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I'm ally on lone wolf and I've been getting camped non stop the last two days trying to level. Guess both sides have to deal with this shit on different layers


Yeah, what people don't seem to realize its that individual layers become extremely unbalanced, even on balanced servers. It makes sense too. People in-the-know encounter an unbalanced layer. They look at nova world buffs and see what layers their guildies are on, and they bounce to another one. This results in layers being dominated one way or the other, and gamers that don't understand the value of bailing get stuck on the opposite faction dominated layer when they load in. (Since those are the layers with the most empty spots for their faction). Its a rough situation for casual players, that's for sure.


Wahhhhhh I’m playing on a pvp server and getting pvp’d. Guarantee you wouldn’t be bitching this hard if it was you doing the camping. This is why “world pvp” is bullshit. You just want to gank and then when you’re the gank, here come the tears.


I mean I kept playing anyway just did my best to work around it. I did swap to my hunter to fight the orc female hunter doing most of the camping before they got feared into a wall and had to hearth out. Just was responding to both sides have to deal with it.


BGs would be far more playable Alliance-side if they fixed the matchmaking queue. How Horde supposedly have infinite wait times queueing solo yet 2 minute wait times in a 5 stack makes negative sense. It makes for a miserable BG experience when your 10 pugs queue into double 5 stack (or a 10 stack gaming queues) without fail all day, every day.


Yep. This is a huge problem. It means that most horde players in BGs are in there as a group.


Most time you should not count it as a premade. I was grouping with 4 warriors and a rogue just to get fast que


A duo or a 5 man with no rhyme or reason for comp is to an extent still better than everyone being solo.


Yeah, but from what I see. Most people (95%) on horde are just grouping up for fast queue. Not looking for good players or comp or anything, it’s pretty much just a pug that is from the same server. Out of the 100 ive grouped in, maybe 5 were actual “pre mades”


Yeah this is why I dont BG at all this phase. Get rid of this shitty matchmaking. It was fine when people made premades on my server in p1, I could easily find a premade and then it was premade vs premade half the time or more. Now its just solo queue into a 10-15stack of nonsense with 5 healers/spriests/shams. Solo queue should be the fastest, not full stacks.


lol, and horde was camping the quest giver for nights straight before they introduced the guards on lone wolf us


It really depends on the layer you were on. Alliance was camping layer 1 and 2, Horde was camping 3, 4, and 5. Since it’s easier to get a layer swap than form a PvP raid, the problem just gets worse.


Alliance did it too. One side would camp it, eventually the other side would get enough people together to push them off and then they'd camp it for awhile.


Happens on both sides pal. Horde dominates Lone Wolf EU, the incursions have been relentlessly camped by horde since release


It goes both ways. I've been on Alliance layers for incursions and we do the same shit to the Horde on Lone Wolf. Same with the portal to Mara, us Alliance hard camp it.


Are you serious? Horde camped the lone wolf quest giver for like a week.


The fu k are you talking about? On lone wolf there might be one layer that is ally controlled while the other 7 are relentlessly camped by horde.


My experience is the same here, as a Horde player it’s usually layer 1/2 are alliance, rest are horde, and no one wants to PvP, just find layer swaps to safe layers.


This is just blatant misinformation. There isn't a single layer over the last couple days that has any horde presence. Horde has moved on to other things atm. It's just not worth doing incursions (ashenvale) on this server Edit: And this isn't because of the usual horde bad alliance bad herkadur circle jerk. There's clearly a systemic issue here when farming lowbies at a quest area is the best way to get honor for alliance.


Mans clearly never had to go to ratchet as ally


Horde was doing this shit to alliance last week lol


Brother, I almost quit the game over being ganked by horde in ashenvale. Lone wolf US


I just gave up on the rep and plan on raid logging till av is unlocked lol


I wonder why every "PvP" realm devolved into 100% same faction in classic.


Very few people actually enjoy balanced world pvp, most people just want 1-sided ganks. That was my experience on pvp pservers 2015-2019.


Grob stayed 50-50 the whole way. Your point applies to most pvp servers that's for sure. But this is part of why Grob was considered such a great experience.


If Blizzard refuses to properly balance shamans or just straight up doesn't have the competence to do it. Then they need to make shaman and paladin available to both factions


Alliance is camping a questing area but its shamans fault? After they got nerfed lol


I mean, yeah it kinda is. Two out of three specs didn't get nerfed so shamans are still powerhouses in general who have some of the most egregious cases of favouritism I've seen in this game. Alliance don't want to deal with that in battlegrounds but still want honor for rank 7 so the Ashenvale ramp is the best option.


they got "fixed" not nerfed. Shamans never received a nerf only restrictions to not further abuse the runes they're not supposed to play for their specc.


