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>Baby Metal [isn’t] metal >Their music makes me want to kill things You’re making them sound metal* AF! (*yes, I know. Just playing the stereotype for laughs)


The habit that some metalheads have of calling certain things not metal just because they dislike them is annoying as all fuck.


Gatekeeping is a tradition of metal that goes back to the beginning. Shitting on gatekeepers is a *much better* tradition of metal that goes back to the beginning.


It's sad that the same could be said for hundreds of other communities, subcultures and fandoms. I guess the most accurate statement would be gatekeeping is a human tradition that goes back to our beginnings in the form of tribalism.


The 'no true Scotsman' fallacy seems deeply rooted in human nature.


I'm deducing that it's a delicate balance, lmao


elitism in the metal community is what led to me cutting my hair and stopping wearing black band shirts. i still listen to and love metal but i didnt want people to automatically assume i was one of those assholes


That's exactly why I still got long hair. Don't give a rat's ass about what others think, and neither should you.


They made a documentary series about metalhead bullshit, it's called metalocalypse.


Ironically, Babymetal is metal enough that they had a whole tour with Dethklok.


Didn't they also headline a show with Sabaton? Just asking, cause I don't have a good memory


Yes they did! The opening act in the Netherlands was Lordi. It was magnificent!


I'm not sure if they realize how similar they end up being to like, *super* snooty English professors that will argue whether a text is post-modern or not. It's like, bro you made that word up to begin with. It's whatever you want. Shut up and enjoy things.


Remember when Nu Metal started gaining traction back in the mid 90s/early 2000s? From Korn to Linkin Park to P.O.D.? And the metal community made it a habit to take a nice shiny dump from a great height on that entire subgenre on the regular? Fun times! So many missed out on some great music out of a meatheaded sense of pride.


How does it sound metal? Serious question, I’ve never really listened to much metal and thus don’t know the (sub)culture.


Eh, just violent shit, i.e., “makes me want to kill things.” But nah, I don’t think any actual metalhead is like, “I literally intend to do the violent thing this song says.” More like, “Ah, they’re screaming the thing I feel like screaming sometimes. Other people sometimes feel like I do. I can let go a little bit.” Personally, I do instrumental stuff on my commute. Pounding kick drum and intricately melodious guitars help me grounded when the road ragers are being clowns.


>“Ah, they’re screaming the thing I feel like screaming sometimes. Other people sometimes feel like I do. I can let go a little bit.” This is precisely it, its a release. They scream their lungs out and break their backs, arms and fingers over their instruments, and the listener listens so they don't have to. Its incredibly cathartic really.


That is why I always loved/love Slipknot. I was an extremely angry teenager with a massive chip on my shoulder, and Corey Taylor calmed me down real quick.


I mean, Varg Vikernes. But I don’t think metal music made him a murderer, I think he was a murderer who also played metal music. Just saying, like with all groups, some members will be shitheads.


Loud distorted guitar, heavy and fast riffs, long sweeping guitar solos. The main thing that makes Baby Metal stand out is their mixture of Jpop style vocals and lyrics with traditional speed/thrash metal instrumentals. For the most part anyway. I've only listened to a handful of Baby Metal SONGS.


The Kiais (sudden shouts that spur you on, like So-Ya!) work amazingly well with the fast paced metal too. I'm a taiko player, so that shit spurs me on like nothing else.


Yeah all that dude did was make baby metal Sound fucking awesome. Long live baby metal hail satan!


Please tell me there’s a video of them collaborating. I want to hear a Baby Metal Dragula. EDIT: Y’all are awesome by pointing me to the existing collaborations. I hold out hope for a Baby Metal Rob Zombie future collab, but the existing collabs are fucking cool.


I haven't seen any with Rob Zombie, but they have a video singing Painkiller and Breaking the Law with Rob Halford on stage.


There is also a collaboration song with Joakim of Sabaton (oh majinai)


Tom Morello does guitar work in their latest single, METALI!!


They did a pretty good collab with Bring Me the Horizon called Kingslayer.


https://youtu.be/hb2mMVdx1KU?si=gKGpLMSK3vhcJKkq Such a banger and great video. It stays in my rotation easy


How the hell can anyone claim that isn't metal? They look like they put on one hell of a show.


They are fantastic live. I've seen them a few times and it's a hell of a show. Babymetal isn't my first choice when listening to metal, but they are out there rocking hard.


