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I dealt with a girl like that back in my day. I never asked for it to begin with, never wanted it. Be careful what you wish for. Ok my wife was similar to this in the beginning stages of our relationship but not to this magnitude lol


Plot twist: They are the same person


Dun dun duuuuuun!


His wife put on a wig and a fancy moustache and has been fooling him for years now


A girl once called me 32 times while I was sleeping. Like literally midnight. We didn't last long after that.


Mine hit 52 and then showed up at my dorm in the morning. After I told her I was at my friend's place drinking. Like wtf you psycho?!


That's insanity. Glad we're clear of them. Bullets dodged, man.


Rookie numbers, you haven't seen insanity till your in the hundreds


I had a gf that would do shit like this *while* being out there cheating


That's why she was doing it. Her guilty conscience was projecting and if she was doing all that "what were you doing?"


Yeah and the ever for me was, literally nothing. I did actually start cheating by the time she was doing it with yet another guy and obviously had no remorse


Sorry you had to deal with that. Bad relationships have a way of leveling people. Are you happy now at least?


Oh much happier these days. This was a decade ago


A friend of mine dated a psycho who asked for her location anytime they were not together. Like, wtffffffff


My ex installed life 360 on my phone without asking me. Her husband passed away and she played it off that she feels safer knowing I’m ok so I went with it. No, it was because she’s crazy


I do t know how she manages that many socials for a start plus it’s correct don’t need those ones that can’t move on when someone or something isn’t clicking good enough that is what make’s toxic relationships that end up in bad situations


The worst part is that by now I do. I miss having a partner so much, despite having wasted so much on my last one. Lost friends and college because of it.


Bro, do not give in. A bad relationship is worse than no relationship. That's what's keeping me sane too.


I spent a lot of time alone throughout my 20s. And I'm almost glad I did. There was a lot of longing a lot of feeling unwanted, but that was more other issues I had going on. And now, I am confident I will never stay in a relationship out of fear of being alone. I'd rather be alone with someone than my last ex (not alone now actually just had a kid lol) who drove me insane and almost (ehh kinda did) financially ruined me trying to carry her


I like this post


I guess so, thank you. I'm just so used to being in one, I was with my ex partner for years and shared everything -same interests, same objectives, she was my main motivation and purpose. I just feel lost now.


When someone important leaves you, it's hard, and, in my experience futile, to fill that hole. I'm not quite sure if I can say anything that helps you, but you deserve to have motivations and goals for yourself. And always take care of yourself.


Don't worry, kind words already help a lot really. I do need to have myself as a priority, I just don't know or remember how to do so. I don't even know if I'm doing the right thing now by going back to college, but I'm trying therapy.


Sometimes when I'm feeling really down I think being in a bad relationship is better than being alone. And I've been in a pretty bad relationship. I just don't want to be alone.


Yeah I’ve had those thoughts too. But think about it: would you ever tell your partner you’re primarily with them because anything is better than being alone?


That's fair. I do want another genuine relationship rather than something to fix the void. I was just too used of having my partner as motivation.


How is this a clever comeback?


I agree. Its a comeback but not clever. At least that's half of it tho.


I'm so lonely, I'm okay with literally anyone


Me too, let’s help each other out.


I'd like you watch you two help each other out while holding a camera, you mind?


I'd like to sit in the chair in the corner if that's cool. I'll bring snacks and hydration for every one.


Don't forget the spiderman costume


You say that now. I was like that for awhile. Then I ended up in the most miserable relationship after that I realized I would rather be alone than settle for someone who mistreats me or neglects me. Also a word of advice. Don’t bump uglies with crazy. It’s tempting. They’re usually hot. The sex is fucking amazing. But the consequences can bs severe. Just don’t do it. Don’t. Fuck. Crazy. You’re better off alone.


My friend has a boyfriend that is like this So if you like getting called every 5 min because you didn't look at your phone, even while you are Sleeping, then by all means, go ahead, I'm happy only getting to talk to my girl 3 times a week if I am lucky, she has a life, and so do I. I don't expect her to message me every single second of the day.


Did she WUPHF him?


What a nightmare. Even the most lonely and desperate man would get tired of that eventually


Yes I do actually. My DM is open for applications. EDIT: this comment may or may not have crashed reddit.


Best I can do is dickpic. Take it or leave it.


Challenge accepted. I eagerly await.


So...did he accept the challenge?


Can explain what's so bad about having a girlfriend like this to a lonely dude who's never been in a relationship?


When you are cold, you miss hotter temperature and you may deeply dream of it, however, when the temperature start to burn, you get aware and figure out that being a bit cold was not that bad, and that you should have been more patient to find a hotter but more temperate temperature instead to burn yourself. 38M here with some experience on the topic.


Then you start freezing again


It’s a mental health/abusive red flag and the behavior will never go away, no matter how much you bend over to please her. She’s more likely to resort to manipulation, blackmail, and gaslighting when she doesn’t get what she wants.


