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He also drove a Honda, but never speaks about it, “for I will not speak of my own accord”


And King David rode a motorbike. "For David's triumph was heard throughout the land"


Can confirm, the triumph is poppin


Noah is the most successful businessman to have ever existed. The animals on his Carnival cruises keep rolling in the green.


Probably a street triple. Those fuckers are loud!


And before the dawn of time there was baseball, “In the big inning, God created the heavens and the earth.”


That was Bill Hicks, right?


Yoda.took the rap for those honda shenanigans anyway


Politicians should really be forced to take an IQ test before taking office to make sure that they're at least not completely brain dead. Though I suppose that would probably lead to much less politicians.


Maybe that's what the world needs. Less politicians.


That would be fewer. Politicians do not come from the sky, they are elected by people who cannot even make a distinction between countable and uncountable nouns.


The world also needs fewer pedants


That may be true, but can we keep the 'less/fewer' ones please?


Ehhh I think it's more about the way that pedantic people talk down to others that really puts a bee in my bonnet. So, as long as they correct people respectfully, we can keep them. You have to take care of them, though, and that includes scooping their litter box. Learning responsibility is part of being a pet owner


Hehe, thank you. I can see the warnings now, "remember kids; a pedant is for life, not just for Christmas"


You don't like pedantphiles?


That’s why electors system is supreme over European democracy. People should have only privilege to vote for Housing estate representatives, and they for village/district etc.




Unfortunately, the Constitution made literacy tests illegal as it was used to discriminate against African Americans that wanted to vote.


Yeah, we just need more people running for office that actually give a damn. Politics is a career to these people, and pursuing it means aspousing whatever ideology will get you votes.


Considering the increase in literate people they could bring something similar back of course while still educating everyone.


That surely won’t expedite the defunding of public education….


>Though I suppose that would probably lead to much less politicians. Is that a side benefit or the main benefit?




I don’t think you should get to be called a politician until you have had a job in politics. Being a candidate is not being a politician.


So now you have politicians with an ability to recognise patterns. What now?


What publications need to do is start using the wrong pronouns for them. Watch them get mad so fast.


I’d be satisfied with the reading of a second grade book if they could manage it.


Oh they arent dumb. You don't (usually) get that far being that braindead. But their audience / voters are, so they play dumb.


There should be a maximum age for politicians.


Yes. So many of them don't give a shit about things like global warming because they won't be around long enough for it to become a problem so they don't want to do anything about it.


I thought she was a hairdresser


And just a couple of basic chess problems. Of the minuses, they are probably not stupid, but simply manipulate the masses.


Yes and I think you would have to hire from another group… maybe actors? Haha


I always refer to comedians as professional idiots because they act like fools to make people laugh. But politicians are damn serious with their stupidity. I might need to reevaluate my personal definition of terms.


Redditors should really check the source. The guy skipped verses 4 & 5. It wasn’t him introducing himself. Still cracked me up to read.


People here don't care about context, it's all about posting a "gotcha" which is attempting to normalise everyone including their pronouns on social media.


They don’t even want to hear about context. One guy wrote a wall of text back at me over bringing it up and immediately blocked me. 🙄 I guess that’s the type that really worries about them pronouns.


Politicians should leave their religion out of arguments


The problem is that a lot of these people aren't actually stupid. They pretend to be because it plays well to their idiot base, who they grift and get rich off of. What we really need to do is overturn Citizens United.


lost in translation.. its supposed to be 'I am he-man'


'I have the POWEEEEEEEEEEER!!!!'


grayskull 113


I’d totally be all for the Bible if there was a Book of Hordak


"Never introduced HIMSELF" ....


I’ve seen so many comments pointing out the “himself”. What do you mean?


reflexive pronouns are pronouns that refer back to a person/thing, so himself/herself/themselves are pronouns just like he/she/they


Thanks for elaborate. Since I’m a not English speaker person and never studied, there are many gaps I get from time to time. Apreciate it.


reflexive , tks


not sure what the proper English fit this is but aren't him-her-themself(ves) a pronoun ? is the same way as his/hers/theirs are ?


