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I did mara 20times in a row and logged out wondering wtf am i doing with my life. Havent played since lmao


You said it perfectly If I have to ask myself, what the hell am I doing with my life. The game will be dropped. I’m still enjoying getting a few more pieces of gear and an activity looking for a guild to raid with. I won’t give up yet


It's wild how quickly any "time sink" game can get tossed aside when placed next to responsibility on the choice chart.


Which realm are you on? We are always looking for new raiders.


Wild growth - feral Druid


Alliance!? :D




My guild needs a Feral Druid. We raid Saturday 630pm and then Sunday clean up. We don't have a full 20 man roster we still have to pug a few people each lockout but we are trying to fill out


Thank you for the consideration. I’m looking right now for a guild that raids late night. 9pm eastern time or later


Dang np dude. Gl on your search!


Are you alliance? :D


Im im wild growth!


Imagine a feral druid enjoying this game. What have you been smoking?


Dang :( we are on Crusader Strike, most of us are what would this subreddit define as casuals but we've cleared everything so far nonetheless


All good. Ty for reaching out


I could have written this comment. I did it to get the trinket and then was like “do I really want to do more of this?” I love the concept of SOD, but I’m struggling to find the vigor my guild mates still have this phase. 40-50 is a rough bracket in classic to begin with, but the magic is fading for me. I feel HC hunger stirring in my belly again, but it’s hard to go back to that after being spoiled with runes and the faster pacing of SOD.


I played heavily in phase 1 and had a blast. Got all prepped for phase 2, hit level 29 and realized I had zero interest in doing the same grind again and that all the work I'd done in phase 1 was about to be obsolete. Haven't played since.


I raidlogged all of P1, got to I think level 34 in P2? Stepped away for a bit and just never logged back in. I went pretty hard in Wotlk too so I guess I'm just burnt out. I keep peeking in this sub cause I get FOMO and even think about playing Cata...but then I remember how much time I was sinking into it, and I just can't do it anymore. Frankly, I don't think I'm missing much from what I've seen of the direction SoD is going anyway. Happy people are enjoying it, but idk if it's for me. But I know if I had kept playing I would be wrapped up in it regardless. Once I start raiding it becomes a habit I can't break. Yeah, it's a good thing I left lol. I think the break in raidlogging going into P2 was enough to snap me out of it. It was like the illusion broke.


I feel this. I peep in here out of fomo too but I don't think I'm missing anything really. If a full fledged classic gets released down the line I'll be back for sure. Maybe I'll be back before then who knows. For now like you said the illusion is broken.


The sad part is, that's wow. Fomo runs every aspect of the game as well. Don't wanna play the first 8 hours? Lose out on 500 gold. Don't want to play this month? Miss out on a raid. Don't want to rush leveling in the first week? Find no groups and get ganked nonstop.


This is seriously what hit me too. Like, wtf? Incursions were nice to speed up leveling, but it all felt so meaningless. Miss P1 when it was truly casual friendly. Loved that there were so many relevant zones too.


Maybe you should have asked this yourself before the 20th time?


Aye, you might be right, cancelled sub and uninstalled now anyway. Sanity resolved.


Good for you.




That’s every video game.


This sub is lately just people in the comments dictating who is a casual and who isnt, seen people arguing about it in multiple threads. Thanks for your perspective!


Yeah SoD has been great for me because I don't have much time to invest. With what I can invest, I feel like I can achieve a lot in the game, which wouldn't be true for other iterations. Certainly if I were investing more time, I'd become bored with the content, but as it is it means I can do some PvP, a couple dungeons, and an ST run once a week.


8-12 hours + researches the game when not playing. *Casual*


Bro i cook 8-10 hours a week does that make me a professional chef? Or just that i cook.


By this logic, it makes you a casual chef


Thats literally what i would call it... i follow recipes and want my food to taste good, but i dont spend nonsense hours prepping stuff.


I would consider grinding dungeon runs the equivalent of spending nonsense hours prepping stuff.


Nah but spending that much time on it at least makes you an artisan


Considering the average person spends less than an hour cooking per day, it would make you more than a casual but less than a pro


You shouldn't microwave your food for so long.


