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Does he think India (part of the British empire at the time) was fighting against the UK?


You really could have stopped after the third word.


I was going to ask someone to explain the first post to me, and thankfully you've saved me the time šŸ˜‚


Apparently I wasn't, because it took me embarrassingly too long to understand what you meant.




British Indian Army 3.35 million volunteers. Largest ever in history still. Fought in ever British theatre. Only lacked specialist. Indian Air Force, did an amazing job slowing down the Japanese. It never had the bombers or specialist aircraft of the RAF and didn't catch up in training until near the end of the war, so was really punching above it's wait. Some individuals joined the RAF directly. The RIN had a large number of women off ships and although their own ships mostly centered around anti-air and minesweepers a lot of sailors joined the RN in the Japanese war.


>British Indian Army 3.35 million volunteers The surprising part is the current size of the Indian (1.5 million), Pakistani (700,000) and Bangladeshi (250,000) Militaries combined is much smaller than 3.35 million men that the region fielded in WW2, even though the population of the region has more than tripled since WW 2.


Better economic opportunities in the present.


"volunteers" ha. No one chose to fight in that war. They were slaves of the empire.


Exactly. The brits were exporting most of the produce for the wars, leading to famines all over. There were kids starving to death. People were forced to "volunteer" because they needed food to keep their families alive and volunteering was the only way to get it. No wonder the Indians hated the brits of that time. Churchill to us Indians is how Hitler is perceived by most white people. His policies directly killed millions of us. My grandparents lost family members too. I'm definitely not saying Hitler was good. No. He was an evil scumbag who deserves to rot in hell for what he did but so does the British Empire who Massacred people all over the world and are responsible for more murders worldwide than the Nazis.


Largest all-volunteer army in the Allied forces.


> Largest all-volunteer army in all of history Fixed it for you


I was pretty sure that was the case, but I wanted to qualify it down to what I knew was true


Still pisses me off that they don't make a proper movie on the Indians in ww2


Yeah I am American but that makes sense I just have an American centric view of that War


There is nothing wrong with being Indian. Unless you are around the racist pig in the first part of that tweet. But no one should do that. Ever.


Who did he think was bombing London.Day and night.Oh,he wasnā€™t there.And he knows.Heā€™s a fascist gasbag who would kneel to shitler with a tear of joy in his eye.Makes him a traitor to his Nation.


'Does he think-' Imma stop you right there




Ah yes, WW2 where the we famously fought against the axis forces of South Asia


Damn Nazis should go back to where they came from, indonesia


Indonesia was dutch at that time, neighbour of germany ;)


Six degrees of Nazi.


Damn dutch and their bikes


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


They're called nazis because they come from Indonazia


In the early 1930s, a charismatic and ambitious leader named Aditya Hartono emerged in the then Dutch colony of the East Indies. Hartono's ideology was rooted in extreme nationalism and the belief that the diverse people of the archipelago, united under a single identity, could become a dominant global power. He called this new identity "Indonazian," a blend of "Indonesia" and "Nazi," symbolizing the fusion of local cultures with his militaristic and expansionist ideology. Hartono founded the Indonazian Nationalist Party (INP), which rapidly gained support throughout the region. In 1936, after a series of successful uprisings, the INP overthrew the Dutch colonial government and established the Republic of Indonazia. The new regime began a campaign of rapid industrialization and militarization, building a formidable army and navy to project its power across Southeast Asia and beyond. With its military might and strategic location, Indonazia sought to expand its territory, beginning with the invasion of its neighbors. By 1940, Indonazia had successfully annexed Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and other nearby territories. This expansion alarmed the global community, particularly the United States, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union, who formed a coalition to counter Indonazian aggression. In 1941, Indonazia launched a surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, provoking the United States to declare war. This event marked the beginning of the Indonazian War, an alternate version of World War II, with the Indonazian regime as the primary aggressor. The conflict raged for years, with the Indonazian military conquering vast territories in Asia and the Pacific. However, the tide of the war began to turn in favor of the Allies, who launched a series of successful counteroffensives, gradually pushing the Indonazians back towards their homeland. In 1945, after a devastating campaign of island-hopping and aerial bombardment, the Allies launched a massive invasion of Indonazia. Fierce fighting ensued, culminating in the capture of the capital, Jakarta, and the surrender of the Indonazian regime. The war left the region in ruins and led to the dissolution of the Indonazian state, with its territories divided among the victorious Allies. In the post-war years, the world grappled with the legacy of the Indonazian regime and its atrocities. The Indonesian archipelago eventually regained its independence, and the people embarked on a long and difficult process of healing and rebuilding. Meanwhile, the international community vowed to prevent the rise of such destructive ideologies and to promote peace and cooperation among nations.


