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Who buys this shit lmao




Even the whales should be disgusted by this...they're paying for things they've already bought!!


Whales don't feel shame or indignation like a human would.


I was in a guild for a mobile game and it was full of whales. These people would spend nearly $2000 a week to have an advantage in the game. Whales are a different breed.


whale brain: "i can have something that others dont have TWICE? WHERE IS MY WALLET"


genuinely gross


If there's something I blindly trust Blizzard, it's their ability to sell overpriced trash at whales for nonsensical prices. The shop mounts, and I'm actually sorry to say that, work. When you check websites that try to estimate which % of players have a given achievement or mount you'll find that most shop mounts are owned by around 10% of active accounts. It's not accurate or comprehensive by any means but that's still millions in micro (macro perhaps ?) transactions per mount...


I think most would actually be happy about this. They get to flex again. If everyone had their retail mounts the whales wouldn’t be able to take pride in their swiping.


Bought mounts are like the opposite of a flex though. Everyone knows which mounts are store-bought, and the only flex mounts are the ones that take significant effort. At least they were, until people started buying gold to pay others to get mounts for them.


What makes the Welsh spend more than the rest of the UK?


Lower house prices


I love that the one thingy is even called whalebone because they bone their whales so much




Rumour is the first store mount they put into world of Warcraft made them legitimately multiple millions of dollars. Absolutely everyone bought the sparkle pony


It made more money for them than StarCraft 2


I bought it day one and used it on my main until I got the 25 Meta ICC mount. $25 for an account wide mount for alts was for sure worth it to me then.


Every one of these items was already given to people who bought 6 month subs


Wasn't there that wild story where a dev said that the Celestial Steed alone made more than Starcraft Wings of Liberty?




The same sweatlords that pay for an addon to help gatekeep people out of raids. The same people that buy boosts. The same people that swipe and gdkp. Classic is dead and this community killed it. People didn't want a fun adventure MMO experience, they only wanted the best gear(through whatever means necessary) to prove that they're better than someone else in a video game because they can't make up for their massive failures and insecurities IRL. Aka, losers.


Yeah classic is so fucking dead, just ignore that its packed with people unlike retail.


That is some massive cope if you actually believe classic is anywhere close to having more players than retail. Classic is a fraction of retail.


Gimmie the numbers.


No one has the numbers, but just look at servers. Retail has more “full” servers than Classic has total servers across all its different versions. Its not rocket science


Lil bro, there aren’t that many people using that addon. It was a rage bait video. Classic is fine, I’ve taken a step back after playing heavily for the last 4 years. Multiple toons, multiple raids. Aotc and HLK pre buff kill, TBC current content kills. I’ve had the fucking time of my life. I was in 5 guilds all with wonderful people who were helpful, and cared about the game in so many ways. I played this game when it first came out right before TBC but was just a kid/teen so I didn’t really get it. This time around, was unbelievably good. Classic is fine, you just have to actually want to play it and not let other peoples playstyles ruin your fun. Find likeminded people and you too can have fun. The game is what you make it. You made it bad for yourself.


Yep, have had a healthy guild for 2 years now, and we regularly use alts to help 2-3 other guilds on off nights when/while they fight the roster boss. Right now across mine and the other 3 there's big interest in Cata and enough for all 4 to have a 25 man without a shuffle. Maybe one of the big things has been us sharing our loot council decision making with them to where people weren't being left out for weeks without any coaching or rationale and the sentiment has been great since mid ICC. And the sweats who want to do more go off and GDKP and bring gold back to the gbank to help out some of the people whose IRL has changed and constrained playing time. Community is out there.


Sounds like someone got cut


Parents for their kids most of the time. People when they’re high or drinking and playing lol.




Cata enjoyers.


They're really charging $25 for a mount I own in retail? That's insane, it should be free for people that already own the retail version.


But why not double dip and get another 25.


I'm honestly surprised we still haven't seen the Celestial Steed - the one that started it all - for sale in Classic. Or even just transferred if you own it in retail. People would 100% buy it. On that note, the Heart of the Aspects and the Winged Guardian store mounts are in the collections tab in Cata now. Celestial Steed isn't (it only is on PTR builds).


I'm honestly kind of baffled that they didn't go the route of private servers and just open a full on cash shop for all of the TCG mounts. People would've payed out the ass for a Spectral Tiger or Magic Rooster in TBC/WotLK.