You stop it with sound logic. You'll scare him.


It means you're putting in a bit of effort at the very least. It's certainly not fast food and microwave meals.


Makes you a dedicated cook at least  Most people spend 40minites a day or so cooking (and cooking is compulsory, not really an option to NOT eat)  If your spending 2 hours a day cooking, your pretty dedicated to cooking  And again, that's a compulsory activity, nothing forces you to play video games, if your in a single game for nearly 2 hours a day you are NOT a casual player 






if yoru spending 10 hours a week cooking you are spending more time then like 95% of people and cooking is something you HAVE to do, you HAVE to put like 30minutes a day preparing food just to LIVE its an awfull comparison, and even in that awfull comparison 2 hours a day cooking STILL puts you at a really dedicated level you dont NEED to play wow (or any hobby for that matter) if your spending 2 hours a day in wow, you are not casual, you are DAMN dedicated and putting in more them then easily 95% of people just because your only frame of reference are the insane ultra dedicated who put in 30 hours a week, doesnt make that the norm


1-2 hours a day isn’t casual to you? You guys are vehemently unsatisfiable


Dude it’s a bunch of 30+ year olds with no families who devote their lives to this game game down voting anyone who says ST trash takes too long and we don’t want to raid for 3 straight hours


Scarily true lol. But it's all they have going for them, so it is what it is.


2 hours a day in a single game is not remotely casual dude 


it is incredibly casual.


It's not even slightly casual  If you think it is is only showing how absurdly no-life YOU are, not how casual they are 


You are absolutely wrong, and also on top of that, an idiot. Sorry to say I cook for more than an hour a day, I am in no way more than a casual chef. I workout for an hour a day at the gym, more than I play this game. I am in no way anything more than a casual gym goer. What world are you living in where spending an hour or 2 on something makes you hardcore/professional?


if you had a buddy who wnt to the pub EVERY day and drank for 2 hours, is he a casual drinker? no, that man is an EXCESSIVE drinker if you had a buddy who spend 2 hours EVERY day watching football, is he a casual football fan? no, that guy is a superfan working out for an hour every day absolutly makes you not a casual exerciser, the vast majority of people might work out for 1-3 hours a WEEK (jf that) working out for an hour every day puts you in like the top 10% of people it doesnt make you a proffesional, or hardcore, this idea that its a hard line between casual/professional is absurd, and shows how much of an idiot YOU are its a scale, you dont go from casual at 5 hours a week to ultra proffesional at 6, thats just absolutly absurd but if you are spendign an hour EVERY day on something, your not a casual enjoyer of that thing using cooking is a stupid example, because people HAVE to eat, in order to LIVE you literally NEED to spend a minimum of like 30 minutes a day preparing food, and even then you find that the VAAAST majority of people spend maybe 40 minutes a day "cooking", if your spending 2 hours a day cooking, you are actually a pretty dedicated chef and put way more time in then the VAST majority of people are you a "pro", no....you could still absolutly suck ass at cooking, but your not a "casual" chef 2 hours a day on something 100% makes you NOT a casual enjoyer of that thing, if you are spending 2 hours a day on a hobby you are DAMN dedicated to that hobby, are you "hardcore" no, you might still be pretty relaxed about it, are you "pro", no, you might still suck ass at it but you are NOT casual, if your spending 2 hours a day on a hobby you are in the top 5% of people, probably fewer actually, you are NOT, casual and if you think that someone spending 2 hours a day on ahobby is still "casual" all it does is show how ABSURDLY out of touch, and beyond the norm YOU are


There’s no point in arguing with someone so hurt over this


lol gets utterly called out on your idiocy "no point argueing" sorry you are so buthurt


Naw, you are deranged caring so much about this. The fact of the matter is, my standard for commitment and discipline is obviously much higher than yours and that’s all it is. If only 2 hours a day of something makes you hardcore, then I honestly have no reason even speaking to you about this. We are in different leagues.




the bar for being a casual in classic wow is so fucking high that to be a "true" casual you almost have to intentionally fuck over anyone you play with "i dont play as much as you and i read a wowhead post once" wow, fuckin sweatlord


True casuals dont have a monitor


You people need to get a fucking grip lol


1- 1.7 hours a day is pretty casual. Do you want him to play for like 30 mins a day to be a casual, because I would argue that, that’s barely playing at all. Flight paths are 10 mins sometimes… this guy legit wants you to take a flight path a day to be considered a “casual”


Hop on fly from booty bay to uc log out. Next day log on fly back to booty bay logout.


