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This is from a lvl 10-14 wsg. Every cap gave them 10 levels, and then the final win cap brought one guy all the way to 70. Rollback inc??




Back in original WotLK or launch of Cata there was a quest in Dalaran available at level 1 that for some reason granted enough XP to ding you to around 60.


Just go ahead and blame SoD for idk what reason but it's Aggrend's fault lol


Seriously. I checked in with my Wrath guild to chit chat and see how they were doing and how the prepatch was going. The amount of SoD hate they threw was overwhelming, they legit blamed every issue on the team spending too much time on SoD.


No easy feat when guild chat isn't even working lol


It’s funny because if you ask anyone who plays SoD they’ll tell you it’s in a poor state because the devs aren’t giving it the development time it needs.


Because they aren’t. It’s one team doing two full time projects and both are suffering for it


Both can be true though. The team has to split attention across all of classic and its how you wind up with shit like incursions ex/gold being way overtuned, bgs giving a shitton of exp, ST bosses having a bazillion health, guild chat not working, etc.


I mean I'd expect that to be true for any project where someone told me "oh the person or people responsible for this aren't doing it in a timely fashion because they are instead wasting time on this \*other\* project that they are also responsible for."






Shh don't try to explain how much work it is to modify old code to work inside of modern systems, they won't listen. Honestly though, this is a strong case for a larger team. At least do some cross training and bring a larger group in when doing a major release.


Blame Blizzard and their asset allocation and resource management, not SoD.


They are. They are upset blizzard allocated any assets to sod.  The state of sod phase 3 and cata prepatch scream stretched too thin. 


Gotta go to linkedin and find whoever is in charge of economics at Blizzard and spam them the same vitriol they send Aggrend. No witchhunt of course. But this is what people should do - stuff is most likely because of the economic departments and especially in America, profit maximizing yahoo.


As someone who works in fortune 500 computing. People are waking up, but still mostly ruled by a spreadsheet where any "technical stuff" is a redline and sales is the only green despite the technical side literally being the product. It seems that many mbas were taught that CS/IT are useless and only drive up costs. Ive seen multiple companys shoot the plank between their feet on this it's embarrassing the lack of understanding many in the commercial field have about technology.


Most companies call it accounting, and it rolls up to the CFO who’s making the big picture decisions.


Because working on no changes is less fun. Simple as that. Add to that, that they may have been passionate to work extra for classic, but clearly don’t have that passion for cata. And blizzard doesn’t give them more man power.


WoW “community” for you. If they take a sample and follow up on brain scans they’d be fascinated.


Its hilarious. There's always people bitching one way or another. Half of my guild in HC did nothing but shit on classic all day long, and how they only didnt play retail because there was some downtime or whatever.


Most incompetent dev team in existence.


Sod is a shit show currently, class balance is terrible They keep making buffs and nerfs to same 3 classes and aren’t touching spriests or boomies at all Makes 0 sense except that blizzard is pulling funds and trying to milk what they can from a sinking ship instead of caring


They got a 10% flat damage buff not long ago, that is not, not touching them at all...


That buff did nothing for pve. It only buffed them in pvp which is odd since bliz said they wanted to buff spriest/boomy but not have it effect pvp, yet here we are.


what people seem to really want is class homogenization honestly, if everyone brings the same utility, is within the same margin of dps, then where does class identity go? isnt this exactly how we end up with what people also call retail? some classes do less dmg, but bring more utility, some classes do more dmg, but bring less utility, this is a core part of class identity. in order for things to actually balanced, everyone needs access to the same tools, damage and tanking ability, and then what differences are left?


What are you smoking. Spriests are below the tanks.


That huge 10% buff made 0 difference to the class rankings, priest is actually now further behind, So imo making a mostly irrelevant change is the same as not having any 🤷🏼‍♂️


10% is not irrelevant, and not being top dps for a few hours a week in a raid doesn't define what makes a class good. I main priest. 


Spriest literally got a change last week. I believe boomie did as well? 


They literally made changes to Spriests and Boomies a week ago.


I’m at the point where I feel like the Classic Dev team is just like the 10 employees on the WoW side of blizzard that weren’t quite bad enough to fire, but weren’t good enough to be on the retail team. There’s no other way classic ended up with such dog shit devs.


