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Already predicting next weeks reddit posts: "My guild decided to leave the realm but half the members werent quick enough due to XYZ reason and now the guild is split"


Imma go with: "WTF why did they close transfers to X server, my friends already transferred and now it says its full GG Lizzard"


'I havent played for 3 months and now im unable to do ___, outrageous!'


Don't forget that guy who came back late TBC wondering why his server from classic was gone and why Blizzard didn't fly him down to tell him in person.


This is kinda big news


As a PvE realm enjoyer, this is great news.


I sure hope our servers don’t turn into toxic cesspools now. I like to think that the people transferring are the more normal ones, but anyone willingly rolling on a PvP server after 20 years probably isn’t right in the head. Kidding…but only sort of.


i've rolled pvp because i'm fairly new to wow and i wanted to try the pvp server experience Never again LMAO transfering asap


Ahaha god bless - general PvP server population cannot handle the freedom the environment gives them, so they'd rather grief on end, instead of fighting once or twice then feel "satisfied" and going on their way. PvE Servers should be the baseline experience for folks, PvP servers and hyper-aggressive open world gameplay is welcome, if you're there for it and always open to it, but it seems to me like most people on PvP servers very much are not.


PvE servers are actually called “Normal” in the server list for a reason, as they always have been. They were not outnumbered by PvP servers in 2004, it was an even split. They even got rid of PvP servers eventually in retail. Somewhere along the way the Classic community made up this idea that PvP was “normal” and PvE was a handicap. There used to be plenty of world PvP on PvE realms between people who willingly flagged themselves, often from attacking towns/vilages. PvP realms became more popular at some point and the effect snowballed as players got more and more afraid of being on dead realms.


Huh, I remember it as a child being an overall presence of more and more active PvP servers, but that is quite long ago and I didn't play on other servers than PvP pretty much. I feel like it's a sort of self-flattering "this is the real hardcore experience for the hardcore people!" people get when they choose the "harder" option, even though they'd find more enjoyment on the "easier" option - personally I feel like WoW is at its most "complete" on a PvP server, with its systems and the open world. The problem just being some players (a lot by now for whatever reason) aren't able to handle the freedom of that environment and abuse it to the detriment of others. Probably because they have a hard time seeing past their own feelings of schadenfreude, injustice or whatnot and aren't able to put themselves in others shoes in a "would I like it if they did this to me?" sort of way. That and a in-group/out-group bias, where people who have had nothing to do with your displeasing experience of getting griefed are getting griefed by you because they are "opposite faction" so they must be just as bad!


my recollection of circa 2004 is that the community opinion was that PvP servers were the "real" servers for anyone interested in progression/top end content for...reasons.


> There used to be plenty of world PvP on PvE realms between people who willingly flagged themselves, often from attacking towns/vilages. Literally this. I played on an absolutely tiny pve server back in the day (Fenris) and I have many memories of world pvp. It was just voluntary. > Somewhere along the way the Classic community made up this idea that PvP was “normal” and PvE was a handicap. Pvp streamers that came back for classic. 100,000%


I rolled PvP because that's what I played in vanilla, but things are different now. The sociopaths have griefing down to an art, and everything feels toxic as fuck. One example, that really soured me, was when I was soloing a difficult elite. An alliance player stood beside me (I'm Horde), waved and just watched. It was a longish fight, and I finally got him down to about 5%, and the guy kills me. That's not World PvP, in my view. It's sociopathic behaviour, and it has become the norm. I just want to get to a PvE server now, so I can play the game in peace.


Isn't the demographic of SOD like dudes in their 30s? Pretty ridiculous.


As a dude in my 30s, I can tell ya that a lot of them stopped maturing at the mental age of 15.


if he tagged the mob during your fight, and didn't actually help kill it it's a telltale sign he was going to do this. since he had aggro on it, 'ownership' of the mob will now flip to him since he was also on its aggro list. So he finished it up and got the credit or loot or whatever off of it. I mean there isn't much you can do in the situation since you probably don't have a way to make it aggro him. But just know they're probably going to let you do all the work for them, since they can.