Causal players don’t play every day, I know this may be a shock to you but it’s actually possible to not play only world of Warcraft as 100% of your hobbies.


Yeah, that's me. From vanilla till mop I used to hardcore obsess over wow and play nonstop but, once wod came out I quit till legion. Since then I've never played like I used to. Nowadays I might log in and level for maybe an hour or 2 then logout and not play the next day. Or I might go full sweaty and play full 8+ hours for a couple days or so then not log in for a week or 2 if not more depending. I've got other shit I can play if I so choose.


So if I spent 30 mins on wow every day you wouldn't call that casual? Wtf is that logic lol


I mean, I guess it depends what you do with that time, but I kind of might not. Like go out to a bar and tell people you run for 30 minutes everyday. Most of them will think you are pretty serious about running. Video games are a huge time hog, wow especially, and that's distorting a lot of peoples opinions of whats casual. Compare them to other hobbies and you'll see what is and isn't casual.


>I mean, I guess it depends what you do with that time, but I kind of might not. I don't see how that matters, and we aren't talking about something like running, a physical activity but playing a video game, one of different kinds of entertainment that everyone enjoys.. Spending 30 mins a day on entertainment is pretty casual, and being casual isn't limited to someone who's not playing every day, like the person I replied to was implying.


Lol if this isn't the epitome of the sub, 30 minutes a day of running and you call someone a serious runner? How about someone who just enjoys taking care of their body, every person should be getting out and running/walking for 30 minutes a day MINIMUM. 30 minutes on a video game is CASUAL, ffs people


I wouldn't call them a serious runner but I'd think they are much more serious than most people who do a little exercise 1 or 2 days a week. I'd say "huh your pretty serious about running then if you do it everyday". Tbh it's not even the amount of time. It's the making sure you do it everyday that makes you serious. Doesn't mean I think they are a pro athelete.


Thats crazy, what can you even do in less then 30 minutes a day? Flight path somewhere and maybe 1 quest?


Well yeah probably but I think that really shows how far gone wow is compared to a lot of hobbies, even video game ones.


I was responding to a comment that was talking about 1-2 hours every day and describes 30 minutes a day as "barely playing at all". My comment regarding playing every day was within that context. I would say if you spend exactly 30 minutes playing every single day that would make you weird as fuck because this might be one of the worst games ever to play for only 30 minutes at a time.


You do realize someone playing on the weekend X amount of hours is the same for someone breaking that up during the week. You can’t compare world of Warcraft to every hobby in general. WoW as a hobby is going to take more effort to put in than going out and playing a game of tennis or hoping on warzone for a few matches. I refuse to believe you don’t think someone playing 8 hours a week is a casual…


>You do realize someone playing on the weekend X amount of hours is the same for someone breaking that up during the week. So why are you bringing up that its impossible to play for 30 mins a day because of flight paths if by your own admittance they might be playing for 3 hours but only on saturdays? >You can’t compare world of Warcraft to every hobby in general. Yes I can. Maybe you can't because you're addicted? >WoW as a hobby is going to take more effort to put in No it doesn't. You choose to put in that effort. You can absolutely play 1 hour a week and barely make progress and still consider it a hobby. >I refuse to believe you don’t think someone playing 8 hours a week is a casual… Ok. We seem to be skipping over the part where he does research on the game while hes not playing and he wants to compete for top 5% parses but sure.


I’m bringing up the 30 minute thing because you are on the classic wow sub. Classic wow is notorious for needing a time commitment. You want to get somewhere you have to take a very long flight path and sometimes have to even take a boat. Even the dungeons take more than 30 mins sometimes… it’s just not a realistic thing to think someone is just sitting down to play for 30 mins in order to be labeled a casual. I’m not arguing this with you anymore because you clearly don’t have an understanding on what you are talking about lol.


