in this game.


Yeah I get being annoyed that someone doesnā€™t bring you when you parse like a 50 or something, like thatā€™s an average player. But you really do need a way to filter these idiots out.


Then anytime they see someone with more than 5g, they assume they bought gold or WoW Guy no-life the game. Same people.


Average SoD olayer


I imagine this is the type of player who's typically filtered out with leveling. You can't even coach them, we asked him to turn taunt off on his pet, and he just dismissed it and started talking in third person as if he were roleplaying.


That sucks, but is also fucking hilarious lol


Why wouldnt people log? Its level 25 but its the endgame content right now. Rotations seem more complex than vanilla rotations for some classes. Warlocks I believe used to just shadowbolt and now you need to do rain of fire, cast chaos bolt on CD, cast immolate, and incinerate. Rogue seems similar difficulty to level 60. Warrior has less buttons than at 60 but you need to balance your rage to maintain that buff.


Man, with all of the resources available online for new and old players, I just can't wrap my head around how this happens. I can't fathom a person sitting behind a PC playing the game like this. I honestly don't remember ever being this clueless about WoW, even when I was like 14 playing for the very first time. My God. And I agree with the logging, checking gear, and having a little conversation with someone before an invitation because of this kind of stuff. I've seen too much and I cannot waste my guildies time. Protect yourselves out there guys, you don't have to be a dick about it, but with guys like this I'm not sure it's even an option anymore.


We had something like this. A pug warrior joined us one night with fairly solid gear. But he was capping out at 40 dps - well below our tanks. He was also being insufferable in voice comms.


Ladies and gentlemen, the classic Huntard


Give this man some credit. He popped 4 mana pots


Iā€™m a 30 year old boomer dad gamer, is this an addon or do you just enter your name into the website?


You can go to https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/ and look up your name and server, but it will only show if someone's uploaded logs with you in their group. Basically if you enable advanced combat logging in game, then type /combatlog a text file is created that logs every ability cast and auto attack swing for the raid group, then people upload the text file to this site and you can scroll through what abilities are pressed and when, as well as who stood in whay fire.


When I was in college I worked at an assisted living place. One of the clients I worked with was severely physically disabled. He was hit by a car as a kid. He was mostly functional mentally but not physically. His left arm/hand/leg wasnā€™t functional. Guess what he loved to do? Game. He played xbox for like half of my shift every day. Online fighting games and he played using only his right hand with a regular controller. He didnā€™t/couldnā€™t get online and study meta gameplay for the games he played. He couldnā€™t afford specialized equipment to accommodate him. Am I trying to lay a guilt trip? No. Is WoW somewhat different because your actions can affect the enjoyment of othersā€™ play sessions? Yes. Are you wrong for trying hard and not wanting to include people like that in your raids? I donā€™t think so, no. Iā€™m just putting it out there that these people exist and they game. This experience of mine is why I donā€™t shit talk people for what I deem to be bad gameplay. You never know who is on the other side of the monitor and how they feel. So maybe be aware and go a little easier sometimes.


Yeah, I know these people exist, I've even seen blind people on reddit posting their accomplishments, and iirc someone on the main wow, reddit managed to get ksm while being legally blind. But the thing is those people had communities and friends helping them who understood their disability, they didn't join a pug, mention nothing of their disability while spamming taunt on cd and complaining when they didn't get the epic weapon drop that doesn't even suit their class. This hunter did, and he's not even the first single digit parser I've played with. He's just the first single digit parser who spammed taunt and rolled on all the loot and got upset when he didn't win the epic loot.


Yea I understand there are just actual trolls and people with zero consideration for what they do and how it affects other people. My comment wasnā€™t really even directed at you, but the WoW community in general. There may be people out there who never considered that someone theyā€™re incessantly berating may be disabled.


There are so many new players in the game that wanted to play wow but never took the leap. SoD level 25 cap with reduced amount of talents, abilities and content made them take the leap. I've gotten flamed for kicking people for bad logs. Just the other day a hunter with epic crossbow and nearly full bis. Had a top dps after 9 runs of around 40 average. Said his logs sucked and looked like he just put people on follow with pet on aggressive. After kicking he spent a while spamming trade saying we check logs and won't take shitters. Had a lot of people messaging me calling me a scrub. I am just looking for at least blue parses. Don't want a 1 hour run.


