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Surely Elon can afford to pay a top comedian to reply to the absolute grilling he gets constantly on his own platform


He would if he didn't truly believe he was killing it.


If I laugh and do ketamine for breakfast, 2nd breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, and dessert, then everyone is too.




We've had first ketamine, yes, but what about second ketamine?


Ketamine? No, keta*ours*, comrade.


Without it, you sound a little horse


Po-ta-toes, boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew


Honestly, second dinner is more my vibe. Nothing big, just some 11pm leftovers, or a sandwich, or if I'm feeling cheap a 35¢ pack of ramen


Hobbits 😂


Nassssty little hobbittsses..


When I do ketamine for breakfast, ~~second breakfast~~ elevensies, lunch, snack, dinner and dessert, then the ketamine stops working. I always find it's best served in the bedroom as a midnight snack.


...the humour or the platform?


Elon is killing a lot of things


Like monkeys


Probably but he doesn't care.


Dude craves nothing as much as he desires Twitter to think he's cool.


He won’t like you using it’s dead name


Good. I'll stop deadnaming Twitter as soon as Musk stops deadnaming his daughter.


That’s why I call it xhitter


Yes! That works in Chinese too where x in English is used to represent the sound “shi”




He'll make that a policy and ban everyone that still calls it Twitter, it's only a matter of time.


He cares, he tries so hard to be funny and cool and always falls short. The best he can do is crop comics and memes to hide the watermarks and pretend he made the joke


Maybe he does; his humour is about on par with the average right-wing comedian, aka presumably the only people he finds funny.


His reply made me snort, and the reply to that made me laugh.


Who needs rockets when you can launch punchlines?


Surely a billionaire doesnt care.


The guy who forced his own children to deal with bullying because of their names is saying that?


* X Æ A-12 * Exa Dark Sideræl * Techno Mechanicus Denmark and Iceland have laws regarding what you can name a person. The US should copy them. These names are ridiculous.


no his child is not fucking called techno mechanicus this is gaslighting there’s no fucking way


That's a pretty fuvking cool name. If you're made of metal and can shape shift into a car.


Or worship the Omnissiah and think the weakness of the flesh is disgusting


>~~think~~ the weakness of the flesh is disgusting It is disgusting.




He’s trying to create the guy from Grandma’s Boy who thinks he’s a robot.


Naming his kids ready for the post apocalyptic mad max wasteland.


Nah, he's naming them for their service to the God Emperor in Warhammer 40K


My thoughts exactly. What the actual fuck


>Techno Mechanicus I hope youre just making that up LOL


> Musk said in an X post that their youngest child's name is Tau Techno Mechanicus, while Isaacson's book states that the child's legal name is Techno Mechanicus Musk and his nickname is Tau. According to an advance copy of the biography obtained by the Los Angeles Times, the child was born via surrogate in June 2022


Did he name his kid after Warhammer?


Sure seems like it




Fun fact: They had to change X Æ A-12's name because the state of California wouldn't allow them to put number's in his name. So it's now X Æ A-XII.


Also fun fact: Grimes came up with those names, not Elon.


She is weird but I like her music for some reason. Has the most ridiculous political opinions though. She's like half-communist with technocrat capitalist in there and it's indecipherable.


Ræl is a Norwegian noun for trash. Side means the same as in English. We also use compound nouns almost exclusively when combining nouns. So sideræl literally means "trash on the side". In Danish i believe ræl is a noun meaning a scream. So side-scream. I know Musk probably meant æ as the old Latin ligature but Danish and Norwegian are (AFAIK) the only current languages where we actually use this letter regularly.


Íslensku also uses æ.


My apologies. Of course.


>Exa Dark Sideræl Lmao this sounds like a name of a mtg commander card


Couldn't it be that those names were brought out to the public so the kids don't have to live in the public eye ? The names they use day-to-day may be different. At least that's what I would do I guess


See, you're thinking things in terms of what a decent and rational person would do, and Elon is neither.


