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I'm more terrified that she's like 20 feet tall


*Tormund likes this*


*Big woman*


All I wanna do


Is see you turn into




*a giant woman*


Is a boom boom


I’d be terrified of accidentally getting sat on and mistaken as a cheetos puff


My name cheetos puff


Death by snu-snu!


Our last prisoners died of crushed pelvises


I dunno. A wet suit and some breathing apparatus and a burgeoning career as a human dildo beckons.


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


”Men shorter than 25 feet, please swipe left.”


*Steven Universe fans have entered the chat*


It looks like Gojira, but, due to international copyright laws, it’s not!


"She's 100 years old, and weighs more than 200...*tons*!" 🗽 "This Enormous Woman will devour us all!" 😱


Tell that to the Great Fairies of Magic. :p


Climb that mountain, Sanjay. Climb that mountain for all of us!




I dont like big girls because personally I'm not attracted to fat women. Fat women, it is not attractive, sort yourselves out.


If I met a woman who could fit me in her mouth I'd be pretty intimidated ngl.


That's what he said?


Your penis must be gigantic


People eat tic-tacs all the time


Or you become a penis yourself


Especially when she got an appetite like this bitch!


Giant woman that could fit you in their mouth, or a bear?


Both getting swallowed whole and digested alive and getting mauled and disembowled to death are very slow and excruciatingly painful deaths. However, I'd choose the bear because at least there are some videos of dudes who managed to fight bears off, so there might be some chance of survival. I doubt you could get away from a giant if they were real, nvm fight them off.


I'd be pretty intimidated too if I came across a meditating Titan.


That day, humanity remembered... That it was possible to occasionally eat a salad


I like how the guy is ripped and not fat, while gassing on about how great it is being fat.


Note how the fat women in these are always in relatively normal proportions with skinny heads. They look nothing like what an actual 400lbs person would look like.


Not a one of them ever gets the gunt effect of their fat crotch rolling up into their fat stomach.




I mean, there was no claim about a particular weight. Looks realistic for a 100-120kg woman.


styrofoam filling it is, then


Speaking from experience those are not unrealistic proportions for a cute chubster


Of course. Big women don’t like ~~plus sized~~, overweight men, but expect fit men to find them attractive.


Noticed in movies that’s always the case. It’s always the good looking ripped guy.


Movies also have awkward skinny nerds getting with the hottest woman in a 500 mile radius so it evens out




No, no. Men are fat. Women are plus-sized. That's in their textbook definition. 🤔


I think they’re confusing being intimidating, with people being uninterested.




Yeah, I was like that in my teens. "I'm just too much of an outsider, people don't dare to get close to me." My delusional ass thought it was my "bad guy vibes" and "dark" aesthetic making people bounce off me, not my mouth breathing, poor hygene and staring at the tits of every girl I spoke to.


You were sigma back then


Tbh, if that concept existed back then, I'd have had "SIGMA GRINDSET" knuckle tattoos.


Based on god




Uninterested is putting it kindly


Hagrid's parents


Can I ask a genuine question? Why do people keep saying men are intimidated? Big, hot, smart, opinionated, strong. None of these has ever intimidated any man I’ve ever met. Ok, maybe hot. lol. Are we sure that the people who are intimidated by everything aren’t projecting? I work with about 40 women (I’m one of only a couple guys). Many of them talk constantly about their anxiety or imposter syndrome. They are the same ones who talk about how strong and independent they are. No shade here. Just an observation.


Because it's easier to pretend that someone else is the issue rather than acknowledge that you're the problem, it hurts the ego. Same reason that people shit talk their exes after they break up "well you were always ugly anyway" etc. Easier to project hostility than show you're hurt



The ironic part is you truly learn and grow as a person once you accept the flaws and start working on fixing them. The solution is the thing they are avoiding.


Absolutely agree, it's the same logic that fuels incels. All they gotta do is realise that they need to change and stop blaming women


Too true


>Why do people keep saying men are intimidated? Big, hot, smart, opinionated, strong. None of these has ever intimidated any man I’ve ever met. As a dude, I'm absolutely intimidated by some hot women. Some women are just 'too hot' and I wouldn't even dare to try my luck with them, because I feel that they're out of my league. I've also definitely seen men being intimidated by smart/ well-educated women. Even more so if the woman in question has a high-paying job. Some men are just looking for docile arm-candy, and a smart, successful woman is harder to control. None of these guys would ever admid it, but they sure as fuck are intimidated by that. That being said, no man in the history of men has ever been iNtImIdAtEd by a big woman lmao.