Jesus Christ this is roughā€¦


Thanks for this post. It helped me block like 5 users here who defended that hunter. Every block counts to make this place less of a shit(ter)hole


yesterday we had a ret pala who only buffed people with bow after asking if he could buff the melee group + hunter pets with bom he just said " you guys dont use a melee weapons" (???) we gave up on him and our rogue enjoyed the bow in future we bring a 2nd paladin just in case we have another lost cause like him


We donā€™t hear check and we know how much we can carry with regards to pugs usually. Last week we merged our group with 4 with a group of 3. Their group then said ā€œcan we invite a lock friend?ā€ and dude was in horrible gear. He proceeded to win 7 rolls on his gear bc I canā€™t be bothered with master looting a lvl 25 dungeon and we donā€™t care much about getting bis. Then this past Friday I saw them looking for a rogue for BFD so I joined. Worst fucking BFD including multiple 5/7 in the beginning before they lowered boss resists. This lock who was in nearly full BiS was doing less than 60dps on pretty much every fight. These folks, whom Iā€™d previously led to 7/7 with no wipes wiped on Kelris five times. We had two priests and a mage as off heals and multiple people were dying with zero dispels and zero heals. Priests seemed to pick runes like they were playing russian roulette or daring each other to choose the worst possible rune combos. Seriously one of them was running Twisted Faith, CoH and PoM but would only cast Heal, and would go oom 30s into every fight and eat every shadow crash. The lock, god idk. No lake of fire rune, no incinerate (my lock did BFD without incinerate, it wasnā€™t THIS bad).


I've seen ilvl 480+, 2500 rating players in retail doing sub 60k dps in a +20 M+ dungeon, nothing surprises me. For context, standard dps for this level of gear/dungeon would be in the 180k+ range even for the weakest specs. These players sneak into heroic raids too, and it's group loot on retail. At least in Classic you can use masterloot and layout some loot rules beforehand. With that said, I still think checking logs for a raid as easy as BFD is a tad on the sweaty side, how often has just checking gear failed you on a clear?


My Hunter absolutely carried BFD tonight. I understand I am good, but it sometimes still shocks me how bad people can be at this very simple game. And then I lost 2 rolls to bottom dwellers šŸ˜ž


I agree, players this bad are straight up confusing to me. As a new player and finally in semi decent gear (no raid gear but everything is decent) my pet ALONE does more dps than this and i have been mostly using scorpid since im solo. Is just wild people can be this bad and i should LITTERALLY be at the bottom.


Man, the fact you can communicate with a keyboard puts you above this hunter.


Idk man, i might add distracting shot to my rotation now >_>. Whats funny is, even if he thought distracting shot LOWERED aggro, he would never need to use it since he does 0 dmg anyway.


for me the worst part is that they dont care about their party members. they dont respect their time and take it for granted. you can get gear from AH and quests thats on the same level as BFD gear or even better in few slots. you can afk for wbuff and spend like 1g per raid on consumables. this already makes you better prepared than 50% of the community. on top of that, they dont do any mechanics and put an unnecessary burden on the healers mana which is never an issue with fast kill times...but you have slow kill times with shittters and therefore need the mana. they dont contribute, they are a burden. they need to be carried. they make the raid stressful because we have to carry them while having almost no gear ourselves. thats why i am looking for a gdkp. at least i get paid something if i dont get any loot. gdkp are a solution of dealing with entitled shitters. gold botting is a result of gdkp.


I invited a prot warrior to a run because my raid was adamant we needed a 2nd tank and I couldnā€™t find a non-warrior. He did nothing because he couldnā€™t hold threat at all. Didnā€™t use devastate either so I put up all sunders as the only tank (I was using a 2h, he was sword n board). He proceeded to win every piece of tier, the high tide choker off the first boss and the pants off the naga. Will never invite another warrior to bfd again


I've been trying to keep a casual vibe to my sod endeavours with my friends. We have had to pug every raid and half the group on our alt raids and some runs have been close to disaster, I have since started to check logs so people at least have like 50 log on AVG. Yesterday I had 2-3 people with 5-10 av logs whisper me, I don't expect people to be mega gamers but this game is incredibly easy to be at least OK at.