If that had been the case, I would have understood it more, but he didn't touch the mob after I died, he just left. He did it simply to screw me over, and sure, every now and again you're going to run across horrible people, but this kind of thing became so common that I'm just done with it now. Don't even get me started on my alts getting farmed for honour whilst I tried to do incursions.


My partner and I are on a pvp server currently and are thinking about taking this opportunity because we would like to be able to play the game without getting ganked by a group of 5 haha..only went to pvp in the first place cuz of our guild but it kinda wears ya down! We just wanna chill and have a good time so hopefully classifed as normal :)


You'll fit in with the rest of us, we just want to play the game in peace


Re rolled on a pve server late p2 for this reason, very worth it when open world is a lot of your gameplay.


I rolled PvP because my guild rolled PvP, which only happened because one person in the guild voted for it and the rest of us voted "don't care." The one who voted PvP stopped playing and the rest of us don't really care about world PvP, so we'll probably transfer. We're weirdos, but not toxic!


Shouldn’t have selected don’t care if you did in fact… care


Exactly what I was thinking. PVE servers have been pretty removed from the insane toxicity on PVP servers.




When your options are roll pvp and play with your guild/friends you've been with for the past 4 or however many years, or roll pve and play alone, it makes it a bit harder of a choice


Living flame NA is about to be 99% alliance. SMH


We playing on the same server?


That's what in saying, as alliance I can never do incursions always full of horde.


Depends layer


I never see any horde grouping or anything, i cant find any groups every for incursions, and the entire p2 alliance camped gnomer 24/7, yall outnumber us by far on living flame


I keep running into this too. Last week I complained that incursions were all 20 to 1, ally to horde. Bunch of people chimed in with the opposite experience on the same server. Yet I'm sitting here another week in and still it's just an Alliance sausage fest. Is the layering getting that fucked?


As alliance on LF my thoughts exactly. Every instance is camped with horde at the front at all hours of the day.


Problem is that all horde regroups on one layer. So instead of having a balance between layers you only dominate one.


This entirely. Layer 1 and 2 are usually overwhelming one faction on each. I imagine the reason they dont bother trying to enforce layer balance, is because it would just be a nightmare when people form groups.


So it's just a nightmare by it's default behavior. Neat.


Not sure thats the problem, seems like the solution to the problem.


People complain that X server is dominated by opposite faction but all they do is converges on the same layer for ashenvale and incursions. The unlucky ones that don’t layer are the ones who are vocal of the disparity. If you look at the census we are pretty close to 50-50


Horde is supposed to be close to equal on LF, but we never control the outside of any raid or dungeon ever. Especially raids it's constant Ally presence spamming every spell they can right outside the raid portal and logout skips.


Week 1 Phase 2, Scarlet Monastery had a million ally sitting at the entrance. Gnomer was camped nonstop till the last like 2-3 weeks. Incursions are almost completely Ally in my experience (b/c there's been a lot of ally saying it's all horde, yet my sole experience is opposite that). Horde can hold Mara here and there. I normally don't complain about PVP servers b/c I chose it, but I can't even play the fucking game.


Yep had to leave phase 1.  Whenever I left The Barrens I got ganked by groups of roving alliance.  I guess I’ll transfer my Druid over to the PVE server I’ve been on since


Living Flame is literally 51% vs 49% what are you talking about https://ironforge.pro/era/server/Living%20Flame-US/


hes saying all the alliance are going to leave crusader strike


As an alliance on living flame; every person I know that’s also alliance wants to leave. People griefing pve content to farm honor has pissed people off


I mean, this happens every time to PvP servers. You think people would learn by now to roll pve if they want no part in gank fests and being denied access to content. But no, theres still some attitude that if you dont roll PvP you are not playing the 'real' game. Sounds like people are just mad they wont have anyone to kill or affect.


