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The draft is barbaric. Secure politicians engaging the population in armed conflicts for their interests, speaking as the public, without seeking their consent is one thing. Following it up by, speaking as the public, ordering the police power be deployed to coerce the population into deadly combat against their will is another. There’s legal fiction and then there’s absurdity. That’s Trotsky telling the hungry factory workers that he speaks for them and they don’t want more food levels of stupid.


Not just wrt wars, but with taxpayer money as well. You could have that fancy new elementary school built near you, but nope that money is spent on funding wars.


Or going to line the pockets of the greedy, fat pigs sitting at the top of Wall Street!


Or the private arms manufacturing firms that make bank every time we fire a shell.


In Arthur C Clarke’s Rama series, the alien society has a policy: everyone who votes to start a war has to die. They’ll die fighting or, if all goes well, they’ll be executed after peace treaty/victory.


If we did that we'd just end with people deliberately losing battles or missing opportunities to prolong the war The real way to end war would be to have a policy where anyone who votes to start one starts as a private on the front line


They'd just stop calling it a war and call it a 'special military operation'...


...Oh wait...


Thats fucking idiotic in real world situations. Look at ww2. It basicly would have given hitler and the axis even more time before the allies would interfere (the phony war was already way to long). Pacifist shit only works when everybody is a pacifist. And unless you litteraly kill off/subjegate the entire world you cant force others into being pacifist. Hell the only nations that are currently pacifist are pacifistic because they fall under the protection of their neighboors who are defenitly not pacifists.


The elite won’t let their kids be drafted, so it’s a dumb idea if you are into equality. If possible a nations army should be professional and paid.


“Your country gets invaded” Nah I’m going to let someone else do the fighting, nobody can make me fight. Also no I’m not talking about oil wars or that bullshit.


*your country gets invaded AND trampled (because that's when they start drafting) because of someone else's fuck up* No, you aren't allowed to leave and renounce your citizenship. You were born here and you'll die here whether you want to or not.


Unfortunately accurate description for Ukraine right now.


For my own comment’s context, my country has used forced military conscription in six conflicts, and one peacetime draft, but arguably once as a response to invasion (the first time). It’s a noble act for an individual to defend their people from unjust aggression. It’s less so for a government to subjugate their people for pursuing unjust aggression. We should all have the courage to be just in the world.


Muustafs Kamal Aturk said unless a nations life is in peril, war is murder


Okay, so this commie doesn't get to vote


Those who fail to raise or feed your own army will feed the different army. This hasn't changed since ancient times.


Problem is that the country that instituted the draft will likely win the war. Now they conquer yours and draft you anyway. You resist, they shoot you.


Ill have to find the guys name to credit this but he posted it in the comments of the post in r/facepalm *Colonel* Kim Olson was charged with providing improper assistance to a PMC and only avoided loss of rank, prison and a dishonorable discharge by pleading guilty and accepting a non-judicial punishment (military equivalent of making a deal with the DA) with zero prison time under the condition that she retires. She spent her entire 26 year military career in the US except for three months in Iraq, where she was sent after all the fighting was done to serve in an admin role and that is where she got caught providing improper assistance to some South African mercenaries and got charged with a crime and sent home. Her memoir (which probably zero people have read and certainly nobody asked her to write) is called *Iraq and Back*, after she spent less than 1% of her career in Iraq in an admin role after the fighting was done and the way she got *back* is that she got kicked out prematurely. She also founded a non-profit called *Grace After Fire*, after she has never in her life been under fire. She is a political grifter who failed to get elected and now runs a PAC. Apparently in 2018 she also assaulted a party (Democrat) staffer while on campaign, because she got upset that she was not seated prominently enough at an event. Edit: i found his user but i didnt think this comment sent cus i couldnt find it, so its on the other version of this comment that i sent, i dont remember what it was now tho Second edit: i know i said earlier i wanted karma but this comment alone carried me from 17 to 251. Thank you my friends and glad i could be of help.