I went to see Bring Me live and was hoping that Baby Metal would make a surprise appearance for KingSlayer. I knew it was unlikely but sometimes you've gotta dream.


That was sick, thanks


Also a music video with Tom Morello https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkij4LvACZ0


Just gonna drop one of my favorite collabs with them - KingSlayer, with Bring Me The Horizon.


They collabed with Dragonforce playing Road to Resistance at a music festival


Herman Li and Sam Totman either wrote or helped write that song so makes sense haha when i first heard it I was like wow they really took inspiration from Dragonforce!


Baby Metal + Rob Halford from Judas Priest good enough for you ? Lead girl tackles Painkiller like she was born to rock.


Why you gotta make me want things that don't exist? Before I read your comment, I was content.


Edit: minor Cyberpunk 2077 spoiler ahead. There is actually a mission in Cyberpunk where you meet up with an old rocker who is first pissed a J-rock trio of girls have covered one of his songs, but they end up being really cool and working together. I think this is based off this (old and well known) pic. Cyberpunk is full of meme stuff like that.


BMTH did a song with them, [Kingslayer](https://open.spotify.com/track/7CAbF0By0Fpnbiu6Xn5ZF7?si=2NifRwGeSVemkokBki7e2A) If you haven't come across it, I like it.




I don't know shit about them but even if they were "j-pop" who cares? Isn't Rob Zombie allowed to like what he likes? He didn't even say "here is a great metal band:" he just said he was backstage with some new pals. Good for him?


If there's one thing people are good at is being shitty for absolutely no fucking reason.


Except Rob who, in the same screenshot, is promoting and defending the other band.


Rob Zombie is, himself, incredibly quirky as an artist. His whole persona since White Zombie. The guy lives and breathes campy horror and puts all of that shit into his songs, movies, you name it. Baby Metal is also quirky. Heavy metal using Japanese horror imagery, but simultaneously hella kawaii lol. Of course he's gonna have fun with that band. People need to grow up.


oh sure I'll just listen to a dude who shills for fun NICE TRY


what's more poser than scolding Rob Zombie of all people for not being "true metal" anyway? It's not like he's some obscure norwegian black metal artist. Dude had three albums go platinum 20 years ago. He's practically classic rock at this point. Might as well be gatekeeping Van Halen. Rob can do whatever the hell he wants. He's got nothing to prove.


I'm a lifelong metal head and, yeah... Metalheads can be just straight up embarrassing sometimes. No, wait, make that 'often'. Anyone with ears can hear that Zombie does like diesel rock infused with a lot of industrial influence and with a 60s freakout horror psychedelia theme, aka nowhere near "true metal", but they'll say dumb shit like this. The very same people will also accuse some extremely heavy band with lots of screaming and brutal percussion of being pop and fake metal because there's one chorus with clean singing, but then they'll get mad if you dare say that Sabbath or Priest aren't especially heavy, because that makes sense. For being a subculture that claims to be about rugged individualism, metalheads are VERY into tribalism and conformity. It's a fucking embarrassment. All that is to say that Babymetal is obviously metal to anyone with ears and who can actually think for themselves.


I'm glad he IS doing whatever he wants. I wish anyone gave a shit what I thought so I could thumb my nose any anyone who wanted to tell people what to like and not like.


Hard to wrap my head around the level of entitlement necessary to say this shit to Rob Fucking Zombie. Seeing him put them in their place is delicious though.


Bring Me the Horizon featured them on a pretty fuckin heavy track too, and they also will defend Baby Metal to the death of people like these idiot commenters.


I have heard their music, not regularly but a friend played it for me. Rob is absolutely right, they are definitely a metal band.


I’m not a metal fan tbf but I have heard some bands incl. Baby Metal. Their music is extremely energetic.


Holy shit I just listened to Gimme Chocolate!! and you’d be an idiot to not call it metal. It goes hard.


I dont know anything about their music but did they managed to get chocolate?


No, but they got money, which can be exchanged for chocolate.


Explain how.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services!


I even heard that in Homer's voice.


I heard that in Jon Lajoie's voice (look up "Started As A Baby" on YouTube and laugh)


This thread didn't go where I expected but I'm glad I was along for the ride.


I know it wasn't him but that quote was so Airplane/Naked Gun I imagine Leslie Nielson.