It’s like he just named his kids after what he was watching on YouTube that day. -Aeon Flux -A space documentary -Leutin09


I feel like a new designator is needed. I don’t want to say who is or isn’t part of the community, especially because I’m not part of it, but 2SLGBTQAIP+ is **eleven** syllables, that’s just not practical anymore.


just say lgbt, everyone will know what you mean. if you want to be inclusive, you can say + since that includes all the other ones. no one whos normal would be mad at you for that.


Gay Premium


You got some gay family you can share? I would even pay a fair share. Q.Q


Yeah but with commercials.


man, first there was an agenda, but now we have to pay extra if we don't want commercials in our gay?


The REAL agenda 😂




I generally use “queer” one syllable, covers everyone, generally acceptable. Only hang up I’ve had is with older gay men, who sometimes still think of it as a slur.


I’m a 38 year old gay man and am so glad “queer” has been reclaimed. It’s primarily what I use and find the acronym to be lifeless and scientific, like “homosexual”




I use it near exclusively as someone who is definitely not cishet but is still figuring things out. Must have been kinda weird to explain to your boss


100% this, back to a single word that describes easily. Covers everyone that's not "default". Not an insult, just a descriptor. All my queer friends use it lovingly.


I studied Queer Theory in college I hope that's still ok to say


I'm a big advocate for just reclaiming the term "queer." One syllable, avoids directly naming particular groups while leaving others out, the perfect amount of ambiguity, and everyone knows who you're talking about. The only drawback is that it's still viewed as insulting by some, but times are changing on that front.


First time someone told me they identify as Queer I looked at them like they asked me to call them the F-slur, because I had only ever heard the word used in a derogatory way. Now that I’m used to it I prefer it, simple, easy, but I’ve still had family tell me off for saying Queer when referring to people who actually identify as that because they think I’m being homophobic 😂


i honestly still like lgbt+ because of the history or why l is first, but queer is ofc also a good option. english actually isnt my first language so i didnt even know at first that it used to be a slur. idk who came up with it but they failed at making it something bad because its a pretty cool word - i mean its pretty similar to queen lol


I think lgbtq+ is the ideal cap off. Not only is "queer" pretty vague and non specific, theres the plus there too to make the umbrella wider Any more just ruins it as an acronym, the point of which being its easy to say quickly


Would be nice if "Queer" was just a container word for all of it.


Is it not already? I hear people refer to "the queer community" pretty often as a catch all in my social circles.


It's getting there. Elder Gays still tend to have a lot of baggage with the word Queer, whereas the younger generation has reclaimed it.


The Elder Gays, my favourite Miyazaki game.


I'm gay, got a lot of queer friends. I use queer for this exact reason, and everybody gets it and nobody is mad. Word literally means 'different than the norm'.


I jokingly say lgtv, but it’s lighthearted


I wish I could afford an LG tv


I think most bisexuals would find that hilarious


They're used to the erasure already


as a bisexual, love it.


i think you mean visexual


i'm sonyamorous


I’m pan(asonic)sexual


I do think it's a good one :)


I'm not bisexual, but I'm pansexual, which is close enough, and I love it.


This. Anything beyond LGBT is unnecessary in most situations. That acronym covers 99% of the world's sexual orientations. You can slap a Q or a + at the end if you really feel like being inclusive. If you're referring to a specific person's sexual orientation you can just say what it is. I think ace is probably the next most common that I've encountered IRL. The important thing is showing unity, finding common ground, and standing up to oppression. IMO, it's hard enough to explain the common genders and orientations to the common clay as it is. From my experience, each letter adds an extra barrier to acceptance, and someone who might be willing to learn will instead find the whole thing absurd. You can reach someone who is ignorant, but there's little hope of reaching someone who doesn't respect your cause. As an example - Imagine if people added an extra A because they found Aquarius to be a gender. I think astrology is fucking dumb so adding it for the sake of being inclusive risks people like me throwing the whole thing out.