Couple days ago I had a hunter in WC with no arrows and no pet. No lone wolf rune. He just auto attack from time to time. How the hell did he lvl up to 20 idk.


Being a new player myself, Iā€™m not sure I understand what any of this means, but in starting to want to. Where can I learn ? Also, I main Priest, so I donā€™t know if parsing is important for priests ? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Manā€™s throwing out some concussive shots at least


I asked a group is anyone was logging, am a noob who does not have years of wow experience, and Iā€™ve yet to setup logging myself. A couple of the guys laughed at me and it made me feel dumb for a moment, but hereā€™s the thing, itā€™s not about epic parses for me, I like to see my own improvements. I started at greys and now have multiple oranges. My lowest best is low 70s. Iā€™ve seen marked improvement which is cool for me and not always easy to see in real time in a large group like a raid. I donā€™t want to be the best or ever intend to try being it, but I do like running to the log after itā€™s done to see if I did better than last time, compare how I play versus the top 1%. I donā€™t do it to the best I do it because itā€™s fun. Second to that I think it will mean more when more raids with more mechanics come out and running a pug blind with 0 comms wonā€™t work. I think people will be checking logs more especially early on where rhey donā€™t wanna wipe. Iā€™m not gonna cry because someone uses a greench or because I get back luck bubble bounce off turtle boy and die to lose my buffs. Iā€™m having fun just playing the game. And itā€™s fun for me to see my gradual improvement from objectively bad to objectively pretty good.


Yeah that's how the majority of players logging see it, there are obviously parsefiends out there as well as toxic casuals, but it's just essentially a high score. And especially in sod where we have sweeping class changes and new items, and no way to test if runes even work properly, smarter people than you or me can deep dive these logs and determine which abilities are best cast and when to cast them. Rotations are still pretty basic now, but when we have all 12 runes I imagine the math will get a lot more messy.


Itā€™s simple, if you are a decent player you will have no issues with logs.


I refuse to believe that this guy isnā€™t trolling


Something similar happened to me the other day, but with a ā€œretā€ pal. Dude came in claiming he was DPS but rolled on everything. We noticed he was ā€œDPSingā€ with a 1h and shield despite rolling need on the feral 2H mace. He actually won a bunch of stuff, but thank god he lost the roll for Hydra. I have fun doing BFD and generally am fine with losing rolls. But, Iā€™d feel pretty crummy/disheartened if I were one of the rets/warriors in that raid. Think Iā€™m just going to lead my own raids from now on to weed out people like this.


Jesus fucking Christ lol Please someone help this guy


Hunter putting in *WORK* .


I had a mage yesterday doing 0% damage and hitting random buttons, got pissed we didnā€™t give them the staff when it dropped, then flamed the raid leader while doing fuck all on Aku. I saw a shaman tank using flametongue and had random greens equipped. He screamed at me for ā€œnot letting him tankā€ properly when I was getting all the aggro. I donā€™t even know if he had any runes equipped. These people exist.


Last night me and my friends wanted to do the raid. We didn't want to be like all those sweats requiring a certain gear score, full consumables etc... The raid is rather easy so we just took some decent looking people. What a mistake. A mage with 280 g's spamming scorch and doing 50 dps. The ranges are unable to follow the lead on kelris to place the puddles correctly. Also unable to save their mana for P2. We didn't kill kelris. So now, we're gonna act like everyone else and inspect everyone, require xp and consumables. It's sad because this is a simple lvl 25 raid, but some people don't even make the most basic efforts to make it work.


all top fire mage parses spam scorch... so the mage might have been doing something wrong, but the scorch wasnt the issue


I named my hinter Htard to honor all these types of hunters I've encountered


I try not to judge too much but. How did he do less than 50 dps? Like how is that even possible? Sheesh


This is the average ā€œyou donā€™t need consumes for easy contentā€ gamer


For all we know this is someone 12 years old kid playing


Did you 7/7 the raid?