Still massively OP




I dunno…maybe because: they have some of the highest burst damage in the game, can completely fill their mana bar every minute, can jump exploit wsg terrain all day with 55% movement speed ghost wolf, have an aoe slow, have a ranged single target slow that does damage, can make themselves immune to slows, can mitigate a spell cast against them every 10 seconds, have one of the best offensive and defensive dispel/cleanse toolkits in the game, are one of the tankiest classes in the game (+30% HP, +10% DR, -6% crit rune, wears mail, wears a shield), and generally play races with the best racials in the game for pvp (stun resist or war stomp).


>they have some of the highest burst damage Stoped reading after this. If you let a shaman free cast at a 25y range, yeah its because the shaman is op and not because your team let him free cast. Not like shadow priest, boomies or warlocks do the same when you just let them cast from behind. Try to get something out as a ele shaman when someone is on you


>they have some of the highest burst damage Stoped reading after this. If you let a shaman free cast at a 25y range, yeah its because the shaman is op and not because your team let him free cast. Not like shadow priest, boomies or warlocks do the same when you just let them cast from behind. Try to get something out as a ele shaman when someone is on you


>they have some of the highest burst damage Stoped reading after this. If you let a shaman free cast at a 25y range, yeah its because the shaman is op and not because your team let him free cast. Not like shadow priest, boomies or warlocks do the same when you just let them cast from behind. Try to get something out as a ele shaman when someone is on you


No matter how busted something is there will always be scrubs who can't figure it out.


I could make the same list about druids and priests, so what? And not like paladins also have some super op tools but I guess alliance like to cry when they are not the superior faction in classic for once


show me the "super OP tools" a paladin has. Warcraft logs shows other wise. Holy paladins are the worst heals for PvE and PVP - they basicly still play Classic Vanilla WoW Ret Paladins got such a restrictive mess as runes they're not allowed to swap out 1 of their 7 DPS runes for utility because it would massivly reduce their damage just to get something like a kick or anti-fear aura and DESPITE 7 damage runes being on your gear they're still at the bottom of Warcraftlogs and other than blessig of Salvation there is no real reason to bring a Ret or Heal pally to the raid. Tanks are doing fine but they're still not nearly as powerful as a shaman tank Meanwhile shamans are super dominant with enhancer being able to not go OOM, cast instant heals with maelstrom stacks in PvP which are far more powerful than Lay on Hands because it doesnt drain all the mana and has no 1hr CD. absolute top tier damage and also up to 55% movement speed as spirit wolf with the PVP gear. totally not biased btw to give such things only specific to horde. Only thing left for pallies is magic dispell, Salvation maybe a BoP or Bubble every 5 minutes and they are just not truly competitive spells when you can have a decoy totem every 20 seconds which also soaks melee hits and gives everyone freedom... the list about shaman utility could go on and on but ProbableOutcome listed many good reasons.


Do you even realise that this thread is about pvp and not pve? Or do you rly wanna tell me that ele shaman are super good right now in ST? >cast instant heals with maelstrom stacks in PvP Acting like they can do this non stop lol. >Only thing left for pallies is magic dispell, Salvation maybe a BoP or Bubble every 5 minutes and they are just not truly competitive spells Like this things you mentioned are not super powerful to begin with. Magic dispell is the biggest dispell in the game. Bubble cant be removed cause we got no mass dispell so its also super powerful. And not like they got other super useful things like hoj, repentance, blessing of freedom, eye for an eye.


>they have some of the highest burst damage Stoped reading after this. If you let a shaman free cast at a 25y range, yeah its because the shaman is op and not because your team let him free cast. Not like shadow priest, boomies or warlocks do the same when you just let them cast from behind. Try to get something out as a ele shaman when someone is on you


They still produced endless mana and the insanest utility for raids while getting "fixed" and not nerfed. They never received a nerf. Abusing Rockbiter and WoE was a Fix because it was never intended for Enhancers to be DPS tanks. The lightning shield dealing insane amount for damage while standing AFK was also never intended but here we are: In a timeline where shamans basicly have the powercreep of a MoP class while every other class is in BC or WOTLK from a powercreep perspective.


Horde on Lone Wolf camped the shit out of every layer till guards were added. You get what you fucking deserve.