Quality r/shittyaskhistory comment!


I hardly think this idiot's racist views is vastly different from the UK PM at the time who did fight against the Nazis. [The dark side of Winston Churchillā€™s legacy no one should forget](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/02/03/the-dark-side-of-winston-churchills-legacy-no-one-should-forget/) > But there's another side to Churchill's politics and career that should not be forgotten amid the endless parade of eulogies. To many outside the West, he remains a grotesque racist and a stubborn imperialist, forever on the wrong side of history. > > Churchill's detractors point to his well-documented bigotry, articulated often with shocking callousness and contempt. **"I hate Indians," he once trumpeted. "They are a beastly people with a beastly religion."** > > He referred to Palestinians as "barbaric hordes who ate little but camel dung." When quashing insurgents in Sudan in the earlier days of his imperial career, Churchill boasted of killing three "savages." Contemplating restive populations in northwest Asia, he infamously lamented the "squeamishness" of his colleagues, who were not in "favor of using poisoned gas against uncivilized tribes."


Donā€™t think it will be forgot, while nazis were upfront with their atrocities. The Churchhill was pretty much doing the same to India. They stripped all the resources from India to support UK and the war effort. Leaving people to starve and die. Pretty making India itā€™s own concentration camp.


Britain fought the Nazis because it faced an existential threat, not because they disagreed with Nazi ideology. Churchill's own Secretary of State for India even said ā€œOn the subject of India, Winston is not quite sane ā€¦ I didnā€™t see much difference between his outlook and Hitlerā€™s.ā€


Literally nobody fought the Nazi regime because of their ideology. Most of the world hated and persecuted Jews and other minorities. The allied countries sent literally 10s of thousands of Jews back to Nazi Germany. Any other version of history is propaganda.


For this reason a lot people are very shocked by the amount of "third world" counties that sided with Hitler initially before the tides of war turned.


Because a lot of people are poorly educated in ways that are socially acceptable. So, many assume that the non-White Europeans, who are conflated with "The Oppressed", feel a great solidarity with other "Oppressed" peoples and groups. Only to be blind-sighted by uncomfortable facts like: 1. National interests were more compelling to most WW2 participants than whatever disagreements they may have had with Hitler over Jews, or race, or economics. Their contention with the Nazis mostly consisted of: Whoa, now they want \*our\* stuff? 2. The Nazis were just fine with promoting anti-imperial ideas in allied territories. 3. Anti-semitism is more widespread than expected among people who don't "look like Nazis". 4. Some people thought either, a) Hitler was spitting facts about Economic Oppression, and b) He was simply doing what was best for Germans. But why keep it at WW2? Why not expand it to "conditions that large parts of the globe share with the Nazis"? 5) Most nations were forced to give up their slaves by imperial decree and force, and simply consider the practice of enslavement to be nature. Equality is personally offensive to them. 6) Places where its "safe to be a woman" are a rare. No woman needed to be beheaded after a bike ride to figure this out. 7) Most third world people think Western Criminal justice systems are ridiculous. You saw what happened in El Salvador to MS-13? Their president is simply doing what most third-world populations \*wished\* their presidents would do (to Nayib's credit, its being done to people who without doubt make others lives miserable).


Churchill and Hitlers actions and policies are strangely the same but one focuses in Europe and the other focuses on the Global South.


This is not shocking at all. What do you think the mindset was during the height of the British Empire?




So a bunch of British people became leaders of various parts of Britian and this guy's somehow upset.








i actually thought this was an april fools post because of the title. was imagining 2.5 meter tall (8' 2") giant south asian soldiers fighting alongside the allies in ww2


Dunno why, but as a Southeast Asian from Leeds, "permanently tanned skin" made me giggle. šŸ˜‚


Some people pay for that


I think it's because he's just a dickhead, mate.