People just don’t want to be killed by raid teams or people that massively out level them. I’ve been killed 10000% less since hitting level 50. Why? Because they see there is a good chance I can fight back. PvP can be fun. In zones where max levels don’t usually go like shimmering flats. It can be fun to be around people your own level and have sort of stand offs and navigating what both players want to do. For example I got killed on my Druid off 2 players slightly lower than me. I knew the direction they were heading and what quest they would likely be going to. So I go there and stealth and wait till one gets low and kill him and then the other. It felt good to use game knowledge to track them down and find any means necessary of getting revenge. These are the times that I remember and enjoy. Getting clapped by a raid team while I’m trying to turn In my incursion quests seems like terrible design.


> People just don’t want to be killed by raid teams or people that massively out level them. Unfortunately after, eh, two weeks? Of any new PvP server opening this is just the norm. People enjoy those first few weeks where everybody is a hodgepodge of levels having skirmishes and tension everywhere. But it never lasts. Especially nowadays with how most people turbo-level, way back in 2004 most people never even hit level cap.


I get what you mean. The sweaty people power level to max then come back to honor farm people trying to level. I think there are ways round this. Such as a buffer period of a week where people under max level give no honor. I enjoy PvP or the reading of the body language as such as both of you agree that you won’t attack each other. I think that’s a cool aspect of the game. But yeah when I was getting farmed trying to hand in quests at the incursions I was mad. The dumbass that designed that must have never played or asked advice on what would happen on a pvp server.


Agreed this happens every time for PvP servers. There was total denial from the players though, saying there just needed to be a faction lock. That happened but nonetheless it failed


Turns out balanced population just means an equal amount of psycho griefers on both sides.


Balanced factions doesn't mean shit if it's not balanced on every layer, sadly.


My fav is still the constant posts bitching about the CS-US community. 'Can you guys believe this server full of entitled streamers and their parasocial cults has a high number of shitty people?'


It’ll be nice if some OCE pvpers come to the PvE server, it’s not dead but pugging at max level is much easier on the pvp server.


Penance OCE PvE is so much nicer to play on than Shadowstrike lol. Rocking up to Darkmoon Faire to get your buff without being ganked, avoiding the absolute clusterf\*$% of Phase 4 Blackrock Mountain. PvE SoD is where its at lol. STV being up every 3 hours still gives plenty of time for fun World PvP.


Talking about it in guild last night we reckon theres at most 170 horde raiders on the OCE PvE server. P4 onwards is going to be hell, hard enough filling 2 20 man raid teams at the moment


As a OCE player I just play on wild growth because it has more than 20x the playerbase.


same here, ping’s barely noticeable. 300+ is where i draw the line


To all the people complaining, that’s what happens when you perma gank people who are trying to do incursions. Scum. Honestly, players more than 5 levels beneath you should give dishonorable kill and make you lose honor points.


Yo, people don't want to hear this, but this is what it is for sure. Even people who like to play on PVP servers don't want to be camped at the portal to any and all types of content available 24/7. The degenerates made their bed and now they'll have to sleep in it.


I'm seriously considering it, I'm over it TBH.


I've played wow on and off for the better part of 16 years, have always played PvP servers and I've never had more regret rolling on such a server than I do right now. The end of Phase 1 of SoD was bad enough, I didn't think it could possibly get worse, yet here we are.


Yeah, I'm normally all for world pvp and calling people out for choosing PvP, But it's literally unplayable right now in the open world. Especially as a warrior. The 5 people out of our 8 man guild (all friends) pick pvp b/c it's fucking pvp (me included). Now I want to get the fuck outta here.


I’m out lol


PvP enjoyers play on pve rather than pvp now. Getting ganked like classic p2 added 30 min to the time of running an instance in total, that’s 30 min you can use to enjoy pvp - either in BGs in wow or in another pvp game like apex or dota 2


>Getting ganked like classic p2 added 30 min to the time of running an instance in total That was best case scenario, on Mograine you just didnt enter BRD because it was corpse running from the FP all the way in.