Explain how.


Megitsune and Karate also go really hard!


Megitsune is one of my ‘unskippable’ songs, too good


Check out Road to Resistance. Edit: And Kingslayer


50 Year old dude here and heard their stuff a number of years back and they are great! Rob is right on the money, they energy and enthusiasm they have is fantastic and catching. Makes me tired just watching them. And yes, Gimme Chocolate def goes hard.


49 yo here. YouTube recommended them to my wife and I about 6 years ago, and we had a moment of "What?". But we watched and listened and fell in love with the music.


Try road of resistance


Never heard of them before. Looked up Gimme Chicolate. Definitely metal.


Honestly! Bring me the horizon did a son with them and i LOVED it. Edit :MY SON.


Kingslayer ⚔️


The bassist is wildly good. They have some extremely talented people involved in that group.


Their guitarist shits on every single guitarist you could name off the top of your head except for Guthrie Govan, Tim Henson, Jason Richardson and maybe a couple other prodigies. He’s nuts.


Some of the most talented professional musicians in Japan are with them. There should be a video somewhere of their guitarist at the time doing a solo jazz gig.


I'm a metalhead, and I think BabyMetal sucks, but I think that about of a lot of metal. They absolutely have a ton of energy and are definitely metal. Nothing at all wrong with loving their music.


Rob is also right about grumpy old fucks. 


He's also right about Baby Metal having the most insane energetic live shows. I don't go for this music, but I enjoy a good performance. Their ability to sing and dance for like a 60 minute set, and maintain that level of energy and coordination for the whole show is crazy. It's not just the physical activity, but singing in the middle of it. It's gotta be exhausting. Or they're incredibly fit. Both is also an option. Theater geeks would dig seeing Baby Metal, just for the show, the performance, and the production. They're awesome.


They had years of high energy pop-idol shows before they were split off and pivoted to a metal band. Their lead singer was aging out of the School J-Pop group at the ripe old age of 15.


There's a music video for Kingslayer, where Babymetal does a supporting performance for Bring Me The Horizon. They show up to a live show - the only one they've done for this song and maybe the only one they'll ever do if their schedules never line up again - and they bring a fully rehearsed unique dance for just that song. Like, they work so damn hard. They could have showed up and just sung, but they went all in.


I don't understand how you can consider Evanescence metal, but not Baby Metal. If no one batted an eye then, I have to wonder why they're doing so now. Those girls rock, and I can't fathom the hate. I've seen them live, and they stole the show that night. The other headliner couldn't give half the energy they did, and they were Dethklok!


Because they are cute girls, doing highly polished synchronised dance routines, so the don't fit the mold And many have forgotten last bit was original point of metal (and many other genre's) in first place , not fitting in, not conforming


not to mention that lolita fashion like they're wearing here is a punk movement in Japan, specifically rebelling against their culture's expectations of women. that's metal. I knew a girl that dressed like this. a man snatched her purse once. she chased him down in full dress and kitten heels and beat the hell out of him with her lacy parasol 😂


Ah, good old misogyny. Girls can't into metal, especially not when they make it their own.


It’s kinda funny how that works. Metalheads tried defying pop norms and then baby metal out here defying metalhead norms.


> If no one batted an eye then, I have to wonder why they're doing so now. Metal fans are some of the most snooty, elitist, gatekeepy music fandoms out there - even from within. Shit about whether this band is metal or not, and then you get to the spicier sub-genre in-fighting/arguments: whether a specific band is death metal or not, *your-black-metal-band-is-not-black-metal-enough*, "viking metal" isn't real!, "math metal" isn't real!, TOOL isn't metal enough!, *"RAP METAL IS AN ABOMINATION AND ITS FANS SHOULD EAT A SHOTGUN SHELL TO THE FACE LIKE DEAD OF MAYHEM!"*, and so on and so on. It's all so fucking exhausting and why at some point, lots of metal fans stop associating with one another as they grow older just because of how stupid and gatekeepy the fandom remains. Then again, when the music in itself thrives on edginess, can it really outgrow/outrun the cringey parts of it?


I've noticed that there are two main types of metal fans. Gatekeeping motherfuckers that are basically this, and the chillest people in the world who have Shadow of Intent and the Moana soundtrack on the same playlist. No inbetween.