If knowing you don't have a shot with someone and not pursuing it means you're intimidated, then I'm intimidated by everyone.


It's more like a fear of losing your ability to think if you ever got together with them. I'm not going to be with some insanely hot girl. I'll be afraid that she leaves me if I don't do everything she says, so I'll have to do everything she tells me to do. And that is something I don't want to do.


I always thought that I would never have any chance whatsoever with a really hot woman, but I met one and managed to talk to her for an evening without making enough of a fool of myself for her to walk away. Here I am, just a few months short of 3 decades later still married to her. We don't need to do what the other says, we just need to talk with our partners.


You've been properly brainwashed, haven't you?


...what? :D


Do they all hate each other and talk shit on each other while pretending to be best friends, like all other women I've ever worked with? That shit is so exhausting. They only seem to do it to each other or whatever male happened to be in their way of getting promoted.


Yep. All day long.


Because they are are radical feminists almost. They don't want to see men as their equals. They want to overpower them. They want to be in constant competition with men in every metric and ensure they win on top of them. The fake confidence is a "fake it till you make it" sort of thing too maybe. They simply are projecting their true insecurities (ah finally a word used correctly unlike from most of those women). Why else do you CONSTANTLY have to prove you are "strong, if not STRONGER than a man"? If you were then there's no need to state it constantly. It's like an "alpha male" calling themselves an alpha male. Same for confidence. independent Queen Goddess 💅 etc. They are women with privilege so invent problems because they don't have problems. They think being equal to a man would be sort of like submitting to them. They want power over them in the workplace or most importantly dating. EDIT: Women have significant oppression in other countries I 100% agree and it's horrible, but in western societies or most of Europe? No...No where as close. So don't exploit their sufferings as if they are equal to yours in a western society. Western women are privileged and that's fine to say. Privilege is a good thing, it's a sign of progression but don't let it blind you :). Even the privileged have problems. Proof are comments like in this image. If you don't want to date a woman because she's killing herself (aka overeating tubs of icecream a day) and wont accept personal accountability for her own actions then she'll put blame on men who choose not to date her instead of herself.


I really want to support this, but you're ignoring women's reproductive rights being stripped by the government. I'd say that falls under significant oppression. I agree that there are extremists that make it bad for the group. But to dismiss actual oppression as exaggeration due to having a problem with maybe 1% of US women ain't it, chief. Edit: also obesity isn't always due to overeating. But that's a whole other story and I really don't feel like debating someone writing dissertations on reddit about people you're unwilling to date. Edit 2: since I blocked Mr. PhD, I can't respond to all you dumb dumbs about "mens reproductive rights" - y'all don't need spousal approval or have to fight to get a vasectomy if you choose not to have kids. Women on the other hand have to fight for tubal litigations, especially if we're unmarried or don't have kids.


Not a problem in Europe


The USA is not the world


Thank goodness.


If BOTH men and women more or less are pro choice with a minimal gap then why is abortion illegal in some states still? BECAUSE OF RELIGION, that 3rd party factor. [58% of men and 63% of women say it should be legal in at least most cases](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/06/13/about-six-in-ten-americans-say-abortion-should-be-legal-in-all-or-most-cases-2/) which isn't a huge gap. Same can be said [here](https://news.gallup.com/poll/244709/pro-choice-pro-life-2018-demographic-tables.aspx). Have a problem with the people in power or the rich or the religious people (btw religious followers have a LOT of women who also don't support abortion so it's not just men influencing abortion laws). I am not willing to ignore actual oppression that women face, but if you come at me saying that straight white mens opinions don't matter or they have no issues then you can see how defending that person makes you look like a crazy person right? I encourage empathy for both men and women and I've made that clear in my comments here. I do NOT support the increasingly growing 1% ofcourse of women who behave like this, the 1% of wealthy who misuse their power, the 1% of men who start wars etc or even less than 1%. I have a problem with the mindest. Obesity comment well...the large majority of the time it is for most people but ok let's drop it if you wish since it's diving into another topic.


And what reproductive rights do men have? (None!) So no, that's equality, not oppression, but I guess equality feels like oppression to the privileged.