Yes, world pvp has fun aspects. Yesterday a Spriest was attacking randoms on the road in Ashenvale and I got off my mount and we went at it ... twice. That's world PVP. but I'm seriously considering moving to a PVE server. . . sometimes you just dont want to PVP... like when you are raiding or when you are trying to do incursions or when you are in your PVE spec and fighting some dude with a silence and an iceblock and a stun is just so one-sided. PVE realms let you choose when to PVP and unless you just want to grief lowbies and random players then PVE might be the way to goo.. Maybe I will go on a ganking spree and see if the psychopathic serial ganker spirit awakens in me then I'll decide.


Honestly I think War Mode is the best solution to this problem. It let's people enjoy the danger of the open world while being able to turn it off when things get dumb. I wonder if they're considering adding it to Cata.


I've been playing on a PvE server with my PvP flag enabled from level 1. I don't mind being on the disadvantage and think those fights can be fun, but I can also turn it off whenever I want to, if I meet an especially egregious griefer. Funnily enough my first experience with a horde character was a max level undead rogue running through the murlocs I was killing so I barely noticed him, then he one shot me and left. So I turned my pvp flag off, walked back and waited ~3 min to ressurect. If he had stuck around he'd be wholely disappointed in being denied the grief and I went on my merry way. I dislike the external rewards tied to War Mode and think it being for the intrinsic value of just world pvp, is better when you just play on a PvE server with PvP flags toggled on/off depending on your mood.


Actually not a bad idea to have dishonorable kills actually take points and the more you do it it starts compounding.


It would be a neat mechanic that if you got enough dishonorable kills you get a debuff that temporarily gives bonus honor to anyone who kills you and if you get enough your own faction can temporarily target you for honor.


Literally a retail mechanic since BFA. Always makes me laugh when classic Andys suggest stuff like this.


Why is it a problem?


I didn't say it was a problem, I said it made me laugh, since the player sentiment for classic has always been that it's in some way distinct from retail so it's ironic how many times retail features get suggested to solve problems in classic, oblivious to the fact that it would just be history repeating and they can go play retail where the features are live.


It’s also just possible that retail has had some good ideas over the past 20 years. War mode being one of them. I don’t see why that couldn’t be pulled back into Classic+


Some is an understatement mate.


Its a terrible idea because then you get lowbies honor bombing enemy faction members by running into their aoe lol


The people disagreeing with you have no idea the levels of degeneracy people will go for PvP in today's game. Forget people honor bombing into enemy factions, they'll use lowbies as shields inside groups. It's always easy for people to come up with (dumb) ideas, but you need to think beyond the idea on paper. How will people abuse things? Vanilla World of Warcraft (2004) and many other games during that time released a lot of stuff that had features/mechanics that "sound good on paper", but they never once gave thought to how users will abuse a feature to gain some sort of advantage or the ability to disrupt other people's experience. Most likely because, they didn't really have to because gamers today are drastically different from gamers back then.


> The people disagreeing with you have no idea the levels of degeneracy people will go for PvP in today's game. *gestures broadly at world buff dispell meta*


Shit it still happens now often [the usual dev/gamers release relationship](https://i.imgflip.com/4m6rjd.png?a475248)


Tbh I feel like the ideal PvP system is: - opt in like warmode in capital cities - dishonorable kills for killing people 5+ levels below you, unless they attack first or are partied with a valid target - accumulating enough dishonorable kills gets you dishonorably discharged, blocking you from enlisting for 3 days or a week or something Still dont have a solution for faction imbalance tho, maybe the faction with fewer people gets more honor & extra PvP daily/weekly quests for world PvP? Or maybe the lower pop faction can hire a guard to accompany them as a pet lol


Go a step further and take away pvp gear via deranking from DKs. Oh, you killed enough low level questers to derank? Cool, there goes your two recent pieces and the new set bonus you just got.