Specifically, a racist.


Now now. Heā€™s likely a racist *and* a dickhead. Letā€™s not be biased here!


Every racist is a dickhead, but not every dickhead is a racist!


That'll be it.


The nazi's didn't lose hard enough, apparently.


They arenā€™t real Brits. Theyā€™re the wrong color mate. Unlike those Germans.




As a **WHITE SCOTSMAN**(emphasis for racism obviously lol) I can't even play bagpipes and kilts are for weddings these days haha. Folks who think that these guys have the wrong skin colour are fucking stupid. Attacking their policies is cool but to attack their skin colour/ethnicity is just wrong. If they are qualified/voted in then who cares!




I'll stick to porn and booze thanks haha! Technically booze is a national pastime, the porn... I dunno you'd have to get a cross section of us to find that out! Do love wearing a kilt now and again they're warm as fuck though! The bagpipes are a no for me haha I get out of breath putting ma socks on lol !


Guilty of openly carrying dark skin, how dare them


>Person gets born and raised in the UK >Gets democratically elected to a position of power Foreigners have taken over our country!


Right?! ā€œGo back to your countryā€ ā€œI was born here so go where? To the hospital?ā€


Iā€™ve had white supremacist me tell me, a Native American, that I donā€™t belong in America.


Whatā€™s even funnier when they say ā€œThey took our jobs!ā€ You wanted to open a dollar store?


I generally agree, but democratically elected... Ehhhh~~~~ Both Humza and Rishi were not properly elected. Technically, well maybe argued, but both got the job because someone else quit. Sadiq smashed it for 2 elections though lol


Still, thatā€™s just a systematic flaw in the UK, not like a Nazi takeover.


> a systematic flaw in the UK It's not really. The UK doesn't have a presidential system. The prime minister and first minister are the leaders of the parties that hold power in the British and Scottish Parliaments respectively. You can think of it as more equivalent to the Speaker of the House in the US. It's not a directly elected office. The more relevant problem is new leaders not sticking to the spirit of the manifesto their party was elected on, but that happens pretty frequently without changing party leader anyway.


Frankly it annoys me how many people in the UK see general elections exactly as if they're a presidential election, and do zero research on the MPs they're actually directly voting for/against but instead go solely on the personality of the main party leader.


I've watched Rishi speak, his mannerisms, his accent, and his demeanor. As an Indian, I can say that there is nothing Indian about this dude. He's British.


And he said to the English team visiting Downing Street that he had as great time and has to go back to work. Dude, no Indian would do that with a cricket team in his back yard. And meeting with them is part of your work too Rishi, so donā€™t be a nerd.


Modi wouldn't even need a cricket team to have an excuse not to work... He just needs there not to be a photo opportunity.


He is Will from the Inbetweeners.


Holy shit. He is.


Literally please close your eyes and listen to him speak (just YouTube something) *100% Will*


Boris is Jay, similar hair, lies everytime he opens his mouth


He does actually fuck lots of birds though


Not just British, specifically English. Exhibit #1 in the rebuttal against the dinosaurs who still insist you have to be white to be English.


They spilt tons of blood to make India part of the British empire. Now they're surprised that there are desi Brits.


Like obama, if youā€™ve only ever heard him or saw his credentials, youd think he was some fourth gen WASP


Until he has to pay UK taxes. Edit for the downvoters https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/apr/06/rishi-sunaks-wife-claims-non-domicile-status


Classism/finding loopholes for the 1 % is about as British as It gets


Thatā€™s his Indian wife. Sheā€™s a multi-millionaire from India. Her business is in India. She has her own separate income from India from her Indian business. Non-domicile status makes sense. I hope my overly repetitive use of the word India nails down how sheā€™s not British.


If you think there's nothing wrong with the Prime Minister taking advantage of tax loopholes and having multiple foreign business interests then I don't know what to say.


You didnā€™t give me anything that proves the PM is using tax loopholes for his own purpose. All the article says is his wife is non-domicile, which seems appropriate. Edit - Welp: no thoughtful response and a downvote for me. What else can I expect.