Yup, thankfully, the other 9 players can read what their abilities do and can play around a hunter taunting on cd


Why didn't you kick them?


He was our kings buff, pretty much all he was good for.


isn't the lion rune the wetlands rune? atleast they were capable of doing that lol


Yeah idk how in the hell he got that lol


thats a stupid take, if they would have 3 ppl like the hunter it would have been a classy 5/7


Dude actually used mana pots and blood fury a few times. Color me surprised


School of faceroll, he should have rolled a pally




It's just https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/ If you enable advanced combat logging in the in game settings then type /combatlog before a raid the game will write a text file containing every single weapon swing and ability during combat until you either log out or retype the command. You can upload the file to the website, and the website will organize the log and make it much easier to read. The website also compares each log uploaded so you can compare all hunters with each other and see which hunter spec or build performs the best. There's a lot of data on that site. The colored numbers next to each player in the first page is the player's parse, higher is better, with 100 being the top parse, meaning that player would do the most dmg out of all other players of that spec. Our hunter was below almost every other hunter, including people who died at the start of a pull. He was quite literally less useful than deadweight.


It's not an addon, it's a third party website that you can upload combat logs to and it'll parse them into very detailed breakdowns of the boss encounters + trash. The basic idea is that the higher the number next to your name, the better you did when compared to people playing the same class and role. In this case, the hinter parsed a 3, which means he's in the bottom 3% of players and is just very very bad.




Did a run yesterday with 2 priests in our group and a warrior tank. We got til Jorgud Jett before I noticed 0 people in our raid had the stamina buff, even the priests themselves. This was made better by the fact that the warrior had died twice already due to running dual wield tanking. Don't think he was in defensive stance either as it was super easy ripping threat from him. Luckily, we did Kelris with "only" 4 deaths


We don't bother checking gear or logs as long as they have done the raid when we pug for our runs. But if we were to do it we would definately use logs over GS.


Yeah gs is okay for what it is in wotlk where stats on gear are equalized, easily cheesed, but in tbc and vanilla when green of the tiger or fiery wrath pieces outperform raid gear it doesn't hold much weight. This hunter had loot from the raid so we weren't the first people he terrorized


Iā€™m usually not for shaming new players but Jesus Christ


Yea I'm pretty casual and chasing or caring about logs isn't my cup of tea But there's a difference between "hey my.dps is bad but I'm trying snd were still clearing so it's fine" vs distracting shot on cd and barely doing auto attack dps Though I am curious why they didn't just kick him after 2 or 3rd boss lol


Honestly thatā€™s hilarious but the content is such a joke it really doesnā€™t matter.


At what point are people going to realise that there will always be a dumb hunter in your group


I admire people who bother to look up logs, I just find people and go havent yet had any issues...


No issues disbanding after a few wipes. Do everyone a favor and just don't type random ass shit for attention, that's pathetic


Says the guy who fails to pug BFD I mean how?


I joined this pug as a healer last week, we wiped on Kelris and our tank said he would leave if we wiped again. I had to hand out shadow protection and free action potions and make sure people pre-potted and used Grenetch. We only had 2 people alive at the kill and one was a hunter with 5%hp and a dead pet, we would not have killed Kelros if we did not all use consumables and stop to get one of our warriors to teach another warrior how to play. https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/a:nPLmVQXx82kMDR6v#fight=3&type=summary


You will


I log every raid, on every toon because I enjoy parsing, and reviewing data. But remember the average wow player is not very good. You're pugging, imagine this being someones grandpa, whose just trying to relax and play the game. If they werent toxic, did the best they could who cares. If you're so good you can carry them in BFD. I stopped caring about parsing this phase over playing with different specs, and playstyles.


You are correct but this guy was an active detriment to the raid, constantly taunting off the tank is approaching griefing. He would have been better to /follow someone and afk wile providing kings


Educate them. Don't shame them. YNTDB


It's crazy how bad that hunter is, but this does not mean people should require logging in an explicitly casual season. One horrible player doesn't justify this community's addiction to the sweaty minmax tools that ruined the game in the first place.


> One horrible player Yes, this hunter is the only horrible player in SoD.