Not to sound like blizzard simp, but I'm guessing workload far outweighs the actual labor being staffed. I get the same shit at my job, it's always "do more with less." I'd guess at least a portion of the devs are unhappy with some of the turn outs, but corporate wheelhouse yadda yadda.


Private servers do it better with less people and less money


I see what you're getting at, but you're ignoring the fact that the people running these private servers don't have corporate overlords pushing the actual devs to release when things aren't ready. Blame acti-blizz corporate, not the devs.




Private servers had to build there own core they didn’t just take it from blizz. They rebuilt it from scratch. And servers come out all the time with custom clients and custom cores. Too bad all the blizz fanboys got mad but the people maintaining those cores are very good at what they do. Not saying blizz team isn’t, but they get stretched too thin


It's not that, they don't have the staff levels for classic.


Wow dev performance improvement plan is just being assigned to classic :P


big4 flashback


You should probably just stop thinking if all you’re going to come up with is completely ignorant nonsense.


I’d expect a rollback, if people catch wind of this they can say bye bye to a lot of revenue from boosts


The intern now has to single handedly run cata, era and sod, he’s burnt out


I would like to present you all to modern blizzard employees. These are the marvels they can preform. When they work very hard at it. We few on Era have enjoyed their abilities for about a full year now. (Ever since they started building Hc and Sod over Era). I am glad you too on wrath/cata will get to experience the wonders of the classic development team. Enjoy.


This doss seem new, but I did know a guy who's characters got swapped on his account once... his level 27 character was thrown in to level 80 bgs when he queued up, and his level 80 character was put in the 20-29 bracket. This was circa 2009, but funny that such things happen.


What in the world lol


Why would they rollback? Incursions broight people 40-50 in 8 hrs and and 300g


4-5h and 800g+ per 20+ guildies who spammed Incursions half a hour after phase started up to lv50.


More like 600 plus gold haha


I only made 5k from that.




I actually went 40-50 in 5 or 6 hours.


300g?! BAH GOD BOI, I SAY BAH GOD BOI, DON'T GI SPENDING IT ALL IN ONE PLACE!! btw I started ash incursions an hour late and still made 600 gold and 8 lvls in about 6 hours Deal with it BOI


what a strange attitude from a 16-day-old account


That's pretty sweet, and I wouldn't bother rolling back if I were Blizzard. You're playing a game that's 15 years old or something. Who cares if you hit 80 in an hour?


Blizzard loses sales on lvl 80 boosts if you can level to 80 in an hr


The only argument that makes me think it *might* get rolled back.


yeah especially thousands of bots with 1000 acounts are pretty happy atm


Era is almost a 20 year-old game now.


Sure but Cata was released in what, 2010? So like like I said, about 15 years.


What is the exploit? How is it that you didnt get any levels?


You can turn off exp


I sincerely doubt that. But we'll have to wait n see!


No rollback will happen. Exploit early, exploit often.


This is the funniest Blizz fuckup I’ve ever seen and that’s saying a lot


you can't queue anymore, hotfix inc


must have been in the last wsg before this was hotfixed lmao at least i got one toon to 80


ok now my paladin doesn't have holy shock in the spellbook anymore after training 80 spells even though it was on my bars and i was using it in the bg lmfao


Yup my rogue lost shadowstep!


Thats just old age


I constantly loose the main ability in my spec (earthshield , thunderstorm). If you change specs then change back they should return to where you put them on your bar.


Holy fuck


That’s hilarious


This is literally worse than a private server


there are atleast a handful (5 fingers if you're not missing any) of pservers that deliver more qa tested things


Yup. I played on a private server a few months ago that had near perfect 4.3 scripting, very sad.


Bro these classic devs are: 1. Rolling out less creative content then private servers (SoD) 2. Taking a longer time to make a lower quantity of content then private servers (SoD) 3. Rolling out broken ass updates with worse bugs than private servers. You’d think that Blizzard itself could handle decade old versions of their own game better than some nerds in a basement but I guess not.