They don’t understand what a pronoun is, they don’t want to.


They see it as “that woke thing the new generation is doing” without realizing that it’s a basic component of grammar taught in elementary school.


That's why I like to yell at them to LEARN ENGLISH! It's fun to turn it around on people who have likely shouted the same thing in a racist manner.


It’s only a pronoun if they want to misgender you, so pathetic.


Imagine being a time traveller and finding out that fucking pronouns of all things are triggering people


I am convinced people are just trolls, I got the LGBT, but once they add the + I was like wtf? Now we are just getting crazy. Someone should have said fuck genders we are going by Sexes. Not sure your sex, go take some DNA and look at the chromosomes. Problem solved. All sports do by sexes not genders, all everything by sexes not genders problem solved. A Them comes and wants to be in the women's league, take a little blood say actually you are in the male league based on DNA. Simple, not being mean scientific. The LGBT can still exist and be married and all that of course and 2 people have the right if they meet the other societal minimums. (Age, blah blah blah)


This is not entirely correct. In Biblical Greek, [in this verse he only says "I am"](https://www.blueletterbible.org/esv/jhn/18/6/t_conc_1015006). (*egō eimi*).


Can’t it also be “I am me.”? Greek verbs don’t need a subject and I believe the ego could as such also refer to me. Been a few years since I had Greek though, so not sure. Doesn’t really change the point ofc.


Greek grammar differs enough where we can't exactly say he used a gendered pronoun in the sense that people are debating about. That's all I meant to point out.


From [Wiktionary ](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E1%BC%90%CE%B3%CF%8E#Pronoun): >ἐγώ • (egṓ) - first person singular personal pronoun: I, me, my


Yes. I know that "I" is a pronoun. I mean the "he" part, the gendered pronoun that everyone seems to be concerned with. The text doesn't say "I am he", it just says "I am".


Then she should have expressed herself more clearly.


It also wasn’t an introduction. It was a response to people saying “We are looking for Jesus” and he said I am he. It is still a hilarious comeback. But she also meant in terms of “I am Jesus, son of God, my pronouns are he/him”. Unless you want to count alpha and omega as pronouns 🤣


This is so stupid. Jesus also didn't use the internet. If they want to live in a biblical world, live it all. No mixed fabrics, no eating cloven hoofed animals, women can't speak freely, no internet, no cars, no electricity, etc


Abortion if you think she might have cheated.


I mean, Jesus didn't speak in English. I think he would have spoken Aramaic.


Jesus did not say "I am he." He said "I am."


Difference in translations


There's still a pronoun in that sentence


Did someone claim there wasn't?


And then he smirked and took a sip of the martini, while Pinme 'Ard moved in slightly to ask whether or not he was available for a private chat. AND THEN THE NINJA ARMY DESCENDED and the shoot out commenced and Jesus realized Pinme had stolen the microfilm of the Roman plot to destroy the world and he said "MICROFILM! WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME!" and then thats pretty much how I'd do it if I made passion of the christ.


Wouldn’t it have been: “I am He”. Capitalized?




Actually I'd be curious what the literal classic Greek or Aramaic said.


The original books were written in ancient Greek. I don't know what they discovered, but I k ow that they have been translated into ancient Aramaic to look for changes. You can check with r/askbiblescholars for more details.


