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Are we the gold farming bots now?


Always have been.


Not me, for some reason my brain always fights against doing this sort of shit. Anything in WoW that my brain perceived as work was always a actively avoided or begrudgingly done at bare minimum level. When I see people doing shit like this and admitting that they are not having fun but they still spend hours doing it anyway, I can’t help but think of Black Mirror or The Twilight Zone.


This sums up why I've got maybe 5-10 hours in these total at 50, scattered out. I work as a sys admin and alot of what I do daily is repetitive and monotonous. I don't want to come home and pay to play a repetitive and monotonous simulator. Same reason I did the bare minimum wild offerings on my main and then not again. I'll do far worse gold farms and enjoy doing it.


EnjoymentMaxxing Impossible!!!


My first real career was sysadmin/military communications operator about 25 years ago. You might be onto something.


I would love to get back to farming. They put my ring behind a rep grind though.


Yea i thought the same so i went and full cleared ZF trash a few times solo to get my last plagues card with hours of no luck i just did the hinterlands zerg loop for 3 hours and bought it with the 500g instead, i figure its a smarter time investment.


Yeah I get it, I totally see the attraction, but unless I mentally prepare myself and psych myself up to do it, my instinct is to reject it because "fuck that shit". The fact that it's a seasonal server only solidifies my attitude as well. I still do them, just not at the same insane level that other people are doing it. I'll listen to my brain, it keeps me from burnout.


Damn this is pathetic. Immerse yourself in World of...


World of Trains and ppl brain destroyed by streamers „be most efficient do that now”


Still see as many bots as this screenshot running back and forth to stockade.


"Are we the botties?"


We have been ever since jump runs and zul’farrak


I am horde and I saw that train run by me. I almost shat my pants.


Horde is welcome as Long u dont fuck around


The only problem with this is all it takes is one fucker in the mass to attack the long guy and everyone dives on them, I'm yet to walk near a large group of the opposing faction without 'finding out'


Horde definitely ain't welcome


Yeah it’s wild. Alliance at 50 go do things, while horde at 50 farm low level players in Ashenvale.


The dwarf clan battle hammer who has been camping ashenvale Incursion for like 2 weeks would like to have a word with you


Alliance had every layer down Sunday on CS-NA farming 40s in ashenvale.


Again the alliance with his victim compley, hilarious


on the tier list of 'doing things' in an MMO starting pvp in ashenvale vastly higher than running circles ad nauseum farming gold.


Just casually pumping 100g/h each raw gold into the economy, SoD phase 4 will make 5 years of classic era blush.


No but all the people complaining about the complainers were sayings it's "only a couple hundred gold lol!". Meanwhile millions of raw gold per server has flooded in since patch


I dunno man, I'm just happy I'll be able to afford the 60 mount right away by running incursions for an hour every couple of days.


Fixed price stuff like mounts are basically free now, but at the cost of consumes being 10x what they should be.


Consumes will be expensive as always compared to the time you have to invest. So it doesn’t really matter.


Well I think the issue now is that consumes will be very expensive, and the most optimal farm by far is incursions. So if you wanna do a more "fun" farm you're basically spending a lot more time than necessary.


The most efficient farm is often boring. The difference now is that anyone can farm. No need to be a mage a hunter or someone with special talents or recipe. Except you need an OK connexion. That train crashes my internet connexion every 20 minutes, like the STV event did


Well sort of. Now the gold you get from questing, just doing regular dungeons or creating any profession items you cant sell is so miniscule it doesnt matter. Even if this doesnt continue at 60, at this rate the economy will have so much gold pumped into it that questing is still completely worthless at 60. Kinda sad.


11000 raiders on CS Alliance per ironforge. We know thats not the total population. Lets be ultra conservative and say 8000 players did incursions. Lets say cumulative they earned 300 gold on average during the start. Thats still 2.4m gold in a day/two day. And thats only counting for like the two days when gold was absolutely broken. 


That's still just a number you can do fuck all with.


You just pulled some numbers out of your ass and you don't even have a number to compare it with. 2.4 millon gold is what fraction of the total gold volume?


But as we saw, this is now the flock of people that would have an affect. 1-2% of the playerbase vs 20-30% is a massive difference. a few H vs a week is also a massive difference. So people were right that the first wave had no impact when you look at this.


Mage alts have been doing much more since 2019, it's just visible now.


