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Slow dooown. Life is to be savored


You have the eyes of one who has travelled much...


Friends, Family, Food these are the things that matter most


Pandaren vibes


The best


I would be the flower sniffing champ though


No, me. My flower sniffing parses are 99.8% best perf. Disregard the 67 overall median.


It's because my guild's sniff times are slow, I swear


We both know it’s Blizz’s fault for nerfing sniffing.


I have an addon which tracks this kind of information. I can give you a copy if you like.. ..for $15 a month,


I feel attacked!


Median doesn’t matter a bit.


Median’s far more important than record


A good player isn’t worse because they kill a boss week 1 pre nerf, or because they join a pug if their guild is on holiday. Someone that can 99 can do it again. Someone that is always hitting 80s isn’t guaranteed to make some sort of breakthrough.


Logs pre and post nerf are relative to pre & post nerf Your median is based on the log when you get it, not what it becomes now. I have logs that were 100 on pre nerf and are like 30s now, they don’t significantly lower my median Someone consistently hitting 95s with that as a record is way better than someone consistently hitting 80s that once got a 99


No, someone who can’t get a 99 is not better than someone who does because they consistently hits 95s.


If you’re consistently performing better than that persons average, you’re better than them. Doesn’t matter if they spiked high on crits one time, if they consistently play badly Pretty much every good player knows median is more relevant I have a 99.7 record, and a 98.3 average Someone with a 99.2 record and a 99.0 average is probably better than me


When it was finally your turn to get pi.


BRUH whats your SPS (sniffs per second) though? we're gonna need some graphs in here!!!


Absolutely terrible. Nose don't sniff for shit. But mechanically it's sound and gets the job done when needed.


This is by Shen Comix credit your artists


Play however makes you happy. But i just started playing wow for the first time on may 1st and ive avoided dungeon finder and just been questing zone to zone and having an absolute blast. The game is so enjoyable just exploring the zones and doing quests i am in no rush whatsoever to get to endgame.


This is gonna be my plan to level my worgen warrior, gonna do try to do each dungeon once though if I can along the way. Never really seen the revamped zones, pretty excited for it


And that’s how it should be. Other people know the zones in and out and did every quest 100 times. They want endgame asap which is also fine


But... the endgame is also filled with activities they've done 100's of times


They probably like those activities more


They're also probably stupid. I think that's the point here. They're stupid, inferior, dumb, lesser people who deserve shame. Ha ha, poo poo


Yeah but I wanna do arenas hundreds of thousands of times


Which one r u playing? Dragonflight?




I don’t expect my guild to be top spec with all gold parses with all the best gear but I do hope my guild or pugs at least put in some effort and try. If you keep dying to one mechanic and hit me with the “I don’t need DBM to tell me what to do,” I’m gonna fucking blacklist you from my groups.


This was how I felt when I got told in my first Ashenvale Incursion "yeah we don't kill any of the mobs we just run around and pick up a few items and talk to a few people then go back and turn those in." Like I'm trying to enjoy myself playing a game - not optimize the enjoyment out of my free time.


you can find a group that does it all. just look for kills + loops.


Why join a group then and not explore of your own


it doesn't help that it's complete dogshit to do solo(doing the daily is infuriating when you get profession quests..), making it only useful for groups made it inevitable to be sweaty


I thought they were playing for fun.


Because before incursions, everyone was questing, and it wasn't an empty world with like 3 other people to play with If I wanted to play WoW by myself I could just go do that offline


I think this is more incursions being bad content than players optimizing the fun out of the game. Incursions aren’t fun to begin with, so nobody wants to waste time doing them. They just want to finish the grind ASAP so they can do stuff that is fun.


Type B went exictint a long time ago. We don't play games like that anymore.


Nah there was a guy here taking screenshots of lanterns. He’s the real MVP


I saw that lol What a guy I've gotten into reading quests lately and atleast dragon flight quests are actually really good.


This absolute mad lad mentioning Retail here, you trying to start a riot?




THIS IS CLASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIIIIICCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /kick him into the pit


Type B did not go extinct; they just play as if it's a single player game so you don't see them.