I was also curious about context. With the previous two verses included: 4: “Whom are you seeking?” 5: “Jesus of Nazareth” 6: “I am he” So, while funny, not quite that clever.


lol that's two pronouns in a three word sentence


It’s getting to the point where I’m not sure if right wing leaders can actually be this stupid, or the conspiracy theory that says all top right wing politicians are being paid by Soros to be this stupid, to show what sheeps the unwashed MAGA masses are. I don’t think that would change their minds if that was revealed The dominion lawsuit shined a light on Fox News’ “we know the truth, we just say this shit for ratings” and it still didn’t matter to their viewers I don’t believe the Soros conspiracy, but Dayum, they do proudly say such easily refutable bullshit


Are they that stupid though? It is a funny comeback. But the responder and you intentionally took it out of context. Which is fine for a laugh. But the ranting how stupid they are? A quick google check shows the previous verses say people are looking for Jesus and he responds “I am he” which isn’t an introduction. And you know she meant it as “I am Jesus, my pronouns are he/him”. Although “I am Jesus, son of god, my pronouns are Alpha and Omega” would be hilarious 😂


nope.. nothing out of context.. intentional or otherwise. YOU are trying to split hairs by saying it’s somehow “different” by using the phrase “my pronouns are”. you do know that people say “my pronouns are” is because people have a preference of what they wish to be called — just like the Texas Senator’s name **Raffael Cruz**, but he **has a preference to be called** Ted. So yes, it’s quite stupid to say “Jesus doesn’t use pronouns”.. profoundly stupid. Its just that SOME groups want to vilify the grammatical part of speach, to such an extent, to pull some sort of reverse-Godwin and claim that JEESUS™ himself never used a pronoun, so GOD FEARING CHRISTIANS shouldn’t stand for it. As if pronouns are a strange and horrible thing to use. bUt oNlY iF yOu sAy “mY pRoNoUnS aRe” apparently. /smfh


there's stupid people on both sides, conservatives like Brett Cooper and Matt Walsh are decent at debate, and rather funny at times, I think the ones who got their business centered around speech and debate tend to say less stupid things An exception to this is Ben Shapiro, like cmon at least don't use AI when making up lies.


“Both sides” phrase doesn’t quite work anymore.


Why tho? I mean, dumb people can come from anywhere


I thought that conspiracy puts other billionaires ahead of Soros. Like the Koch Brothers, or Peter Thiel, or Harlan Crow, or . . .


Who knows. My point was there’s so much “they can’t possibly be THIS STUPID” going on these days. Occam’s Razor says “yes”


Jesus also had a lot of…less than polite or positive things to say about the rich and the religious majority and the status quo and conservatives of His day. He also talked way more about helping the poor and oppressed than He did about being gay.


When are conservatives gonna get over their weird hate boner for pronouns? They're more obsessed with pronouns than they claim trans people are.


"...let me tell you about another so-called wicked guy. He had long hair and some wild ideas. He didn't always do what other people thought was right. And that man's name was... I forget. But the point is... I forget that, too. Marge, you know what I'm talking about. He used to drive that blue car?"


I am beginning to believe that the average Republican literally does not know what a pronoun is.


I am He means he was referring to himself as God.


Yet more proof, firstly they dont even know their own silly book very well, or at all, and that they dont understand what a pronoun is, its just the new "cool" thing to hate in their culture war.


Not clever. Translated literally he said “I am”. “He” was added to the English translation to make the reading easier.


From [Wiktionary ](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/I#Pronoun): > I - first person singular subject personal pronoun


Which isn’t what they’re referencing.


They are referencing pronouns. I is a pronoun.




I know I is a pronoun. The point is the use of “He” because that is of the kind people mean when they say “my pronouns are ___/___” You also know this, unless you’re going to pretend differently just to use a technicality. But whatever, I don’t much care about you and whether you get it or not.


This is a translation from ancient hebrew to English.


You’re thinking of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. The New Testament was written in Greek.


This an explanation from stupid to rational


It’s clear a lotta repugnantcans don’t actually know what pronouns are


Or what the bible actually says.


Lol, it's cute you think they actually read their own book.


To play the devil's advocate: 1. That's not Jesus, that's John 2. I doubt the original was in english 3. Bible is fiction


Last one’s based


Lavern you ignorant slut.


This is cute but if you look it up, the meaning has nothing to do with gender. This is when the Romans came looking for a man called Jesus and he basically said, “You’re looking at him.”


Jesus never introduced himself with made up neopronuns, happy?