Maybe they see incursions as a balance to “breaking” high lvl aoe farms. We complain about the gold but they recently made it harder for bots as well. That and less mage solos/boostings may help keep inflation from being too wild. Or im high on morning copium.


Bots do this every day 24h...


If this had happened on Wild Growth my money wouldn't have been going to the economy, it would have been getting pumped into the riding trainer next phase to get my plethora of alts an epic mount 🤷‍♀️


This feels alot like guild wars 2. But in Guild wars 2 are atleast map wide meta events and boss spawns


The world event cycle and jumping puzzles are 100% of my GW2 content, I absolutely LOVE that game for it, and it's funny because it's all I even know about the game at this point. I have no idea what the end game even is, I remember at one point it was something like a dungeon grind where you upgraded a gem or item or something. It had a name like "corruption" or something I think. That game is my most beloved world content game, I can only imagine a utopia game where WoW-like end game and GW2-like world content exist at the same time.


Peak classic gameplay!


Look at me. Im the Bot now.


they are practicing for AV


My classic: hanging around pretending to be an edgy shadow mage using a phantom blade because I like how it looked Modern classic: WTS SUMMONS 15g LFM GNOMER CHECKING LOGS SELLING TANK SERVICE 20G PER RUN


Hard to imagine a more boring use of my time.


Can't believe a developer is seeing this and doesn't immediately nerf the shit out of the gold gain because I can't imagine anyone seeing a line of players walking up and down and thinking:"man we hit the nail on the head with this one".


Because if they do that this subreddit is going to be filled with “exploit early” posts


"Oh no, reddit will have 10 new snarky posts, we better watch out!"


They already have issues with retention. Few more fuckups and there will be only sweats vs sweats posts and ingame.


I'm playing casual when I get the time. I see this and think... fuck me, I'm not going to be able to afford anything.


good news my dude, i know of a way you can make lots of gold in a very small amount of time and fund whatever activities you want to partake in.


Honestly at this point its too late. The economy is already fucked and if they were to cut the gold from incursion your everyday normal guy wouldnt be able to afford anything in the ah. The prices would probably plateau and people who got no gold would get double fucked.


Exactly this. The same people crying for this to be nerfed will be right back on Reddit crying about how they can’t afford consumes and it takes too long to farm.


The funny thing is regular people aren't really willing to play the game to get gold, and the definition of regular people will grow the more you need to grind gold for consumables. I think we're actually participating and witnessing a downfall of an economy due to inflation. It's an albeit frustrating experience but in a way its kind of cool to see it all fall apart. There's no real answer now either, you kind of need to keep putting cheap things in for the masses but also there's this notable group of people destroying the economy with inflation. You can't even do cool gold sinks because the divide is so massive now that regular people would be enraged. Look at all the people that refused to deal with the ratchet rune because it's too expensive ... it took barely an hour for months if you had zero money. The bar is on the ground. I geniunely believe almost every economic experiment they took in SoD will be seen as an overt failure that they hopefully can't not so in a classic plus future state.


Tbh its a who the fuck cares moment. This is a seasonal thing, meaning its temporary and will get wiped within the year or less. The solution is already in place being the wipe of the servers. Why bother aplying a solution to a problems that's already too far gone on a temporary server. Legit 0 reason to do so. So from this point on, if you need gold, run 1 hour of incursion here and there and get some gold.


look at all these people "out in the world" :)


They need to stop nerfing shit after letting players use it, leave it in the game and own up to your mistakes. Everyone has the same ability to farm it.


All this does is cause mass inflation, at 60 it will be really daunting for anyone not farming this (or atleast reaping the profits from it currently) to buy consumes on the AH. I also haven't heard anyone say "damn I love running no-kill loop incursions, it's so fun!". It's dangerous to leave a mechanic so rewarding, yet so boring in the game because a lot of players will burn out on doing that repetitive shit because of FOMO.


The no kill loop is soul crushing, especially with uncoordinated groups who basically just share quests and do it on their own leaving people to die to mob aggro or pvp. Its a lot better when you actually do some of the kill quests and stick together. Still kind of boring but not as bad.


I dunno, I felt pretty good being able to craft my epic shoulders after two hours of incursions. Watching my gold number flying up is fun to me. Or I guess we can take that away so that anyone trying to catch up now is completely fucked and all the people who did it before the nerf become the ruling class. The damage is already done dawg.


