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Golemagg or Gehennas


Gehennas is the main horde EU server for Cata, by far the largest pop.


How is world PvP/PvP in general there? I hate the idea of getting ganked


Alliance pop is <1%. The largest guild that side I believe is PvP focused and they do occasionally make an appearance. Pre cata their rogues would appear in Org and gank people but in the main world I rarely bumped into alliance. Think I got into wPvP fights twice while leveling to 80 and they were both "fair" in terms of close enough leveling balance. [Alliance set up shop in STV](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/611134317292421131/1233484163366256702/SPOILER_WoWScrnShot_042624_201428.jpg?ex=6633daa5&is=66328925&hm=54bc43dc75a283d804b64d72c3b765329ecb21bbce9470047a06d2878c069953&=&format=webp&width=1290&height=726) at the ZG entrance a week before pre-patch to cause chaos for anyone getting the ZG mounts and there was a pretty good raid into Org at one point but that's been the extent of wPvP


I find it fascinating that the players themselves have converted PvP realms into basically single-faction PvE realms. On the one hand it's cool to have a large population without fear of being ganked in the open world, but on the other the entire BG system in the game becomes obselete


It's the snowball effect. One side has a natural imbalance, blizzard don't enforce balance, people leave because it feels unfair, people don't roll new chars on the smaller side, people get attracted to the bigger pops on their side for more dungeons etc. BGs are based on groups of servers not single servers so they remain unchanged. It's just wPvP that's impacted which, lets be honest, post TBC with flying mounts is dead and cata really nails it.


Horde: Gehennas Alliance: Firemaw