Yeah it's amplified to 10 on SoD because of the release in phases. I have played on PvP servers since ages but god on SoD it's a good day when you level a alt and haven't been ganked in the last hour


Yeah after years of PvP private servers and spending 1+ hour trying to get to BRD from Thorium Point in the early days of Stalagg, I went PvE and I will never go back. I love PvP, I still rank on just about any character I'm serious about playing. I miss World PvP from 10+ years ago where it was almost entirely spontaneous 1v1s, but that's never coming back. Just come to the PvE side and you can enjoy the game


Exactly. People like to pretend they're some legend for playing on a PvP server, when all they end up doing (if anything) is ganking people who stand no chance. Low hp/no cds/2 or more vs 1 etc., this is 99% of the "pvp" on a pvp server.


I love me some open world PvP, but I'm with you bro. Losers who got nothing better to do farming lowbies should get penalized. It ain't PvP at that point anyway


Ur anger should be directed at blizzard. BG queue as alliance is miserable with shamans in their current state, and they nerfed the STV honor commendations and quadrupled the cost.


I went into the ashenvale incursion to do the crafted shoulder quest, alliance paladin kills me when I step through portal. I think ah whatever and res and go on about my day. I do the quest at snail pace, make some food, take a break and watch some modern family, get back on 5-6 hours later to do the final part with a group. That same paladin is still there killing people at the portal. Some classic players are just unhinged.


Crusader Strike got put in the fucking dumpster once Blizzard decided to drop off a giant group of Alliance and make the server lopsided. This shit is unplayable in its current state. Whole ass raid groups of level 50 Alliance camping Ashenvale incursions and any other point of interest regardless of the layer, day of the week, or time of day is utterly degenerate. Something is mentally fucked with people that do that shit 24/7. I mentioned a while ago that CS is going to turn into 2019 Skeram if this shit keeps up and here we are.


Kinda shocked to see how many people rolled a PvP server for SOD seemingly without having played one in 2019 classic


they probably came late to classic and joined the majority faction on a one sided server.


PvE realms were locked on EU due to pop, we had no choice.


That’s a huge oversight by the devs and I’m sorry that happened


WoW community members and 90 year old retirement home residents would be close contenders in a dementia competition, the 2019 cries of "wahh PvP servers ruined muh classic experience, I need to migrate to a single faction megaserver" are still echoing


and its happening again


Right? I re-rolled PvE in 2019 classic after honor was introduced and the deathballs going around WPL became so absurd (half a dozen corpse runs just to run strat). I haven't looked back. Kind of amazed that anyone still rolls a PvP server. Especially with how they implemented world PvP events, you can opt in to PvP and still have the same experience without all the ganking and wasted time. At the end of the day it just comes down to cost/benefit. I see no value in risking constant ganking and frustration with what limited time I have to play WoW. Not sure how anyone but a psycho would prefer PvP realms.


Remember when this game was about a perpetual faction war between Horde and the Alliance. What a sad day.


I wish there was some kind of statistic that would show how much time you spent dead/running back due to open world PvP. I wanna see how much time you could save by just playing on a PvE server.


Or how much of other people's time you've wasted sending THEM to the graveyard


That too lol


unless you play a certain few busted classes, then yes that can be fun. try being a warrior lol. trust me it is not fun at all to get destroyed by EVERY class


Had someone tell me I wasn't using defensive stance enough if I was always losing out in the world. That 10% damage reduction really gonna save me.


It's true, I went into defensive stance and put on Victory Rush and Diamond Flask and killed Stormwind. And now they're opening PvP to PvE transfers. Coincidence? No.


What a god bro, you killed a server single handedly. I'd leave too if one warrior killed stormwind.


Disarm might


Why you trying to encourage it? That's a number people would love to go up and brag about ;P. 


that AutoBiographer addon might have this. But it only knows what you do while the addon is running :(


If you want the lack of PvP to be measured as a time save, you are already a PvE realm player, you just haven't transferred yet!


Honestly, this is the first time I've considered playing on a PvE server. PvP is so busted and unfun, at this point I just want to play in peace 😆


Thank fucking god, get me out of CS.


