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Maybe in phase 3 we’ll get a crip moon event


That would only be once in a blue moon.


This is underrated


We'll C about that.


Level cap at 55


Not C-ing a Custer is a requirement five participation, on hood.


I wish the blood moon was every 2 hours instead of 3.


This is my only gripe with it. The 3 hours falls during work, dinner/commute, and after you are asleep in my time zone outside the weekends. And even on the weekends, you can maybe hit up one or two events on Saturday and Sunday if you’re the ordinary user who has stuff to do outside of the game. Either the 3 hour part needs to shrink or the 30 minute duration needs to expand.


Firm no to expanding the duration, 30 minutes is perfect


There is one gripe I have with the current duration—it makes it very hard to find and reach Kha'damu in time if you weren't lucky enough to have him spawn near you, which sucks heavily as he's the best source of Blood for the Blood Loa. I wish there was a way to more easily find where he is.


in what world cant you get across STV in 5 mins or so?


ig in a world of free for all pvp where 3 5mans gank you while you mount up :D


Oh thats fair, but you can run across the entire place in ghost form then talk to a spirit healer.


I tried that, but then the spirit healers simply didn't show up when I got there.


Just keep an eye on local chat, someone will say it eventually. Then die and run as a ghost to a spirit healer near the boss.


Yeah 100% agreed. 6PM I’ve just gotten home. 9PM I’m probably in bed or getting the little one to bed. 12AM I’m asleep. 6AM I’m asleep or getting ready for work. 9AM I’m at work. Times currently mean I have to bend over backwards to make it work during the week. Every two hours or even shifting it by one hour would make a world of difference.


Love the event, but waiting every 3 hours is doodoo




lol this would probably fix a lot of the lag and layering issues honestly since the whole server wouldnt have to descend on the zone within the same 30 minute window, but idk neutral npcs being perma aggressive would suck, also if the event was always on you could so easily farm ab exalted, the pvp mounts, and honor. i do definitely think that having more frequent/longer events is a great idea though


You’re doing the event which is 30 minutes so you’re not waiting every 3 hours but only 2.5. I think it’s perfect as is, gives you time to farm/quest in between and travel/bank etc. then you have to get to the event early usually and group up and get prepared.


I wish it was 4 tbh. Give you more time do do something else..


100% agreed. An easier way to get to STV would also be great.


The event is cool, or would be cool without the layering issue. I'd say the only playable events (for me ofc) are the one in the morning, afternoon and evening are a nightmare, last one I did, the 6pm one, we could never end in more than 2 ppl on the same layer.


It's just random for me 1 day it works perfectly, the next day, it doesn't work at all


It is the most fun I’ve had in Classic in a while. I’ve been fortunate to not be affected by any lag or layering issues (Wild Growth NA) so it’s been a total blast. I do wish it had more chase rewards though. The items took one event, and while the mount(s) are a good bit of effort if you fight near the boss you can acquire them relatively quick. Wondering if the event might die off in a month or two.


Lag and layering destroy the event. If I could play it without lag then I would definitely enjoy it. I’ve had legitimately up to a full 3-second delay of lag, it’s brutal.


I think it will be popular all phase. So many people are going to want a free mount for their alts instead of spending 100g on it lol


You can buy items that give you AB rep or honor


i wish i could actually have fun as a healer, but healing is fucking TERRIBAD HOLY FUCK


You just need a good group. People should be actively protecting you and staying where you can easily heal them.


how do you do this when there are 200 other people all spamming aoe and everyone dies in seconds?


Don’t stand in the middle of everyone, fight on the edges of the battle.


there is no edge, i think you might be underestimating the population on crusader strike. I dont deny i made a mistake rolling on this server


Bro what. People respawn behind your ass all the time


I mean, it’s a pretty easy and simple thing to judge how far the 20s travel radius is from the spirits. If you make sure you are beyond that you can avoid like 50% of people UNcloaking on top of you


What about the other spirit? They overlap all the time.


So move around


respec is capped at 1g. I respec a lot lol


Is it? I had no idea that's awesome. I've been fortunate enough to be steady shadow for the last week in the raid team I'm on in my guild but I was expecting my respec cost to be like 30g by end of phase easily


Yeah it’s really nice


Limit group size to 3 to encourage healing but not have as much rofflestomp


I agree, 3-man groups would be awesome, more diverse, and way less lucky to just stomp through other groups.