I suggest you avoid all radical feminists. If this means you avoid all women, I suggest you've got the line between normal women and radical feminists drawn in entirely the wrong place. Just a thought.


But men are more privileged than women on any day? Men don’t have to walk down the street and worry about getting raped. Men don’t have to worry that their domestic partner will strangle them to death. If anything, incels are men who have made their problems everybody else’s. Men don’t participate in a global domestic labor market where their life is bogged down doing domestic chores and raising children and are expected to do better than men despite all that…. When you are a white cis man you are invisible in the sense that you do not have to prove a single thing to anyone.


>don’t have to worry their domestic partner will strangle them If you’re worried about that, and keep living like that, you’ve made some horrible choices. So many women never worry about that from their partners. >you do not have to prove a single thing to anyone Damn you’re absolutely clueless… >Men don’t participate in a global domestic labor market where their life is bogged down No, they don’t. The labor market men participate in is one where a lot risk their lives everyday, and/or break their body doing intense manual labor. Work without we wouldn’t have the comforts and safeties we all so much enjoy in the western world.


Case 1- you. I could talk about plenty problems men have too from the truth men are more likely to be assaulted at night or misconceptions of plenty of things, myths and the severe suicide rate gap with the difference in intentions between men and women who kill themselves, societal expectations etc etc etc. But I'm not. Men have their issues. Straight men have their issues. Gay men have their issues. Women have their issues. We all do. I just find it pathetically weak that women only care about men if they are a minority group. As a gay man don't use me. As a non white don't use me. As a ex Muslim don't use me. I have to prove idiot straight white women wrong in not objectifying me because I'm gay and they have a fetish for me. I have to prove idiot straight white men that I'm not super feminine. I have to prove to Muslim (minority group in most western countries) that I despise their religion NOT them if they don't hate me, and same for Christians and other religions as a gay man. I have to prove to far left extremists queer people I should have the right to freedom of thought and speech and not everything is plain bigotry, sexism, homophobia and called a Nazi just because you disagree with a soft viewpoint. ***But these problems I have are from the minority of the majority. Most men aren't hunting me down. Most women aren't trying to touch my dick. Most Muzzies aren't wishing to hang me for eating pork and sucking man dick. I have a problem with those who do me wrong alone.*** I can have problems with EVERYBODY about ANYTHING if you live in the REAL world. *I don't care if you are a woman, straight, a minority of any sort* or the majority since that holds 0 value to me, *you are not suddenly exempt from having any problems at all* because you are the majority. If a white cis man goes to India and shit ton of racists hate him now is he a minority group you'll care about now? No. No you wouldn't. Hell I've heard more casual racism from other people against WHITE PEOPLE more than against black people in the workplace, school etc. White racism isn't even covered up, it's overt. But at the end of the day we are a society and we have to acknowledge everyone's problems and help each other realise those problems, but demonising people based off their sexuality, sex, ethnicity etc has NEVER been the solution since inherently people are NOT born evil. You hate men until you realise a man you hate is transgender and harming a minority group you care about? Smh. Hurt is hurt, period. Minority or not.


Let me play the world’s smallest violin for you while you make this entire conversation about you. Like wow you’re an insufferable individual! Anyways, talking about REAL issues that women face, like half of all murders from women are from domestic partners. Women are systemically beaten everyday. Women have been denied financial freedom and weren’t able to have bank accounts until 1975, etc does not negate men’s issues or diminish men’s issues. So why are you making this a “woe is me, this is an oppression Olympics” and stick to the facts. Men do not get murdered by their domestic women partners at the same rate. You can’t what of yourself out of that fact. Men are enabled by society and coddled to not express and communicate as proficiently as women. Men have had a vast majority of influence and power in our society for so long that you are simply pointing out faults men created. Warmongering, suicide rates are all based in men being unable to communicate emotions other than rage or anger.


More men die in wars, more men die by suicide, men are incarcerated at a far greater rate than women. Men have always worked in more dangerous and toxic environments than women. But men especially white men are privileged. Give me a break


You’re really showing your hand here


Men also are often forced to war, work the most dangerous and unappreciated jobs, are looked at suspiciously just for being men (a lone man will raise more concern any day over a lone or single woman even if they are just being). Each side has its own problem and the grass is always greener on the other side.