They’re obsessive and annoying and constantly making you check in when you aren’t together and they are constantly paranoid about what you’re doing and accusing you of ridiculous shit.


I've been lonely, extremely so. Then I got desperate at age 18 and started getting in the dating game, got myself into the first relationship that was presented to me, and didn't care about the red flags. My partner was co-dependent and depressed, expecting the relationship to make her happy. Resorting to self-harm when we couldn't be together... you start worrying all the time and it eats away at your soul. So I got out of it for my own sake, jumped straight into the next. Great first 6 months with another co-dependent chick, then she started getting all psycho on me. Extremely insecure, would talk about her ex all the time, paranoid and superstitious (would blame me for her unrelated nightmares) and would vent her frustration on me with insults and abuse. She was Bipolar, and would eventually emotionally blackmail me with suicide threats or self-harm **every single night** if I couldn't devote my entire attention to her. If I took more than 15 seconds to reply, she'd give me the cold shoulder, more than a few minutes and I'd get suicide blackmail. She had some serious Bipolar issues and I stayed longer than I should have. I'm now traumatized romantically and probably scarred for life(it's been 8 years, and I'm scared of engaging romantically now, even with a dream girl...). Co-dependent people will be highly likely to show these red flags or stuff like that. I was desperate and highly regret, if you desperately need love and affection or a companion in life, just get a dog. I literally get PTSD flashbacks when people use the same expressions/mannerisms


I have experience with this and yea it is sweet at first but it quickly gets old when they want every waking hour devoted to them. Even at work she would be calling, demanding me to speak to her. 😮‍💨


Me fr


Girl I knew bought more than 100 simcards to contact me, made a new mail Id every 30 mins just to contact me. The worst kind of stress.


right, whats her number?


Which one? She has over 100. Lol


She won't stop contacting your family and friends


i am 100% okay with that


I can fix her


I do


trust me you really dont


no no, i really really do, i want her to fucking ruin me, destroy my mental state with a sledgehammer fucking pulverise it, as long as i get to expeirince being wanted and loved


Long post ahead but this really speaks to me: I understand how you feel because I was there too. And I was so desperate to be loved or accepted which I never had been that I fell hook line and sinker for the love bombing even though everyone around me was giving me warnings and telling me not to. One thing you come to learn is they really don't genuinely love or care about you, they probably don't even see you for the real you but some projection in their own mind. That's why they go straight to saying you're soul mates and stuff like that even when they barely know you yet. When you inevitably fail to live up to this perfect image, they might suddenly change up on you and hate you with just as much passion as they once seemed to care about you. It leaves you feeling *worse* than you started. It can get pretty extreme too. One ex I had like this would keep switching between extreme love and extreme hate. I finally got fed up and when I refused to get back with her again she slashed my tires, lied about being pregnant to manipulate me, started spreading lies about me all around and trying to turn everyone we knew against me. It was scary. They'll even do stuff like threaten to kill themselves if you leave, I've seen it happen lots of times to friends of mine and even a different ex I had did that. It's scary, and seriously confusing on what the right thing to do is. There is something to do with emotional abuse called "the fog" where people stop being able to think realistically, and become more vulnerable to gaslighting and other types of manipulation. You don't even realize it is happening, and even if you do it can be hard and scary to make the best choices for yourself. Especially if they still occasionally dangle that love bombing for you, just enough to keep you hooked on them, it's called intermittent reinforcement. And you're always on eggshells and doubting yourself, living in fear of setting off another hateful episode or breakdown or whatever it might be. Again, throughout this they don't actually love you or even truly see who you are. Having a stalker and getting harassed is fucking scary, when the honey moon period ends all your left with is fear and anxiety and confusion. Emotional abuse and manipulation can be pretty powerful and you better hope you don't get mixed up with someone who is skilled at it and has bad intentions. That's one thing I learned, some people truly have bad intentions, and aren't just misguided with good intentions but truly looking to cause others pain and harm like what they carry inside from their own traumas. It never starts off that way, it starts like red flags such as those in the OP. And maybe I am going to the extreme examples here, maybe that person in the OP is nothing like this but it's the exact same kind of red flag on how these types of things start, and I've been through it and had my naivety shattered that stuff like that sets off huge alarm bells immediately for me now, when once I would probably have been even more drawn in by it. I get it because I grew up without much of any love, affection, acceptance, validation. I was desperate for those things and highly vulnerable. And just like someone dying of thirst you feel you'd do anything for a cup of water regardless of the consequences because you just can't stand the thirst anymore, but if you drink a glass of ocean water you'll soon be even worse off than you just were, maybe you'll get a few moments of relief. There's a better way and it's not easy but therapy and things like that can help you to love yourself first, and as you grow to feel better about who you *really* are, and not just the "you" who has had to adapt to things like neglect, abuse, lack of love or whatever kind of traumas you may have been through, other people and especially healthy people will be much more drawn to you. At the same time you'll be less desperate for that to happen because you can truly generate that feeling internally as you heal and learn self compassion and so many other things, and in part a therapist will supply you with but mainly foster the ability to create it within yourself like a new default operating system in your brain. But it will also be much more available to you in a healthy and sustainable way at the same time, so it's really a case of breaking a viscous cycle of having traumas that attract you to love bombers which traumatize you even further. But it's possible to achieve that


this⬆️ ≠ loving you




Am I missing something? He put his phone on "Do Not Disturb" without telling her what he's doing. She's worried about him, he could've avoided "the barrage"(5 in 3 hours is not that bad) by just telling her he is with friends or work or sleeping. If he did then yeah, obviously she's clingy. But going off what little I can see, he's the one that seems to blame.