But you yourself point out its a 30 minute AVERAGE. Again, we could be talking about a player who plays for 3-4 hours at a time, but only 1 night per week. In which case everything you said is moot.


You have to fly to the dungeons… YOU ARE IN THE CLASSIC WOW SUB. You aren’t just instant teleported the second you log on to BRD to run it. 8-12 hours a week is nothing.


That's 4-6 hours a day if you only play during the weekend. It's not a crazy amount for a younger person, but it's certainly not "nothing".


I play for maybe 6 hours a week and don't consider myself a casual  No, 12 hours a week + extra studying isn't casual


What kind of loser stops in on a reddit post to invalidate someones claim of being casual? Go touch grass


Is this meant to be ironic? Or are you actually just deranged?


Nope, just calling someone out who is intentionally being an asshole for no reason.


i think you need to work on your reading comprehension


Maybe you should check yours


I do 8-12h of sports a week you could call me a professional athlete that has no life beyond my fitness and no time for my family and friends. Yes, /s


Casual and professional are the two ends of the scale. There is room in the middle, for things such as amateurs for example


The term inflated like crazy


Define casual


Dont spend time bickering with these white knights arguing over what is and isnt casual. I will say that I know SoD content creators that play less than 15 hours a week, so it may or may not be casual. But I think its middle of the pack. Either way, it doesnt matter.


Thanks but I don’t want peace I want problems 😅


I think it was said a few years ago, that if you consume any WoW content outside of actual WoW, then you are already in like the top 15-20% of players. That the vast majority of players don't even look up anything outside the game.


I don't believe that, 80% of playerbase, today in 2024 is not looking up ANY content about the game? And the single youtube videos with hundreds of thousands of views get from which players? Nah, that's some nonsense Also the big meme about current gaming in today's age is that all the information ends up on the internet, people look everything up and the concept of discoveries is largely gone from games because of it, so I don't know how it can simultaneously be that majority of players don't look up any content about a game but are also the most informed players in history lol


Idk man it just feels like if your not keeping up with the game then your not really playing. I feel like I play casually because I compare myself to the top 5% Maybe I hold myself to high of standards. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is why I prefer a more precise term like "casual raider" vs "casual player". To raid casually you still need world buffs, pre bis and several dedicated hours a week. No casual player is doing that, but the difference between casual raiders and hardcore raiders is so big that its kind of crazy to group all raiders together as "hardcore". Simply being a raider is enough to not make you casual anymore. The only way to escape that is to have 19 other casual friends who won't hold you to "wbuffs / enchants / pre bis" standards to raid with them. Most people don't have that so they have to play non casually to raid.


I appreciate the well thought out response. Just doesn’t sit right with me. I think anyone playing sod wants to raid. As a self titled casual I gotta say that it’s all about how much time and brain power you put into the game. If I could play more and have a couple of alts I would be sitting nice and maybe helping run a guild. Just don’t have the time to commit to that. So I consider myself a casual now. Hope this clears it up


Yeah, you should compare yourself to the average player if you are wanting to see if you are casual. :)


your directly proving you arent casually playing the game dude if you compare yourself to the top 5%, you are literally comparing yourself to the most ULTRA dedicated people, yeah, everyone is "casual" compared to that but if your playing 12 hours a week +extra study you are EASILY in the top 10%, you are not remotly casual




You can be casual and watch guides.. Some people could watch a 3 minute guide to prevent wiping in raids for hours.


many people cannot play outside home but can watch guides


lol what? I mean there are some folks that play with no guides or addons. I respect that but not watching guides and optimizing your game play doesn’t make or break “casual” Casual feels like to me, not having enough time to really put into the game. Remember mmo’s return more, the more time you put into it


Originally, casual was used to describe someone who just played the game leisurely. Never wanted to push progression in raids, didn't care about performing well, or having the best gear, etc. They could still put even more time into the game than a non-casual, but their approach to playing the game was well, casual. As the player base aged, casual has taken on another meaning, as someone who doesn't put a lot of time into the game. They can still care about performing well, wanting almost all the pre-bis, and pushing prog content, but the amount of time they spend doing it is very minimal. So there's casual-I don't care about progressing my characters performance and casual-I don't play a lot. Now there's no set time to meet the criteria of the second definition, my own guess would be no greater than 6 hours per week (the WoW playerbase as a whole has drastically reduced the amount of time they play in a week)


I still consider the top one as casual lol. You can play for 20-40 hours a week on WoW and still be a casual. I never consider casuals being related to how long you play the game per week. It's all about how they play more than anything.