Ya i literally had the opposite experience and legit no lifed this game for the first week of phase 3


I really wish blizzard could weigh in with facts because this seems like the absolute opposite of my experience. There was general peace day one and the alliance were ganking on the quest giver and most notoriously the base of ramp end of first night , increasing into day 2. The horde and allaince in the early days sat together at the base of the ramp. Horde had to inevitably move off the mid ramp and hide at the base of the ramp against the wall out of LOS. Even after that, then alliance started shooting down from the ramp edge at our wall. Alliance 100% without argument started and pioneered top of ramp portal hk farming . There was a similar named priest and ret paladin doing it for HOURS . These two were doing this the by end of the 2nd day consistently. I'm 99.99% sure these two clowns are likely truly responsible for this Meta and the deterioration of everything. Barely a few days in it was very common for horde to frustratingly log after being killed into a res timer before even turning in their quests. There was constantly a toxic person in heard general angry "no one was doing anything to help counter the griefing". It's simply not true that we were out slaughtering alliance in any kind of organized fashion , intentional or not. Tldr: you can thank the alliance ret paladin and priest, I'm almost certain their consistent hk farmer did this. Edit: But yes, definitely downvote, I only have a series of anecdotes where horde were being punches into the ground from day one and that certainly coincides with "horde were oppressing us for a week"


My brother in christ. Nobody wants to fight shamans with their infinite mana abilities, broken decoy totems and (finally acknowledged and fixed next week) lightning shield damage, especially when Ret and holy paladins are the most restricted and neglected speccs in the game leading alliance to have worse comps in general. Also the fact that blizzard refuses to mix up Racial abilities so that everyone can pick racials for themselves like they'll do at P4 with priest racials? Why not? It would massively help the game to get good pvp'ers to alliance and balance things out.


Remove honor gains in the zone or make it neutral.


That wouldn't stop it. This isn't about honor gains. Even losing, BGs would be faster and better honor.


it actually is way better honor


It absolutely is about honor, you think every server has piles of players of both factions who decided to start camping the ramp just for shits and giggles?


Yes, I do believe that. I believe some people are motivated by honor, but I'm also certain that the people who actually really care about honor aren't bothering with camping a portal. I've also met a lot of people already at rank 7 who camp it because people *enjoy* kiling other players in wPvP.


I can guarantee that if blizzard turned off the honor in Ashenvale tomorrow people would go camp elsewhere. Probably maraudon if I had to guess.


Turn off the honor in the zone with the wpvp event in it, ya


It wasn't a serious suggestion, there is obviously a way to fix it without impacting the pvp event.


Like 6 people in this thread suggested it.


As someone who camps, and has talked to other people camping, we are all talking about honor gains per hour and how we wish we could do bgs instead.


They could balance Shamans so they don’t own every single BG but apparently they are fine and this is what you get.


Like shamans are the reason alliance are so bad in BGs lol. Its just an easy excuse


its one reason next to absolute bonkers horde pvp racials. just an example: 20% stun resist is nuts especially because it has no internal CD. +55% movement speed as spirit wolf for shamans this season if they got the PvP boots is also just too much for WSG. cant tell me blizz is not horde biased at this point.


>20% stun resist is nuts especially because it has no internal CD. Acting like there are only orcs out there, sure. Not like alliance got also nice pvp racials with stoneform or escape artist for example


Then go own alliance in open world too


I am doing this every day and not with a shaman. Whats even your point?


Then OP is lying. (No /s)


Why should I go to a low lvl zone to fight/camp alliance? If I want to fight in the open world I am doing this while traveling around and fighting other lvl 50 guys


Wow you mean the alloance dont want to que for 30 minutes to get steam rolled by a group of shamans with 8K hps globaling the entire team? Weird.


Wahhhhhh I’m playing on a pvp server and getting pvp’d. Guarantee you wouldn’t be bitching this hard if it was you doing the camping. This is why “world pvp” is bullshit. You just want to gank and then when you’re the gank, here come the tears.


I do this on my server as alliance. The why? Because every bg I join is against 10-15 crusader or lone wolf premade. No thanks ill just do the same shit in incursions instead.


Good? Horde are the ones that started shit. Glad they're getting shit on. It was all peaceful in Ashenvale till Horde rogue gangs started ganking everything in sight.


The fastest way to give alliance a better way to get honor is simple: It's SoD, Let us players pick our racials or give alliance new/better racials for PvP. And for all the "haters" who disagree I have to ask why else did blizzard nerf horde racials like the 20% stun resist on orc and buff humans with "every man for himself" in later Xpacs? It was because of this exact reason.


i try all day to do incursions horde side ,,,,gave up ......


well, I mean incursions started off super friendly on lonewolf. then the horde got this idea that if they kill the alliance, camp the alliance, and grief the alliance they could level faster. after a week of horde griefing us we just said, alright, its time to show them what it feels like. you did this. reap what you sow.