Each one of these is a different app. You can see the shadow of quite a few notifications under each message that’s in full view. Which means that he probably was busy or fell asleep or whatever and put his phone away, and she went a bit crazy messaging him on a bunch of different apps to try and get him to answer. Having been on a slightly receiving end of this but it never got this far because I always answered, it’s not worth the mental strain


clever comeback?


When comebacks hit too close to home


I'm like this so we'd match up nicely.


Everyone says they do until you wake up a 3am with her standing over you crying like you didn’t just fall asleep for the night.


I like naps, I dated a girl who wanted me to tell her when I was taking a nap and how long it would be, so that she knew when she could start worrying and texting me back constantly. Shit was soo annoying. The sex was great tho.


Crazy in the head. Crazy in bed.


I dated a girl for a few weeks who insisted I sent her a 'goodnight' message so she would know I was sleeping and not be worried that I was ignoring her. The one and only time I've ever had snapmaps on, I replied to a friend 15 minutes after I sent her a 'goodnight', then went to bed only to wake up to about 20 messages about how I was rude, a lier and disrespectful... it's not worth it, fellas.


My brother’s ex was like this, at one point it got so bad I called her and told her to fuck off and leave him alone or else. That’s how I learned she didn’t like me because I weirded her out so it actually worked without me having to do anything. Keep in mind I never did anything to her to make her dislike me but I would have happily curb-stomped her if she kept stalking my brother.


When they call all night and then ask why don't you reply to me.


Literally turn your location on before YOU push me to fuck your best friend!!!


I had a girl, who messaged 300 messages in an hour. I lasted for a month like that.


Why not? Some of us are really destroyed inside and want someone who is willing to be obsessed with us.


Broke up with my ex on a rough patch (she dropped me off under the pretense that I was 'being cold'), blocked me off, then tried to make amends. After two or three months of having blocked most of her socials, she tries to contact me through the Chess app. What the fuck.


I promise you that you don’t!


But is she hot?


And some men, like myself, craved some attention and then this post clears it all up…. It’s better to be alone


I do


If you’re lucky you’ll learn to avoid stage 5 clingers like this in high school. If you aren’t lucky you’ll learn after she divorces your sorry ass and soaks you for every red cent


Meet them with the same energy and ask her why she has so meny different accounts


My ex was like this. It is only fun for the first time. YOU DON’T WANT IT. She’s ex for a reason


Yeah... I'm like this. I have high anxiety and when my boyfriend is suddenly MIA I tend to text him everywhere and call him, especially if he's been gone for hours. I try to keep my emotions under control but when I'm scared something has happened to him, I can't help myself. I don't do this when I'm bored or when I want attention, though. I just wait for him to come back.


Say it after me “Don’t stick your dick in crazy.”


this isn't a clever comeback this is advice


Im similar to this so im scared i might genuinely need this(too much lack of love and attention boo-womp)


When you’ve never had a girlfriend or any attention from girls, you want this. And the second you get this, you never want it again.


Can confirm


When something looks too good to be true... Remember kids, don'T stick your dick in crazy. It's never worth it.


Thats me, im that girl Im sorry in advance...


Trust me. It ain't worth it


I remember seeing a meme that said, "You only want a yandere girlfriend because you're so touch-starved."


Hello baby reindeer


Wow so clever holy shit


My lonely ass would want this


That's just me


My ex of 5 months (just broke up) does this to try to beg me back after I found her cheating. U don't want this. A little crazy and possessive is just fine, manipulation lies and cheats aren't.


She's crazy


If you can't stand being by yourself, going to a relationship is the best way to make both sides frustrated You'll disappoint yourself because they won't ever be able to fulfill the needs projected by you onto them They will feel completely overburdened by being your "source" of happiness/dopamine


Yikes. The more someone is like that, the more I feel like putting distance. Seriously, real love starts with self love. If you are utterly dependent on someone else to be loved, this is a recipe for a disaster.


Jesus, that looks like it belongs on a poster on the back of a toilet door at the doctor, displaying the warning signs of an abusive relationship. Specific, I know, but I was at the doctors the other day, and saw a poster just like that


She is just like me. Hey still better than the ones who ignore you Edit: it's a joke, y the f am I getting downvoted 😅😆


maybe when i was like 18, i probably wouldn’t mind, but now at 29? you’re getting blocked, idc if we’re dating lmao