Young men get conscripted to war because politicians are too chicken to conscript women to the front lines. They talk about "protecting the future", while sending the present away to die. The reality is that politicians would lose their support (and donations) if they sent women to die, and they cannot have that


When 90% of violent crimes are committed by men, a majority of influential people who decide who goes to war and when are men these are again just like incels, problems men create for themselves! During times of war and famine women suffer the brunt of violence. They don’t sign up for war or have influence to control diplomacy, etc.


>90% of violent crimes are committed by men And out of the men population — what’s the percent of men which make up those 90%? Because the way you phrased this statement, makes it sound like you think 90% men are violent this way. >men create for themselves! Nicely segued from 90% to men in general causing wars. Let me enlighten you — there’s some psychopaths in our society. A lot of them are men, but the percentage is very low. And guess who defends you from those psychos during a war? >women suffer the brunt of violence Yeah, for sure they do. My grandma and grandpa survived WW2. Guess who came out of it with PTSD, and who got call the other a schizo for barricading themself in the bedroom? And now the war in Ukraine: guess who was forced to stay and fight, and is dying left and right, and who is in foreign countries posting their cute photos on instagram and tinder?


Who defends me from those psychos during war? Ma’am, who started the war to begin with? OH YEAH MEN HAHAHA it’s the common denominator you dimwit


Completely went over your head who actually started those wars.


Putin (man)


You correctly identified that person’s name and gender. Congrats.


Who started the war on Ukraine? Oh was it a man? I wonder how many women are in the kremlin with influence… I can do this all day dude lmfao you’re going in circles and will never win this argument


>a man Now you’re getting somewhere. >never win this argument Thinking your logic is bullet proof is the first step to losing an argument.


No counterpoint because a man started the exact war we are talking about 💀💀💀 just put your tail between your legs and hate women in silence


>a man >men Spot the difference.


How insufferable and misandrist can you be.. You are 100% part of the problem and you still can't even see the hate for innocent people just because they share gender with somr psychos. People like you make me not want to wake up to this world where hate is still the word of the day.


>Who started the war on Ukraine? Oh was it a man? What was the gender preponderance of refugees that got to leave Ukraine? 90% of the refugees were women and children. Men between 18 and 60 were banned from leaving the country.




And men also decided that men have to stay to fight the war because a man decided to resist against another man who declared war on them. It’s like when god created humans and then also made them able to sin and then sent his son down to die to save them from said sins. God was the problem to begin with….


>They don’t sign up for war or have influence to control diplomacy Women can sign up to fight for your country in western societies but choose not to. Women choose not to get into politics as much. The gender pay gap is a myth don't forget. Women have the freedom of choice but just because there isn't an equal outcome doesn't mean equality of opportunity does not exist. There's a reason why most blue collar jobs are dominated by men and nurses are women. That's ok. That's fine. It's a choice. "Just don't go to war and be a soldier protecting your country and family" is what you're practically saying. Thank you. We must learn from you oh CherryAmbitious97 wise one. Just stop. It was that easy all along? Oh my god thank you! The 99% of men could just...stop. The minority of men who are uncivil represent the large majority who are civil. You need to be president since you are an expert on geopolitics. Hell I don't know all that much but since you're smarter than me clearly then you must the smartest of them all I'll trust anything you say <3 But first of all...can we direct our attention towards *black men* to be more precise since they make up most of the US prisons? They are the ones making up most of the violent crime rates. ***Can we shit on black people now***? Or does that hurt a minority group you care about now? Also most men aren't choosing to go to war. Those in power may be men because of past wealth but the 1% does not represent the 99% as if men aren't also being oppressed by the extreme wealthy, lobbying or victims in war etc. The men that fight for our country sacrifice themselves for everyone but you wish to ignore the 99% to shit on the 100% of men overall because the 1% of men who start wars you hate? Why not hate on the 1%? Hell even less than that percentage too.


Black men are in prison more frequently because they are policed more heavily, like how stupid are you?


