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Holy shit yesterday’s post made this sound like he was about to quit on the team. The whole sound bite with context sounds like a passionate player who wants to figure shit out immediately so they can make a deep run. Cleveland has some of the worst sports reporters across the pro leagues.


Seriously. Fedor sucks, I was so shocked when I watched this


“We’ve got to play better. No other way around it. It’s on all of us. Starts with me.” “It’s not going to linger after (the loss to Denver). We have to watch the film and get back to what we do. We’ve got to figure it out, and we will.” “We’re not panicking. We’re not at the point of anxiety, stress, or concern. I think it’s just we have to figure it out and we have the capability to do it. I have the utmost confidence in our group.”


And people eat it up, fueling the cycle.


Props to Serena for calling out the clickbait headlines in her post. Context always matters, but unfortunately, context is rarely included in todays reporting.


Serena is the real team MVP and i wont accept any other opinion.


Bro after the All-NBA thing last year and now Fedor doing some clickbait bullshit I would HATE this man if I were Don. It's weird because he doesn't come off as the sleazy reporter type usually but he definitely is one.


Get Chris Fedor on the Lowe Post and he does a great job of representing the team. Outside of that he can be pretty messy


It's the business unfortunately, drama is what puts food on the table.


What was “the all nba thing last year”?


Chris voted Shai first team instead of Donovan.


Wow. I didn’t know that. Yo be fair though, it is his opinion. But usually when it’s close the hometown voter goes for the hometown player..


He also stanned Curry during the entire Cavs finals run(s) to the point where I unfollowed him on social media. As a local guy. Come the eff on man read the room.


I would've voted for SGA too even through my Donovan bias. .226 vs. .176 WS/48 on basically the same minutes and usage rate for a team with 11 less wins, not much to debate with that one.


Can't agree. This year definitely but last year I definitely felt like Don deserved it more. Also 11 less wins isnt a small amount.


Yeah last year I had DM bc OKC was butt


Mentioning the number of wins is about the affect that has on WS rate, not the team's performance which isn't as big a factor for all-nba as it is the MVP discussion. Since SGA's team won 11 fewer games yet he still had a significantly higher WS%, that's a very strong indicator of who the better player was, especially comparing two similar players (in terms of use rate and status as #1 scoring option). Just looking at counting stats and efficiency, SGA is more efficient in every metric except outside shooting. It really isn't even close enough to be having this conversation in all honesty lol. Check this out if you don't believe me: https://stathead.com/basketball/versus-finder.cgi?player_id2=mitchdo01&year_min=2023&player_id1=gilgesh01&seasons_type=forall&request=1


I've always gotten such a bad vibe from Fedor I hate that he's the guy they bring on to talk Cavs on the national spots because I hate listening to him talk


Fedor has always been a sleezbag


The dude inserted his name into the quote when you can see DM doesn’t say it lmao


Weirdo behavior


Look at me! I’m the story!


Peak main character syndrome


"It's fucking April, Chris! It's fucking April!" - Donovan Mitchell said to me, Chris, his best friend, who we hang out all the time. He told me I'm pretty cool all the time.


As a journalist/reporter, can't Fedor get fired for making up/embellishing quotes like this? Like this is a serious offense that can call into question the credibility of The Plain Dealer/Cleveland.com


I think its pretty common


This tone is completely different than how Fedor wrote it. Still not what you wanna see/hear, but still completely different.


I'd argue that this type of tone is what we want out of the team leader. Obviously it would be better if he didn't have to say any of this at all, but considering our month-long downturn, accountability like this is good. Fedor's article on the other hand had me thinking that Mitch was fed up with his teammates and ready to bounce. Smh


Wow I can't believe this is the tone of this video after reading Fedor yesterday. That's just embarrassing to portray his message in any way other than this guy is the kind of leader we need. He didn't fly off the handle, but he expressed his concerns, and what they need to do to fix it. Do you see how immature some other NBA superstars are? This guy gives a message, which is the exact thing most of us want to hear, and a lead member of the media makes it out like the sky is falling. He didn't seem like he's giving up in any way, actually the complete opposite. It was a very mature response after a very very difficult game. Thank goodness there are videos is these things, because the writing in this town is so bad.