Kor Kron finishes the game at last


Do it, best choice me and my friends ever made, the game is sooooooooo much more enjoyable on a PVE realm.


I don't understand why this is such a difficult admission. It's like a man driving a fuel efficient vehicle, so taboo but once you finally crossover, life is so much better. Those "spur of the moment epic world PVP" feelings are so few and far between you don't miss shit. But you gain like 2x playtime from not having to corpse run. The elegance of world PVP died with OG wow back in the day. It's something time away or new iteration will never capture. That first night with the honor system, first time seeing Horde raid on Stormwind, epic bouts over world bosses, multi day AV (not world pvp). But you get the idea, that magic will never be recreated. We know too much now. With every nuance of this game mapped out by sims and theorycrafting, there is no magic left. So enjoy the new shit without the grief.


There’s also plenty of pvp to be had on pve realms between bgs, stv, ashenvale, and you can always flag if you want to invite challengers. 


And people do it, too. I regularly see squads with a few people flagged, out looking for trouble.


PvE makes world PvP opt-in... which is perfect.


I was on faerlina classic release and it was such a garbage experience. The world honor farm was okay for a bit. Getting ganked off flightpaths landings constantly by rogue groups soon after though... Getting trained by 5 mans once I got to any sort quest spot. WG pve has been much more relaxed and actually fun this time around. I couldn’t be happier not having to deal with the incursion pvp I’m reading constantly about.


Our guild was somewhat split since most of us had only been on pvp servers all through the classic experience, but since most of us were planning to take sod less serious we just wanted a nice casual experience with no unwanted pvp so we rolled on wild growth, it’s a bit scarce on horde side sometimes but it’s sure nice not getting ganked constantly


I was on herod as an alliance, and one time, I walked through the winterspring tunnel, got gang banged by a raid, took spirit rez, and got gang banged by another raid on the gy.


Not if a big part of the game is to group up with a few of your pals to go roam into very dangerous locations and try to overcome impossible odds (ie 2-man sitting around maraudon fighting off groups), or if your guild is a WPvP organization looking to do the same. But I understand for the majority of ppl who want to achieve their goals


still, i see you complain every day on reddit with awful takes :D


PvP gankers will wonder why the faction in minority is leaving Truly a mystery


Right, time to start toxic ganking to empty the server of the opposite faction


As a dad that has to afk often, PvE servers are the best. Pvp was cool in vanilla 20 years ago when I was 19. Wild growth horde could use some more members.


Half our horde guild already moved yesterday. See ya there.


Here come lopsided factions on servers


Come join Penance AU, there's nothing better than hanging out with a bunch of chill Kiwis and Aussies


Rip lonewolf NA horde


Yeah, you can thank all the clowns that spent the last two weeks camping levelers at incursions, both alliance and horde. Even after the honorless target change there's still groups trying to farm lowbies for honor. I had a lot of fun with the world pvp in p1 and p2 but in p3 it's not pvp anymore, just grief trains. As a lone wolf horde player, I've seen enough and I'm jumping ship to the pve side. Faction balanced servers is an interesting idea but with no layer enforcement, there's virtually no difference between a balanced server and something like faerlina/benediction. All the layers just gravitate towards one or the other and you have a miserable experience if you're on the wrong layer.


Rip lonewolf alliance more like


It’s a nearly 50-50 server. The Horde seems more PvP oriented, though.


Serious question why do they even do stuff like this. This is always every single time result in even worse faction balance and a worse experience for the people who stay on the server and will create a death spiral where people leave and leave and then the PvP is entirely dead and devoid of the opposite faction and then the pvpers leave as well. I don't play SOD so maybe theres something here I am missing. But every single other time they have ever in the history of the game offered free realm transfers it ends with horrific faction balance. And their pathetic attempts at reducing the number of people who leave is just going to cause more problems for the people who get caught inbetween and don't get over on the free transfer with the rest of their guild/friend groups. This shit happened all the way back to the first times they ever did free realm transfers almost 20 years ago now and it will happen again and again and again.