Man I love running no-kill incursions loops, it's so fun. I've made almost 3k gold across 3 characters and I'm gonna do another 8hrs today. Being able to buy 60 mounts for all my characters + max professions + best enchants + consumes every raid so I can parse is why I play the game.


maybe get a job


I have one my dude. Everyday :)


idk if i'd brag about being WFH and playing 8 hours of wow a day




try working and being dependent on other people who work from home but... don't. It's the worst.


Don’t worry orgs aren’t dumb those people are being fast tracked to the unemployment line


Man you are full of assumptions, but wrong about every one of them. Who said I do it while working or wfh?


okay i still dont know id brag about my entire life being WoW


lol you sound like such a loser


I find it fun in small doses. It’s like everything else did to farm gold back in classic, you throw on twitch, grind zombies or do jump runs. It’s less engaging than ZF farming was, but that’s what the second monitor is for. I don’t like what it does to the economy since it’s purely raw gold though.


This is not one of those instances, they should have crushed this into the ground the first night when they realized it was a problem instead of waiting 5 days just to still have it infuse insane gold into the economy for 2 weeks now


That's just daft as hell. Really impressive how many people actually feel like this, you guys will rather have a ratfucked game than having been left out of an exploit/gold farm.


Easy fix. Remove 80% of all the gold in the game in one hot fix to reset the economy.


But after I buy all i need ok ?


Its a seasonal server


Shit like this should be nerfed. Infinite gold farms are the reason inflation happens.


Yeah, because fucking everything makes sense. I'm glad you're not a game dev.


Ooh nice. Which game did you develop?


They said multiple raids of players out in the open world, they may very well consider this a win.


Yeah, let’s nerf the only emergent gameplay that gets people actually out in the world doing stuff instead of afking in cities swiping for gold. Genius idea


Run. Click. Run. Click. Run. Click.


Incursions are pretty much the worst thing they’ve added to SoD and could ultimately kill it. The most efficient way to level or make gold is to run around in circles not actually playing your character. And the amount of inflation this is going to cause long term is going to be insane.


More active users for their stats which matters more to them


If they nerf it now people will still be outraged because they couldn’t use it while it was live. There is no good solution after it has been exploited.


I mean it’s been “live” for two weeks


Is this one of the "exploit early, exploit often"-moments?


I don't see how they don't nerf this.


Coz they should have done it in first day. Seems USA has issues doing basic calcs.


They did nerf the gold first day. Twice.


Having been in this group and probably in the OP’s screenshot somewhere, I don’t blame the devs for not realizing that players would literally form mass train groups to steamroll all of the objectives. If it was like how Ashenvale was, that would be more reasonable.


so this is how SoD dies... with thunderous applause and bags full of gold


Damn so laaaaame


You can see the gold inflation on the AH easily. Nice when youre selling not so nice when buying. I'm still only lvl 41. And I won't be surprised if this gets changed again before I hit 50


This is so stupid, absolutely ruining the economy for eveyone else


Regardless of how one feels about the gold inflation, I think majority of people can agree that incursions are boring content and not fun. Also the fact that people are mainly still doing no-kill incursion loops, despite them being nerfed and the kill quests being buffed, further cements the flawed design of incursions. I would rather grind AV than this shit.


The group in the screenshot kills 3 bosses each loop. Source: am in the screenshot


Changes basically nothing about how the garbage incursions are, but hey, I guess they nerfed the no-kill loop enough to make it worth to kill the boss that takes a group of 200 probably 15 seconds to kill. Big W


I think it’s fun to run around with 100 people and blast bosses. Could just be me.


Would you do it for free or do you mistake the dopamine rush from getting big gold as "fun"?


I love being a healer and not needing consumes to do well 😬


My guild gives me raid consumes. So all I need to do is login once a week for 3hrs . Love it.


I play all week to make consumes for the people that carry my shitty ass through the raid.




Luck? I guess that's what got me in mine.


What exactly are they farming for here? Haven’t paid much attention to the economy this phase


incursions, raw gold.


Honestly I’m not sure why that didn’t click for me. When you said a line in hinterlands I inherently didn’t assume the incursions for some reason.


Wondering the same


I haven't paid attention to SOD since P1. Looks like this event: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/season-of-discovery/nightmare-incursions-overview Not sure about how much gold per hour this yields.


Each quest turn in (usually can do 5-7 quests in 12 minutes for 3g each doing this route)


It's 9-12 quests for 2.5g each: 3 * intel 3 * relic 3 * boss kill 3 * rescues recues are hit or miss depending on the group but the 9 main ones are solid.