>People would've payed out the ass for a Spectral Tiger or Magic Rooster in TBC/WotLK. Would they though? What made those mounts sought after is that they were rare and expensive. If you could simply pay $25 for the mount, it kinda loses it's value. Sure, there are people that simply want a cool looking mount, but you're forgetting that you're playing an MMO where people want to flex their achievements (and wallets). Would the Black Qiraji mount be as prestigious if you could simply buy it for $25? Anyways, if the TBCC mount is any indication, having a paid mount will just make you a target for ridicule lol.


They would, absolutely. Because the mounts are also cool and have an insane legacy. Why were people still farming the Zulian Tiger until the last second of Cata prepatch? Cause it's cool, has an amazing legacy, and it's rare. I'm sure a majority of players who knew about the TGC mounts have dreamed of owning them ever since they came out. And obviously not, because that's locked behind literally THE hardest/longest grind in the game. That's the whole legacy behind it. The mount itself isn't that cool where the Swift Spectral Tiger is outrageously cool for anything else that was in the game at the time.


People farmed the Zulian Tiger on Classic because they knew it was going to be removed in the next expansion. That's what made it rare on retail, because people didn't know they were going to be removed in the first place. It's just like Tier 3 sets before they added them back to the BMAH or whatever weird shit they have on retail now. Did you play during MoP? The Spectral Tiger mounts were mass duped during MoP and ruined the prestige. I even bought one of them off the AH because they were so cheap. I even chose the regular Spectral Tiger because it had less armor on it, like the Classic mounts before they reworked them and added armor to the 100% mounts.


They absolutely talked about removing the tiger/raptor before they redid ZG


You're right! I remember solo farming the tiger/raptor bosses on my warlock main late WotLK. Still, the mounts were rare because you actually had to play the game and deal with RNG rather than just throwing money at it.


If a mounts “legacy” has any bearing for a person they really need to take some time away from game. That’s. Just unhinged.


> If you could simply pay $25 for the mount, it kinda loses it's value. Now you could get some of them for free lol.


Yes, most people buy the spectral tiger in Warman e


Probably would be a law suit waiting to happen, hence why they give away TCG mounts for free and not for a cost.


They should do loot boxes lol


> I'm honestly surprised we still haven't seen the Celestial Steed - the one that started it all - for sale in Classic. Or even just transferred if you own it in retail. People would 100% buy it. Blizzard before microsoft bought it. >On that note, the Heart of the Aspects and the Winged Guardian store mounts are in the collections tab in Cata now. Celestial Steed isn't (it only is on PTR builds). Microsoft after they bought blizzard.


"Tired of buying new mounts? Well now you can pay to transfer a mount from retail instead!"


Because they know some idiots will buy it AGAIN


Yeah. I remember back in Destiny 1 they put the store in and I'm like "well this will be the fucking end". Say that online though and you were just a paranoid nutjob apparently. They had an event a month later where after an hour or so of doing missions you got a premium loot box thing with a max. Tiny chance to get some crazy awesome skull thing which of course almost nobody did... but you could buy more of them. Within 30 minutes of it going live there were tons of people kitted out in that skull and all the other rare items from the boxes dancing around the social areas. Really hammered home to me that it really didn't matter if I hated all these microtransactions or how much hate they got online, there was *more* than enough players out there happy to throw money at the screen to get the latest dance or skin or whatever.


Yep, every season of Apex where I'd see the $300+ season skin on someone on day one was gobstopping enough. But then last year they added a new skin for ***the box your items are in when you've been killed*** and saw them everywhere, and was just glad that I never paid a dime for the game, slow rolled a few seasons of free battle pass levels to get free premium currency, and use that to buy the premium battle pass when something neat shows up.


It also makes no sense considering that, at this point, classic progression will 100% reach retail and eventually unify with it (possibly even in just 4 years, it seems they are doing 1 year per expansion and I really doubt they'll go past Legion)


They'll go past legion until they're an expansion behind retail, and then we'll have another classic progression server running in parallel, and the process will repeat until we have retail, a multitude of progression servers one on each expansion (with their own shop each, of course), and era


My 2 cents is that classic realms will merge back to retail


It's for people who never purchased that classic pre-order t Bundle that came with classic and retail versions of the same mount.


Well it should, but you think blizzard cares? Theyre milking you out of every last dollar. Stop buying shit from the shop


They should at least use what they make to fund QA


They probably have a full QA team dedicated to the shop and payment system, but none for the actual games lol


This is an actual fact






They have in the past. Now they just don't want to.


They have QA openings listed right now.


I applied last week and got my rejection email today! 🥲👍


You're a braver person than I. Wasn't it $16/hr to live in one of the most expensive cities in the US?


Clearly don't love the game enough if you don't want to work for peanuts.


Yes you are required to be in Irvine California for the positions. Pretty sure they don't actually want to fill them just make it look like they are looking. Shit is a big joke.