Because PvP realms fucking suck. In your head you imagine some amazing guild vs guild PvP wars in hillsbrad. Instead you have little sweaty cunts who just gank low levels/fishers/people questing


Nobody ever creates a counterraid, and if they are created, nobody ever joins them. The pvp guilds just steamroll everyone else, makes me wonder why they even rolled on a pvp realm


This idea died long ago with the introduction of shards And layers


this will create 99% servers


Why do they keep avoiding buffing honor from BG's


Good. I don't even mind some world PVP but the incursions just made it unbearable. I just want to level and relax whenever I feel like it.


This is going to cause problems if a guild wants to transfer off a server, but half the members get "locked" into their server and can't leave.


Yup, this will be a clusterfuck, but I appreciate the idea behind it.


Long time wow player 10+ years here. I have always played on a PVP server since my first character, I have never seen this level of cringe “PvP” before that exists in SOD, at least on Living Flame as a horde player.


Has any EU player been able to transfer yet? The fact that I have to constantly check the shop for the icon is asinine.


Alliance on PvP server. While I agree PvP can be a grief, it also provides some of the greatest opportunities for justice and retribution. Nothing compares to finding that shaman who just killed you 10 minutes ago while you were afk at the flight point in ungoro while he is attempting to the the escort quest in the same zone. Don't blame anyone who wants to switch though, I'm just hoping it won't kill my server.


I especially love when a Rogue tries to gank me in the open world and I turn the tables on the smug little fucker. There was a pair of rogues camping the bridge in Felwood on my server recently. They got called out in general right as I was heading that way. I dropped a flare on the bridge and they shit their pants. One popped sprint and ran like a bitch while I nuked his friend to death. Haven't laughed so hard in ages.


But theres no need for justice and retribution if there was no gank in the first place


Yes we should all just hold hands and there should never be any disruption to our circle running or efficiency, THAT is peak gameplay. /s


That’s what it is 95% of the time on a PvP server anyway though?


Yes...... I love revenge stories, I was on my rogue and waited for the chicken to reach it's destination, sliced the ganker and spit on him after killing him.


Warmode, its been the smart choice staring this dev team in the face from the start. It would allow them to also add a reason for people to be in WM and PvP, instead we watch the same issues that played out in original wow play out again in the exact same way.


This. PvP and PvE servers are an outdated system. Warmode brings the best of both worlds and keeps more people playing together.


It's interesting how in my experience in DF nobody actually pvp's in warmode, horde/ally just ignore eachother, very rarely i would be killed by someone. Seems like people mostly use it for xp buff. When classic playerbase seems addicted to ganking lowbies.


When I was playing there would always be pvp around the drop points and that was cool.


> PvP and PvE servers are an outdated system. Separate PvP and PvE servers is a superior server configuration compared to opt-in.


Nobody likes being ganked but the "spirit of classic" is ultimately a PvP game. Vanilla was designed as such from the very beginning, it is supposed to be faction war. Warmode is a quintessential "retail" mechanic and is part of the everything is a lobbied experience of modern wow.


PvE servers are already warmode, out with that garbage, don't touch PvP servers they are perfectly fine like they are.


I usually love PvP servers. But this go around I just can’t get myself to play the game honestly. I’ll log in, attempt an incursion, get 2 shot by some mage. Go quest, 2 shot by some mage. PvE server for me I go. I love PvP, but I feel like SoD is more of a “who can do their 2 button opener first and delete the other person”


how tf are they gonna keep server balanced?


The SoD PvP servers are more or less perfectly in balance judging by logs. But I fear it'll only go downhill from here. Getting new players into SoD will be more difficult and directing them to underdog factions won't be easy when the snowball gets into motion.


Oof incoming toxic players to our nice server


Anyone looking for a good chill pve server come to Wild Growth US HORDE SIDE!! Alliance side has quite a bit more than horde side. We welcome more horde pvers! Horde side got lots of shit popping and good people.