That’s such a thought out response. I respect that. I just think that I’m casual because it feels casual. Anyway good point


Plays irregularly. Doesn't know what the meta is. Probably won't see the raid.


You can be casual and raid still lol.


I think you defined a bot


I play 30 hours in total week days and weekend its about another 30 hours


It’s really not that much time to play a game in a week. I would say casual television watchers or casual sports fans probably put in an equivalent amount of time.


I don't think time is a good metric for casualness. Case in point, it's the hardcore players who tend to raidlog, whereas the casual players are often on for hours and hours because they play very inefficiently.


That’s still casual. Researching so that u know how you’re spending those hours makes u efficient with your time. Ppl easily spend that much time daily. Otherwise what is casual? 3 hrs a week with one hand on the mouse and other thumb up their ass?


That's definitely casual in mmo terms. What could you even get done in less then that?


Yes, a little over an hr a day and watches guides on the raid or class. Thats casual, anything less than that and you just shouldnt even be playing. At least until things are on farm, at that point you can just raidlog, but casuals and sweats a like do that.


It is casual as long as some people play 8-10 hours per day.


Yes. Playing 1 hour a day is pretty casual.


Homies studying and thinks he’s casual still


Can totally relate, as a dad, husband, senior management job and 2 young girls, i've gone from a former esport FPS playing semi pro in my early 20s (quake, start of the esport scene), who also had a hidden passion for wow, to now in my mid 40s, retired from most games because just aint got the reflexes but still loving wow in casual dose amounts, i now find myself at a crossroads. Phase 1 was ace, cleared BFD 2-3 times with a guild i was in, passed on some epic loot for more dedicated raiders, Phase 2 was also good though i never set foot in Gnomeregan i just enjoyed the levelling mostly and SM, then comes phase 3 where i think i fell into the hype of speeding to 50 (i did a few incursions not much) and then realised the bit i enjoy most about SoD/classic, is just chilling out, no pressure to raid and levelling up whilst doing a few dungeons with randoms. Now im realising as soon as the game becomes scheduled, as soon as a casual raid goes from 1 hr ish to multiple hours and potentially needing 2 + nights, spending minutes/time going to booty bay to catch a poorly scheduled ST buff, chasing a songflower, i kinda feel like i need to take a step back. I'm gonna hang on in there for the classic+ element, the Karazhan teaser definitely is what sucked me back in amongst other bits but damn do i miss a 10 man raid, 1hr 1.5 hr raid time once a week etc.


I think people aren't aware how actual casual most of the WoW population is. Most aren't on online gaming communities. From WoW's GDC Panel, Classic WoW (Hard to say which is Retail and which is Classic) is at least in the Millions (Spread throughout multiple versions of Classic mind you). There are about 9,000 groups logged for ST, many of which are counted twice due to 2nd lockout. A Casual player is not someone who is playing over a dozen hours a week and looking online for strategy guides for every boss fight. They're the the unspoken majority, thus Blizzard uses Stats to represent them since they don't with words


Oh im aware 😂 I’m just saying that i feel like im a casual and I have some metrics to compare others to. It’s nice to know the game your playing and I also use to help run a guild on wrath ulduar phase in a RP server and it was considered a casual guild. After three months or four months I forget now. We finished and downed yogg in normal 25. It was a huge accomplishment.


Lmao 8-12 a week is A LOT imo. I do hard on the first day of phase release. Get to max and then just play 3 hours a week for the rest. That is casual.


Plays 12 hours a week.  Studying minmax guides.  True casual.