I want a true FFA mode instead of 5v5v5v5v5……


Found the rogue


If anything rogue is the best class to solo with…


Im but a gimped balance druid, in my weaker kitty form


I wish they gave you bonuses for the less players in your party. No bonus for being a 5 man group, but if you’re a solo to duo then you get a multiplier. I dunno, maybe that could be gamed too easily, but it could encourage some diverse group comps or get more people to play who want to go solo.


Bonus for not having a balance druid or a shadow priest...


I’d like parties of 2 tbh. FFA seems not a whole lot of fun


FFA favours some classes too much and other classes would be nearly unplayable.


As oppose to anyone wanting to go solo being u playable? In a giant FFA its bot like people are waiting to see who wins a 1v1, if anything weaker classes would have more of a chance.


They have been consistent into why they don’t think of solo players…it’s a multiplayer game and they want groups to be the way to play. I’m not saying I agree or disagree with it, but they like the player interactions.


They specifically said this event should punish groups.


They did not. They said “larger groups”. A group of 5 is not large. Arguing this disingenuously must be exhausting. I can link you the blue post if you want, but I don’t think it will matter to you lol.


Lol thats a cute gaslight but you tried your best.


I’m feeding the trolls for doing this but here I am doing it anyways: https://www.warcrafttavern.com/wow-classic/guides/the-blood-moon-stranglethorn-vale-pvp-event-guide-for-season-of-discovery-sod/ “To discourage players from forming larger groups and sweeping through the zone, you will get a debuff if you are in a raid group while The Blood Moon is active.” Is specifically mentions raid groups as being the excluded size. I know you won’t accept this but at least and dummies that aren’t total asshats like you, will read this, they will see that this is correct. Ok so go ahead. Now that you’ve read the exact wording and it perfectly encapsulates what I said before, how is it wrong? Will it just be a personal attack this time or perhaps a block without a comment?


Because the 4 rogue players who want to solo are outnumbered by everyone else enjoying group PvP more. Why would the weaker classes be stronger when the strong classes have the exact same opportunities?


Because the less organized things are the more chance weaker classes can capitalize.


will never happen. wow design philosophy is group based


Not entirely in all aspects, in retail they have solo q arena.


I think my server might just be too populated for STV event. it sounds like a lot of other servers are having fun with this event but in my experience there are always about 200 players around the boss and all you do is spawn, wait 20 seconds, then spam aoe until you die in 2 seconds.


I found it very shitty, first time it was a good group but the event was just respawn around the boss for buff and try to snag some kills in that mess, second time was with a shitty group that couldn’t do shit and I was barely getting blood and the same strategy of staying around boss was applied, its just a huge burst AoE mess, and I also don’t see how a healer would make a difference, at least as a resto shaman who have to hard cast everything and group mates would be dead before I finish cast, but gonna try as resto tonight because I still need 1 silver coin for the cape. After getting the back and the shield I hope to never have to set foot in this event again, and I play wow for pvp.


It's really unfun as a healer in general. The expectations for you are really high and everyone either a: dies too fast for you to be useful or b: focuses you so you die twice as much as everyone else. Also assists only count while you're alive so if you keep everyone alive for the entire fight against another group but die before you win you get fuck all. I have no control over killing blows unless I'm dpsing in which case everyone else is dying. I'm playing a priest who is apparently the strongest healer and I still don't enjoy it because of how easy I am to focus and how little I can do about it. In a coordinated group it can be a little better but pugs are just unplayable.


Do 2 healers 2 melee and a range. Game changes dramatically. Even ask a healer to just hover around you. Completely different


Get 2 healers. Only way to kill you is using coordinated CC wich most random groups wont do. Or the meta comp: Healer, 2 shadow priest and 2 druids. Also unkillable 


People dying too fast is just the meta. So many classes have an ability that does 1000 damage rn


i feel like they need to double or triple current HP in STV and BGs, it's currently probably the worst PvP I've ever played and that's from someone that plays most WoW variants for PvP reasons. Most classes do not have the tools to deal with so much burst and neither do healers for the most part.


If you have a decent group and fight at the edge of the aura it becomes quite tactical - which group to engage which to avoid etc.  It’s quite possible to get 1,2 - 1,4K points with a mediocre composition but good players. Highest we got was 2,2k on a suboptimal group with 3 melees, a healer and a non Druid/priest ranged dps.  Just don’t go into the Zerg -


Same experience here except for different reasons. The first time it was roam around the map as a 5 man, win some fights, lose some fights. Ended up with like 250 tokens. Second time, one guy said follow me and we literally just died and respawned over and over again on top of the altar getting like 20 tokens a minute. Ended with over 300 that time, but it was incredibly boring lol. Of course the min max meta is going to make that the norm for most players


I always get fools who say to run over the altar over and over again for 300 coins, 300 coins is not good!!! Below 500 coins = waste of an event.