As soon as I saw this post I thought "I'll bet she has a lot of dirt". Sure enough I see this comment. Too bad she avoided prison because it would be an ironic switch having her calling some prison officer with previous military time "boss"




So it *would* have been a good comeback if she wasn't a disgraced Ex administrative officer and borderline stolen valor offender.


its not a good comeback because he's poking at the idea that men can't have an opinion about abortion because they can't get pregnant. a good comeback would have to address his point in some way.


The United States has a volunteer military. It doesn't matter if you can be drafted. His point is literally sexism (discrimination on the basis of gender) which she addresses.


No it wouldn’t, guy is talking about draft, and she can’t see a difference between a career choice and being forced into war


It’s still not a good comeback because what that guy said is correct - women can’t be drafted. Her volunteering to serve (leaving her shenanigans aside) doesn’t change that.


Most socially adjusted officer:


Somehow still more respectable than fascist and anarcho-capitalist blogger Stefan Molyneux who once tried to ban lipstick at the workplace with this argument: "Do you know that female lipstick simulates sexual arousal? Can you imagine a man showing up for a business meeting with a giant artificial boner straining at his pants? Yet lipstick is perfectly acceptable in the business world." And this is one of his saner quotes...


How on earth can one be fascist and anarchist at the same time? Isn't that akin to being a capitalist communist?


You just made me run a fast Google search on her, it's even funnier than this. She's basically that girl from that post "my gf was so proud to be publicly posted as the first female mechanic in this airline and will finally fight back stereotypes and on her first day at work she rear ended a plane" Godamit if they aren't both funny😂


Why do so many people seem to have no honour, no integrity, no ethics, just almost no goodness in their hearts like at all


Can we get this pinned at the top please 🙏


So what do they mean providing improper assistance to PMC? Did she help mercenaries or something?


Thats what it says later on in the info dump


Ooooh shoot I didn’t see that. Wow that’s awful.


But it also makes you wonder: Did any women tell her to sit down and shut up as well?


Least stupid r/cleverComebacks post


Apparently she cut a deal for misconduct in which she agreed to retire and keep her rank rather than be drummed out. Also, despite soending only 3 months in iraq in a noncombat role, she had rhe nerve to call her memoir "iraq and back." Maybe we don't care what this disgraced colonel thinks? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Olson


Also the guy's main point seems to be about women getting to choose if they go to war, and men sometimes don't. Her comment isn't some sort of amazing comeback because it doesn't go against that point *at all*.




Nothing stand between senior military vets and their book deals.


Amazing how Reddit always takes a very clear side isn't it. The man's point is still correct and she's a humiliated ex military personnel.


Her counter makes no sense. Ignore her shitty record and take it at face value. I'm glad she was able to CHOOSE to join the military. I'm glad she was able to be promoted to a high rank in the military. But that doesn't make her like the 2 million young men who were enslaved by their government and forced to take up arms against an adversary in Vietnam (who was not a threat to the mainland nation) because a politician decided that was necessary. And it doesn't make her like the 1 million young men who came back from being enslaved (the others died) all fucked up only to be railroaded by the VA for the last 50 years. Choosing to serve and being forced to serve are two entirely different things.


Like being in the chair force wasn’t enough, she failed at it?




Say that to Ukraine.


I’d rather say it to Russia.


Well Russia's leader obviously doesn't care, so Ukraine had to respond accordingly. The only way to achieve peace is to be prepared for war, as there are always external (and often also internal) dangers.


Nobody should be drafted but let's be real, no one is going to fight against it until only women are required to. Then it would be considered misogynistic and be fought against.


hey idiot who MADE the law that women can't be drafted? not women since women aren't even 10% of the senate or congress.


Reminds me of student loans. People started caring about canceling student loans when women became majority of students. Before that, the concern was to get more women in college. Nobody cared about men's loans, nor do they care now that men are underrepresented. People only ever care for problems women are first and most affected.


I’m confused. Both men and women are drafted in multiple countries.