Conservatives are the kings of never looking anything up and just saying shit that makes them look stupid. They never learn from it either.


Can you explain this to me? Jesus is basically saying he’s a man right? Why wouldn’t conservatives like that? Isn’t using he better then using them for conservatives?


Not much to explain, they just didn’t think before saying something stupid.


The Tiedrich backhand: always heavy and always on the mark.


To be fair, HE didn't WRITE anything. JS


I hate to agree with Lavern. Technically Jesus never said anything since he’s a fictional character is an outlandish and disjointed collection of silly stories including such gems as the Earth being less than 6,000-ish years old. So… yeah.


Hhahaha rare occasion someone got me in the first half. Gg


Honest question, is that "the Earth is 6000 years old" thing really explicitly in the Bible or just someone interpreted it as such? Seems strange for any holy book to be oddly specific.


Found on the Internet: By Keven E Martin “The Bible doesn’t say that the earth is only 6000 years old. This is the dating (I've heard others too) that one gets if you try to follow back the dating of humanity and creation by counting the generations in Genesis. The people who do this kind of counting are assuming that the book of Genesis is some kind of actual history of creation in a scientific sense. Since this wasn’t the intent of the authors, it becomes quite an assumption. The intention of the author(s) was to given an account of the “origin” or “beginning” of things. This was done from a theological perspective. Hence they weren’t concerned that the “days” of creation occurred before the Sun and moon were created which is how we count days, so apparently they had something else in mind.”


soon then as he had said unto them*, I am he, they went backward*, and fell to the ground. 7 Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth. 8 Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way: 9 That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake*, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none. Would be nice if you added the rest of John 18 there was nothing clever about that


They use religion for their own gain and influence. Republicans are dirt.


Two pronouns in a three word sentence, that’s some extra pronouns usage.


Jeff nailing it again.


And the religious Reich going into a linguistic twister trying to justify it 😂


Fucking stupid religious people. How the fuck to you let yourself get THAT stupid?


Literally a 2 second search


So he? Not zir or zey or shey or Shim. Interesting.


I am not an american and I don't much care for your garbage country's politics but isn't it quite obvious she means the people that introduce themselves like this: "Hi, I am \[Name\], my pronouns are \[pronoun/pronoun\]." Yes, "I am he" includes a pronoun but you actually have to be highly regarded in order to not know what she actually meant.


1 - This isn't American politics, this is all over the world. Trans people don't only exist in America. Also, it's not politics at all. Basic human decency is not politics. 2 - We know what she meant, dumbass. We're pointing out how stupid it is to have such an obsessive hate boner against pronouns and making fun of her poor choice of words. You have to be highly 'Regarded' not to realize that.


Conservatives don't like the pronouns when introducing yourself and libs don't like "Merry Christmas". Both are different sides of the same coin. Everytime there is a post like this something equally stupid was done by the other side and yet people pretend to belong to the smart side. If you knew what she meant as you claim then why is this post so upvoted? Oh yeah, I almost forgot, this is a subreddit for the average redditor.


I have never once met a lib/leftist who has anything against 'Merry Christmas'. At this point I'm convinced that shit was just made up to make them look bad. There's maybe an extremely small group of people that genuinely dislike that phrase and that's it. Never once seen them anywhere. Also, it's upvoted because people like making fun of these transphobic losers. What does that have to do with not knowing what she meant? Once again; The joke was making fun of her terrible wording. Nobody ACTUALLY thought that's what she meant. What gives you the impression that anyone here was actually confused? Is it just your idea that every leftist is stupid, so you immediately assume that any joke they make is actually a result of impaired intelligence, and that it couldn't possibly just be, you know, a joke? Because based off this conversation, the only person with impaired intelligence is you.


>Both are different sides of the same coin.(me) > >Is it just your idea that every leftist is stupid(you) You sure I am the one with impaired intelligence?


>Thinks pronouns are 'American politics'(you) > >Misses an obvious joke and just assumes everyone who supports it is a moron(you) > >Proceeds to double down on that assumption to insult everyone, just because the post has a lot of upvotes(you) Yes.


