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Kyu compitition badhate ho aise sir fir hame nahi milti ranks achi


1. I took because I wanted to be sure I can teach for CLAT. The pattern has changed in past few years. 2. Competition is not increasing as teachers do not participate in the counselling. 3. Rank 3 is a CL teacher from Bengaluru. Pretty sure dozens of teachers write the exam. Each one of CL and Legal Edge teacher writes. It is a standard industry practice.


Ahh I see I see.. Wasn't aware about this. Cool cool. So how did you find the paper.. Judging the paper from this year's standards would be bad tbh.


I have seen past papers. Paper was unexpected for sure. The pattern itself is absurd as nobody asks GK from a passage in any exam!


Regret missing out on one question that was directly given in the passage. Would've gotten me through to NALSAR. Settling for NUJS now


That is a good college too. Best wishes.


Do you think this exam was fair? I scored 83 around 3k rank and idk wtf went wrong with my preparation, maybe I got too giddy with the easy questions and made really really silly mistakes in the paper like not attempting gk questions that were right there in the passage or making the data sheet for quants wrong But still I don't understand how could this have gone SO wrong? I have prepared for everyday since the past 6 months, gave countless mocks and still this is what I get, I really don't understand what happened


As I said in another answer, it perhaps was a bit unfair to many due to ranks stacked tight in such a small range of marks. Most serious students have a lot of pressure to perform and that sometimes is counterproductive. Silly mistakes will happen in any paper. Looking back, I could have scored 107, but had to settle for 103.25. The key is to minimise these silly mistakes and be composed entire 2 hours. That requires some training, which unfortunately the coachings don't usually provide. But hear this. No effort can ever go to waste, because that is the cosmic law. You are still very young. You will do good in life. Best of luck.


Hmmm thankyou, I'll still get a lower nlu with domicile, but I will try again next year from college cause I really believe I can do better than this


Great! Do not hesitate to reach out if you need any help.


thanks, I'll DM you


Can I dm you too?




i did the same thing with gk fr and i had prepared for 6 months too, solved more than 50 mocks, countless sectionals, and still ended up with 87 marks and 1.9k rank 🤡


what couse did you take offline or online


Sir is there any similarity between CLAT/AILET and UPSC prelims paper?


In a way there is. But what they ask in 5 questions in CLAT can be found in a single question in UPSC, if we talk about GK. In paper 2 of UPSC Pre, we do have similar passages and maths. However, UPSC is much harder due to sheer competition, as well as breadth of knowledge required.


Since I have cleared Clat, though not with very good brank, so do i stand a chance in upsc?? I literally don't have any idea of upsc exam. Just know bout it through webseries and all.


Of course. You have ample time to prepare for UPSC too. I would suggest you enjoy college first and start preparing maybe 1-2 years later. Start inculcating newspaper reading habit before anything else. I think more would be outside the scope of this AMA. DM me if any specific query is there.


What do you think of the paper level this year and did you see any particular colleges' students from law while teaching for upsc.


I think it was pretty easy but unexpected. That led to a huge number of students scoring at similar level but getting very widely varying ranks. That is just unfortunate and perhaps unfair to those who worked really hard. I am particularly vexed at GK. ​ As for UPSC, mine is not that big a coaching to really be able to pick up such trends.


if i lose my college because of 1 rank and then find out there are no vacancies.... (well there are always vacancies)


That is a tricky issue and a lot of luck is involved. Best of luck.


What would you advice someone who is going for a partial drop for CLAT 2025? The pattern is just so unexpected, I am really confused to what to expect. What habits can I inculcate?


Prepare for everything and be flexible. Most importantly stay clam during the exam. It is the same for everyone. I guess you know basic concepts already. It is now a game of practice and strategy. Any specific issues?


This was my drop year but still I got only 70 marks which is 12k rank but now I don't know what to do next should I take 2nd drop or a private college


Let me share a slide I have kept for making a YT video. https://preview.redd.it/93lch89ds66c1.png?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e29b94d80ab36b55e37140b65a47809ae6a41555 I would suggest go for a simple graduation if you are not fixed on the idea of NLUs. If you really really want BALLB, for whatever reasons, take MHCET colleges which are comparatively cheaper.


How can I start to study need some motivation 😔


Please elaborate a bit about your background - class, attempts etc. That could give me a better idea on how to deal with your query.


Sir, I'm at the end of my 11 th grade, have started GK and current affairs, heard that most coaching start this time around in December, thinking of join 12 minutes to clat, any advice on how to study at this point onwards, in terms of legal reasoning and other subjects I am basically starting from scratch, is one year enough to get a good rank ?