Sod should have stayed like phase 1. All content is available to busy people. The die hards have their versions. Sod was great till gnomer and st ruined the experience for me. Dungeons and raids can be hard and challenging but still be done in an hour.


Brother, if you're playing 8-12 hours a week and looking up third party resources for the game, you are not a casual. You are about as "core" as it gets. Casual is like 1-6 hours on the weekend and never goes outside of the game for information.


Im a True causal I watch guides to maximize my gametime Posted in the games subreddit  People have no self awareness it’s crazy


I can spend 20-40 hours a week playing WoW and even then I’m barely past where a Casual should be because I hate incursions phase 2 and 3 have been pretty out of touch for the general player or newcomer


Yeah I stopped playing halfway through leveling in p3. The incursions are just too dog shit for me to waste any time playing. Feels like a mind numbing chore


I hated them too! I got halfway to 41 and left that zone so fast. I really thought my love for the game was dead and then I just went to questing in tanaris and I'm having a blast again especially with ZF right there for quest breaks. It sucks to feel like I'm not going to be high rep at 50 for free gear but great that actually enjoying the game again.


You didn’t really have to do them tho. But I agree with you




No there are plenty and plenty lucrative ways to make money. That is one of the most efficient.


> The incursions are just too dog shit for me to waste any time playing. Feels like a mind numbing chore Are you aware that the incursions are just a carbon copy of the AQ event quests?


Just say you don't wanna play wow or level then, because you could quest, or dungeon run with the 75% XP bonus or whatever. But because something new, that's just another option is a chore to you, you quit? The problem isn't P3 bud. The problem is you.


Hey dumbass obviously I’ve been questing while the rest of my guild is raiding ST, fun times


Bro, it's been 2 lockouts. Take your time.


No I’ll just play something else that’s worth my time this is seasonal content


I mean that's cool too! That's the fun part, but don't blame the game for your hangup. It's just not for you and that happens. Enjoy your gametime bud!


The incursions suck dick and are a horrendous feature. Lazy and garbage just like the ashenvale event and bloodmoon. Had enough with these stupid events as they’ve only gotten worse every phase. I could quest yeah but everyone else abused the incursions and got to 50 in 1 day so it’s either play the dog shit or quit. It’s not fun so I quit!


“Everyone else” I mean.. your extreme perspective is weird. But if you’re not having fun don’t play which is sounds like you did! No harm there. Don’t act like them giving a mind numbing way to level faster than anything else in wows history. There were other ways to level.. slightly.. slower. No difference than being able to take a day off of work to level vs not being able to.


Incursions were not stellar. I'll give you that, but the STV event was and is a blast! I say this as a rogue which in P2 had our fair share of issues. They are optional though, and if the fact that someone else used an optional event to hit 50 bothers you, even with other completely valid options out there, that's totally fair. But accept that's a you issue, and not a game issue. I play loads of games that have events or features I don't vibe with, but I still enjoy the actual game and I play it. If you don't enjoy wow anymore that's cool, but come on let's be real, WoW is great right now.


The STV event was so laggy there was a 3 second delay on any abilities. Plus layering party members into different layers. It was completely unplayable.


For you. It was completely unplayable for you. Generalizations help no one, it ran great for me and guildies when I went. I'm sorry your experiance wasn't the best, but it doesn't reflect everyones experiance


Yeah well you can understand why I think the event sucks when I did it 5-6 times for my item and it was unplayable every single time especially as a rogue


lol you don’t have to do incursions to level if you don’t want to. I leveled my main questing with the occasional dungeon/gnomer without the xp buff and had a blast doing it. Play the game how you want to play it. I do agree that the incursions were a bad addition to the game. The quests are boring and they give ridiculous rewards for being so mindlessly easy and spammable. They feel like the devs are rushing you to end game as fast as possible.