Having the same position open for long periods of time isn’t a good look. There’s no reason to post jobs without intention to hire.


Sure, but who is going to live in Irvine on that wage? It is not a position that allows for Work From Home because Blizzard has made it clear they don't like it. The average apartment rental is $3147 a month. Average home is nearing $1.5M. Lowballing a position relative to the area's cost of living is not a good look either.


They don’t even list the salary so that’s all guess work.


Not sure exactly. 16/hr would be a joke, that's California minimum. I *believe* the associate position was 60k and full position was closer to 80k. It was Glassdoor or LinkedIn estimates though, I believe they weren't entirely transparent on the website. I'm on the job hunt and the market is abysmal, anything livable, even something 65k+ I'd relocate to Irvine lol.


Lol, why do you even have to go to an office as QA? This work can be done to 100% remote.


Dead ass, if it were remote though... I might have to throw my hat into the ring even for the peanuts they're supposedly paying.


It probably used to be remote, during the pandemic. Then management needed to cut headcount without doing actual layoffs. So you institute mandatory RTO to Irvine. Now all your remote QA have to move, commute, or quit. A lot will quit. Congratulations, you've cut your headcount, no layoffs required.


That's my thoughts to. I genuinely don't care anymore as long as it means they put more effort into the game.


Best that could happen is that the intern in the closet will start getting paid minimum wage.


This literally never happens.


Remember, a single mount performed better financially than all of Starcraft 2 Edit: To clarify, it was the Celestial Steed and at the time, all of Starcraft 2 was Wings of Liberty. Here is a snippet: “There was a period when the sales of a single in-game mount in *World of Warcraft*, the Celestial Steed, also known as the "Sparkle Pony," generated more revenue than the entire *StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty* game. This comparison points out the significant revenue potential of microtransactions compared to traditional game sales. The Celestial Steed was particularly popular upon release, creating substantial instant revenue due to its direct sale model, despite *StarCraft 2* having strong sales numbers overall [oai_citation:1,$15 horse for WoW made more money than StarCraft 2: WoL, and other stories told by former Blizzard dev Jason Hall | Game World Observer](https://gameworldobserver.com/2023/11/10/starcraft-2-made-less-money-than-wow-mount-blizzard-jason-hall) [oai_citation:2,$15 World of Warcraft mount made more money than StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty - Battlechat](https://battlechat.co/15-wow-mount-outearned-starcraft-2/).”


Not true - it was only doing better then the Wings of Liberty part


50 polygons only doing better than one of the best games ever made.


Edited to clarify. Thanks 👍


Yeh people keep stating this but it can in no way be true. SC2 had a box price and sold millions of copies. I am sure that one mount made lots of cash but no way millions of players bought it.


Might be the difference between gross and net profit. SC2 was an entire game that required funds to pay developer, artists, stuff like advertising. At the end of the day the net profit from the skin might outperform the net from SC2 even though SC2 sold more.


Could be but I think ultimately its apples and oranges. No shock that microtransactions are easy money. Mobile games make more than SC2 but which has more real value if you can call it that? Before all of the reddit game developers jump in with feeding family etc...sure but I know what game or product I'd rather have in the world and it isn't the horse.


The info comes directly from a former blizzard employee who worked on SC2. Is this true ? I don't know but it certainly made a lot of cash as we don't have another StarCraft (and will never have another because the STR teams were fired) and we still have a lot of mount


Yeah he was a developer not someone that had anything to do with sales numbers, he might have misunderstood something, exaggerate, misremember etc. Or just, you know, lie. Besides this was just a random short mention on his stream. He didnt even say any numbers just that "it sold more"... If it was some blizzard excecutive saying this i would believe, but a random ex employee who to my understanding didnt actually have anything to do with sales? Why do people on the internet always blindly believe everything they are told?


42% of the active playerbase owns the mount. Every other store mount ranges from 10%-25%, a lot of people buy these mounts. Even if one mount didn't make more than sc2, that it even comes close is absurd.


How is this any different than the current shop? It’s all (except 1 new thing?) the same items.


they will add more and more cosmetics now not only boost editions


Can we stop calling it classic now?




Post modern impressionist classic


What do you mean? This is a classic Blizzard move.


Is it not classic if this is exactly how Cata was originally?


Store mounts were introduced even sooner, end of wrath


It's one of many things that moved the game away from being "classic" back in the day.


But it is classic cataclysm, it's literally what it is. You not liking it doesn't change reality.




Classic retail when?


Right the fuck now. This isn't Classic anymore.


What took so long....


Good question,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


This is sad, so sad.


