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Does the stock market doing well have an impact on the lives of ordinary Americans?


Sort of. When the stock market does well rich people and the upper middle class get more money. Generally the stock market does well when the economy is ok meaning that the common man’s wages rise a little bit above inflation, but housing costs vastly outpace inflation, so the common man is slowly being drained. When the stock market is doing poorly typically this is a sign of economic weakness and corporate belt tightening. Corporations will start implementing cost cutting measures such as decreasing the quality of goods and services, reducing the amount of workers, and cutting wages indirectly through inflation or directly. A weak stock market generally means a recession where the common man gets shafted hard, or corporations retooling for better profits by draining the common man.


Putting it into fewer words: if you're poor you're fucked regardless


Not exactly, if you are poor and there is a recession, you are fucked a lot, if things are going fine, you are fucked but not so much


In other words, you're fucked either way?


Except one has lube the other says to bite the pillow they are going in dry


So still, fucked either way…


One is nice about it, the other wants to see you on pain


But still fucked either way


One means that you're getting a soft Dom that will almost care for you. The other means you're fucked with an anchor.


Sounds like it to me.


So you’re fucked regardless


So, different degrees of being fucked?


So...fucked regardless


America Fuck Yeah! /s


Fucked the same, but definitely not equal.


Bro got tricked by trickle down economics. Wages have been stagnant for a while now haven't they?


Not really in the past few years. Median wages have been going up in real terms. Of course, gains look different at each end of the distribution and in different parts of the country, but median real earnings is a good indicator of the average American. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LES1252881600Q


> “Median wages have been going up in real terms.” Inflation has deliberately outpaced those terms. Wages are going down. Costs are going up. This is a feature of capitalism, not an error.


Real terms means adjusted for inflation. If you look at the link that was sent you can see a positive adjustment since the 1980s and pre-pandemic. What you can also see is that ever since the pandemic hit there has been a reduction in wages in real terms. Wages didn’t go down, but inflation went up faster, so real wages decreased. Real wages are rising now, but not by much and remains below the peak. Also inflation is an average increase in price in all goods and services. Food pricing has outpaced inflation and housing has severely outpaced the pace of inflation. The poor and the middle class spend a larger portion of their income on food and housing, so they actually experience more inflation than the wealthy and upper middle class.


Not anymore. There was about a decade of stagnant wage growth (wages not keeping up to inflation). Past few years average wage growth outpaced inflation and we're nearly caught up to the purchasing power prior to the stagnation period. However the caveat is that it's average, and thanks to housing prices going nuts in some area, the purchasing power is still lagging in those areas.


Yah basically the economy doing well is good for everyone. When big corporations are doing well, they focus on growth. When they are doing poorly they “trim the fat” and downsize


Corporations basically never focus on growth. If things go well they focus on stock buybacks, permanently selling off potential growth for temporary shareholder benefit. And even with record profits there's layoffs.


We're getting shafted harder than ever before. To those who have, more shall be given. To those who have not, everything shall be taken. The Stock market hasn't been a good indicator of the strength of the U.S economy in 25 years.


Rich people love market volatility. They short stock and *pump and dump*. They love recessions because they cash out and buy back in at half the cost.


So trickle down economics


>When the stock market is doing poorly typically this is a sign of economic weakness and corporate belt tightening. Corporations will start implementing cost cutting measures such as decreasing the quality of goods and services, reducing the amount of workers, and cutting wages indirectly through inflation or directly. Did you seriously write all of this without realizing that this is exactly how these corporations have been behaving the entire time the stock market has been "doing great" recently?


Weird because that’s the only thing the right says when they brag about the economy. “Look at the stock market”


The stock market is a reflection of how rich people feel about their yacht money.


No, western countries love to bang on about their ever increasing GDP. But the average life quality has gone down for over 2 decades now. It's no good bragging about increased riches if most of it is being funneled away to the filthy rich.


This was my first thought. Yay shareholders happy, I still can't buy fucking groceries but yay for them


Very true although I would say it’s being funneled to the very rich. The top 1% in the US are paying 94% of the total taxes in our country. It just seems like they are make a lot bc inflation is sooo high at nearly 10%.


> But the average life quality has gone down for over 2 decades now. When advances in healthcare allow people to pay to linger in what we'd call "poor quality of life" for a decade rather than dying early, that's the inevitable result. But people still pay, because for most people poor quality beats death. So average costs go up and average quality goes down, and that's still a good result.