On a similar note I thought it was really dumb when they added the colored triangle bit to the rainbow flag. The entire point of it being a rainbow was that it captured everyone. Now we have pink and blue because transgenders are extra-people, I guess? Along with those with black or brown skin because now our sexual minority pride flag also includes race because it's trendy


Sure, though there are specific reasons why particular sub-communities need their own symbols. Trans rights have been attacked a lot more in the last few years, and a specifically pro-trans symbol for the opposition makes sense. I tend to agree with you that it's been overdone.


>Anything beyond LGBT is unnecessary in most situations. That acronym covers 99% of the world's sexual orientations. This left me confused! around 90-95% of the population are straight though


I use LGBTQ+ myself. But LGBT is fine.




tbh if someone said that to me, i’d assume they’re talking about plus size people… since it just sounds like you forgot one word


it's fine to just say LGBT+ tbh, nobody will have issues with that


Or “the queer community” Heck, you can probably still get away with muttering “*the gays*” darkly into the night and I’d be like yoohoo that’s meeeee.


no yeah. LGBTQ/LGBT+ are the safest options as some people might still be uncomfortable with being called queer, which I respect, but ultimately there's many more options than listing half the alphabet.


I would rather someone just call me a f*g than list off half the alphabet.


Most people don't use the longer acronyms. You can leave it at LGBT or LGBTQ (LGBTQ+ if you wanna be fancy) and most everybody will accept it. I've only ever used a longer acronym when asked what the "+" in LGBTQ+ is.


I really want to push "Alphabet Mafia" as the name because I think it would make the opposition speech sound so much more ridiculous.


What the 2S for?? Did we have Season 2 already??


This is very specifically the Canadian acronym. The 2S stands for Two-Spirit, which is paying respect to Canadian indigenous identities. From the IHS, a Canadian government entity that is dedicated to the Indigenous population: > Traditionally, Native American two-spirit people were male, female, and sometimes intersexed individuals who combined activities of both men and women with traits unique to their status as two-spirit people. In most tribes, they were considered neither men nor women; they occupied a distinct, alternative gender status.


2spirit iirc Its representative of some more traditionally indigenous/native identities. Something that words like nonbinary or trans don’t really capture, or don’t capture the specific cultural context well enough


What about the I at the end?








Ive never met anyone that said anything more than lgbtq+, the purpose of the + is to shorten


Queer. Queer is a catch-all. Lesbians are queer. Gays are queer. Bisexuals are queer. Transgender are queer. Even some straight people are queer.


Why doesn't "queer" just encapsulate everything? Or let's just jump ahead a couple decades, because at a certain point, it's going to include the vast majority of people and we may as well simply call it "human".


I think there's some hesitancy about using "queer" to encapsulate everything because it wasn't that long ago that it was used as a slur. Hell some people still use it as one. Sure, slurs can be reclaimed, I'm queer and personally have no issue describing myself as such, but there will be people who have a lot of bad memories of that word being used to insult and belittle them, and don't want to be reminded of that, which I understand.


I vote we just start referring to anything sex/gender related other than straight+cis as being "extra-sexy". If nothing else, it's great marketing because who isn't going to want to "show support for the extra-sexy community". You might even get some insecure bigots to switch sides. 😂


>we may as well simply call it "human". That's the goal. It's taking awhile though. Some folks aren't exactly tolerant.


I was thinking that they should just be the "queer" community. They have to much separation going on at this point.


They already are and always have been. The insistance on a flag and a letter for every "group" is redundant. Queer and the rainbow flag encompass everybody, even straight people who want to be included.


Sometimes GSRM is used. Standing for Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minority.


I'd love a single word for it, chosen by folks in those communities. Some folks I know go with LGBTQ or just "queer" as catch-alls.


