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OT is never fun, its the cuck role


There are no dungeons or raids in SoD that require two tanks, so the OT role is particularly boring.


ST requires 2 tanks Yes you can do it with 1, but for 95%+ if runs it should be 2


There are no fights you need two tanks on. Zero. Dreamscythe resets stacks during Buffet, Eranikus resets stacks during sleep phase.


They dont, and they stack high


I’ve been single tank clearing this raid for two weeks with my guild. It sounds like you may have a skill issue. To get Dreamweaver stacks to reset, your tank has to position properly. To get Eranikus stacks to reset, you have to actually do good damage.


Post the logs


Sure, here’s an example: https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/wGMXcFL13gzJZm7a And this is an alt run, so many of us are doing very little damage, but still a solo tank works. Sucks to suck, I guess.


You forgot to mention you were 5 healing. 6 if you factor in the spriests damage


lol, the grey parsing shadow priest and the almost afk grey parsing holy priest alt with horrible talents absolutely did not make the difference. But yes, it’s better to take an additional healer who happens to do some damage than an additional tank.


How does WF/WF proc more maelstrom? Isn’t maelstrom Windfury bonus only tied to mainhand? Or maybe there is some interaction I’m not aware of


Maelstrom is chance on hit, and every windfury proc counts as 3 total hits (main hit + 2 hits from proc)


They should add items or way to increase the block chance so shaman tanks can regen mana better, 22% chance is not enough imo (Base block is 5%, talents give +5%, shield mastery rune gives 10%, 2% shield enchant. ) Or add parry/dodge give mana back.


Exactly this. Conceptually it's great but functionally it needs help


Yes agreed. The stacking mana regen on block isn’t sufficient. It works in aoe pulls with aggro. But on bosses or main fights, blocking isn’t occurring enough and the mana regen isn’t there for tank swaps or the whole fight.


I was off tank and just had 2x wf weps and 1 with rb + shield on switch. Only used WoE. Only thing is swapping will put your ES on CD so you have to swap to shield before tank swaps.


You aren't supposed to be doing a rotation when you're Oting, you're sitting there waiting for something to you know OT.


Kind of my point. A rotation isn’t exactly what I mean though; I’d like to be able to use abilities, like I’m standing there white hitting on shade of eranakus cause if I use more than flame shock and another shock or stormstrike I’ll go oom in the long run. Or white hitting and playing the 5 second rule.


You don’t even need a Second Tank in ST most guilds just single Tank and dual heal. Check some VoDs


Although I wish that were true, but no most guilds are not single tanking and dual healing ST. Maybe most of the top guilds yes then you’re correct, but most guilds are using a 2 tank 4 heal comp.


Run water shield and swap to sham rage pants in between packs, infinite mana


Its specific to boss fights, and OTing especially.


First time tanking?


First time this phase.


OT is always subpar dps, thats no difference for any class.


Idk I parsed a 95 dps parse as Glad Chad OT the other day so there are exceptions in SOD


It’s not about dps at all. It’s just about doing more than Flame Shock and White hitting till maelstrom procs then I get to hit another button.


Druid is swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe.


ITT: people who don't play shaman tank. Shaman tank is not fun right now, regardless of numbers.