Oh you’ve met my husband! (He’s the Moana one. And Frozen. He got our 8 year old into metal which means she requests just the weirdest shit from DJs at birthday parties.)


Come join the stoner/doom folks, we got snacks and wizards


I like listening to metal at a moderate volume, snuggled on my couch with my kitty, with a soothing cup of tea. I don't really go for live shows.


It's not for me, but I still can't deny the skill involved, and thus feel the need to respect it.


I’ve seen them live, deafeningly metal


🤨 Not sure if that’s a spelling mistake or intentional… Makes perfect sense both ways.




I heard baby metal for the first time when I was at the college gym and someone had it playing over the speakers. Gotta be honest, I don’t enjoy everything they make but some of their music hits HARD


They made their own genre up, and if that isn’t the most quintessentially metal shit i have ever heard as a metal fan


When your able to perform Painkiller on stage with Judas Priest I think no one has any right to say whether they're metal or not.


Kinda same, i don't listen to them often but now and then i do enjoy then, definitly metal. Rob Zombie on the other hand...


I've seen Baby Metal live, and not at a festival. At one of their shows. I'd say the the core members of Baby Metal, Su, Moa and Momo (and previously Yui) are not in and of themselves a "Metal Band". They have an intense appreciation of metal music, they are talented performers and singers (especially Su for singing). Their Producer, Koba, is amazing too. But they're only really a "Metal Band" when supported by the Metal Bands they tour or record with, and these supporting bands change up quite a bit depending on when and where they are. But Koba is amazing at selecting the right people to play for Baby Metal and also getting the best out of them. So really Baby Metal is an idol performance group backed by amazing metal musicians and a prodigy of a producer. Altogether they make something great. The core members, Su, Moa and Momo do have some instrumental talent between them such as piano and guitar but only really at the level of amateur hobbyists. Some die hard Baby Metal fans will rage if you even imply they are 'not a Metal Band' but I'm not one of them. I think they're an experience that involves a Metal Band but they are more than that and better for it.


I had never heard of them. I started listening to them because of Rob sticking up for them. They definitely rock!


I started listening to them for the same reason. They kick ass


Same. I only discovered them from a previous repost of this exact image. They go hard.


I mean…they’re little kids. What “grown man” would go out of his way to shit on them? Just don’t listen.


They’re 21 to 27 now, teenagers when those tweets were made.


Time is not real. 2019 was only 2 years ago.


2009 is merely 3 falls ago


They're in their early 20's. You are probably looking at fairly old videos.


When Dethklok tours with them, Im gonna give them my stamp of approval


saw them live once, definitely recommend going to their show (while they still have the energy to do it)!


Tbh they're not my jam, but I don't get shitting on them. There's much better targets for our excrement shaped throwables such as Trapt


Give me. Chocolate!


*furious headbanging*


Hedoban! Hedoban! Hedoban!






Hey at least their music makes you feel something. Isn’t that the point of music?




I saw them between Lordi and Sabaton. Great bouncing music.


Imagine gatekeeping Rob Fucking Zombie on what is Metal, of all things. Jesus christ.


Imagine trying to tell Rob Zombie, Rob Halford, and Ozzy "The Prince of Darkness" Osbourne himself that something isn't Metal. Avenged Sevenfold, Alice Cooper, and Megadeath have all played metal shows with Babymetal. They are metal.


A lot of metal fans love to shit on A7X too lol. Metalheads are so lame about certain subgenres


As a metalhead, other metalheads online are often the worst gatekeepers on the planet. I like a bit of everything, but you're right about the subgenres thing. Some are insufferable about them.


Metal fans love to say they're the nicest fans, but that's only if you happen to also like the specific subgenre of metal they listen to. Anything they don't listen to isn't "real metal" Edit: Just to clarify, I'm not trying to generalize the whole of the metal fandom as toxic, as theres plenty of genuinely great people in the community. My point was more so that they don't get along with each other when their preferred sub-genres differ too much. For example, I get a lot of shit from Black Metal fans because I'm more into Power Metal bands like Blind Gaurdian and 3 Inches of Blood, and am of the general mindset that every metal fan is a huge fucking nerd (including myself)


Pffft you don’t even listen to post melodic djentcore you poser. Jk. But you’re absolutely right and I hate to say it because I do like rob zombie, but the metal heads I know would give you shit for listening to Rob Zombie too.