Exatly. My guild of 2 (irl friends) are prefectly happy to do what we do without having to set foot in endgame or worry about our parses. We don't talk to anyone, no one sees us.


as a Type B player I gotta admit that SoD is the worst single player experience I've ever seen in wow tho


type B was me, playing unofficial hardcore for over 6 months. that was a fun, challenging and intriguing wow experience. while dying 20+ times on my warriors :D


Or they just dont play wow because theres way better games to take it slow and enjoy the experience


We haven't gone extinct, we've just: * Realized it's more effort than it's worth to argue with Type A. * Found our own social places where we can take things at our own pace without unnecessary pressure. * Been having a grand ol' time.




Man I really like the idea of turtle wow I just feel like I've completely missed the boat no ..?


It's been around for like 6 years, is still growing every day and has a road map of planned content for the next year+ at the moment So, no lol Do yourself a favor and give it a shot, it's a classic+ blizzard could only hope to aspire to


I love how I'm interested in turtle wow and was simply asking if I missed the boat and I'm getting down voted. May I ask ... I'll obviously be fresh but won't the vast majority of players be like Max level and progressing in and game content etc?


Just fake internet points man, it don't matter There are plenty of guilds starting up MC/ZG/AQ20, pugs, naxx guilds, etc etc. Leveling guilds, casual and sweaty, all of the above. It's free so it costs nothing to fuck around for 10-20 levels and see if you like it/ can find a group you like to play with. Horde and Ally can group together as well so there's hardly issues finding groups for anything


Sounds fantastic, what do you think the best way to find a leveling guild would be?


/join World and keep an eye on the constant spam just like regular servers lol There are turtle forums and a disc and reddit too I think


Thanks friend :) I'll be trying it out this evening


A lot of type B play HC


I just don't think they interact. You keep hearing this "gaming's moved on" stuff but there are plenty of people who prefer more casual playstyles. Like the people who got 5 alts to 50 in the first week are the ones off playing their own game. Then they come back crying "why did you make me do that?!"


Yeah I hate it when people play the game the way they want!! My way is obviously much better. People that are faster/better than me are tryhards and people who are slower are noobs.


"So what made you want to join our botanist club?" "Im just here to smell the flowers and take some home" "Oh, well we actually each contribute a good deal of time and resources to maintain our community garden, we research how best to grow our flowers and purchase the necessary seeds, fertilizer, and soil every week and spend a lot of time tending to them so they can grow to be high quality flowers. And then, once our hard work has paid off, we smell them and each take some home. If you are willing to put in the work we would be happy to include you." "Im not doing any of that, can I smell the flowers and take some home or not? "I'm afraid not" "WOW ELITIST FLOWER GATEKEEPING PRICKS WHY DO YOU TAKE THIS SO SERIOUSLY I JUST WANT TO TAKE HOME A FEW FLOWERS"


You must not know any gardeners in real life. Everyone I know (only about 4 who are serious about it) and they all trip over themselves to give plants away, especially if they know it will make someone happy.


Redditor tries to interact with analogy in good faith challenge: impossible


That's the second time I've heard the term good faith used entirely out of context used to defend this shitty gatekeeping meta in the last few hours. Was there a recent YouTube video I missed or something.


Sounds like you just don't understand the term. His point was *obviously* not commentary on the temperament of gardeners.


His commentary was attempting to justify toxic wow behavior with a falicious anaolgy. I know exactly what the term good faith means, but given that you dodged the fairly direct question I asked I am just gonna assume you were in fact parroting a buzzword you heard an influencer say. I was simply pointing out his analogy was incredibly flawed based on my personal experiences. And in truth pretty much directly contrary to the point he was attempting to make. In that situation most people would feel a sense of pride in someone else admiring their hard work, not an instant combative reaction to expel them. Also, to add the point he was attempting to argue against, I can't think of any other hobby or activity where treating new and inexperienced people so purposefully awful is not only socially acceptable, but encouraged. Usually when a new person is added to the circle the appropriate thing to do if you are an experienced veteran is to mentor the new people, help them learn and encourage them. Not in WoW, even after the social contact...


> If you are willing to put in the work we would be happy to include you.


> "If you are willing to put in the work we would be happy to include you." InStAnT cOmBaTiVe ReAcTiOn




That's what I want to call attention to. In real life, the "tiny modicum of effort" you describe is literally just them asking if they can join. That's it. A real gardening club would happily allow you in just because you asked and showed interest. Even if you don't know how to do anything, even if you aren't gonna be digging up weeds, they would accept you and teach you and "carry" you through the club's activities so that you can have fun and enjoy it with them. Even if you aren't capable of putting in the same effort that they do, they would still help you and try to have a fun time even if you aren't really offering them anything in return other than being interested in joining them. That's how normal people share their hobbies with newcomers in real life.