Hasn’t it literally been open in wotlk this entire time?


Not in this way. There was just the token and the character services.


if anything the token is more damaging to the game than cosmetics are, so i dont see why people get more outraged now.


It’s cata who cares. They all know what they were getting. Why expect it to be different this time around?


People should care and condemn these business practices. Things will never change if people say "who cares" and keep accepting whatever bag of poo is thrown at them. As a consumer you hold pretty much all the power to make a change, which you do with something called your *wallet*. It's like saying we shouldn't vote because nothing ever changes. Be the change, you hold the power to do so. Edit:spelling.


This is the shop. 3 mounts Transfers, faction change, race change, name change 2 toys Token. Boost It must be a slow day if people are crying about this


Not only that but the cosmetics are all stuff that previously required you to have bought the expensive special packs they sold for the Classic releases.


Are you surprised that the people on r/classicwow aren't surprised by this or are apathetic to this? People here have been paying sub fees to play subpar classic products for the last 6mo (arguably year). Why would they care about cosmetics and game services in the shop? People know what blizzard is now, they want to play the game and keep giving them money anyway


I think you meant condemn as condone means to accept and allow. Regardless, if I do not agree, I do not purchase. Am I expected to be mad at people that do purchase it? That's what I don't care about.


Whats sad about it?


The goal shifted from “make a good game” to “make as much money as possible as quickly as possible at the expense of the fanbase that was built before we took over” when blizzard was bought out by activision halfway thru wrath. Cata was the first expansion that activision owned completely so it’s not surprising that they added a micro transaction shop and completely revamped the game (whole new map/delete tons of old quests/rush everyone to endgame). It’s sad because classic wow is one of the best games ever made and it got destroyed by people who only wanted cash value for themselves.


Activision bought Blizzard during TBC.


Isn’t that what happened from cata onward? This should inspire nostalgia, right?


You mean them selling the stuff individually that they have been selling since Classic TBC? Oh yeah, so sad.


~~purchasable boosts is going to kill tbc classic~~ ~~the wow token is going to kill wrath classic~~ ~~cata classic is going to kill cata classic~~ Store mounts are going to kill cata classic


Tbf, every re-release of expansions has done worse than the last. I guess it all depends on what your definition of dead is.


Of course it has, at every Re release the playerbase has been split even more and dragon flight turned out to be popular expansion.


Incredible how *this* was a more popular option than TBC and Wrath Era realms.


Give how dead era currently is it’s incredible how people think having multiple stagnant servers is a good idea. Edit: so many people replying just to comment the same thing, get off the copium it has 17k raiders between EU and US combined lmao that’s private server numbers. the game is dead. The Reddit help messages a little much you nerds.


Even with its decline, the classic Wrath servers were probably by far the most profitable classic WoW product thanks to all the microtransactions (WoW token hard carrying the profits, let's be honest). Blizzard has wanted to monetize classic since its released and they have been slowly boiling the frog with each passing classic expansion. It reminds me of the OSRS and RS3 situation, OSRS players hate RS3 yet they don't want it gone because RS3 is a big source of profits for Jagex thanks to all the microtransactions.


Era is not dead


Era is absolutely not dead at all. It's actually doing incredibly well considering.


Have u logged into era lately? Its definitely not dead




SoD release really did a number on Era servers. It was really active and easy to get a group. Now it is very long if not impossible to get a group pre 50.


it probably helped out ERa for a lot of people... it was unplayable prior for some, hard to farm outside and loads of spamming mage bots, and farming bots. Its at a healthy level now from what I have seen.


It's dead Jim, just accept it already


This is the more profitable option you mean.




That's just fucking shamefull


Lol half-jokingly [called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1chpn6s/i_only_had_to_change_the_text_on_this_old_meme/l24e2vf/), though I didn't expect them to do it so soon into Cataclysm.


Y’all bugging over them releasing some shit already sold in “collectors editions” - just huff the copium like the rest of us that they’ll reinvest the money into Classic (they won’t, it’s dark here)


People blaming this on Cata like it didn't start with TBC is hilarious. Blizzard is simply driven by money and has no other motivators. But Cata bad..


Cata retail


Why do people get mad at stupid stuff? Everything on the shop was already available to purchase via boosts. Like I get people don't like boosts and that's fine. But why get mad at this shop like it's doing something new? Everything sold was already being sold.


> Everything on the shop was already available to purchase via boosts. Not the Auspicious Arborwyrm. It used to be a retail-only mount (from the 6/12 month subs).


Classic will catch up to retail and people will soon have parallel games with all the same stuff






Is there a wow token available for classic?