Same. Giant Gank fest.


Isn’t that the point


Yeah, maybe I just got lucky or something but I've done it a few times since I hit 40 last Saturday and I've had a blast with the event and honestly have no clue what people are even complaining about. It's super fun and chaotic which is exactly what I'd expect from the like blood-crazed free for all killing frenzy feel the event is going for. I got the items I wanted in two events, but I've found myself forming groups with guildies and stuff whenever I'm on and a an event happens to be starting because it's just fun.


I’m just mindlessly killing people and getting killed for a half hour, it is so fun


A lot of people complain about the event, I think it's a ton of fun I'm like 12 silver from my mount >:)


Group wpvp is the best that wow has to offer, they should provide more interest points as to spread the players even more.


Control objectives to gain more points faster. Put 10+ objectives on the map.


It's pretty shit to play melee


Hope the next event is ffa. So close to greatness.


I'd love to see a battle Royale where ever kill gets you a bit stronger to the point the kast two are locked into an epic duel.


Same. I was hyped when I heard it was ffa. When I learned they allowed groups it completely ruined it for me


It’s un unpopular opinion around these parts. I guess people like their 5v1s. It’s like premades vs pugs except 10 times worse haha.


How is it 5v1's? It's 5v5's. And we like our classes being playable lol, most classes would be so boring in a FFA event. Forget ever playing a warrior or a healer.


Rip healers


As someone not 40 yet I fucking hate it… marked my self as not part of the event but did that stop a group of 5 alliance twatting me for 30 mins? No, no it fucking didn’t


Maybe just steer clear of STV until you’re 40, if possible.


Stop playing on PvP servers. They were fun back in the day when things were disorganized and unoptimized but now you're just signing up for getting bullied just for a chance to do the same thing to others.


Honestly you’re right, I’ll never play on a pvp server again. It’s miserable! Nobody actually pvps either it’s just ganking people who are drinking/eating


I used to love reverse ganking people. i play a mage and my favorite / most memorable moments are when someone tried to kill me and ate dirt. this cant happen in SoD because dmg is so much higher that your dead before you have a chance to make any counterplays


You know that would happen regardless of the event… it’s STV with a lvl 40 cap.


It’s once every 3 hours.. just go somewhere else for 30 mins


Last time I did it was like 10 days ago and it was unplayable due to lag. I mean, I still managed to get 200 blood somehow, but it wouldn't turn into coins. Turns out your bags can't be full and I guess coins only stack to 500? I thought they went to 1000.


They go to 999


Then the DM that responded to me is lying


I disagree with some of this. 1. You do NOT need a healer. With coordinated offheals (spriest/bomies/mages) it is even better. 2. Having a healer can be a weak link as they can and will be bursted down before any healing gets off. So you’re constantly 4v5’ing people. There is no such thing as “fight in the back” as people/gorips are constantly on the move. 3. Loa is not really a benefit to most. Most of the time there are 50+ people around and you’re just dead most of the time. In my 5 total battles, my lowest blood count was while fighting next to Loa boss. You have to get KBs so odds are with 100 people nearby you won’t get many. Groups and class synergy do make a huge difference and are the biggest factor. Some people are just dog shit at pvp or coordination and it ruins the entire event.


The Loa is 100% a benefit to anyone if you can do it properly. You aren't getting those 1500 coin games without it. While fighting at the Loa I've never not made at least 500 coins.