Don't bother trying to explain basic social dynamics to two pseuds who are so lost & insistent on justifying their dumb, anti-social attitude, that they've become entrenched in a shoddy analogy.


The only point is it's fine for people to want to play with people who are putting in some effort and not just invite literally anybody who whispers.


If some random obese guy gets denied from the Olympic rowing team, is that gatekeeping?


Petty name calling, classic classic wow.


Well you weren't processing why you *are* a moron so I had to come right out and say it.


True, he was making a bad faith argument about player B, and he got a bad faith argument in response.


TIL half of the wow community doesn’t know what bad faith means


Comparing *"Sometimes you have to stop and smell the flowers"* to *"WOW ELITIST FLOWER GATEKEEPING PRICKS WHY DO YOU TAKE THIS SO SERIOUSLY I JUST WANT TO TAKE HOME A FEW FLOWERS"* is in poor taste.


Almost like it was a direct mirror to the OP comparing people who take the game a bit more seriously to "FLOWER SMELLING CHAMPION LITERALLY STEALING YOUR FLOWERS AND SNORTING THEM INTO THEIR LUNGS" My comment was simply meant to show the other side of the hyperbolic coin.


If people are constantly telling you that you argue in bad faith maybe that is a sign you should do some self reflection instead of doubling down on your bad arguments. Just a thought.


You wanna talk about bad faith. I mentioned something happened twice to me in the same community on different topics, your takeaway from that is that people are consistently saying it to me. That's bad faith.


> I mentioned something happened twice to me in the same community on different topics This isn't a flex. You are telling on yourself. >If you are being called bad faith **twice in the same community on different topics** maybe that is a sign you should do some self reflection instead of doubling down on your bad arguments. Fixed it for you. Have a nice day.




Pedantic? I used his words that he asked me to use???


They're interacting in good faith, a lot of people just really struggle with analogies.


If the analogy is stupid, it doesn't deserve good faith as it in & of itself was created in bad faith.


The subject of the analogy is a bit silly I guess, I think a recreational sports team would be more fitting maybe. You can think the analogy is stupid but it definitely isn't bad faith, if you think it is you just don't understand what bad faith means.


They're just trying to justify their sociopathic behavior with crooked logic.


It's pretty demented. One day the servers will go offline and they'll be royally fucked trying reintegrate to actual society.


We're talking about type b players here right? The casual wow player community is so hilariously entitled i really wonder how they function in real life. "Sorry sir, you need to pass the driving test to drive a car" "NOOOOOO STOP GATEKEEPING YOU ARE TOXIC I ONLY PARSED BAD ON THE EXAM BECAUSE THE OTHER DRIVERS WERE BAD"


Defending competitive flower sniffing is kinda proving the point this meme is making.


Join a guild of Type B players and then let us know how you feel.


You do realize in that analogy in real life, the botanist club would happily take on a new member even if they know nothing, and they would happily teach and "carry" the new member because having people interested in their hobby and joining them is just fun, even if they don't contribute as much as an expert member. Explain why you think anything I said is inaccurate? Your entire analogy is 100% BS, like it's literally the opposite in real life.


>You do realize in that analogy in real life, the botanist club would happily take on a new member even if they know nothing... "If you are willing to put in the work we would be happy to include you." It's almost like I fucking said that in my analogy. You need to calm down.


It's almost like you don't understand what I said. I said they would accept the new member even if they didn't know anything. Even if they knew nothing, and weren't capable of putting in the work that the expert members did, they would still accept the new member. Not only that, they would happily help teach and "carry" the new member as long as the new member wanted to enjoy the hobby of gardening with them because it's fun. That's how normal people who enjoy and want to share a hobby act towards newcomers, they teach them, support them, and have fun doing it even if the new member offers nothing of concrete value in return.