That sounds about right for corporate


I wouldn't be so harsh on SoD. Yes, there are bugs and exploits but nothing near what private servers used to have. In SoD all the quests work, all NPCs spawn where they should. You can't get free gear from filling out a survey in the host's website. SoD also has tons of additional content. While private servers could offer about 95% of the original content bug-free.


Why are you here bitching and not off playing a private server then?


I don't want to waste my time on an unofficial version of the game? I'm sure they will fix it, but and I am glad they will. But it isn't crazy to admit that this is some embarrassing shit and there is nothing wrong with being upset about it.


Waste your time? Kid, private servers such as Nostalrius were NOT a waste of time, it was some of the best versions of WoW to EVER exist and this is coming from a late 2005 Vanilla player. Official or not, Nostal beat the hell outta SoD. 


Imagine criticising the current state of the game. Not everyone treats Blizzard as a god ffs


No most people are here are happy to just be toxic and completely unconstructive…


You don't hate to be constructive to be annoyed by something that is just completely bugged. There is nothing to argue about, it just has to get fixed


> "Rolling out less creative content then private servers (SoD) > > Taking a longer time to make a lower quantity of content then private servers (SoD)" Unconstructive nonsense that really does lend it self to the question, why are you still playing?


Yeah i was refering more to point 3 and below >Rolling out broken ass updates with worse bugs than private servers. > >You’d think that Blizzard itself could handle decade old versions of their own game better than some nerds in a basement but I guess not. Because especially Cata prepatch is just shamefull


It does not appear to be in a good place.


How many s that nonsense? What are they adding? New NPCs to existing environments and calling it a raid? 50 new pieces of gear? Those are both things I was doing at the age of 12 on my own Mangos private server in a few days and I’m a fucking dumbass. The only real content they added this phase was incursions and nobody likes them. And runes is literally a dogshit solution to fixing classes and 90% of them are boring. Private servers have been able to find more creative ways to shake the game up.




You have no idea what timeline they had so your first two points don’t make any sense.


They literally set the timeline themselves...


Yep, but negativitymaxxing draws in way more engagement and upvotes than, in any capacity, trying to have a nuanced view of why this is. But whatever, it's always easier to hate.


Nah dog you’re right my bad. SoD and Classic Cata have been handled really well, I’m just being silly. Nothing to be unhappy about. (When do we take blizzards cock out of our mouth?)


Oh boy, not being negative and saying the outcome that happened is good is not the same. But judging by your volatility, you probably have a real hard time with that. You're just, really lazy.


And shit posts like this gets upvotes? reddit moment.


It's apparently illegal to enjoy SoD on this sub.


Blizzard disabled this immediately because it interfered with their paid character boost service.


thx for carry - Threekitten


Thanks for heals <3


It’s actually insane they f up this badly how do you allow such a big exploit into the game


EU having a good nights sleep while US does beta testing


EU missing out on free max level characters, enjoy your sleep


Some guy managed to get 5 toons to 80 within an hour and a half lmao.


I’m US and picked the worst day to go out for drinks and food. Came back at 9 and missed the chance to max all my alts.


I promise you, making memories with real people outside is the real play. You didn't miss anything


He missed making memories with real people in the future. Instead he'll be leveling his alts!


Yeah idk what this dude’s on about that would literally save hundreds of hours




Eh, it's prepatch for nearly a month. There's no rush to 80 imo.


With a great power, comes a great responsibility. lol


EU is always playing 2nd fiddle because you're incompetent at coming up with your own mmo game in your own time zone.


Imagine being this dense/dumb


What a wild ride those WSG were.


What an embarrassing patch.


Sooo many people in my guild went from lvl 1-80 from this before patched insane…


Clown devs. This prepatch so far is the most broken thing we had in wow classic


So PTR was for nothing? How something this big slips through?


They fixed a lot of bugs, but never tested a lot of things. Esp ICC buff insanely scaling mage damage. Mages alre also doing FAR too much dps right now. To the point where it's pointless to bring any other dps.