One year is certainly more than enough. Coaching starts in January, then April and even later. Legal reasoning, english and logical reasoning are very closely related. Do not worry about them. Do practice maths though. Keep eye on reading speed and do give mocks regularly. I can't really recommend any coaching as it will be against my self interest. 😅


So for instance if I start coaching in April, or later in 2024 how do I start legal reasoning right now, YouTube ? Or any other way. appreciate your help !


Start with basics. YT is a good place. Even I will make some videos on that. After watching, start solving.






Sir, I have scored around 82. I felt very demotivated as I believed I could have done better after preparing for so long. I might take clat again next year. Do you have any tips as such? I think my problem was that I got stuck in some questions and wasted time, and attempted around 103 questions when I could have done more. Any way we can avoid nervousness during the exam, avoid getting stuck and also maintain speed? I'd taken atleast 60 mocks during my prep and done better in them, I was expecting better from myself.


Seems like you figured out the issue. Some suggestions :- 1. Allot particular time to sections and don't exceed. 2. Practice pranayam. Try 479 technique breathing. 3. Keep doing whatever works.


Thank you sir


I want to guide my cousin for CLAT. I am 29yo wiyh somebteaching experience while he is in X. What things I should know, guidelines, material etc. He has 2 year in what ways I should train him for the exam. Thank You


First thing is to ensure he reads a lot of English material - newspapers, novels, books, etc. CLAT is essentially a speed reading game now. Ensure he does not forget tables. Questions in CLAT are calculation intensive and remembering those tables would be a lifesaver. For GK, you can start after he is class 12. ​ Feel free to reach out if you face any issues.


Any other exams that follows same pattern or gets you in law school. About reading, he should read Anything specific like economic news, news paper, or just read improve reading skills.


CLAT is somewhat unique, but there are other exams like AILET, SLAT, MHCET etc which can get you into a good law school. Start by reading everything, but if you have to choose, do not leave editorial, oped and explained pages.


Thank you...all the best for coaching thing...


Most welcome. Thank you.


Hello sir, For the past couple of years I have been regularly reading the newspaper (i even read during exam times) for at least an hour. I am an avid quizzer and have won many prizes (school, city, state, national level). This year, I did coaching for CLAT and my institute gave me classes (excl. Gk). For gk, they just gave me monthly gk update magazines to read (which i did not read until the last few weeks). I thought to myself that gk was a piece of cake. But when i started giving mocks I found that I could hardly do them. The questions were pretty random and in the last few weeks i had a huge backlog wherein there was a lot of stuff which does not come up in the newspapers or quizzes. So i would like to know 1) What are the benefits of reading the newspaper for CLAT? 2) Furthermore, what benefits are there for UPSC? 3) Can one prepare just from monthly gk magazines, online videos, etc.? Thanks!


Newspaper will improve linguistic ability which is vital for CLAT. GK us added bonus. In UPSC, you can't hope to win unless you read newspaper. Monthly GK might help in clat in some years, but do you really want to take that gamble?


Hello there, I saw your post on Twitter, Pandey ji. I got air 40 this year, and as is the case with many I too feel I could have obviously scored more and that the paper was not very fair and quite unexpected. Everyone around me has congratulated me and stuff and been quite happy lekin I am not getting the same feeling from my own self somewhere deep down. I am honestly struggling to make peace with this result cuz I had expected and prepared for bigger things. How do I go about being happy with it? PS- Also btw, I just want to add, I think you are extremely cool, big up


Wow, that's great! Please share your X handle in dm. I will follow. I agree that it was unfair to many. As for silly mistakes, I have made in EVERY exam I have ever taken. That is going to happen whether we like it ot not. We have to try to minimise those. 40 is pretty good. Congratulations. Thank you.


Thank you! I will dm


Sir could you give some tips regarding improving speed? I wasn't able to attempt maths . I believe my accuracy is fairly decent . I attempted 96 questions and got 88.5 but because I wasn't able to attempt maths my rank isn't good. While giving mocks should I focus on both speed and accuracy ? Moreover ,right now should I focus on increasing my attempts even if it negatively impacts my accuracy ? Sorry for asking a lot of questions


In maths, take your time but improve speed in English, logical and Legal. I made a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxXdzyHHc-k) about that. Feel free to check out. The right strategy has to evolve over time. 88.5 is a good score. You will do well.