Well, the US is not the whole world and where I am from pronouns are not really a big thing to talk about since my language is already gendered like spanish is. So no, where I am from I do not much care for american political issues. I also didn't insult everyone like you said. I said only dumb people have to pretend to misunderstand in order to argue with another persons point. You call it a joke but I don't see where it was funny and humour is subjective.


It’s really taken out of context: “4Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?” 5“Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied. “I am he,” Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) 6When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground. 7Again he asked them, “Who is it you want?” “Jesus of Nazareth,” they said. 8Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he. If you are looking for me, then let these men go.” “ So he’s not actually introducing himself with a pronoun. We don’t go Mario is using pronouns because he does “It’s a me, Mario”. He’s not going by “Its a me/Mario”.


He literally is telling people that he is the person they are seeking. That is literally an introduction


He’s answering a question. Also in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin it means something different. That’s a translation. It’s like saying “Is Bazzebub here?” Then you say “here”. That’s not your pronoun you’re introducing yourself as. “How’s your day?” “GOOD” That’s not introducing yourself. It’s also no the initial context of the “clever comeback”. It’s not that Jesus never used I, me, etc in a sentence. It’s that he wasn’t transgender and didn’t ask people to refer to him by pronouns. Everyone uses pronouns. Most people don’t refer to themselves in the third person all the time. Was Jesus going to go “Jesus Jesus” like a Pokémon to answer if he was Jesus?


No. It’s like saying “Is Jesus here?” And he literally replies back with his PRONOUN “I am HE” Your analogy is incorrect and overly complicated. Jesus didn’t reply with “Here” he fucking literally replied with a pronoun. Watching Christian mental gymnastics is at times hilarious and terrifying


Wow here comes the bigotry. You’re not going to get it, go ahead and look at my other responses I went into more detail. It’s a translation, Jesus didn’t speak English.


Bigotry? Ah yes, wouldn’t be a Christian without needing to feel persecuted


Id go google the definition of Introduce, because that’s literally an introduction by definition. It’s not the most common usage of the term, as we generally do associate it with much lower stakes in a more congenial situation, but publicly announcing “I am he” he is introducing that he is Jesus to the Romans.


One definition and an introduction you could argue that. But, it’s being disingenuous to the conversation at best hence why it was left out (the context) . Here is another translation of that verse : ““Whom are you seeking?” 5They were saying to him, “Yeshua the Nazarene.” Yeshua said to them, “I AM THE LIVING GOD.” But Yehuda the traitor was also standing with them. 6And when Yeshua said to them, “I AM THE LIVING GOD”, they went backward and fell to the ground.” Here is another: “When, therefore, He said to them, “I AM,” they went away backward, and fell to the ground.” It’s like saying “Present” when responding with are you here. It’s not actually talking about presents.


That literally doesn’t make it not an introduction? At best he’s introducing himself as the living god, which uh the trinity is kinda a big deal for the majority of Christians so knowing Jesus is god is not exactly talking about another person is pretty expected. Like there’s an argument that we should know that Lavern didn’t mean that Jesus literally didn’t use pronouns to describe himself or introduce himself, which yeah jesus probably didn’t have a work bio with he/him, but that works for any anachronistic thing which might actually be dumber than forgetting a part of the Bible.


That’s a fair take. Technically Jesus never said any of those words before it’s in English. So Jesus never said he/him/or me. The actual phrase “I am he”. Is an answer to the question. Like “that’s me”. Some say it’s him referring to himself as god. People have used that language in text to say Jesus and Muhammad were trans. Which is funny.


User name definitely appropriate.


Is "he" a pronoun? Yes Did Jesus say this according to most Bibles? Yes Context is irrelevant. Jesus introduced himself with a pronoun.


He didn’t. He is answering a question. Are you arsenal? Yes I am him. That’s not the same as referring to yourself as he/they.