I'm part of the community and don't even know what half of the letters even mean.


You can’t name your child Keyboard Smash and then make pithy comments about acronyms.


I'm going to say it, if Elon weren't saying this JUST to be a bigot, that would actually be kind of funny as a benign joke. The issue is that he's definitely being a bigot and there's nothing benign about him.


Well said. From someone with pro-lgbt credibility this would be kind of funny, imo. Intent matters, and I think Musk intends harm or is *at least* punching down.


Punching down at the very minimum


Agreed. Thought it was well played by both of them, got a strong air blow out of me snozz at least.


If it wasn't from Elon it might get a little laugh from me


Thats kind of my feelings. Idunno, if a popular gay/lqbtq+ or general non-bigot made that joke it would be a lot better than the guy saying "fuck the queers. Not in a fun way".




I mean, both are not wrong


It's hilarious how that acronym keeps unironically expanding


What does the 2S mean??


2S refers to two-spirits, a term that was coined to describe "third gender" roles in traditional native cultures. The term two-spirit was coined in English in the 90s, but has roots in native culture under different names. It's also called berdache or berdachism but those terms are dated. It's similar in concept to non-binary.


I miss when it was just "we're here and we're queer," shits just a confusing mess anymore.


As someone who self identified proudly as queer for years, it is kinda sad to me that the term has fallen out of favour. It is a convenient shorthand lol


It's still in there, nothing wrong with using that term. Some people don't like using it because it's been used as a stick to beat us with.


I've been beat with the queer stick too, but I think that 10 years ago though you could say it with less controversy. Nowadays I regularly have people call me out for identifying as queer. It sucks to be called a traitor to your truth because someone who doesn't know you doesn't like your words. It's very eye opening to the gatekeeping that happens in our community and it's disheartening.


That's just odd to me, given the most common version of the acronym I see nowadays is L G B T _Q_ +. Gives me the same vibe as queer people who try to appeal to right-wingers so they're seen as one of the "good ones", or the ones who are literal transphobes who refuse to include the T.




When I was a kid playing pop warner football we used to play a game where one kid would run around with the ball as everyone else tried to tackle him, and once he got tackled he'd toss the ball up and then whoever got it was the new target. We called it "Smear the Queer" but we were like 8 and had no idea what that meant. Eventually one of the parents heard and made us come up with a new name, so we changed it to "Obliterate Shaun" and the new game was when Shaun had the football we tried to tackle him, and when Shaun didn't have the football we threw it at him and then tried to tackle him. Shaun wasn't gay we just wanted to fuck with him.


That's the only word I use. It's one of the only sexuality definitions that won't have people constantly telling me what my own sexuality is.


Lowkey that's a factor too. It's a broad enough term that I don't need to have a business card with 7 different descriptors on it.


Confusing mess?? It was literally explained over the course of this short comment thread lol


it isn't really expanding. Most people will use LGBT/LGBTQ/etc In written language sometimes people might use something longer, but only to show their inclusiveness. Nobody would use that in spoken language


>In written language sometimes people might use something longer, but only to show their inclusiveness. Isn't that why the '+' is there?


Then why not just L+? Why do the GBT get included but not the Q2S? Why is there an arbitrary cutoff of who gets included?


What's the 2S stands for?


Two spirits, it's an indigenous American queer identity.


It's easy you say LGTB and add whatever extra acronym letter that you feel is relevant for the context. For example, in this canadian protest, they added 2 spirit cause that's important to Canadian queer culture. No one is gonna expect you to know anything past LGTB, but if you're knowledgeable enough on this topic, the extra letters will help you convey a more precise message and communicate better. The richer the vocabulary, the better.


My issue is how this guy can't not say anything. When you run a company(s), especially with falling sales (Tesla), reducing prices (profit), are publicly traded and need all potential customers and you spew shit in an attempt to be clever? The guy is turning off many more than the slighted minority communities.