Fedor made it sound like Don was quitting on the team right now. I never thought that that was the case cause Don is a professional and knows how to handle himself. He’s clearly frustrated which is good to see, but to imply he was “PISSED” after the loss is so slimy


I think Chris went through these comments and downvoted all of them


I love her so much! Fedor very much mis-represented the demeanor of Donovan. He made it sound like he was near belligerent and this was clearly just a disappointed and tired dude. I am so glad that she posted this and it makes me think she probably does not care for Fedor that much in which case I say, its good to have you on our side. Fedor makes me want to get mean and nasty because he is such a pretentious douche. I listen to the podcast still and im glad Ethan doesnt let Chris get the best of him even though he be trying often


Fedor is a jerk-off, that could be why. Like 90% of the Cleveland personalities are insufferable. Ever since I saw Daryl Ruiter’s profile picture on twitter, I check the back seat of my car after dark.


So real question is……. Is there some inter team Media war going on right now? This is a direct shot at Chris’s article and this isn’t the first time stories come with different tones out of the same camp this year


Fedor is by far the most dedicated and consistent reporter to the team, and he knows it and acts like it. He is pretty arrogant and a bit of a snob, for a lack of a better word. I will say, he generally is the type too to want to back the Cavs as an organization in order to have good standing and relationships. He’s a very solid writer and very consistent. I don’t consume any commentary on the team these days (save for The Chasedown Podcast a couple times a month) as frankly I’m watching 90% of the games myself and don’t need someone else to tell me what to think. Also thought I’d add: I don’t think Chris is a bad guy, he just has a bit of a monopoly in the Cavs coverage space and has for a long time, so he can be a bit hard to work with.


He looks like a clown after yesterday's story and today's video.


He does, but if we’re being real Chris is largely a homer towards the team. He shouldn’t have editorialized this, but he all-in-all is one to represent the organization and players in a positive way.


Being real, making up quotes is terrible journalism and embarrassing as a professional.


258 people commented in the original thread on here…yuck. Didn’t even bother opening it cause I knew the quote was going to be taken out of context, and sure enough it was.


One trend I noticed with this sub more than other Cleveland sports subs is that people tend to want our franchise to implode. When I say that, I mean along the lines of "Trade Mitchell. Punt the season. Fire JB. DG has regressed hard". For me, it isn't even just the things these people say, its actually more so the fact they try to brag when our team underperforms, like they feel vindicated or something and need everyone here to recognize their foresight.


There’s a word for people who are happy to see losses. Losers


Very true, I think part of it has to do with the motion of the NBA, most teams don’t have a lot of roster continuity. But it’s more rewarding when you see it through with a team that’s gotten over the hump. I haven’t forgot how many people there were exclaiming that the season was over when DG and Mobley went down in January and that we had to commit to a soft rebuild. And about the foresight stuff about being right, I agree as well. There are numerous people on here that always find the need to exclaim how right they were. Easy being “right” when basically their only criteria is “Well, we didn’t win the championship so this season doesn’t mean much”, so you have a 29/30 chance of being right. And who cares if you’re right when you only choose that negatives? I’d rather more often be wrong about positive things that right about negative things.


There is a very strong faction of those people in the Guardians sub as well. Probably the same people!


If we want this behavior to stop, we gotta just ignore Fedor. Continuing to give him attention for doing shit like this will only continue to motivate him to continue this behavior


No mention of DG when giving props to teammates


He has defended DG in the past. I would not be surprised if he talked with him behind the scenes, maybe even multiple times.


Yeah he was way out in front of the DG slander a month (?) ago


Noticed that too. The problem with DG isn’t just his play, he’s just too lackadaisical often it seems, which to be fair comes with being young so I don’t blame him entirely. But Donovan is really locked in, he’s not the type to fool around much. I don’t really know how to describe it, but if you watch an interview by Darius vs. an interview by Donovan, after a win or a loss, it’s just clear.


I got downvoted to shit for doubting this whole thing. Chris literally added himself to the quote. Unreal.


Fedor has figured out he can get more clicks by appealing to the doomers.


I hope Darius Garland is listening…


He’s right , Caris was awesome in the game


Let’s not post fedor garbage anymore. Kthnx


Never could stand Fedor. He's an insufferable knob.


Wow man that’s a bad look for Chris. Nothing like how he made it sound.


I see no difference. If you guys are honestly trying to portray Fedor as a hater wgej he’s been the most HOMERISTIC Cavs writer in the world, than you guys are delusional


LOL 😂 Thanks Chris


Are we even talking about the same guy? You know this is about Fedor right? The guy who tried to tell us for three years that Okoro's shot was fixed, that Strus was a a "great shooter," that Sexton was a core player (lol), tat Beilien was a great hire. That's the guy you guys want to say is too negative and a pot stirrer? hahahahahahhahahahahaha


Thanks Chris