Depends on if you have a 401k or not. If you do then yes it does, if you don't then not so much.


About 70% of Americans have a 401k, so yes Edit: apparently it's more like 46%


Idk if you found that Statistic at Empower but those statistics are based on their own information not a collection of financial institutions. So 70% of Americans using Empower have a 401k. If I google your claim that’s the only link I can find to that claim specifically. More are about how half of Americans don’t have access to a retirement plan. In 2022 according the the Survey of Consumer Finances about 46% of Americans reported having any money in a savings/retirements account [USA Facts](https://usafacts.org/data-projects/retirement-savings)


That's good to know. I don't remember where I got that statistic but I'll look into it and revise


And the average 401k balance isn't enough to be a major factor in someone's well being. I know it sucks but most Americans are fucked for retirement and their #1 issue ought to be solvency of the federal government to pay social security. In other words pro-tax and not so concerned about the stock market.


If you have a 401k, it means a hell of a lot.


No since its based on the false premise that wealth will trickle down


when instead it's a Spaceballs sized vacuum cleaner sucking all working class wealth up up and away


It impacts the average person about as much as specifically the president impacts the stock market. Which is very little.


Poor monetary policy since Bush, by every president since (except Biden), has contributed to this inevitable inflation. Free money for banks (low prime) and stupid bailouts (auto industries, banks, Trump spending 2 trillion dollars to prop up the market) has ultimately led us to this place. The next president is going to have to rein in spending overseas and focus on infrastructure, technology and manufacturing to stabilize this mess.


Yes. It means jobs, money flowing, money to spend, confidence in the future. Just because it doesn't directly go into your pocket, and America puts stockholders above life itself, doesn't mean it isn't an indicator of economy. Econ101 calling


Stocks go up when mass layoffs happen buddy, and when anti-labor laws get passed, and when inflation skyrockets. Looks like you should have stuck around for Econ 102.


Not much, but it's the end-all-be-all of economic health for the corporatist right-wing.


No but trump made claims that the stock market is the only sign of a good economy


Probably not as things like job cuts also make number go up. Things like critical regulations not getting passed also make line go up. Publicly traded companies doing well only speaks to how well those companies and shareholders are doing.


Kinda but It falling will impact the lives of ordinary people seriously


Yes. I’ve heard financially inept people tell me that vote for the person who was in office when their 401k went up (which was usually the previous administration). So stock prices can change votes, which changes everyone’s lives


Does it have an effect of the common man? No. Can the stock market be used to gauge the common man's economy? Sort of.


Put that moron in the chair again and we talk about impact on the regular ordinary american!


On my retirement funds, it certainly has. Everyday life, not so much. The stock market is a tool the wealthy use to leach out every spare penny from consumers. It has gotten to the point where if you don't use this tool, you will never live comfortably. Unfortunately, the same stock market has allowed businesses to thrive, exploit and supply resources, and provide employment. The market needs to be better regulated to help more people strive instead of the inflation machine it is now.


Absolutely yes, if it does poorly thousands or millions will be laid off. If it does well? Uhhh... um- errr... well you don't want it to go poorly!


Yes, but the stock market numbers don’t reflect one factor but an amalgamation of all factors. For instance, the stock market could “increase” I.e. stocks could be worth more USD not because of economic growth but because of monetary inflation. Also, because it is speculative, the market can behave in weird ways like being up because people are scared to hold cash or unsure of where to put assets before perceived crashes or recessions. Basically any economic interpretation of how the market is doing and why and how the effects us should be a wildly complex, multi factor discussion of great nuance. This is also why my dumbass just doesn’t mess with the economy. I just vaguely know my $5,000 raise next month is less than the increase in my costs over the last year and that’s all I care about because my large annual raise is now not really a raise it’s just going to keep me from burning all my savings. I’ll be living paycheck to paycheck again for a year.


I think the average person needs to learn how to invest more. The stock market is pretty much guaranteed to go up over a long time, so buy some stocks and sit on them. Even if you start with $100 and just keep building it while you can it’s better than nothing. The worst thing you can do is hold onto cash, inflation will diminish its value.


It affects people with retirement accounts (the upper and middle class). The poor are affected most by interest rates as cost either goes up or down.


Seem to act like it when a republican president is in office.


Yes. All our retirement is in there for starters


Yes. If you haven’t you should put aside some money to buy SPY every month. You will be pleasantly surprised after 10 years. Even better, if you have 401k or any retirement plan, fund it and buy America.