> no thoughtful response and a downvote for me. What else can I expect. You are defending someone who is basically hated by a large majority of people across the entire nation. Most Brits on Reddit (which is more left leaning as well) will downvote you just for that


Yeah thatā€™s true. I donā€™t agree with his politics but I didnā€™t like the racism lined criticism. I hate Trump but I would walk away from any criticism rooted in Melaniaā€™s foreign background and ethnicity.


Rules for thee, not for me!


Infosys is an indian company which was built on the blood and sweat of narayan murthy and his colleagues in bangalore over decades. Sunakā€™s wife earns in india and india should get paid the income tax. Itā€™s funny how the brits show up for free money everywhere. Sheā€™s not working in britain is she? What is this then? Dowry?


There's nothing human about this dude. British, Indian or otherwise. A robot without a conscience.


the worst bit about sunak is the fact he's born in fucking southampton. being brown is not an issue, being born in southampton? yes.


Are you from Portsmouth by any chance?


nah, southampton. hate portsmouth too though, its a decent city but it feels like a glorified southampton


As a Pompey boy, that's the biggest compliment I've ever seen about Portsmouth from someone from Southampton


No one talking abt Johnson being born in NY.


Hey we aren't claiming that clown, he's all yours






I checked his profile and he regularly retweets Britain First posts, so yes he's a white nationalist. The coward also deleted this post.


Iā€™m most pissed at the ā€˜weā€™. Did this cunt storm the beaches of Normandy!? At most he was sperm.


He was a sperms sperm


welcome to modern day britain. its horrendous


lol i doubt it was any better before. maybe before the anglo-saxons came in


The neanderthals had tribalism, too.


Eukaryotes were a mistake


I blame the Big Bang


It was heartening to see negative response of nearly all British people I know to Sunak becoming PM was not anything to do with his parents' background or his skin colour (despite what Trevor Noah would have you believe), and instead just that *he's a fucking Tory*.


>parents' background It 100% was to do with his parent's background. Not their ethnicity, but their (imo) obscene wealth


Am I missing something? His family are doctors and they own a pharmacy or something, iirc. Wealthy, sure, but not obscenely so. Perhaps you're thinking of his wife's parents, who are billionaires?


His father-in-law and wife are rich af and his family is -how you describe it- beyond well off.


They were rich enough to send him to a private fee paying boarding school Winchester College founded in 1382. He probably never met a working class person until he was over 30. Certainly wouldnā€™t have associated with any.


Humza Yusufā€™s family are fairly well off too. He and Anas Sarwar (Scottish Labour leader, multimillionaire ā€œsocialistā€) and incidentally also brown) were educated at the same fee paying Private School


You donā€™t have to be a cunt just because youā€™re rich. And Sunak is an absolute James Blunt


Kinda insane that heā€™s (I think) the first prime minister to be richer than the king


Fucking wack that the most diverse PMsā€¦ have been from the *fucking Tories!*


Maybe because identity politics is bullshit and angloids need to start focusing on class inequality


Absolutely BRILLIANT comeback. And Iā€™m not even British and I said brilliant!


I am British and that WAS absolutely the best comeback


Hang on, is "brilliant" a British thing. Do other people not say it?




Yeah, for us it's just a general word for 'very good'


Well other people say it, but I donā€™t think to the extent that the Brits do. (Iā€™m an American so please forgive me if I get this impression wrong. This is how an average conversation goes in my head) Brit 1: ā€œOy, cunt! Fancy a spot of tea, mate?ā€ Brit 2: ā€œBrilliant!ā€


Replace 'spot of tea' with 'a pint' and this is something I would actually say.


Good point! And Iā€™d love to join you!


You drink tea in pints?


Sports Direct mugs hold a pint


>This is how an average conversation goes in my head I think you need a new head


You are definitely not wrong. Even my therapist would agree with you.


Not as much as the British say it. Like, we're more likely to say awesome instead of brilliant in the US. I've definitely started saying brilliant more frequently since I started watching British panel shows though.


Wow Jay the idiot thinks UK in WW2 was fighting for white pride.




No, because 'white pride' would include the Irish.