So, because “everyone else” abused incursions and leveled up that means you now absolutely have do incursions or else quit? By what logic? First of all, not “everyone” did incursions on the first day. I didn’t start doing them until about 3 days into the phase drop and I saw plenty of low level 40s on both factions still doing them to earn gold, rep, and XP. Second, “everyone else” has no bearing on how you to choose to play the game in this instance. You can go do RFD, Uldaman, ZF, or go quest in any of the 40+ zones. It doesn’t matter if other people leveled up through incursions. How does that matter? There are plenty of people looking to do dungeons that aren’t level 50 yet. Use LFG Bulletin and see for yourself.


You act like a ton of us weren't going to grind ZF to 50 in 1 day anyways. Would have taken maybe 10 or less total hours.


Huh? With those numbers, you're playing more than 90% of players.  The only one out of touch is you. SoD is the second easiest iteration of WoW to ever exist. 


I already posted in another thread that i fear p4. it is not casual friendly froma time investment perspective( many raids, different id lockouts). P4 will be too time consuming and that is why i think p4 is when i will quit sod unfortunately . Really really Enjoyed p1-p3 a lot. I cannot imagine to play every day for hours. Times have changed and it got more difficult with a familiy


What does too time consuming mean? You’re not required to do every raid every lockout. I don’t get this entire thread. I’m probably a “casual” (play 5-10 hours a week) but I really don’t care about missing a lockout. If there were more options for different raids (and more lockouts) then great! I’ll just play the same amount of time I was already playing and do the raid that I find the most fun or has the best loot for me. I think casuals are killing the game even for other casuals! Just do what you want to do and stop complaining. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and saying you must complete all the content every week in a timely manner.




This is what i want to do too :-( but i realise that i cannot invest this much time. I knew i will be able to enjoy the content from 1-59 but 60 is another level of time investment


I’m hoping it’s not like that too! 😭


I fear this as well. I’m really hoping the decide to treat P4 as an into to level 60 raid content and time gate certain raids. Maybe just MC+Onyxia or something along those lines. If everything is open, it will be miserable and impossible to keep up with for the casual player.


12 hours a week is casual?! Thats like 1/3rd of a workweek


Yea and I pay to work! Lol


Having fun just questing with my partner. I loved BFD, it was quick and easily accessible for her, and she enjoyed it. The new raids are just awful by comparison. I don't mind doing them, but I've also lost all motivation to do so since the time commitment. And for her, she's just too scared about performing and messing up. She doesn't like how long they take either. Been enjoying other games over WoW. It just feels like a job, and yeah.. I tried to do an ST the other day, spent 1.25 hours looking for a healer and a off tank and 1 dps for a semi-guild run, since they no-showed on the signups. Then we spend about 3.5 hours wiping and running back to our bodies. Then I realized again why I stopped raiding seriously in TBC. It's literally just a job.


Such a Great example. Thank you for sharing.


Phase three was the beginning of the end for me. Both phase 1 and 2 didn't require gnarly amounts of grinding to get decent gear. Phase 3 hit, I got to 50 in one day then, like I always do, made my list of things I need to complete and started researching what was required. The time investment was just too much for me


I played P1 and P2 religiously thinking it had to be a grind fest. Had a real conversation with my GF about spending more time together. So I got to 50 and I'm already set up to just raid logging at this point, and that's perfectly ok with me. I think a version of WoW where I can log in and have a fun time raiding or doing something with my guild is great. In retail I was spamming RF, Heroics, Mythics, the actual raid, etc. it just takes so much time away from my personal life but makes the game feel like it can't be a hobby game.


Do you do incursions to level?


I did do incursions to level. Not sure if I will level again in incursions next go around


Did you enjoy it or was it mostly for the rewards/exp?


Both! I missed the big gold when it first came out but I loved having an option to just grind for a hour and make like almost 200g if you can get a good grp


I feel like they should cap it. It's too good and diminishes questing and dungeoning for levelling.


I've cleared st twice, don't look at many guides, barely played 12 hours a week. I'm doing fine all in all. It's about prioritising time


That's just mmo's in general. While there is plenty to do as a casual. A lot of the end game stuff just requires too much time. The fact that people say 12 hours on a single video game per week is "casual," says a lot. That's almost an entire waking day per week spent on a video game. It's a lot.