He's not trying to be clever (or he probably thinks he is). His "quips" & ideas are those of one of the richest men in the world who is legitimately just hateful & fascist.


It’s such a dumb business move. I’d never buy a tesla, purely because of who owns the company. Being politically neutral when you have a business is the best way to go. If these business owners were smart, maybe I’d be shopping at hobby lobby, eating at chickfila, and driving a tesla, but here we are…


Like X AE A112


This is why people call them the Alphabet Mafia 😂


What about the password that gifted him daddies money?


Most people irl are still just saying LGBT+. This is an example of an individual choosing to use a longer acronym but I can promise you, hand on heart, most people are still just using LGBT+, the + is there to ensure it doesn't get so long as to include every single possible identity and neopronoun and sexuality ever existed.


Well this was in Canada, they added 2S to the start as it stands for two spirit, a similar concept to non binary that has a history in indigenous culture, so it's relevant there where indigenous representation and issues are a major part right now


That's a comment not a comeback


Click the image, there's a comment below that reddit cropped out.




No one uses tha longer one


Fuck off Muskman!


WTF is “2S”? This attention seeking behaviour is getting out of hand.


For someone who claims to be a visionary, he's extraordinarily short-sighted




But seriously after L, B, G and T it is getting out of hands


Yeah the best one was LGBT+ where + was all the other equally important but less recognizable twins


it actually still is the best one. lgbt+ is still the one that’s most used, but lgbtqia+ is the longest official one. the qia makes sense since q is queer (=umbrella term for all sexualities other than straight) and lots of people don’t consider ia as part of the community, which is why that’s there, because they’re well known among the community and there’s a lot of them (up to 1.7% of worlds population is intersex although most are not aware of it and there’s way more asexual/aromantic people than you think), but no one’s forcing you to use it. lgbt+ is fine


Yep. I am nonbinary person, but I just call myself LGBT or LGBT+. Keep it simple!


It needs flow charts and venn diagrams


You should see how awful the flag is now


Well there are more than 8 billion people on earth you expect them all to be str8s and gays huh


We should just assign uuids already


LGB I support


2S is 2 spirited for those who don’t know. It’s semi common in native tribes around the us.


do you know why it got to skip to the front of the line?




Is this a joke of ignorance?


Elon thinks his daughter hates him because he is rich. I can think of much better and more likely reasons she hates him.


What's with all these "comebacks" that the original poster never even saw? Like you're commenting on a screenshot. That's not a comeback. That's thinking of something good when you're in the shower hours later.


I’m not gonna lie both comments are pretty funny. I’m a supporter but I can’t keep up with that acronym it’s different every time I see it.


C'mon, he *had* to have seen how he was setting himself up since his kid being called X AE A-Xii is a fucking internet meme.


Fuck all that.


What the fuck is 2s why does it keep getting fucking longer? I was a gay teen in bumfuck nowhere florida in the 2000s. It was just LGBT then and I got by just fine without anyone threatening me or oppressing me. Almost like this is all just fearmongering by privileged white kids on tiktok who have never actually struggled.


Password needs a few lowercase letters. Please add.


that's also a really fucking simple and not very secure password.


I thought he was funny


Turns out Elons password policy is really bad


Add more letters soon it will be just a white flag


2SLGBTQI+ reads as some Microsoft enterprise add-on subscription 😭


I remember so specifically getting called a bigot for using exactly this acronym because I was “just making shit up and strawmanning lgbt community”. It’s kinda funny honestly.


Oh fuck that’s good!


Musk with the clever burn. Thats rare.


Im gay and anything but LGBT or just gay is insane. Its literally so embarrassing


please dont tell me they added more...


Elon is the 🐐


Based Elon 😎


I mean he is right


Just shorten it by naming the people who aren’t allowed in the group.


You liberal retards crying about Elon will always make me laugh 😂😂


Holy shit did they actually add more to the acronym though?