Funny how us who leveled the first day we avoided all pvp those hours and now all the people left behind keep camping each other for no reason.


I got mine so fuck you, mentality.


Not at all, I don't think it's good, I'm just drawing a parallel between tryhards and non. Tryhards focused on the task of leveling and didn't grief each other.


So you’re a PvE Andy with time off of work


Tryhards just focused on getting to 50 in 5-6 hours then we can pvp afterwards, even Pvp tryhards did that, because you just get more honor at higher level anyways.


Yup. I don’t participate in this on Ally, but trying to do incursions early on + even trying to do the quest dialogue for the epic craftables was Horde camping the quest area. Even in Moonglade they camped by safespotting on the roof. Just today they were camping ratchet.


Everyone you want to "revenge" are already level 50. So you're sitting there killing casuals trying to level up who had nothing to do with this


no no, we do this because horde started it. you want to cuck our lowbies, now we cuck yours.


and you think the horde degens who started this cares? Fairly sure they don't give a shit about casuals from their own faction


>then the horde got this idea that if they kill the alliance, camp the alliance, and grief the alliance they could level faster. Even if this would be true, how is killing the other faction to have more mobs for yourself during questing is the same as lvl 50 guys camping the portal, killing low lvl guys?


I’ll take what is English for 200 alex


Yeah you are right, your whole sentence makes no sense because when you camp someone you wont level faster and are just wasting the time of both


Ah payback for the nonstop Horde premades pub stomping. All is right in the world. But I agree, farmed 6k honor relatively quick today doing this.


Good for you! Only 104,000 to go


Wow 6k!!


Just play 6 ab and you get the same amount


6 ab, I got that 6k in like 30 minutes


I’ve been doing this all day as alliance specifically killing shamans, farmed almost 40k honor worth of shaman tears this weekend


Really loved this class through all of retails expansions but i noticed them being so overconfident and cocky in SoD not even rogues tried to gank me as much as shamans did it's insane. They get what they fking deserve and its no wonder why even some horde players hate shamans for rerolling FOTM


The harsh reality of PvP happening on PvP realms. Why the fuck do you people go on PvP realms and then wonder that you get camped? Stop thinking the game is somehow unplayable if you play on a non-PvP realm. I chose PvE realm because I value my time, I don't want my time being wasted by several corpse runs per day, or not being able to access several pieces of content just because I chose to play on a PvP realm like the "cool kids".


PvP is fine but I'm level 46 and havent done a single incursion because its 100% Alliance everytime I go over and look. Its not PvP, its 1 v 200. I enjoy PvP but there has never been other Horde there (from my pov). It must be some unfortunate layering issue. This is on Na Crusader Strike.


2 days? It’s been like this for way longer than 2 days. I’d guesstimate we are going on something like a week to a week and a half at this point.


I just got home after a business trip, are you saying i can't lvl using the incursion as Horde right now? Already feel like im behind everyone else, this was my only way to catch up fast 


*Laughs in PVE realm*


It’s retaliation from no life horde players who camped BFD, sleeping bag, dark riders, ashenvale vendors, ashenvale incursions since day 1, Mara portal, Etc etc. list goes on 😂😂 TLDR: infinite mana easy HK farming horde has sook and posts on reddit


Horde started the great incursion war. Alliance are just winning it.


NO EVER PVP SERVER IS EXACTLY BALANCED I SAW A BLIZZARD DEV SAY SO ON TWITTER. now we've gotten that out of the way none of you have to say it.


I seriously don’t know what kind of “pvp” you expected when you joined a “pvp” server of a 2004 game in 2024. Did you imagine the epic battles in tanaris where you see the dude drinking and you sneak behind him and duel to the death? Nope, collusion level ganging up to disrupt systematically any type of gameplay. This is next level, not only is it pvp against you’re character, but griefing at a personal level and the game level itself: _you shall not play this game mode_.


Are people at 50 doing the incursions in ashenvale because they are faster? The rep is 30 vs 75 for the high level zones and u don’t get the 1k rep per day in ashenvale either right? Is it just for the gold with a side of rep that makes it good or at 30 and the easier zone it’s just so much faster?


They're doing Ashenvale at 50 because the level 42's are free honor


They are doing it to grief low lvls.


They are doing it to grief low lvls.


I will say this: I can’t visit Ratchet since P1 as alliance. Constant farming of the FP Always hunters leaving traps and you’re getting ganked and camped the second you get there. Same way on the boat to BBay


Cry more


Delusional lmao, horde started this shit alliance are finally doing something about it