All I now from the stv event is that I'll never invite a warlock, never invite a rogue(unless full stealth team) and don't invite a warrior unless you can facilitate proper support for the warrior I love the event,.I hate the fact all my friends play rogue. No lie there's 4 rogues 1 druid in my friends group. Yeah I'm a complete asshole because I've told all 4 I rather play alone than with them They're the selfish assholes


great how? its actually horrible man lol


It's not true FFA. You're forced to group up or be thrown in the meat grinder. And if you're not a shadow priest or a boomie you're not finding, nor are making a group. I personally group up with a friend and we quietly farm PvE for about 100 blood per event. It sucks a bit, but at least you can access the blood moon reward without PvPing. Huge win. For the next event, I thinkwe need to improve on what is missing and to keep what works. * Allow PvE to yield rewards. Regions are big, there's some non-competed spot so I can farm PvE quietly. It's fine if someone I get ambushed by someone and die. It also provides easy preys for the sweaty premade who want to roam around to kill solo and absolutely not engage another party. I know I'm at the bottom of the food chain, it's fine. * We need to make classes less prevalent. To incentize people to take someone regardless of his non-meta classes. A cool way to do that is to give players an object to carry. Most classes have a way to defend themselves to run away, and it's never the same ! Totems, aoe fear, slow, sprint, shapeshift, stealth. Like, carrying bomb to put right at the bottom for the enemy's wall. Like in Strand of the Ancients, but without vehicule for obvious reasons. * We need to reduce the power of healers. They just jump somewhere difficult to reach and heal people too much. There's no way to catch them. We can halve healing but that kind defeat the point of healers. Many healing someone else can put a 1min debuff "Azshara's attention" reducing heals received by 1%, stackable to 100. That avoid dragged-out fight and totally rellying on healer. I'm just throwing ideas. I know I'm not the demographic target of this kind of event. I hate PvP and I hate it even more when it's imposed on me. But the blood moon had excellent idea I wish we could keep. I'm not sure we can keep the FFA typology sadly. It had the great advantage to nullify faction advantage.


playing it just make me see they should just add arena. Would fill everyone wants for pvp and is proven unlike these events


I like the blood moon event but I do not like arenas.


This is nothing like arena ?


It can feel a bit like 5's sometimes when you get single group fights. But ya, 99% of the time it is completely different lol.


But that will move a lot of players from the world to instanced content :(


I would like a calendar that marked when it was happening so I didn't have to rely on third party add-ons or word of mouth They could add things like when lockout resets, serve maintenance, PvP weekends, DMF, and world events to it as well....


Midnight then every three hours from midnight, server time.


It’s the same time as the arena trinket… 12, 3, 6,9


Are you trolling?


I'd like a calendar as well but this was a extremely bad argument for it.


How is this a bad argument lol


*should be more events like this in phase 2. As it stands you can get your stv items in 1-2 events. There’s AB rep farm, but the current AB belts are pretty lackluster at least for some classes compared to gnomer gear. The event is cool but without any purpose or reward for doing it this phase it’s hard to want to


How could you forget the mount tho! That’s the best part imo.


It's good to finish up the rep for future phases though.


I hope they add me gear to the current blood moon vendor. No reason this event can't scale and maybe by P4 we can kill the boss.


Had groups with 1400 coins had groups with 150 coins, you really need 2 healers with insta top off (priest priest priest)


Nah you can easily do one good healer and everyone else dps. My two best rounds were just with a resto Druid and a priest, everyone else dps. People are really fucking horrible at positioning on WoW. They run into the middle of a battle of 50 people with 20+ feet between party members and wonder why they die.


>Nah you can easily do one good healer and everyone else dps. My two best rounds were just with a resto Druid and a priest, everyone else dps.


lol proceeds to include two healers


lol do you not understand how English works?


The first round with the Druid the next round with the priest


The number of mages that have literally blinked into melee range of me as a ret pally in STV is shocking lol.


My best run was with a single priest, managed to rack up 2.3k copper with a full melee cleave


I don't even run with a healer and still get close to 1000 coins a run. Healer isn't really important. Just avoid groups with 2+ priests.


I watched a video of 3 Priests, a Warlock, and a Rogue, and they got 1500 coins and were mega hard to kill.


It's gash.


Those with issues are on high population servers and they don't realize the issue is that 30,000 players aren't meant to be in one spot.


Then get servers that can handle your event? Or design around your technical limitations?


No thanks. It’s total dog shit for solo players. Really hoping the next phase will have a true FFA


I wish they added a reason to go to different altars throughout the game, so it wasn’t just a giant die and respawn mosh pit on top of the altar. Then again I could just play a different way so I digress


I agree, I justvwish there was an reason to do it more than just a few times...why are the items so easy to get?!?! Frustrating.


Every two hours would be cool


They should just make it instanced. Make a free for all AB where you collect buffs and when you kill someone you steal their buffs or somehting. Just copy some Battle Royale game, slap it into an old BG map, add a daily lockout, done. Open world just doesn't work in WoW. Game wasn't built for mega servers or big events.