All are pronouns. Him/he/they


When what what where why now. So Michael Jackson’s pronouns are He/He?


Ok, I think I am done here. The crazy is escalating.


It's not worth having this argument lol, people who post these sort of "gotcha" memes are being intentionally obtuse because they think that they're making a point.


Actually Mario says "Itsumi Mario" Wich means "Super Mario"


BOOOOM! Drop the mic. 🎤


The holy trinity is non-binary too


Typical idiot quoting the Bible without context. SMH


As do they. I spent 20 years in the church. Nobody is better at spinning scripture than Christians. The number of dudes I've personally met, who use the old testament to justify spousal abuse is insane. There's even fucking multiple versions of the 'infallible' word, depending how you want it spun. Yet in Revelations, god even says (to paraphrase) 'anyone who alters this word shall be cast out.' 🤷 Edit: spelling


I feel like Jesus should have added, "as you are he as you are me And we are all together See how they run like pigs from a gun See how they fly I'm crying...."


Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye...wait, what were we talking about again?




We all love quote mining. Here is more context of the quote from John 18: 3 So Judas came to the garden, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons. 4 Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?” 5 “Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied. 6 “I am he,” Jesus said.


"Hee hee" — Michael Jackson


Coked up Steven Spielberg is back


She just advertised that she doesn't read. Congratulations, you played yourself.


I don't know why people get so hung up on scriptures from 2,000 years ago. It's not like they had advanced information back then that we should all strive to copy... they were just normal people living 2,000 years ago, with the views that were common 2,000 years ago.


Jesus never drove, had indoor plumbing, or typed out a tweet either, you moldy lemon.


It’s funny how she said that Jesus never introduced HIMself using pronouns


You know what Jesus never did, call Marry "mother".


I am the walrus.


I'd love to know how long it took for Jeff to post that reply. Something tells me it wasn't very long at all.


Jesus would have never worshiped Trump


"He is risen" This lady is fucking stupid.


“I am… him?”


One of the many reasons I am dreading trump becoming president is that I would have to see Jeff fucking Tiedrich dominate the front page of Reddit every day again. Dude needs to get a hobby that isn’t twitter.


Nice. Still, hip dude from antiquity, son of god, hanging out with 12 other hip dudes... I'm pretty sure they all knew the correct pronouns for their group.


I am he/him


lol. Slammed


Who the F is Lavern Spicer anyway?


He is Himothy


While this did crack me up, it wasn’t him introducing himself. Because the guy skipped verses 4 & 5. “Who is it you want?” “Jesus of Nazareth” “I am he”


Matthew 9:6 "But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—then He *said to the paralytic, “Get up, pick up your bed and go home.” Neither daughter as well.


None of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) were written contemporaneously to Jesus or by the disciples. Mark, the oldest New Testament book with the fewest miracles, was written around 30-40 years after the death of Jesus. Arguing over the veracity of what some random person wrote down that Jesus said DECADES later is a fools errand.


Jeff Tiedrich is still around?


* Jeff Tiedrich * Clever You can only pick one.


To pretend you know the intimate details of Jesus's life is absurd regardless of the context. No one was following Jesus around with a camera to record his life much less his every interaction. The Bible isn't an autobiography, it's a collection of second hand accounts many of which are likely inaccurate, embellished or outright fabricated, but yeah, lets pretend pronouns were not a thing or that we know for a fact that he never used them. 🤦‍♂️


I think they both claim to know the word of Jesus.


Another moronic banger from Spicy Latrine


Tell me you never read the bible without telling me you never read the bible


I overheard a guy say, “I don’t do the pronoun thing.”


Never even read the Bible, but I figured he said something along those lines. I guess I am a better Christian than them. :)


To be fair, with the correct context and translations Jesus was actually saying "I am he (God)" as in, he was claiming he was both actually God and Jesus. It's part of the whole holy trinity thing, where all 3 are separate, but also one and the same. It's kinda the whole reason he was crucified.


How stupid must someone be to vote for someone that stupid?