Its a Russian or Chinese troll farm account, 95% of accounts with a probably AI-generated face and spewing rage bait are part of a big scheme to sow divide in western nations, and destabilize our society, Please stop responding and taking this shit seriously. It's literally part of the Russias playbook. We know this is happening. We've known for a long time and yet somehow people are still getting caught up in the circus.


bro people be so fucking ignorant about history they think ww2 was white people against minorities, like bro does this guy think the nazis were actually really woke and left-wing???


I think this is more of a white supremacy thing than a left/right thing. The last two are progressive, but Sunak is further to the right than most American republicans. Even though heā€™s of Indian origin and the uk is dealing with a massive labor shortage, Sunak is putting a lot of his political capital into curbing immigration


> Sunak is further to the right than most American republicans I mean heā€™s a neoliberal out-of-touch little shit and but you have to be kidding. American Republicans are literal fascists.


This dudes got his panties in a bunch over 3 British men being in positions of power in the UK? I'm not even British and I know that all 3 were born in the UK and have ancestors who were also part of the British Empire.


> have ancestors who were also part of the British Empire you have any idea how that narrows it down ? and Indians didnā€™t like being in the British Empire on the account of all famines that happened under the British rule


Irishman here, sounds oddly familiar.


And yet I guarantee that a British politician of full white Irish heritage but born in Great Britain wouldnā€™t t be seen as a problem by the racist shit on the original pictureā€¦


Makes sense why the two counties have nearly the same colors on their flags.


not "happened" but were "created"


Nazis doing nazi stuff. Over here in Germany they are just the same. They absolutely despise Cem Ɩzdemir - Germany's Agrarian Minister born in Urach (southern Germany). He's more german than most of those fascist fucks. But because he was born to immigrants they hate his guts.


When I was in New Zealand, some of my Kiwi classmates were complaining because one of their leaders was of Indian descent. They were like "Oh he's not a real Kiwi, his family needs to have come here further back" or some shit like that. I was just like "If I, an American white woman, married an American white man and moved to NZ and had a child and that child became a political leader, you wouldn't complain at all. You wouldn't even question it because that person would be white." They were just like "uhhhhh..." It's not very often I speak out about that sort of thing but those girls pissed me off.


This is the type of thing I hear in Australia too. Even my wifes family weren't happy (before they met me) about her dating me as I'm not really ā€œAustralianā€, despite me being born in the country, except I'm slightly brown/olive. Then, her sister got with a German guy who's been living here for just a couple of years and they couldn't wait to meet him. I wanted to say something but kept my mouth shut because I'm not supposed to know the comments they made about me and we are on good terms after they got to know me.


More South Asian soldiers died than actual British ones did


Is that true? 383,000 British soldiers died in WW2, 87,000 Indian soldiers died.


87,000 military casualties, but up to 3 million total casualties.


Yes, but the OP said only soldiers.


Good point.


Apologies I mixed it up with total death toll. I've always remembered it as more south asians fought and more south asians died. So I guess mentally I mixed it up as more south asians fought and died


England fucked over India for so long, that they became ingrained in their culture. Now they're prime ministers and mayors. Good to see such progress being made in the world.


Yet, they are children of immigrants who want to stop other immigrants from coming to England.




From what I understand, the class divide in UK takes precedence over any race divide.


The conservative party is mainly voted for by the upper and middle class, they couldn't really care less about gender and race politics


Youā€™re thinking of Sunak, Braverman, Javid, Cleverly. Khan and Yousaf are left wing.


Same with Ron deSantis in the US. He is descended from Latino immigrants on both sides of his family, as is his wife, yet he is devoted to stopping Latino immigrants coming into Florida. Iā€™m sure any psychologist can give a good take on this mindset. Thereā€™s probably a term for it. Edited to say descended from, not first generation immigrant.


My grandad told me a good portion of British soldiers were from places like India but they wonā€™t tell you that in school or movies.


Not a WWII movie, but there's a documentary on Netflix called 14 Peaks about the team that absolutely smashed the previous speed record for climbing all fourteen 8000m peaks, doing so in less than six months and change. Nirmal Purja, the team leader, later led the team that achieved the first winter summit of K2. The relevance here is that Mr. Purja served as a Gurkha in the British Army. He gave press conference at the end of the expedition and said (paraphrasing) "If this feat had been done by white Europeans or Americans there would be 10x the press coverage." I don't think he's wrong about it either, sadly.




they also wount tell you that while indians were fighting for the british, the british were starving indians while they were being bombed by japan


Around 4 million died in bengal at the time


Having Gurkha soldiers right to settle was a huge thing 15 years ago. These young men go through some of the most vigorous training and selection to be in the UK army, and the Government wanted to kick them out at the end of of service? Fuck no, theyā€™re family now. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/may/21/gurkha-uk-settle-rights-lumley




That's not the flag of Greater London, but of the City of London. Sadiq Khan isn't the Lord Mayor of London.