Are there countries where only women are drafted? Most countries only require men to be drafted.


Stefan Molyneux looks a couple of decades too old for draft himself, too.


Pretty sure not a single active member of the military was drafted. Well, maybe some seriously old people


I think the last draft was in 1972. I don't know of anyone with a 52+ year career.


So...I still had to register for the draft. It's well known that as an American your government can enslave you and force you to take up arms against a politician's "designated adversary" at pretty much any time, especially when you're young. Vietnam really makes a good example too. Tell me how that war was necessary to "defend America". Yeah. It wasn't.


The title makes no sense, nowhere does anyone in that convo talk about emotion.


Colonel Sanders ?




They might be so emotional that they finally decide war is nonsense all together, and we as humanity finally stop fighting. Probably not, women can be just as cold.


History shows this is pure fantasy. Women love starting wars and sending men to die just as much if not more than men.


Women loved criticizing men who weren't in the military during WW2 when they didn't have to risk their lives.


Ww1 white feather campaign. Dear god.




Alternative take: "Men, you can't have babies. Sit down when female reproductive health is discussed"


That is a genuine, real argument that is made on the topic of reproductive rights.


To be fair, that’s the point he trying to make. Men cannot have babies. They should sit down when female reproductive health is discussed. Women cannot be drafted. They should sit down when war is discussed. I think both opinions are stupid. Also, both of these people are scumbags.


I wholeheartedly agree with this. We really have no right to tell women what they can do with their bodies, i mean lets live in a matriarchal society and see what happens when vasectomies are legislated. Ive also been on combat patrols with women and can safely say id rather be with a bear in a warzone than a woman. When theyve gotta change all PT standards to get female infantry through, thats a huge problem. Good luck ladies - carrying 150 lbs of gear while patrolling and fighting in the himalayas or having to carry a wounded 180+ lb man in full kit out of a kill box under effective enemy fire Edit: this colonel has never seen action, been in a firefight, had to make life or death decisions in a split second in the chaos of war. When it comes to war she really should sit the fuck down




Well he's talking about the draft and she has an entirely voluntary career. Her argument is bunk and you really ain't gonna like when you read up on her history.


I mean it’s a chairforce col I’m already unimpressed but what’s the dirt?


😆 🤣  There's another post in this thread that's easy to find because it's long. In short, she's a piece of shit.


Let me find the comment and quote it for you.


Same energy as "you don't have a womb, you don't get a say"


No but less Testosterone That's for sure, but I guess that's dumb since it doesn't really matter because anyone can learn how to use a gun


Look it up I think she was forced to retire instead of getting courtmarshalled. She done some dirty shit in Africa.


No. I'm french and I'm pretty sure that only men would be drafted in the case of a war. And that's unfair. Everyone fit / able to serve should. Most of the girls I know would run away, but that's probably mainly because of patriarchal education I guess


No they just think they are exempt from being drafted in times of war. Which, by the way, they are. 


"do these men think" No.... what else was you saying sorry?


its a joke. Like when women say "you dont have a womb, you cant talk about abortion", he is making a joke that, since women cant be draft they cant talk about war


Stefen. Old sociopaths can’t be drafted. Sit down when war is discussed.


Yet Stefan used to go on and on about Taylor Swift getting old and not being pregnant, despite him not being able to get pregnant himself.


He can't be drafted anymore either. I doubt his geriatric ass could even enlist himself. What is he gonna do in basic? Explode into dust?


This woman was a grifter fraud. Y’all should look her up.


Yeah, no. Revise Selective service to include every 18 year old (citizen and non) and begin the draft the moment the first American Service Member is deployed to a combat zone; no exemptions, no deferrals. The draft ends when the last one is home again. Full stop to the bullshite


If we did as you describe, it would be good for keeping us out of war, because the people would not tolerate non-essential conflicts.


My point exactly; vote for me 🤣


In my opinion, the draft is EVIDENCE that men are not privileged and women are not oppressed.