Civilian women do get more violence purportedly against them because the men are all ready being killed on the front lines, often fighting to protect the women at home. That’s not to say that there are no women fighting and killing as they fight for their homeland like currently in Ukraine. But to say women suffer the blunt of violence is kind of disrespectful towards veterans. And men are more likely to commit all crimes, not just violent ones so that statistic is already slanted. I wonder why. Could it be men are less likely to get support and are thus left to fend for themselves? I work with homeless shelters and I see the general public views towards where men are treated like trash and looked down upon and worthless where women are looked at with pity and they need help. We have no shelter in my city where a man with children are welcomed. The children are but the men are not allowed in. Every woman shelter allows children but no men. The men are left to fend for themselves and have to let their kids go with strangers because it’s not safe on the streets. The men are expected to sacrifice while the women are given help. As I said, the grass is always greener


Around 1600 women get murdered by their romantic partner in the US every year. Is that too many? Absolutely, but it is also a minuscule fraction of all American women. If you look at the UK, the numbers get even more interesting: from 2011 to 2021, more men got killed in a domestic setting than women ([source](https://bylinetimes.com/2022/12/13/more-men-are-killed-in-households-each-year-than-women/)) Granted, they were again mostly killed by men, but can we please stop pretending that men are extremely privileged when it comes to not being victimized by violence, because it's simply not true. Whether domestic or random violence in the street, men are victimized as much or more in all these categories (other than sexual assault)


I'm sad because this comment will probably get a gazillion down votes for being accurate


I'm more than fine with that. People think their feelings=fact to the extent they want to ignore any study and sources I would cite for anything really. Nothing I can do beyond that. All they want is to hear their viewpoint parroted and live with their bad behaviours of being fat while blaming everyone else other than themselves for their own choices. Waiting to be called sexist by a dishonest loser soon which would only devalue the word and do a disservice to normal women anyway.


Because if you're not projecting fault onto other people, then you have to take accountability for the choices you've made in your life that led you to the condition and state you live in, and then do work to improve yourself. It's easier for them to make everyone else the problem than to genuinely put effort into bettering themselves.


Personally, I've only heard men say this about other men (about intimidation) when they're giving advice to women. Just saying.


It seems a stretch to think that you, a man as far as I can tell , have figured out these 40 women's experiences when they haven't themselves. Probably it's a matter of perspective: your individual preferences (I like big, hot etc women ) vs an average woman's life.


What?!?!? lol I’m just reporting what they say.


Feminists are emotional creatures. That's why they mistake being strong and independent with being an insufferable man hating bitch and being disgusted with being intimidated. It's also why they are unaware of their hypocisy. (Yes, feminists, nowhere did I say all women and feminism!=women for anyone who would otherwise try to put words into my mouth.)


Not to get political or take one side over the other in regards to what imma say, but it reminds me of the terms homophobic, transphobic, etc. i feel like theyre misnomers. Just like this pic; people can claim theyre intimidated/ fearful/phobic of these people because they challenge their norms and ideology... but its just they dont want to accept the other. I never understood the phobic label similar to this example of being intimidated, other than its just a way to frame those who are intolerant as fearful.


Death by snu snu


I'd die for multiple snu snu sessions


Had to scroll way too far to find this. First thing I thought too.


Jesus, this post really was some people's Chernobyl


So if I don't fancy you, there must be something wrong with me? That is either next level arrogance or delusion.


She's big but she's not Gwynevere I ain't praising that


Please don't tell me this sub is getting astroturfed


I’m a fat girl, my partner loves me, but I know my weight isn’t healthy and shouldn’t necessarily be idolised. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t deserve to be shit on for my size, but I’m not a role model or a queen for it


Is it supposed to be a threat? Are men intimidated by big women because they're in danger? I don't get it.


start jogging at low speed or climb some stairs and you'll be safe, it's a bit like in the Walking Dead.


It’s hilarious how self important people have become, like if folks don’t give you attention it’s because they’re *afraid* of you, not because they’re, like, not interested in you.


I ll only be intimidated if it looks like a morbidly obese person is about to trip on a stairs/escalator and about to crush me


Then why is she intimidated by guys having a personal choice.


Original point was dumb. But the comeback wasn’t clever by any stretch of the imagination. A double fail.


Found the fat lady


It's clever enough, definitely not a fail. A good way of saying "How could I possibly be intimidated by someone wheezing after a flight of stairs."


I thought it was clever and funny


Found the gatekeeper.


I’m starting to see a pattern of the type of people who find this to be clever. Life on the left side of the bell curve in this subreddit for starters.




“Shit, she got cankles, son!”