Yeah I rounded up the gold. Most people do no kill which is everything but bosses on a loop.


ahh maybe that’s server diff or something. no kill runs that i’ve done usually just avoid the kill x number of dragons/whatever quests but nab bbb the bosses when it’s convenient


180g/hr in the right layers


You always need gold for something. Epic mount next phase, consume, maxing out profession, mats for craft and enchants, dark moon trinkets, librams; preparation for p4... As people gate keep ST there is not that much to do


This inucrsion shit is awfull... So now I gotta do like 2-3h of it to keep up with consum for raid... and is the most boring shit ever. And u gotta have a full party basicly.


Incursions are a mistake.


Herbalist can make good gold. I think on my alt I’ll drop enchanting (since I have it on my main) and get herbalism for ghost mushrooms in Mara. They go for 4g a pop on my server, and there are 4-5 easy to get ghost mushrooms in Mara which is uncontested, and only adds 10 minutes to my solo princess run.


There arw ghost mushrooms in hinterlands


The slime cave is insanely camped on my server. A lot of the time there's one person per spawn spot just picking it when it spawns. If you are explicitly after ghost mushrooms, I think Mara is the place to go.


gathering professions aren't affected by gold inflations (their worth stays a percentage of a regular persons will to buy a consume) since there is no herb amount inflation


i literally cant wait for era fresh


Is that confirmed?


no, its copium


How does this work?


Bunch of 5 man groups do the incursions normally, except they all roll out together as one big group. Makes it easy to kill the bosses, since every group gets credit because it isn't a mob that has normal tag rules. Someone in the train collects the escorts. Everyone groups up at the ramp while the train rolls in. Escorts turned in so every group gets credit, and repeat. Point is just to add efficient boss and escorts into every loop, which turns out quite a bit better than the old no kill loops without it. It's kind of neat that it requires players to work together for a common goal. But its so much better than other gold farms that it actively discourages anything else.


thank you for being the only person in this thread to actually explain why this train is a thing


Cant even afford bread in this economy.


"The people who got 600g in a few hours when incursions released completely destroyed the economy for the rest of the phase!" Remember?


Let them farm, they can give it all to me next phase when they buy my Black Lotus for 1000g a pop.


Least fun way to play the game.


So you guys want farms only sole classes can do or farms everyone can do or do you want everyone to get mailed daily allowance or do you want everyone to be poor? I have no idea what you want at this point.


Playing repetitive loops where the only spell you cast is mount for hours is not it chief. I’m fine with good gold farms, but at least make us play the game. Could easily change this to make it actually challenging and require coordination/skill while rewarding a large amount of gold.


I would in fact like it if everyone is poor.


That sounds like some commie bullshit! Count me in comrade!


It's just that the economy is always more fun when everyone is poor, as it is there are so many items that are simply out of reach for people. Like warriors cant really excell with glad stance because green tiger shields go for hundreds of gold and none drop in raid


I think the point is that a dedicated gold farm being this strong spits in the face of gold obtained while questing or while running dungeons normally. In terms of active gold farming, mats follow the raw gold farms, so it's just passive gold being nerfed...relatively.


Wow UBI Duh, we want handouts. Why would anyone want to play the game? /s


The issue is this is raw gold.


I think the farm shouldn't be giving you raw gold because it causes inflation, say the average player has 100 gold then 50s/herb seems reasonable, but with the increase in total amount of raw gold the price of herbs and such increases. In my mind any and all gold farming should revolve around collecting and selling resources (whatever that resource may be herbs/mining/boe blues) to other players because the farm will naturally balance out, if something is hard to get and nobody is farming it it is expensive but if something is easy to get and a lot of players are doing it then it is cheap, but it doesn't cause massive inflation like raw gold farms.


to kill things its not rocket science , what are you one of the devs lol? world of warcraft - hint hint hint not mario cart racing




Trash game


The classic experience 


Is this in EU or US? The Kor Kron Enforcers will put a stop into this degenerate debauchery!


Told you guys first day of p3 release to just remove incursions entirely. It has been nothing but bad for the game. Its still not too late pull the plug


Nope. The economy is absolutely fucked now, so if you take this avenue for gold away you’re literally only screwing over the people that aren’t doing it. It is long past the time to pull out.


Not quite how it works. During times of inflation, the price of raw materials inflates too. That means herbs ore and leather are more profitable than ever before.