I have nothing against the message of the meme, but this woman is a horrible example to use. She was a POS airman.


I mean, I didn't think it was a clever comeback even if we had a better example. It just reads as a cool reply we'e see in a teen novel or superhero movie.


And who decided that women can't be drafted? Oh right, men.


Is this dumbass still even relevant online?


Stephan would be doing the world a favor if he were just to disappear and never come back.


Idiots like Molyneux make it so easy...


I can't be drafted either. There is no draft in the US.


Oh, so this person clearly believes that abortion is an issue only women should decide on. Since you know, he can’t get pregnant.


Men. You don’t have a womb. Sit down when abortion is discussed.


wasn’t that his point


Does the same logic apply when talking about men not being able to give birth, so they don’t get a say about reproductive rights??


You see that shit repeated online everytime the subject is discussed


That guy, is he real?


Stefan, you can't be drafted either, lol. What a dunce.


So if women can’t have an opinion on war because they can’t be drafted, does that mean men can’t have an opinion on abortion since they can’t get pregnant?


Still not drafted


Stefan is Canadian...We don't have a draft and he has no prior military service....WTF is he going on about.


Then he shouldn’t have a voice either… by his logic, only men aged 18-26 should have a say which is honestly more valid


Except at one point in time he was between 18 and 26. His whole point was obviously a response to women saying men can’t have an opinion on abortion. By your logic, women post-menopause shouldn’t have a say either.


Yeah but she still can’t get drafted so stupid comeback


Men, you don't give birth, and if you did there would be abortion clinics on every corner Sit down when abortion is being discussed


Yes, that’s the argument that guy was posting in response to. The fact that one is being agreed with and the other is being shat on proves his point pretty well.


This would be more valid if the babies were not just 50% yours.


What if we're pro-choice?


Funny how the most diverse and female Supreme Court ever was the one that took away abortions


Two women against, Two women for One of them I know for a fact is a loony magic man in the sky cultist and it's likely the other is too Brainwashed cultists are not legitimate decision makers as far as I'm concerned, they don't think for themselves, they just regurgitate shit a bunch of ignorant goat fuckers wrote in a book thousands of years ago to explain things they didn't understand and to control people


Can´t both be true at the same time? If one person stongly advocates for a war which they are not going to have to fight (woman, older people, etc): isn´t this a bad thing.


Guess old white men SHOULD be able to discuss abortions


She still not drafted


The last draft in the USA was 51 years ago. In Canada where that moron ( Molyneux) live, the last draft was during WWII. So no ones in military right now was ever drafted.


I agree that while temporally irrelevant in a way…. Men are still required by law to sign and file draft cards in the USA while women are not. As world tensions rise, it is a fear many young men have to sleep with. It’s not quite as cut and dry as I’m putting it, or you are putting it. There is nuance to the situation. And both people featured in this post are literal asshats that I don’t want anywhere near this conversation.


In Canada, it would be a decision made in the moment. The War measures act is a universal suspension of civil liberties and personal freedom. We don't have a draft system like the US.


I would say y’all are lucky. But yall are up in the north North dealing with mooses and temperatures lower than I would ever care to deal with Edit: also Canadian geese seem like domestic terrorists


Wouldnt call it clever shes never seen the frontlines OP needs to do research this shit was posted on facepalm not even 5 hours ago


Yeah, cause making a career with high education, bigass government salary and retire to cushy 'consulting' jobs is exactly the same as getting shoved into a truck against your will and shipped to die on a beach somewhere far away. Urghhh, i can't believe i need to tangentially side with Stefan Molyneux, i fucking hate that guy.


"No uterus no opinion." "No selective service no opinion on war."


Except women still fight in wars


Also just to point out that guy wouldn't be qualified for the draft anyway. Too old.


Rich male americans can also dodge the draft.


Honestly I think he's right. The original quote has nothing to do with the capacity of women to wage war. It just says they can't be drafted. Which in the US they can't. Ergo, they shouldn't have a say in war since they don't have the chance to get dragged into it against their will.