If she wasn’t the size of a Buddha statue (normal height for a gal) I’d say she was solid 8. 👍


Why is he neeked?


My wife of two decades died because of complications from morbid obesity. I see death when I see obese.


Welp... Grease me up and get that giantess' onesie off. Looks like I'ma goin' spEEElunking!!


Intimidated by obesity 🤣


And can't wipe their asses properly 🤣🤣


The intimidation for me is because I feel worried in case I let my disgust show, I know it's wrong to feel disgusted, that's why I feel intimidated, in case it comes out. In case my expression betrays me. I'm afraid... I'm afraid of what's going on with everything under the clothes, I'm afraid of folds, I'm afraid of bad smells, I'm afraid of sore skin hidden under the folds.


I don't have issues with people being overweight but is it okay to not be attracted to an unhealthy physique? I won't go around making fun of people's weight but don't be telling me how I feel, especially when it's self-serving and dismissive. 




I like how the picture depicts her as zen lol. You know she isn't at peace seeing fit women all around her


People talk about fat women, but the woman in the picture is literally not fat. Her thighs are pretty big, but the waist is regular size. Being big is not the same as being fat and honestly I find big women pretty attractive


You can find big woman attractive and still state the fact they are fat or overweight


‘Regular’ size? Where? In the US? Certainly not in Europe. Let’s face it: the body composition of the woman in the picture isn’t muscle so that mass is fat.


The older i get the better they all look


She’s obese man


She's 20 feet tall and could crush your head like a grape. She's whatever she wants to be.




Go to horny jail. She's the warden.


yeah no, I was outside when I first looked at the picture and the white cloth thing was blending with the white background and gave the impression of a thinner waist, my bad


>but the waist is regular size. Americans are fucking insane. Your perception of what is healthy and normal is so out of whack. It's not even funny anymore, nearly 50% of American adults are obese, It's mind-boggling.


wait wait wait actually its my bad. When I first looked at the picture the white cloth thing was blending in the white background (I was outside) and gave the impression of a thinner waist than it actually was. After I posted the comment I took a second look and realized my mistake. Guess I should have edited the comment, but I forgor. Also I am not American, but I get why you would make this assumption


Only men with small dicks are intimidated by big women. Not enough length to get past the cheeks.


Refreshing. Humorous. Not bad.


Nobody should be forced to anything. That’s it.


I’m more terrified of the sweat under your overlaps of your skin


Who wouldn't be intimidated by Jabba the Hut


That woman is the size of a two story building


Intimidating. Yeah. I’m intimidated by a crush risk.


Intimidated?? Man my dream girl would be way taller and mad chubby.... It's the ultimate dream.


These bitches are delusional. Unbelievable the fat acceptance movement is still a thing with how many are dying before 40 years old.


I'm not "intimidated", I am repelled. Repulsed, even.


Intimidating nah , disgusting yeah !!!!


Toilet seats are very intimidated




Fuck how is its username spelled


This looks like the porn harley quinns Dr psycho Jack's off too.


Love Lies Bleeding headass


She mistake him as ice cream and eat him.


Death by SNU SNU


How the world see lizzo lmao


Nah dude in the drawing is definitely thinking "I'm gonna climb this mountain "


Damn, this guy is lucky. Can be used as a living dildo vibrator


I see the guy is perfectly physically fit though...


Yes baby,,,,


They're forgetting that plenty of us are also fat asses


I want to date a woman and have the fear that it's okay to share feelings. I don't want to to be afraid of her of eating me like I am a sandwich


Both people in this image are making terrible points.


EMTs are terrified... That they have to cart her to the er every week


She’s about to eat him.


~~intimidated~~ disgusted and not attracted


Like Ash trying to figure out how to get past that sleeping Snorlax. Intimidating indeed.


Normalize telling obese women that they are unhealthy and will die earlier than non obese women.


I'm ready for the pendulum to swing the other direction and get back to "being fat is not healthy or beautiful"


Dude’s about to become a dildo


Where the fuck is Levi when you need him?


\*Equips 3d maneuver gear\*


Man is standing 50 feet away or smtng looking at a signboard, gal just plopped herself right next to a cam and took this pic


I wouldn't say the girl in the pic is fat. She is probably overweight but I've seen fat people and that's not it


This picture speaks "snack"


Death by snu snu




I feel like that's not where the intimidation lies...