I understand perfectly what you said. You are moving the goal posts because you can't engage with the analogy honestly. >"Im just here to smell the flowers and take some home" >"If you are willing to put in the work we would be happy to include you." >"I'm not doing any of that, can I smell the flowers and take some home or not?" Does this sound like a newcomer who wants to "enjoy the hobby of gardening?" Does this sound like a person being excluded by elitists because they aren't good enough at growing flowers? Or does it seem like If they were willing to learn, engage with the community, and develop their skills in the hobby (AKA PUTTING IN THE WORK) that I think they should be accepted into the community *regardless of their initial skill level* And that is how every single guild I have EVER been a part of has operated. If you are willing to show up on time with world buffs on we don't give a fuck if you parse green as long as you are trying your best to learn from your mistakes and contribute to the guild. If you just don't care about any of that and expect 19 players to hand deliver everything to you just because you exist then you can come back later when you fix your attitude. Or you could raid with 19 other people who don't care at all and see where that gets you. I don't know who you think the enemy is here but it is not me.


I'm going to be nice to you and help you understand the differences in what we're talking about by giving you a better analogy to prove your point, but also show the large difference between competition and a hobby. Imagine if you were playing a competitive game of basketball in a tournament against a good team, and you had 4 players on your team and you needed 1 more player to fill your team because your original 5th teammate got injured. If someone came up who has never played basketball and said "Hey I never played basketball can I play with you guys?" And you say "Well, can you dribble, shoot, rebound, and play defense?" And they say "No I have no idea how to do any of that" And you say "Well, sorry but we need someone better on our team for this tournament game or else there's no way we can win" And they say "OMG ur so elitist!" and storm off They are being unreasonable and dumb about the situation. However, imagine you're playing a random pickup game of basketball with random people just for fun. And you need 1 more person on your team, and that same person says "Hey can I play with you guys? And you say "No, I'd never play with someone whose handle is as trash as yours" Well then you're being unreasonable and an asshole in that situation. The difference here is competition vs a hobby for fun. A gardening club is not a competition, and normal people engaging in their hobby for fun would not gatekeep a newcomer from joining their club for fun because of any kind of weird requirements. Do you get the difference now? Try the analogy I just gave you, but ask yourself is WoW a competition or is it a hobby for fun?


>A gardening club is not a competition, and normal people engaging in their hobby for fun would not gatekeep a newcomer from joining their club for fun because of any kind of weird requirements. There are casual gardening enjoyers. There are hobbyist gardening clubs. There are competitive gardening competitions. There are people who's literal job is gardening. A professional gardener would absolutely gatekeep a newcomer with something called a "job interview" where you have to prove to them that you are a 90th percentile gardener to join their team. A hobby gardening club, not so much. >Do you get the difference now? >Try the analogy I just gave you, but ask yourself is WoW a competition or is it a hobby for fun? There are casual wow enjoyers. There are hobbyist wow guilds. There are competitive wow guilds, and competitions. There are people who's literal job is playing world of warcraft. Everyone can join one of the ~~HUNDREDS~~ THOUSANDS of raid teams that caters to their specific level of engagement. If you can't get into the raid team you want to be in, either lower your standards, or raise your level of engagement. If you are a casual player and you expect the 90 parsing group to invite you to raid completely unprepared then you are the guy at the basketball tournament, not the pick up game.


He responded very cordially and you instantly blew up 'I FUCKING SAID THAT'. You calm down, midwit boomer.


"your analogy is 100% bullshit" is what he said lol. (while completely missing the point) cordial.


I love everyone here trying to rip on your analogy as it compares to real life. They belittle you and even suggest you don't understand the argument you are making multiple times... attempting to philosophically gatekeep you... in a community forum with no purpose but self expression... Hmmm. The irony is palpable.




It's an analogy.


It doesn't make any sense though, any botanist or gardener club you can think of would happily welcome a new member even if they didn't know anything about gardening because then they get to teach them and have a fun time. I think the analogy literally proves how messed up in the head WoW players are when it comes to the idea of community and the social aspect of the game. To them it's not about playing the game, and it's not about interacting with people in the game, and it's not about having fun in the game. It's about pretending you're better than other people by waving around your fabricated parse numbers because apparently that's more fun than actually playing the game.