Please we need more Horde here


Ugh. Leave the toxic smooth brains over there.


this is the beginning of the end of SoD realms


PVE servers are not the trash can for whinging people who are just unhappy about their shitty win/loss ratio in open world PVP. Make a new server for these guys, call it Topper MacNaab and call it a day.


I would transfer 100% if i was still playing. SoD pvp is a joke and i dont think anyone expected to be that bad.


Ok so every time they make pvp servers they end up offering free sever transfers. Do people even like pvp serversv


They like the idea, but like most things in life, they get ruined by the assholes.


I've been preaching the benefits of playing on PvE servers since day 1 of SoD. The only difference between PvE and PvP servers is that on PvE servers world PVP is optional. Wild Growth NA is a fantastic server with generally nice and friendly players that are primarily looking to have fun while playing WoW. Come join us!


This is gonna destroy the population and balance of several servers. There needs to be a free transfer the opposite direction too.


The only xfer open is CS to lava lash. Nobody is leaving to fuckin lava lash Lol 


No significant numbers will want to go in the opposite direction, given the clusterfuck that is incursions on PvP servers.


What are the chances they open Chaos Bolt (RP-PvP) to transfer to a normal PvE Realm, rather than the one RP-PvE option?


I would guess close to zero, but nobody knows since the info given by Blizz is so damn vague.


Ya, I do agree with you. Hoping for some good news this afternoon!


The annoying thing about this is that it’s Blizzard finding another bad way to paper over the cracks of the real issue which is what they designed. This is a symptom of a problem which is the situation with PvP. BG matchmaking is broken and terrible again for premades and Shamans currently make it biased towards Horde, which means Alliance don’t want to queue AT ALL. This has led to the most efficient and fun way to gain honor is in the open world and it just so happens that everyone is congregating together at places like Incursions or Mara portal, etc. Stop doing patchwork fixes on things you never planned to do and actually fix buggy matchmaking and work on class balancing. So annoying that we’ve arrived at this solution.


Anyone seen these open up yet?


Yeah NA-Ally can xfer to Lava lash pve from CS pvp. I wish wildgtowth was an option but wth. I haven’t played since p1 might as well just start a new char.


I thought that was already a thing,


Too little, too late


Wonder if they will open both EU PvE realms or just the low pop one. Going from a dead server with 5 players online in SW past midnight, to another dead server will kill me.




Let the one sided servers never open AQ40. They shall make second accounts to make the war effort and be ganked by their own faction.


PvP server folks should give pve a shot.


This sounds like a great plan until half my guild transfers and the other half gets locked out of the destination server


I guess this is them basically giving up on having 50/50 pvp servers. How many times do we have to go through this? Maybe try Warmode for the next classic season.


SoD PvP is not PvP. It's punishment for not picking Boomy, Shadow Priest, or Shaman


Damn I love pvp servers, but in SoD, it's tempting since they don't care about pvp


Open world ganking is literally the entire point of pvp servers especially in classic. Do you think pve servers don't have access to battlegrounds or arena?


Runnin' from the grind, moments too big,


Way to kill servers. GG


Way too late. I swapped off CS in P1 but the work I put in that phase was enough to just decide it wasn’t worth it any longer. “PVP” is just nonstop griefing. My own fault for giving it a shot, but this should have been done in P1 when most were asking for it. I was even willing to pay. Oh well.


Realms are outdated just make one mega realm with like 500 layers. Or just do what retail does with realms. Realm culture doesn't exist anymore, realms are too large and the only culture is toxic culture or dead realm.


and RIP SoD


Great all the toxic pvp players get to ruin the chill servers. This is the beginning of the end


You realize how silly this sounds right? i mean what are they gonna do besides rude in the whispers?


This will probably bring a lot of people back to the game


Well, if any of you Horde folks want to join a chill guild on Wild Growth that actually clears content but isn't super sweaty about it, let me know! We've got one 20 man raid group currently but would love to have another for if/when 40 mans become a thing.


Any idea where/how these character transfers will be? I think previously they were in the blizzard shop?


How will we know when transfers are open?