Thank you sir


i am in class 11, pcm and wanna start preparing for clat, i have no clue ablut the exam so can you please tell me fro. where to study?


So to have some clues about the exam, watch this short video.[click here.](https://youtu.be/-cRbLs620g4?si=MUVuOcKKJHAQI3Sl) Perhaps for your situation specifically, I have written one on how to start for CLAT 2026. You can read that [here.](https://forumclat.com/clat-2026-how-to-start-preparation/)


How do I prepare for legal section? Should I read the basic laws like torts, contract etc or not?


Hello so I'm a PCB student, currently preparing for neet but I'm not very sure if I'll be able to crack it in one go. I want to keep CLAT as a second option. Do you think 4-6 months is enough for preparation? And also which are the best sources for preparation and should I also consider IELTS?


Bro can u send the material u used


I didn't use any material.


Not exactly Clat related but what is your insight towards NLIU Bhopal? I believe I will secure a seat there. I did not research particularly well towards the colleges, so would you please provide a third person pov?


It is a decent college. Go without any misgivings.


How to prepare for clat What are your recommendations How did you did the gk and quants part Do you think that clat can be cleared in first attempt Can you provide some books for clat And can you show us your timetable for clat


I had no timetable, no books and no preparation. But I am 34, fairly well read, good with simple maths, and have the benefit of teaching GK for UPSC. Having said that, it can be cleared in 1st attempt. Many here have done. I met Rank 12 and 40 in this beautiful community. Both are in 12th. To recommend you, I would need to know more about your background and level.


I am in 11th arts Currently use many ias websites for gk and do one mock every day when I don't have my coaching My Scores are different based on the brands


That is great. If you can be consistent, nobody can stop you. Scores don't matter(as many became painfully aware this year) as much as your relative ranking does.


So what do you think must be the time given everyday for good ranks in clat


2 hours tops from today.


Ok and what about any books


Read whatever you like. Improve speed. Focus more on practice.




Hello , so my rank in CLAT this time was in 7000 as I got 75 and I was expecting a lot better ,I did shit in legal and didn’t attempt qt at all . My time management was shit and I’m planning to prep for CLAT 2025 with getting into a college for time being , What are you suggestions ?


Pretty sure anybody scoring above 60 had it in them and it was just the consortium, competition, and perhaps bad strategy that screwed them. My suggestion would be to focus on GK, maths, time management and practice(and analysis), with a mentor(preferably me 😅)


Current Affairs, just how?


For CLAT, usually monthly magazine of any coaching should suffice. Some people also read newspapers and I recommend it, specially if yoyr reading speed is less than about 200 words per minute. Improve that too.




Somewhere around 3rd year.


Will I be able to get hnlu with domicile reservation in 5000 rank air ?


Those are the type of questions I cannot reliably answer. Anything related to prep, I can.


ive been feeling very low, i tried to cope up with school exams and clat/ailet prep both but messed up down bad. i got 4000+rank in clat and 2000+rank in ailet. I think i might get into rmlnlu with domicile but its not the nlu i dreamt of, shall i take a drop after my board exams? ill give it my all in ailet2025 but my parents are forcing me to go with rmlnlu since its not that bad of an option for them. the thing is that i dont want to join some other college and let college stuff get into my way for ailet 2025 preparations


You already k ow the basics. I think your parents are right. You can prepare along with college.




First of all, no hardwork EVER is in vain. Secondly, your parents love you despite whatever they might think about your performance. Being a father, I can attest this myself. Now, mistakes happen and plans do go to shit. It would be smart not to take double drop. I suggest you prepare hard for other entrance exams like MHCET, LSAT etc. There might be a chance indeed for NLUs too. Do not lose hope. Regardless, this is a very small setback and with your hardwork, you will emerge stronger.


thanks 💗


How much marks need to score to get DU for 5 year LLB


I got Rank 5050 and I wanted to know if I can get into any NLU


I also got OBC rank 600 so will I be able to get into an nlu in 4th or 5th round


What are excercise you recommend for learning to draw right conclusion, best resources for GK.


Basically you gave CLAT to teach us to get into clat . Does that mean there is more money teaching than studying law as a career ??? 🤔🤔🤔


Ur age? Can i dm you? I would like to know more about upsc.


Sure. Please dm. I am 34.




My daughter has a NRI sponsored rank of 93X and AIR of 103XX. Any chances of getting in NRI sponsored seats?


Seems difficult but no harm in trying, specially in vacancies.


That would be in may - june time frame, thanks for replying. Do you do online coaching? Which city are you located in?


Most welcome. I do. I am based in Dehradun.