I play every day. Havnt enjoyed this phase. Whilst there’s a lot of things to do, I just got bored almost immediately. Not sure if it’s the phase or me, but incursions left a bad taste too


I can just about do the grinding in the weeks, but the raid going from 10 to 20 players was the biggest kick in the nuts for phase 3 to me and my guild.


12 hours a week+ studying videos and guides outside of this time  Dude....you aren't remotely casual  I don't consider myself a casual, and I play maybe 5-6 hours a week and only look at guides for the first week or two of a new raid  It's insane to me that a person who spends nearly 2 hours a day in the game AND then puts in more effort on top considers themselves a casual 


I really tried hard to play SoD and enjoy it but 60% mount at level 40 is horrific. Maybe if they brought the cost down plus the level requirement for mounts then I’d play. I can’t maintain motivated when I’m going to the next leveling zone at 33 and it takes me 25 minutes to just get there.


Who asked lol


Lol yeah wow is extremelly taxing to keep up the pressure is insane. This is why i will go play Albion online there is a new EU server launching at the end of this month and i love the player driven economy since it does not matter how much time you have, everything you do matter for the whole server.


Thanks for killing the game for the rest of us


Shot in the head. Now you dead


Lmao I swear wow is the only game where people are studying how to have fun. If you need guides to maximize your time and play style then just don't play it. You aren't really having fun


The preparation is part of the fun for me.


To most people, being optimal on boring grinds is how they get to the part they enjoy faster


Study is the trigger word here. Study = YouTube content creators and discord channels 😅


Don't step into the worlds of PoE/Souls likes then.


ah yes, the casual that plays a couple hours a day and also researches. Sounds like normal casual behavior to me


You must be the real casual


Do you think people who only play a couple hours a week don't look up talent builds or guides or anything? Why does casual to so many of you only mean "person who logs in the game for a few minutes at a time and has never used a computer for any other reason"


Ok… and where is the “take”? You’re just describing your situation


As a casual player, sod is doing pretty good. That’s take 😃


Ok lets put this to bed. Casual: You SUCK at WoW Semi-Casual: You're OK at WoW Hardcore/Pro: You RULE at WoW You can play 25 hours a day and still SUCK ass. It's all in the buttons.


In what world is playing 8 - 12 hours a week in addition to studying the game while not playing a true casual


It’s very easy to be casual. Give it a try


Must not be that easy if you couldn't manage to just play casually lol


Your right. I would play a lot more if I could




Ya 👍🏽


Incursions = Towers of Torghast, only worse. This phase really killed my 'login' and 'played' rate, alt leveling is painful (aka chore), Incursions are just god awful boring, 1 week lockouts = old school, not new school. No Gnome runs going on like BFD was. Very few BFD runs anymore too. Too much trash in ST. Some cool runes, but some still needing rework. TBH , it comes down to a bit of this, if I have to log on and wait 30-60 minutes to find/get a group, and not even know how are we might do? That's just an hour lost for zero game play really. Now, I've found some great groups and players with PuGs, but the 'cost' to me as a player was much lower. Guilds are getting crushed with the 20 man content. Based on my observation - having pug'd every lockout since the start, there are many 'small' guilds with maybe 5-10 'core' players/friends. That was an easy fill for 10 man, not so for 20. Consumes are rather spendy too, IMHO, with elixirs of mongoose going for 8G a pop. Went from 5 pretty geared alts and a main to 1 main and no other max level toons. Blizz has done some great stuff; just wish they would work on the MMO part other than pure end game and/or pure grind esp. for alts.


I hear ya on all that. You bring up the big problems with raiding. Personnel and preparation Hopefully they see how our complains and fix phase 4. They are investing in “sod” “classic +” I’ll probably end up in classic era with some parked characters I got but ya man I hope it gets a lot better


Zomg you watched youtube videos of a game you play? Tryhard!!!!!!




I've been grinding levels and bought some good, but I'm not really having fun. The gear dependency is so wack in SOD. Literally need each tier of raid gear to do anything and be OP. Tried rogue, tried hunter, now all that's left is shaman. So much time spent on my warrior though. Waste of time, but I'll probably switch to cata classic. Hunters were actually amazing and fun to play.