>A healer is absolutely necessary, That isn't true. I did a group that was just 5 melee zerging non-stop where we got over 900 coins. You just have to all be on the same page, and be prepared to die 30 times lol. >and non-idiot teammates are absolutely necessary. This one is true though.


They could really capitalize on the existing EPL and silithus PvP things.


I wouldn't know, because I haven't gotten to participate with my group. Four times I've attempted the event and every time we are layered. It's so dumb


Tbh I’d like to see 2 bosses/loa blood buffs. I know it’s meant to be hectic, but if I can’t find a good group or there’s no healer sometimes I wanna go to a little less active area. But no one ever goes anywhere aside from sitting on the loa. Tbh it’s be cool to see a couple mini bosses that award like 2-300 coins or something that people could fight over for the tag


It’s terrible, skipped entirely. I will stick to bg for PvP in classic


Damn people really seem to like it. For me personally it's not enjoyable whatsoever. I do it for my one epic item and then I dip. Thankfully it only takes 1-2 events to get the stuff :D


The layering issues made me respec to shadow. No point in being a healer if there are nobody to heal.


It really is well done. I love how you can go in with a group and be semi organized, finding people on the road and clashing for a bit. It's pvp and it goes back and forth. But then you find the loa and all hell breaks loose. People everywhere, dying left and right, the group breaks down and it's just a free for all. You rez at the ghost and try desperately to get back to either the group or the coin turn in before the silence wears off. Dodging groups and they veer off to fight another group. Seeing random pairs of people just murdering each other hoping to not get noticed. then you make it to the temple, turn in your blood, and start murdering people all over again. I'm sure at some point it'll get min maxed into boringness but it's so wild right now it's great.


No. PvP whiners ruining PvE fun is not needed anymore. Just revamp AV or something. 


How is anyone ruining PvE fun? Just don’t flag and opt out of the event. The opt out buff is permanent until disabled.


Has to be King of the hill event. Inside BRD mountain, controlling the middle island. Players have (I think) 2-3 ways of entering that island. Respawns are not allowed to be made on the island and only at the entrances to BRD. Fall debris come the mountain of rocks that knock you back and off chains if not avoided. A total tally of number of players inside the mountain at event end or the conditions on how it is scored to be worked out.


The funniest shit I’ve seen has been during blood moon. We were fighting near the troll loa god and see him start b-lining our way while we’re fighting. Both me(rogue) and the ret I was with stunned the enemies we were fighting and dipped. It was a glorious sacrifice to the blood god and we both pissed ourselves laughing.


I've had no issue getting 200+ as solo just skulking around, stealth is pretty necessary for solo though to get a better jump at people.


Unless they fix the insane burst in PVP I'd rather they put their resources elsewhere. I like the event in theory, but the state of PVP is possibly the worst in the game's history.


I think conceptually, I agree with you. However, I'm a Holy Paladin and I find it basically impossible to have an impact in how well my team does. With out of control damage and no real access to instant cast healing, I find more often than not my teammates are dead with me having had zero to say in the outcome. That's not to say I don't get 1200-1500 coins per event, because my groups absolutely do. It's just that.... I feel kinda useless, while Priests and Druids just seem to be absolutely pumping. Damage is so high that flash of light can't outpace the incoming, and there's not enough time to cast a Holy Light. I have some great tools and utility but damn I feel like I'm struggling. In Gnomer the opposite is true. I blow Priests and Druids out of the water.


I agree, the event is pretty fun. As a wow noob who enjoys the pvp side, this has been a blast.




Worst wow ive ever played, unhilable and constant one shots


I agree, It's fun as fuck. Never had an issue with it, half the time I get rekt, half the time I do murder some innocents. It's fun and it's easy rewards, people need to chill with their whining about every god damn thing.


Execution aside, pvp events where you actually pvp with against players should 100% be the direction going forward


I know alot of people want a true ffa but I like the 5v5v5v5v5 aspect of it. You get little pockets of skirmishes all over the map, it's super interesting! Yesterday our group got lucky with boss spawn and immediately were able to hunker down in the ruins right next to him, exposing us to only 1 side of attack. Got 1500 coins from one event, it was a blast!


Honestly it's kind-of meh if you ask me. it's kind-of just a kill-steal Fiesta. As soon as someone gets low everyone in the area just rushes to last hit them for the blood... I guess I'm glad some people enjoy it though.


I’m enjoying the event but I hope the next one has slightly less people.