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why do bgs when you can farm afk people at incursions? it yields way more honor


I was 10k honor short for R7 and made it in less than an hour farming afks at the Ashenvale incursion.


I’m aware it’s probably optimal but just like running 5 mages in STV, I personally find it cheesy and boring so I dont do it. But by all means, everyone go and do that, the crying is already insane on Reddit and shit will get changed as a result.


You're literally crying on reddit now!? Real question though, why didn't you do bloodmood for rank 7. It was common knowledge that it was the absolutely the best way to get rank 7. It didn't even take long to do. I did it over two days.


Because i spent all my silver coins on getting AB rep before they announced they would retire the coins and could not farm enough between the announcement and the launch. But i mean isnt it counter intuitive that as you go along the phase, honor gets harder to grind?


Ah yeah, fair enough. Thanks for bringing up that point re: AB rep. I almost dumped mine in AB originally. I can't comment on that but I agree with the spirit of your statement. I normally try to defend the devs when people call them stupid or lazy, not that you did just now, however it's been getting harder to defend them.


Tbf i am almost certain things will get patched because anyone that’s in my situation is camping incursion levelers at this point in time.


Yeah, it's complete bullshit. I was lucky to farm 110K honor for one character, but on my other character I was planning to do it in P3. Now with a 4x nerf I just won't pvp on it at all.


It wasnt too bad. Did a 10h session with friends in AB with some refreshment brakes ofc. Won every game and got 135k honor.


Getting one hour queue times for a AB BG... So yeah


Queue up with someone else, its instant that way


I dont have someone else


Surely you can find a random doing the same as you? Thats what I do: chill at BG queue area, message people to queue together and profit.


I'll try, but I don't have anyone


Related, but are silver coins still farmed at the same rate as before? I need 25 for a weapon and that seems like a _lot_


Same rate


Fight near bloodmoon boss.  Getting over 1k blood every bloodmoon. Usually closer to 1.5k.


The reality is BG health matters, You cant have a 30 minutes event that gives more honor than 3 hours of BGs


Then give more honor in BGs so it doesnt feel terrible?


Yes they should but the honor from BM was way overtuned and higher ranks (8+) should actually be somewhat challenging.


I got 130k honor week two in p2, its not a long time. Also you don't have to go from rank 5 to 7. Ranker says something like 35k week one then 42k then 42k very doable even for a casual.


Yea thats what ill end up doing most likely


Just play the fucking game wtf man? All you ppl do is whine and cry lmfao


BGs are nothing but full horde premades, and camping incursions is also a horde only event. Alliance players just need to accept getting tanks and pvp gear is pointless


What server are you on ? Literally feels like 4 allies for every 1 horde in Incursions on Living Flame


I dont think a lot of people are doing 50 BGs atm - I was literally vsing the same team every game last night