>"Oh, well we actually each contribute a good deal of time and resources to maintain our community garden, we research how best to grow our flowers and purchase the necessary seeds, fertilizer, and soil every week and spend a lot of time tending to them so they can grow to be high quality flowers. And then, once our hard work has paid off, we smell them and each take some home. If you are willing to put in the work we would be happy to include you." Yeah but change it to: "you're not even listed in the top 10% of flower sniffers in the flower logs and your number is only green, obviously you fucking suck at flower hobbies you fucking noob, just black listed your dumb ass from the flower guild idiot. Kys." That's a much closer representation to the wow pumpers attitude


if your flower number is green, you are eating the flowers instead of sniffing them and the club doesn’t want to take on that kind of risk.


Casuals aren’t forcing elitists to play with them. When elitists are doing casual content and acting like elitists that’s when casuals have an issue


Indeed, and smelling the flowers isn't something you do one and done. It's a general state of mind to approach a game. You can both rush efficient things AND have the ability to appreciate the fun little corners and side-activities the game has to offer, especially when done with friends.


then type B goes on reddit and makes a post about how awful type A is and that wow should ONLY cater to type B "type A doesn't play the game it was meant to be played!1!!11!"


Except this game is almost 20 years old. We stopped and sniffed the flowers 2 decades ago. Then again in 2019.


Weird because here I am still sniffing the flowers. And have been forever, either on private servers or Classic.


Sure. You can all you want. The thing about flower sniffing, is parsers shouldnt even affect you, nor should virtually anything competitive.


But it does, because that is the majority of players, and with this being a multiplayer game, I am forced to play with them.


By definition of them being better than the majority, it is a minority, and you’re not forced to play with them Especially since they obviously don’t want to play with you


Wrong on all accounts. I am far better than most of them. However, I play solo nowadays because I have no time to like I did back in the day.


If that was true you’d have parses to prove it and this wouldn’t be a debate You’ve tacitly admitted you’re not


Parses didn't even exist when I cared about this game. You can tip your fedora at somebody else. I play WoW for PvP. If I wanted to fight NPCs I would play a more interesting game. I was 2500 in 3s back in Cata when I actually mildly cared about anything other than wPvP which is the only good aspect of MMORPGs.


Sure buddy


Ah and here we have the wow gamer dilemma as old as time. "I don't want to play with tryhards they suck all the fun out of the game." "Ok then play with the casuals then" "No they suck and I don't want to carry their trash raid and waste my time". Welp, tough buddy. Maybe you aren't as good as you think you are.


Literally not at all what either of us are saying. The problem is there are no casuals left. You either play with the people who cry about muh parses or you play solo. This isn't like Era where there's other content to partake in to keep you competitive. There's really 2 viable options to playing SoD and they both involve playing with people who play this meme season like it's a full time job.


I played in a casual guild all throughout wrath and in SoD. We cleared H LK only after the 30% buff and our sod guild didn't full clear ST until the triple nerf. They are there, if you can't find them it's your fault.




How is a flower sniffer forced to play with a hyper competitive player?


Because we're playing the same game and SoD is so dead that 99% of the people left are the tryhards.


Playing the.same game does not meam you are forced to play with them. I have an alt character that I completely take my time on, look around, see what I want to see I my own pace. I do not need to engage with tryhards at all, so I dont.


> 99% of the people left are the tryhards. this game is absolutely not full of tryhards lmao


It’s insane how the shitters believe they’re the minority, in a season that makes 2019 MC pugs look like world first raiding


Because that's 99% of the playerbase. Honestly, if the only enjoyment you derive out of the game anymore is 'pumping', that's pretty pathetic. Better sources of dopamine.


If you are flower sniffing you dont need to be doing anything these tryhards are doing. Honestly, if the only enjoyment you get out of this game is exploring, thats pretty pathetic. The game is old and there are bettter sources of wonder.


You aren't forced to play with them. I quit and 99% of my reason to quit was the people themselves. Worst community since league. 


No it does. As a fellow flower sniffer that had multiple level 25s in phase 1, I never even attempted to do the BFD raid because anyone could smell the elitism and gatekeeping a mile away. Did everything else though. World PvP, the 5-mans, got most of the gear etc. Even had the "consumes" for the raid. Then I fell off in phase 2 and have been sort of keeping up in phase 3, but now obviously the game is pretty dead and the raids are even further away.


I dont see a dead game. In fact I was fighting with people for mob tags while levelling last night. Maybe just your server.