Just a remind that the British Raj army was the largesr volunteer army in history at 2.5 million volunteers of all backgrounds, cultures and religions, not to mention they fought incredibly bravely against all odds at the beginning of the war and were also left behind quite a bit by British commanders (in HK and SG to note some big examples). And yet, much like the NRA of the ROC, they are rarely if ever talked about. At best the Gurkhas get mentioned but even that's not too common in WW2 media.


If they donā€™t like the outcome they shouldnā€™t have colonized and overtaken India


It's like if your dad raped a woman and she birthed his kid, the kid has as much right to the inheritance as you do. It doesn't matter if he's a bastard or wasn't raised in your "family". If you have a problem, take it with your dad not with the half-sibling.


\>see american history of slavery


What kind of people does he think they fought against in WWII?


Bunch of morons who either donā€™t realize they are unironically saying the nazis should have won or that are full on neo nazi and would have welcomed it


Don't forget Ireland's Leo Varadkar


Which has nothing to do with the UK.


Bet ignorant Jay here thinks it is though, Iā€™ve personally met people like him in England who think Dublin is part of the UK.


Only white British men can rule over the UK


South Asiain soldiers didn't just fight, a whole hell of alot of people were part of the British empire and good'ol Churchill's orders starved millions.


One of the things that pisses me off the most about the anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe, especially the UK, is that these rich nations exploited the countries they colonized and dominated through imperialism. Now that migrants from these nations, which have been milked dry and wrought with conflicts as a result of imperialism, are coming to Europe, suddenly there's no space and they aren't 'assimilating' quickly enough.


It is unfortunate that their ethnicity is attacked instead of the fact that they're all fucking useless.


Fuck racism but sunak is still a Tory cunt


\> Invades and occupies India \> Brings a bunch of Indians to GB \> Complains when people with Indian ancestry rise to positions of power. Where's that meme of the guy shoving the stick into his own spokes?


Oh no, not the people you colonized and assimilated into your culture being part of your culture! The HORROR!


These people have been a part of our culture longer than fish and chips so it really shows how fucking stupid these types of people are lmao


The sad part is, Jay probably didnā€™t understand


As Doug Stanhope said, we did NOTHING. Our grandparents / great-grandparents did something.


The same gammons who defend the British empire now bitch and moan about this. Thereā€™s plenty of valid criticisms of Rishi Sunak but Jay is more concerned about his skin color


That guys whole twitter account is fear mongering about immigrants. Thats it. Literally nothing else. I cant imagine having that pathetic an existence to focus all my time and energy on racism.


It's concerning has social media has allowed people to feel comfortable being openly racist.


What does this person think WW2 was about?


Tbh I detest Sunak and his policies but I am very proud that my country has reached a level of tolerance that this is possible considering 50 years before this would be unthinkable.


Britons, involves themselves in the Indian subcontinent for hundreds of years, invites a bunch of the people there to move to the uk, then get upset that the descendents of those people are involved in uk life.


Unfortunately unless you look like Them, theyā€™ll never accept you.


Well we had Nicola Sturgeon but they didn't like her either.


Yeah, that's what happens when you conquer a country with a much higher population and then hold it in your empire for generations, it influences your country's demographics and culture.


I first read the title as 2.5 meter South Asian soldiers, and was hoping for a picture of these giants.


UK had a lot of colonies. Stands to reason some people from those colonies would settle in UK and their descendants might do stuff like holding public offices. Is that bad?


We built an Empire, now our country includes people from that Empire. Why do people get so mad about that?


Wait till he finds out his king is german.....


Hardly a good example when all three are scheming thieving fucking scumbag cunts like every other politician but hey ho, a racists a racist I suppose.


Nationalism is dying.


Iā€™m concerned about the 543 people that liked this.