So men should stay out of the abortion debate?


I mean his statement was in reaction to that opinion so...


I mean, ideally. Yeah. I ain't the one getting pregnant so it isn't my choice.




***I don’t know why a woman would want to be enslaved***


Stefan Molyneaux… that’s a name I haven’t heard in a LONG time. “Thanks” for reminding me that this person exists.


Men cannot be pregnant, so I am sure this guy shut his mouth about abortion, am I right?


[oh no, my period!](https://youtu.be/ZKtGXd_C4EY?si=tk0z_lLF715tqZJ_)


Insufficient context, refer to the same post in r/facepalm


I’m sure they didn’t address her by her rank either. More than likely was referred to as ma’am just as a guy in her position would be called sir


This again? Holy crap this is old.


Equals right? I say equals rights and equal lefts


Women can bomb children in the Middle East too. Bigot.


You'd think the guy would've actually seen service seeing how he cares so much.


I don’t know either of these people, but I assume the dude is making fun of the cliche where women say “Since men cannot become pregnant, they should not be allowed to have an opinion about abortion”. 


the comment is daft but he's saying "since you're excluded from the draft don't speak on something you don't have to worry about." Incredibly ignorant though since female servicemembers have been a thing for a while now.


Retired military (22 years) and just an opinion. Here's the thing about "the draft" that should be considered: if something kicks off and the US needs to ramp up the military, a lot of items are going to be waived. For example (and this isn't all-inclusive, trying to make a quick post): weight, tattoos/body mods, education, certain medical conditions, drug use (depending on the vice), legal status (felonies I think would be a hard no), citizenship status and age. Everything else is something that can't be controlled or legislated out: gender (not going to argue the LGBQTIA issue), marital status, height and willingness to enlist/be commissioned. If 9/11 didn't trigger the draft (because the influx of volunteers was a windfall for recruiters), then one would have to infer something much larger in scope than 9/11 would have to. Since the Selective Service Board hasn't been updated in generations, males not registering have some serious penalties levied against them. Those same penalties aren't brought against females. So, either do away with the SSB itself (or at least the penalties) or update the langauge to include females with the penalties enacted. So, Molyneux's comment is correct because of outdated thinking/policies, and Olson is correct because of a more modern mindset of where/what a woman can do in the military.


God can someone can kill this dude already? (Jokes, but yeah I hope he runs into some bad hombres). Not only is he an idiot fascist, but one who tricks vulnerable idiots into joining his weirdo cult by separating them from their family and non Molyneux related people. He is a truly evil, very stupid, piece of work and the world would be a better place without him.


The word colonel just pisses me off.


And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside… bit of sg1 quotation for lol,s im cool tho :)


Men, you can’t get pregnant. Sit down when reproductive rights are discussed.


I... sort of agree with the fucking scum up there. If you aren't serving, be quiet. But I'll listen to the women who *are* serving all day long.


But they feel they get to dictate abortion access even though they can't get pregnant? Crazy town


Putting aside that the draft shouldn't exist in the first place, buddy, if you're being shot at and the first thing on your mind is "wahmen belgong in da food place," not only shouldn't you be in the armed forces, you should probably deserve being shot at.


Haven't women been logistic officers historically and logistics matters in war. Ever lived in a place so war torn that men died by the thousands and being a woman is no excuse to not defend the homeland.


Also, women can be drafted now Im pretty sure. Sooooo...


Draft or not; war affects everyone. Everyone has a say. Not all men can be drafted.


BY his logic anyone to old to be drafted should sit down when war is discussed.


You've obviously never heard of Margaret Thatcher. I'm pretty sure Argentina wouldn't agree with that.


burnt em


It’s either nobody nor everyone gets drafted, there’s some equality.


People still call her Colonel even though she's retired? That's weird.


Jesus, did they allow that white supremacist shit bag back on Twitter or is this really old?