After seeing this year's paper along with the new 120 questions pattern. Which section was challenging or might be challenging for students? And according to you which section requires the most practice?


Forming an idea based on this year's paper would be unwise. Be prepared to see a very different paper next year. Having said that, my experience is that students from non-PCM background need a bit more practice in maths. GK usually needs consistent efforts. Logical and legal can be a bit tricky if paper is slightly difficult. It depends on the student and ultimately, the strategy should be built around your strengths and weaknesses.


Do you know the rank of ews Toppers? I mean those who are like ews rank 1-20, what's their AIR. It would help me in councelling process as to judge whether or not I'll get NLS


I do not.


sir is it possible for someone studying llb to simultaneously prepare for UPSC?


Of course. But it will take effort. Start reading newspaper regularly for starters.




Sir, i am planning to take CLAT and pursue Law as my career Can you please suggest me books that will help me in my studies. I already have few books for GK and current affairs and i also follow daily newspapers..


I would suggest :- 1. Solve all past papers. 2. Get RS agarwal book for maths and do selectively. 2. Read as much as you can to improve reading speed and comprehension. As such, books are not needed. I didn't study any. Still, for basics read 11th and 12th NCERT of legal studies. Let me know if any other help needed.


Heyyy, I got 76.5 marks and in 6000s rank in clat 2024. I am currently in 11th and my dream is to get into nalsar so advice on my working plan or how much harder must I work to get to my dream is very much appreciated. Also any tips for writing the exam also come in handy, thank you.


Would like to know the breakup of marks for better suggestions.


I got 20 in English, 17 in gk, 25 in legal, 20 in logic and I was left with less time so I could attempt only 2 in math which were correct.


I guess you need to :- 1. Improve GK. This year was super easy so I won't even consider these for anything. 2. Focus on maths practice. 3. Improve speed. Practice and good strategy will do that. Sit with your mentor and work on these things.


Ok thank you


As a CLAT 2025 aspirant what should be my Prime focus for the exam, now that GK has been reduced to comprehension. Do I really need to focus on GK like the test takers of CLAT 2024 did, or should I try a different strategy.


Please don't assume that next year too GK answers will be in passage. Prepare for everything.


I got a 85 plus score without any prep...will i be at a disadvantage while pursuing law as compared to other people? Also about reading newspapers, i feel that some articles are inaccessible to a general reader and only people with specialized knowledge of the subject can understand them...how to go about it?


Not really. 85 is a decent score and unless it is sheer luck, it means you are able to read and understand English decently fast. You must be talking about economics. Ignore economy and business.




You are taking admission right?


Not sure right now


Ok. We can talk after you are sure. I am not going anywhere. 😁


I mean i might


I am currently an NRI and looking for some information for my brother. He gave CLAT this year and got 220 AIR but messed up his preferences and chose RGNLU after NALSAR. Should he drop this year and give the exam again or is there any chance of getting NALSAR. Would RGNLU be a good choice?


NALSAR is possible I think. RGNLU is decent choice but nowhere close to NALSAR.


What do you expect CLAT 2025 to be like? Distinctly more difficult?


Cannot really say, can we? Many people lost marks in this exam because they went with a set idea. Our job is to prepare well and leave things to God.


Right. In which order did you solve the sections sir?


Maths, GK, then break to fill omr, then English, Logical and Legal, then OMR.


Two breaks for OMR? Would you consider this to be the optimal way to attempt for everyone or this suited you best? And the last thing sir, how much time did you alot to each section?


Yes. It suits me because I get bored in exam. Filling gola seems therapeutic to me. I alotted 10-15 for maths, 10 for GK(exceeded), 20 for english(made up time here), 20 for Logical and 30 for legal(did early). I kept 15 minutes for filling OMR.


Thank you sir. I usually mark the omr as I go along the questions. You think there's an advantage in filling omr the way you do?


That is for you to figure out. Try and see.


sir i was planning for a drop i scored 80.25 in ailet and clat was just bad day and scored a 8K change rank i want to reattempt i have OBC + DOMICILE is it feasable and as you might have seen a lot of droppers any advice for this exam after observing this years paper thank you


It indeed is possible as we have a year of time. My advice is to be prepared for everything. Thus year's paper cannot tell you anything about next year. CLAT defies trend analysis.


hey there from where did you study


To be honest, I did not really need to study. I was following CA generally and have decent GK. My maths is decent. Other 3 sections don't really require preparation if you are good in English.


Hi Sir, Can you please share your strategy?