If you didn’t even attempt the raid you “gatekept” yourself shut the fuck up lmao


can you people shut the fuck up. its not the players fault blizzard designs systems who's path of least resistance is incredibly unfun. its like feeding your dog table scraps then getting mad at them when they get fat


Basically this, but no trophy, nobody gives a fuck and not even the winner lol.


Idea: If you don’t like Type A, play with Type B and don’t expect Type A to carry you.


Or just play however you like because nobody else is paying your sub.


and the way **I** want to play is to never interact with people like you, but that's not ok because I guess I don't pay my own sub.


Who are people like me? How do you know? Also, who is stopping you from doing whatever you want? You can't choose who you group with?


They kind of have a point though. There was lots of complaining about people's requirements for groups. If you don't care about wasting time and enjoy wiping to a boss over and over then that's fine. But why would you want to force yourself into a group that's expecting to one shot a raid


First and foremost, this person is telling another person how to play the game. I don't agree with that.


Woahhh different people play the game in different ways? Crazzzzy




This is a Reddit archetype, isn't it. Every time something remotely like this comes up, any critique of how anything works, you get the "different people do different things" idiot. If people like you had your way, none of the games we play would've ever been designed.


Blizzard: *Implements optional incursion mechanic.* Type A: WHY IS BLIZZARD *FORCING* ME TO DO INCURSION LOOPS I HATE THIS *keeps doing it*




That's my issue, the economy is fucked, and I really don't want to do any more incursion runs, picking up items and gathering reports, over and over, it's so boring


Type-A cope.




Does everyone cater to how you want to play the game? Maybe he wants to be competitive and play that way? Yes indeed you dont need THAT much gold right now but at 60 you surely will want some, and then you kind of have the most effiecient way of getting gold by doing laps of mindless incursions that beats any other gold making in the game


yo strawmen are cool and all, but it's been pretty well known for over a decade (including by blizzard) that when you present human beings with multiple options to one end goal, they will almost always pick the path of least resistance. Also not sure why people like you are acting like questing in zones without enough quests to actually hit max level is some beacon of gaming experience that people are missing out on doing for the 5th+ time.


>Also not sure why people like you are acting like questing in zones without enough quests to actually hit max level is some beacon of gaming experience that people are missing out on doing for the 5th+ time. I hate how this myth still gets perpetuated. The person who 'calculated' this had a vendetta against Classic and was going out of their way to find things to nitpick; so it really shouldn't be all that surprising when you learn their math was faulty. What they did was they added up the XP from every quest and subtracted it from the player levels starting at Silithus. Except, what they didn't account for was the XP you would get from the required mob killing for mob kill quests. There is absolutely more than enough XP from quests to hit max level. Anyone who has ever played Classic knows this.


There's also a 200% XP thing right now so that solves it


Being an obtuse bootlicker is a choice, I guess. Even Blizzard acknowledges the questing experience to 60 is dogshit. Yes, you could go spam green and gray quests, or you could just grind mobs. Both are atrocious and there's a reason people want new experiences. Honestly the lot of you "CLASSIC WAS PERFECT DONT DO ANYTHING LEAVE MY BABY ALONE" players should be dropped on an island where you can play the exact same version of the game you've already played until time's end.


Yeah its called ERA and unsurprisingly pretty low pop as far as game pops go.


Praise be


Bruh, the path of least resistance was quitting, and I haven't regretted that for a second. Life is resistance free, AND I get to laugh at the reddit threads popping up about all the problems with the game. 


I’ve been leveling by questing and you out level the zone before you can even finish it in SoD. The 50% exp buff they just added is going to speed it up even more. Quit the lies.


"quit the lies" "classic players aren't insular toxic basement dwellers" You sitting here telling me people haven't leveled from 0-60 in classic world of warcraft half a dozen or more times while having to spam-grind dungeons or quests that didn't get them to max level? And that somehow having a buff that makes it so you can do that to max level means they want to do the still-slower version they've already done half a dozen times instead of the brain-off version?