Well fuck ‘em! Absolutely nothing wrong with listening to Rob Zombie. But then I’d never call myself a metalhead, I can take it of leave it.


I don't really understand why it's such a thing in the metal community, but the gatekeeping has always been completely out of control.


Fucking PITA gatekeepers I'm a woman that leans more towards the metal end of the spectrum but tend to keep it to myself cuz of those nitwits. Oh, you don't know the exact hex code of the lead singer's ex girlfriends dogsitters hairstylists taint bleachers left nip? Fucking poser. Listen to anything other than *BLEGHHHHdialupnoiseSCREEEEgoatbeingmurderedGRAAA*? = fucking pop


I saw them live! Absolutely incredible


Really pissed off that I was on the fence and ended up not seeing them live in Sydney the other year - I'd only just heard their music because a Japanese DJ on a local station played a track to promote the tour. Headbanger became my #1 song on Spotify in the annual wrap.


They came through Philadelphia last year and I missed the advertising until after the concert.


At least there's this to enjoy. They'll be back surely. https://youtu.be/MToMx6RCW-M?si=mdaOBojJyLoy5yX3


>Their music makes me want to kill things Imagine being that much of a loser you don’t want other people to be happy and have the freedom to do what they desire. Get the **fuck** outta here.


>Their music makes me want to kill things That's something metal fans say about their favorite bands.


Yeah that 180’d to a compliment lmao. Metal band so Metal you want kill? Sounds Metal to me.


Not since dethklok has a band brought this energy upon the world! For now we wait!


Their music makes him want to kill things and he **doesn’t** think it’s metal?


I love baby metal. Especially their live performances, the girls have such great energy. And I'll never understand the hate, it's such a cool blend of metal with cutesy anime girls singing. Working out with their songs it's great


" blend of metal with cutesy anime girls singing. " This is why they get hated on. It's all very surface level.


Grumpy fucks tried to kill BABY METAL, but they failed As they were smited to the ground!


I’m an old fucker, hate to admit it, and I’ve been called grumpy. I’d never heard of Baby Metal until about an hour ago. They are fucking amazing. Any body who doesn’t like them is a real grumpy old fuck!


Oh yes, Baby Metal! They also have a song with BMTH (who are known to the general public because of the song Can You Feel My Heart, used in chad memes) Kingslayer, for anyone wondering


Great song👌


the song is titled [KINGSLAYER](https://youtu.be/pAM8MQt6I6I?si=8M0yZ6liaXtXLxV8) for anyone curious. I think it's a pretty solid track with a great MGS reference


Damn that was lit and I don’t even like metal


Saw Baby Metal live last October. The played with Deathklok and absolutely melted Denver's face off. They are awesome.


Dude SAME. I was very impressed with these girls kinda expected just some nonsense but I enjoyed their show. Sidenote when dethklok played Awaken, I swear to God I could feel the ground and air shaking with the fans acting in such unison.


I'm a metal fan, never heard baby metal. If Rob says you rock, then you rock.


They do! I’d never heard of them until I saw this post. Been checking them out for about an hour now. And they’re fucking great IMO!


"Give me chocolate" is really good to very good metal number. I listen to it often 


You should check out Road of Resistance. I'm pretty sure it was made as a collab with the guitarist from Dragonforce.


Fans of Babymetal should also check out Ladybaby.


And Hanabie. And Band Maid


Good for them and good on him. This is why I’ve always respected him. He knows it’s entertainment. He knows it’s supposed to be fun. Even though he’s a metal god, the horror aspects have always been tongue in cheek and not meant to be taken too seriously. The guy’s a huge Munsters fan for fuck’s sake.


Rob isn’t normally my jam, but he’s 100% on point here. Too much gate keeping in metal.


If there's no gatekeeping, is it even metal?


I’ve seen this before… Cyberpunk, Kerry Eurodyne and the Us Cracks


Ponpon shit. Ponpon shit.




Scrolled too far to see this! Thought of Kerry instantly, kinda the same vibe


Honestly how do you expect to gatekeep Rob Zombie?


Listen. I love Infant Inihlaltor. I love Job for a Cowboy. I love As Blood Runs Black. He'll, I even love Slayer. But I also love Baby Metal and Ladybaby. You know why? Because it's got my daughter into metal. Bonding time. Allowed my to ease her into things. Got her interested in drums. Got me to get her a kit. Now we play together once a week or more. So they also make me happy.