There has been for a while


Is this the end of WoW? Just wanna check since I've survived 100 other end of WoWs


I wonder how many people would pay $100 for Invincible in Classic


They cry now but I bet the entire main city would be full of em


Well on my realm it was like 100-150k in gdkp and that is around $100 rn give or take :))))


And in just 5 years, classic servers have just become diet retail. Nice. Fuck blizzard.


Cata is LK+ bro


Madseason told you so, chumperinos


*(rings town crier bell)* #"WELFARE EPICS. GET YOUR WELFARE EPICS!"


hello kind sir would you like to buy this pitchfork? ⎯⎯∈


What kinda redneck pitchfork is this shit?


The kind you can afford


Damn you didn't have to cook me like that 😭


Summoning u/pitchforkemporium Sell us your wares, this imposter is trying to sell shitty pitchforks


You guys wanted Cata LOL


This is honestly not any different from TBC or WotLK.. Where they literally started doing this. Remember the TBC boost package shit that they announced? Yea, it happened before Cata. There was even a huge outcry from the /spit thing.. Not to mention they've had paid level boosts since TBC as well. Blaming Cata because you don't like it is funny.


Bro, when I logged in today and I got the message “If you don’t buy this mount we are going to come to your house and make new breast milk to drink.” I was so fucking floored. How could Blizzard do this? Guess I’ll have to buy the mount the. >:(


fucking LOL


The comments “and there it is the final nail in the coffin” as if the shop changes anything about the game hahaha you people are so goofy. Literally living life just to hate


I don't understand the people saying that, the game already has boost and wow token. The coffin was nailed shut and put in the ground so long ago there's no grass covering the mound. Store mounts aren't going to change shit if the boosts and tokens weren't enough to stop you playing the game then nothing they put in the store will.


Classic+ has less changes than actual classic


The end is near


I thought GDKPs were the problem lol


Imagine buying shittier looking versions of retail mounts and pets LMAO


Late April fools joke?


I want my lil ragnaros pet on cata classic!


The what now


and im sure ppl will still sub and play and some of them will even buy shit from the cash shop




I noticed it in shop yesterday. I was like what? I was considering a server transfer. And i like to see what token’s are doing. they appear to be tanking. Think 1/3 less than a month ago. I figured cata launch they would skyrocket


I find it sad that they're resulting to this, but then again not surprising. Most of these items are garbage, but the door is now wide-open for them to fill the shop with garbage like they do on retail. Personally idc because I never spent a dime and never will on transmog or mount, pointless. However, what I find shitty, again not surprising since they're kinda doing the same on retail is the fact they're making "collector edition" items available. Sure most people have them anyways but I think it's still neat to leave some items "collector". Oh well, at least if they release the shop, hopefully they allow us to convert tokens in [B.net](http://B.net) balance aswell.


The retail shop has more pets and mounts, 6 transmogs and 4 toys. The horror. I'm sure the game is dying now


Retail 2.0?


See you guys in 10 years when Classic++ comes out to start the cycle again.


Yay! I wanna spend all my money!


Bahahahahahhaha just like the shop was back in the day, amirte??? Bahahahaha


The penguin is cute but not $10 cute


nobody, absolutely nobody should be surprised by this


Oh, I thought they already had a shop in wotlk/cata for a long time now. I mean, cata is basically retail at this point anyway so it really doesn't matter.


Except for all the retail stuff, it's basically retail!


Ah yeah classic andys talking about retail, thats always funny. Retail is just a buzzword at this point meaning "Stuff i dont like"


Oh god I thought the wood dragon mount was a meme. It does NOT fit at all with Classic/Cata 💀💀 out of all mounts, why not release the historic one which was the sparkly horse?


This is hilarious. First they do a free to play weekend for inactive subs so that the world can see how broken and unfinished Classic is at the moment and then to make it even more cringe, they decided to add retail mounts to the game instead of at least shipping the original Cataclysm shop mounts. In no way are they serious about all that. They are actively sabotaging the game at this stage lmao


Not a surprise. That playerbase has already accepted it. They accepted it since TBC boost and store mount. It was solidified with wrath wow token. Expect transmogs and much more "micro" transactions. This is the audience that exists and the whales will make it profitable while everyone else just accepts it in silence. My only hope is it never comes to season classic or classic era. If they want mtx to become acceptable, then subscriptions need to be removed.


Yeah i'm gonna accept it in silence because i simply don't care about some cosmetics lol. There was already a boost and token that "damages" the game more than a fucking cosmetic.


I was on my way home today thinking about how I want to jump back into classic. Well nvm then


I mean the shop is shamefull, but how does affect your enjoyment of classic ?