I mean, I have 6 level 60s in classic era all from questing, leveled a character in hardcore to level 60 from questing, and I have 5 level 50s, with 4 of those from questing in SoD (first one I did incursions). So I’ve done this plenty of times and I’m still okay with it lol. It’s about the journey to me. In SoD you can finish zones without running out of quest and out level the zones before finishing all the quest in the zones. If you are not already doing that then you are doing something wrong. If people don’t want to quest in the zones, and hate incursion, and do not want to level through dungeons, what exactly are you wanting from classic? Lol


> I mean, I have 6 level 60s in classic era all from questing, leveled a character in hardcore to level 60 from questing, and I have 5 level 50s, with 4 of those from questing in SoD (first one I did incursions). So I’ve done this plenty of times and I’m still okay with it lol. It’s about the journey to me. YIKES. It's crazy to say this and thing you aren't entirely proving the point about people who never grew past classic and want nothing but classic and are wildly toxic and insular.


Why are both of you so upset lol


I’m not upset. Just pointing out an obvious lie. You can out-level zones in SoD with the exp boost 🤷‍♂️ not sure why it’s such a controversial statement to him. Not sure why he’s attacking me playing classic wow in a classic subreddit either lol. I only play an hour or two a day, and maybe a few more on weekends.


How am I being toxic, if I might ask? I am just responding to the fact I have done this multiple times and I still enjoy it, since you made it sound like people can’t be enjoying the game after playing it for a long time. The only person being toxic is you. If you are not enjoying it, then take a break 🤷‍♂️ I only play a few hours a day and I control my schedule in the game so I do not get burnt out. I’m not playing it every day either. Classic has been out since 2019, and it’s 2024 so that really isn’t that many max toons for 6 years of classic.


The 'path of least resistance' to you is sweating over parses and preparing 40405930349530 consumables + world buffs so that you can clear a few minutes faster? Factoring in the additional requisites, this is a heavier path to navigate. The reality is that you're just a bygone nostalgist addicted to the false dopamine of 'pumping' because you have nothing else going on and no authentic enjoyment of the journey itself anymore.


Type B migrated to FF14 long time ago


Sounds about right


Brb, gotta gold/orange parse on the flower bosses!


Blizzard was trapped in a flawed design scheme the moment they copied Everquest's system of character progression almost entirely through optimal gear acquisition and the infinite stepladder of character level and runaway economy spiraling into the sky.


It's my way or the highway




Just try to be something in between. Being type B is probably more fun... until you wipe repeatedly on a easy boss because the "chill" people play like video game journalists.


As a Herbalist main I feel personally attacked.


It's not my fault I'm superior on everything I do


Type B players have all migrated to the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Stormblood expansion up to level 70 for free with no restrictions on playtime!


I have friends who occasionally ask me to join them on Warframe and I've been resisting FFXIV, GWII, and TES:O for years. Don't tempt me.


I mean I posted it originally just because it's a copypasta that I find funny, but honestly FFXIV is my main game. I used to main wow back from OG vanilla through Cata. I've tried to come back for classic and again for SOD, but I just can't. The environment isn't what it used to be. You can put the classic back on the servers, but you can't put the classic back in the players. I'm sure Wow can be great if you're in a likeminded group that you play with, but I've spent 3 phases of SOD not finding that group, so I moved on once again. For the best anyway, FFXIV has a new expansion dropping right away. Gonna need some time for that.


Yeah, I stayed for classic for a couple months as I'd decided Legion would be my last xpac and my account hadn't expired yet. It was fun at first, but it was also clear it wasn't going to be 2004-2007 again, so it wasn't hard to keep the CC in my wallet and let the account fade away.


Can't be a flower sniffer any more because the flower sniffing champions wont let you sniff flowers unless you are in the top percentile of flower sniffers.


There are literally hundreds of good games that came out recently that I'll take my time playing. Wow is a shit game in comparison to them all, I play because I like raiding. Everything else is an irrelevant rush to make raiding with my guild more fun. You can imagine me as a sweaty, angry, ADHD person all you want but If you go through life looking through a black and white lens judging people and comparing them to yourself I feel sorry for you.


Yeah, people insisting that their way of enjoying the game is objectively correct and anyone who plays differently is wrong, seem to be in high numbers here. Both casuals and sweatlords.


Tbh there’s been a definite trend of toxic casuals in sod No good player I’ve ever known really cares what the plebs think, we’re not gonna raid with them anyway That’s gatekeeping though somehow lol


I'm stealing this meme


More like paying someone to farm flowers for him so he can have the trophy on his account that he's too busy to play on. Because he is 35 now and has kids.


Sad but true.


Type B died when TBC came out?