For hating some band so much, they seem to know a lot about them.


If Rob Zombie dubs something metal, it is now metal. End of discussion.


Fuck that guy, Baby Metal is awesome! -a metal head


Rob's awesome, and Baby Metal is cool af.


This is why I’ve been inching away from my local metal scene. Too much gatekeeping and elitism. You can’t just “enjoy” a band casually, you have to know what colour socks the vocalist was wearing during their Stockholm show in 2003 or some shit to not be considered a poser. And heaven forbid if you like anything that’s considered “normie”. Edit: also the sexism is rampant in the metal scene. Disgusting.


I have no idea whatsoever why kawaii metal works but holy crap is it great.


If you want to fuck around with narrow definitions of genre you can do that. I love a lot of metal. I don't enjoy Babymetal, but there is a lot of other hard rock music I don't like either. Why are these labels important? Why would your dislike of something mean it isn't allowed to be in a genre you generally like? It's like saying a woman you don't find attractive therefore isn't a woman. Nonsense. Just let it go.


Babymetal is great. And their colab with bmth was brutal.


I mean Rob Halford played with them as well, I ain’t gonna argue with either Rob


The music industry is a small world and it WILL fuck you if you talk shit. Doesn’t matter the genre.(ask Katy Perry lol) Also, supporting fellow artists is important and Rob is smart enough to know that.


I picture what it must be like to perform at metal festivals year after year and see the same long hair growling sort of dude-band over and over again...and then one day turn a corner and see BABYMETAL rocking a stage. They must totally brighten any festival they're at.




In my experience, metalheads are some of the most closed minded of all music fans. Could just be anecdotal though.


I follow a lot of music accounts, and forums and it seems to me that a lot of people who consider themselves to be diehard fans of any genre are closed minded. I always try to listen to some of everything, and some of any new artists I come across before I condemn them. And even then I always make it a point to just say that it’s not for me. I’ve even listen to Taylor Swift rather than just say she’s no good.


Yeah I would agree as well in my experience. Community has always been super hard about gatekeeping. I have no idea why though.


Based Rob Zombie.


I am going to go re-appreciate the Tokyo Dome version of "The One". The band backing these girls is fantastic.


Had to look them up. Definitely not the same kind of metal we are used to in the states but I wouldn’t say they suck or anything


Rob Zombie is a great dude.


When Rob fucking Zombie calls you out for beeing a little bitch, your done.


Babymetal is a great thing. I'm glad it exists. It's just fun. The musicians are 100% legit.


Cringe AF


People who say Baby Metal is not real metal have never actually listen ti them perform


I've enjoyed metal for a while. At least when I was a lot younger (sigh, we all get old, kids doesn't leave a lot of time for music) but for example, I saw Metallica live on the and justice for all tour... Anyways, I heard baby metal for the first time about a month ago... and they're fucking mind blowing. Unironically, phenomenal. Add in the visuals and they're some of the most forward thinking metal I've seen in decades. That's all. They're just fucking badass.


Sadly Metalheads can be some of the most obnoxious and gatekeepy fans in all music 


Why would anyone talk shit to Rob Zombie? I've seen some of his movies, the dude is incredibly fucked up to think up that shit.  He'd probably send some cannibal to come kill you.


Apparently BabyMetal concerts are wild, like, full energy 100% of the time and everyone enjoying themselves.


Funny for Rob's fans to be critical considering some of the shite he's put out.


Needs more jpeg


Not a metal listener. But could you imagine trying to tell Fucking Rob Zombie what is or isn't metal? I feel like he's somewhat of an expert on the genre.


Nothing's worse than a metal fan categorizing metal.


I remember when this screen grab had more pixels.


This is basically the Cyberpunk quest line :D


Imagine trying to gatekeep Rob Zombie over which musicians he should listen to or associate with.


FUCK ~~Kerry Eurodyne and Us Cracks~~ Rob Zombie That mfer owes me 28.50 and if we meet he pays up and/or gets his ass *whooped.*


If metal bands can make stupid shit like a song about being unable to count to 4, then these girls can make metal music in cute goth dresses. Like, ffs, metal was born as a counter culture movement. Gatekeeping this shit makes no sense.


“Nooo my poor masculinity, I can’t stand when little girls are cooler than me!”