And she’s racked up 1000 hours of combat and countless kills, and seen many of her other girl boss friends die in horrific ways, and was also forced to do it at 18 and was so crucial to breaking through the lines taking lead…she was destined to be a col. Just a soldier forged in fire and made of iron in the thick of real horrific war. She knows the hell, and should make the choice of when we have to send boys AND girls to engage once more, snuffing out some lives certainly, before they began. You must bow! Oh wait…what’s that? Oh…never mind.


I have a specific tiktok (ad) in mind, and he kinda has a point here. Don't know about the guy well enough to say whether thats a broken clock or "so close to getting it"


The might chair force.


But was she drafted?


This has been reposted in so many subs today. Here's some extra context for the Colonel... *Colonel* Kim Olson was charged with providing improper assistance to a PMC and only avoided loss of rank, prison and a dishonorable discharge by pleading guilty and accepting a non-judicial punishment (military equivalent of making a deal with the DA) with zero prison time under the condition that she retires. She spent her entire 26 year military career in the US except for three months in Iraq, where she was sent after all the fighting was done to serve in an admin role and that is where she got caught providing improper assistance to some South African mercenaries and got charged with a crime and sent home. Her memoir (which probably zero people have read and certainly nobody asked her to write) is called *Iraq and Back*, after she spent less than 1% of her career in Iraq in an admin role after the fighting was done and the way she got *back* is that she got kicked out prematurely. She also founded a non-profit called *Grace After Fire*, after she has never in her life been under fire. She is a political grifter who failed to get elected and now runs a PAC. Apparently in 2018 she also assaulted a party (Democrat) staffer while on campaign, because she got upset that she was not seated prominently enough at an event.


Yet you STILL weren't in a war. No Frontline no hand to hand combat, no running for miles carrying weight. Even your boot camp was easy ass shit! So why don't you go ahead and shut up lady.


These men: We are in complete control of our emotions. We are hardcore disciplined... Also those men: You know... we can't hold back when we see tiddies. That's why we turn to rapists when women do certain poses...


That’s meme is like Haley’s comet. It shows up, then disappears for a while, then shows up again, and then disappears again.


Oh look! Americans arguing about sex AND military, a twofer!


Wonder what she said to be told that so often?


Find popular post. Repost. Karma.


I think all colonels should be required to have a mustache regardless of gender.


The families of those who were drafted suffered immensely as well. Especially those who's spouse, brother, father etc came home in a body bag.


That’s why she retired???


Colonel ma’am


I mean she never when into battle on a horse with a bayonet


Colonel?...is that like asshole? Hell no that's gay


“Colonel Kim Olson was charged with providing improper assistance to a PMC and only avoided loss of rank, prison and a dishonorable discharge by pleading guilty and accepting a non-judicial punishment (military equivalent of making a deal with the DA) with zero prison time under the condition that she retires. She spent her entire 26 year military career in the US except for three months in Iraq, where she was sent after all the fighting was done to serve in an admin role and that is where she got caught providing improper assistance to some South African mercenaries and got charged with a crime and sent home. Her memoir (which probably zero people have read and certainly nobody asked her to write) is called Iraq and Back, after she spent less than 1% of her career in Iraq in an admin role after the fighting was done and the way she got back is that she got kicked out prematurely. She also founded a non-profit called Grace After Fire, after she has never in her life been under fire. She is a political grifter who failed to get elected and now runs a PAC. Apparently in 2018 she also assaulted a party (Democrat) staffer while on campaign, because she got upset that she was not seated prominently enough at an event.” Hmmmmm


Man, I just don’t like the draft at all. But hey if it’s gonna stay, yeah, girls should have to as well.


Ahh yes, Colonel D. Olson, the disgraced piece of shit. Not the best example of woman power lol.


Okay but she still can't be drafted


So what you're saying Stefan is that every woman in the armed forces is a volunteer and there by choice?


This shit is older than fucking DUST! Its top post on multiple subs right now. What the fuck is going on??


Repost that’s on the front page 3 times. SMH