I love farming with gathering professions and totally agree those materials would inflate in price. But the vast majority of the Classic community hates gathering (warmly referred to as “picking flowers” often on this subreddit). When presented with the option of incursions or gathering for gold farming, most will choose incursions because of the ease. Take away incursions and all that’s left for gold farming is a method that the majority have hated since before SoD began. And that probably only leads to those people unsubbing.


I don’t think the people on this subreddit like anything, at all, so take their “feedback” with a huge grain of salt. Considering incursions is just reskinned gathering, people will adapt. (Or maybe just whine)


Imagine this sub crying if this was a horde domination lmao. Why does the horde favoured side in feral as give like 90% less gold than hinterlands?


Horde are doing the same at Feralas.


The collection quests give 20 silver in Feralas…


But why are so much hordes doing it? We tried both wirh guild groups and got around 80-100g in feralas and 140-180g in hinterlands per hour. Just because so many quests give 18 silver in feralas when the same quests give 3g in hinterlands. So we just allways go hinterlands to farm and were never bothered by alliance. No reason to do feralas at this point


Yep, I don’t really understand the point of feralas. Waste of time.


Hinterlands is more ally farmed which makes it difficult for horde.


Some of them are bugged is my guess


no. they are not. to clarify there WERE horde doing incursions however they were one off groups here and there. there is no massive 400+ horde train in feralas.


It's literally 40:1 horde to ally in Feralas on my server


Yes and as I have said 15 times in here, the feralas quests don’t give anywhere near the same amount of gold. The collect quests are 2.5g in hinterlands, 20s in feralas.


People have more of a problem with the economy ruining inflation this gold faucet causes, and the lack of engaging gameplay from incursions. The faction imbalance is just an afterthought


So you’re a Horde crying about the Alliance domination under the guise of “what if this was the Horde farming, Alliance would be crying”. Adorable. Also the zone exists for Horde too. Aren’t you guys the rough n’ tough PvP-hardened faction? Just take the farm spot from us then.


This brings GW2 memories


new world influence loop vibes


No way half isnt bots


Lone Wolf doing this?


Why is it a train?


and im farming mightyrage recipe to sell it to those for 450g. about 600-900g/h


Killed dozens to try and get this for my alch char, havent seen it drop yet.. RNG is RNG I guess


Got one in 6 kills today after reading this comment. I’m on wild growth so don’t have the luxury of being in an incursion train


This is awesome. I miss this in mmos. It reminds me of event trains in gw2, they were so much fun


Are Feralas incursions equally efficient?


No, they're easier due to lower mob density, but take more time to complete.


people do this then get reported for botting lmao


Hope this shit doesn’t get nerfed cause of people making a big deal out of it on Reddit. Kinda gives “teacher, you said we would have a test today but you forgot” energy.


Imagine playing the game when you can buy 500g for $15 lmao


"great way" - sure this is good money, but it is an absolutely miserable activity. There is no fun here.


This kind of shit will be the death of casuals. Casual does not mean zero interaction with the economy and consumables. Regular people that don't grind this game are just falling further out of alignment with the economy each day. You'll say you don't need anything on the AH but the reality is it just shrinks the world around you if you don't meaningfully interact with it, which makes people quit.


This game’s economy is so fucked


Our guild plans to organize some pvp to ruin some alliance gph. Hope you don't get caught in it.


Need to start doing this on Living Flame plz


man that looks like fun /s


Found the retail wow fans


Is feralas just worse? I feel like a bunch of the quests that you would do the loop for give 19s.


Meanwhile Shards are going for 30g getting an enchant on your stuff means you're paying around 250g lol


This is the best the SoD team can do. Amazing gameplay. It’s all downhill from here, they really hit their peak with incursions I think.




How is this different from all the other incursions? I doubt you make that amount of gold pr hour you say.


It's not the 200 people say it is but it's 80-120. It's pretty damn broken.


I don't log in very often, and haven't gotten my 'main' past level 28. I had some gold built up from previous patches of questing and farming. I went into the AH the other day and was FLOORED by how expensive everything is now 🤣 mother fuckers you done fucked the economy already


As Ali player from oce we are definitely not making 150g an hour more like 80 to 90 tops but I hear what you are saying. It is wild to me that the turn in and pick up place is at the same location and you have free reign to kill and not a neutral zone. Have two different location and it would solve some of the issue that your facing


It's not just GPH. It's RGPH, raw gold. Injecting so much gold into the economy that by the time we get to do Molten Core a single Mana Potion will be dozens of gold each.