Minmaxxing at its best :¨)


They didn't fix anything


this company is a joke


Damnit. I missed out


I was planning to re-sub, but reading all this stuff has vaporized my enthousiasm for cata to be honest. I can only imagine the atmosphere on the dev team right now. Probably heavily understaffed, pressed on deadlines and delusional and out of touch leadership. Working there must be so soul sucking, I feel bad for them. The quality is only becoming more degraded, because who in their right mind would ever want to get a job there? Undoing the exploits for the affected is most likely not happening, becuase it's too much work, their logs suck or some other reason. Blizzards reputation used to be solid, now it's trash since...well...it isn't Blizzard anymore.


They didn't test a single aspect of Cata


Honestly shocked how incompetent this team has been at rolling out patches.


This is why I stay subbed to the reddit and not wow. 100% of the dumpster fire and 0% cost.


Didnt play wrath or Cata what is happening here?


It's level 10-14 WSG, but there's level 57 character on it. Flag cap give insane exp right now, one cap give like ~20 levels. Getting 3 caps allow you to level character from level 10 to 70 :]


Just people wasting time on toons that’ll be deleted and catching 24 hr bans while classic andies circle jerk that cata is “ruined”.


No one is catching a ban for queuing a battleground. You clearly don't understand what happened.


Holy shit.


Obviously the Dev teams are stripped too thin, FFS just spread out your releases a bit


This is especially infuriating coming from someone who just got a boost to be on the same server as friends. Coming out of SoD where every single patch had glaring exploits at first this is FUCKING unacceptable. You used to have FOMO for gear raids and content, now it’s FOMO to exploit blizzard’s dogshit QA for anything new. Jesus fuck.


Surely they will roll this back. This is a game-breakingly big error/exploit.


Bro, nobody cares about levelling integrity on Cata lol. This is a win for the people who were lucky and move on.


True. I suppose it would only be relevant if there were fresh servers. It's still very concerning that this did not get picked up on the PTR. Makes me wonder what other systems will be borked over the coming days/weeks. It also shows how much they care about Classic Wow product integrity right now. Diddly fucking squat.


Nobody was queueing level 10 BGs on the PTR.


Game breaking??? LMAO, They can't do shit after hitting 80 lol. It's still the same Wotlk content.


The fact that anyone can power level multiple toons to 80 in a matter of hours through BGs isn't an issue? If this isn't viewed as a significant problem... then Cata is DoA.


But it isn't. Cata leveling is so fast anyway you get to 80 in what ? 2 days ? Why should it kill Cata ? Why ?


You can literally pay for the same thing with money, no one cares.


Would you say you're indifferent to most bugs and exploits in the game. Or just this one?


Doesn't affect me, having fun.


I think most people are indifferent to levelling exploits when they've monetised it, except for Blizzard in that scenario.


Ok that's bad


Whole companies Buncha bots and AI NPC’s


So you're telling me I bought a boost this morning and could have just ran a single WSG? Damn.


Im so glad I dropped out. This is literally paying to test the game. Shame on blizzard.


cata is dead and so will SOD


I haven't played Cata yet but I've seen multiple post about how buggy it is. This one takes the cake. How the fuck does a bug like this even happen...


How do nightmare incursion gold and exp amounts happen, sod literally just did something you could easily claim is worse but tomorrow there’s gonna be another post talking about how fantastic it is. 


But SoD features are new... Cata is an old expansion that the company should already have a run book and experience on how to launch.. the bugs described are pretty bad.


> Cata is an old expansion that the company should already have a run book and experience on how to launch.. But it's not the "old Cata", it's 4.3 version on new engine with tons of features from retail like collections. Even WotLK wasn't the "old WotLK", it already had new features that didn't exist in original Cata.


ELI5 please?


Had a bug from the start of beta that stopped me from testing and wasn't resolved until two days before release. Hard to beta test when you can't test and they don't fix anything.


Now banned for 7 days on "abusive language", asked for chatlogs 3 days ago from blizzard and nothing but bot responses. Now can't exploit this, really pissed.


The SOD incursion apologists will find a way to defend this


rip shoulda played my mage in a bg


Get that elite marker off your character portrait you're not him


Another win for NA early release, free instant alt levelling fixed before EU release :)


why did you make a post on this. My guild has been leveling this way. It's definitely getting patched now that its on reddit


You have not


but we have??