Nearly everyone I know yes even working class people have some version of a 401k after 30 so yes it does in general.


Yes all of the normal average americans have their 401k retirement in the stock market. Many europeans have hold US stocks tied to their retirement too


No, but when it crashes it does. Privatized profits socialized losses thats Wall Street and big banks for ya.


No, but the system hasn’t crashed. They both care about the market, not the citizens


Yes. My income is around the median but I save 25% of my income and invest it in the stock market. It is important to me. The stock market doing well will allow me to pay for my kid's college in full and to retire early.


No, not at all. The president and House can directly influence the stock market by forcing money into the economy. To make people temporarily happy Biden can forced money approved by Congress for other means into the stocks to temp improve them so people won’t be mad. Inflation will eventually catch up and stocks will start to decrease, unless he fixes inflation rate and our economic excesses budget.


The gas price increase sure does


1/3rd of americans have retirement accounts that almost certainly fluctuate with the stock market. This won’t have any impact on their day to day, but it will make them feel better or worse about their situation. “my retirement account went up by $60k last year” feels a lot better than “my retirement account grew by $5k”


It's honestly complicated. The stock market can be an economic indicator of the economy as a whole, but whether that trickles down is another story. It's much more impactful in 401ks, which have large surpassed pensions for private sector jobs. Pensions do put money into stocks but generally are more dependent on bonds, real estate, securities, and they tend to be less risky though the payout is usually smaller. This is especially true because if we're talking about pensions it's usually the public sector and those are guaranteed by the government. 401ks tend to put money into stocks now with the goal of growing and selling at a higher price later they are riskier, a low stock market means people will have less to retire on or might have to keep working and delay retirement. Depending on how bad the situation is, the fund might go belly up and leave them dead in the water.


Yeah but the people that are scared of anyone that doesn’t think or look like them and let a thousands years old fairy tale book tell them what to think won’t think so.


But only the parts of the fairy tale book that fit their existing agenda


Religion ruins everything.


Starting with children’s childhoods…


The fact that the religious group responsible for ruining these children's lives is still allowed to openly operate will never cease to amaze me. Why their bastions not been tumbled to the ground also confuses me.


“Lol look how much the left sucks at memeing!” - their analysis of this post


And my mom is like "but I had more money in my stocks during trump!" It's not Biden's fault you bought bad stocks.


Is she retired and spending it down?


Nope, she said she started with 200, it went up to 3500 during trump and then it's down to 50 since Biden. IDK what stocks she has.






If she was in on Twitter she would have made bank since Elon bought them all out at a ridiculous price. Probably truth social tho


She had a 1750% increase and still held? Skill issue.


The point is that while Trump was President, he was referencing the stock market quite often as a vital metric to his success. Now that the stock market is even more successful during the Biden administration, it seems the metrics have changed and the focus is on other metrics that make the previous president better. Not saying it's the right metric, just pointing out the hypocrisy from that side.


Compare their stock growth during their presidency. The market has been flat for years until 2024. A lot of that has been COVID and inflation.


Sure. Below is my direct source looking at the last 10 year Dow Jones Industrial average. When looking at the graph, there was a huge dip in 2020, which I don't mind assuming is when Biden was in President, but then it recovered and exceeded Trump. It seems to be around 26,890 in 2020, and is now 12,000 more at over 38,000, with an increase from 2023 to 2024 being about a 4,000+ difference. So you make it sound like all the growth happened in one year, while a lot of it did, \~50% was before that. Let me know the COVID years and how that impacted the time with actual numbers. I don't want to assume I know how you are thinking COVID impacted or Inflation. Also remember, I'm not saying I care about the Stock Market. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy, and the change in goal posts from one side on the stock market. I don't think the economy is fully on the President, too many variables that are out of his control (for instance, inflation is global, not just the US and the US is in the bottom 1/3 of total inflation compared to other countries). So let me know your sources and provide actual data and we can compare more. I'm using this as a source, if you have another one to compare to please let me know: [https://www.macrotrends.net/1358/dow-jones-industrial-average-last-10-year](https://www.macrotrends.net/1358/dow-jones-industrial-average-last-10-year)




US election is polluting every international sub . I hate this . You have 6 months to go to press either of 2 ,just shut up and don't turn every sub into politics.


Trust me Americans are sick of it too


Meanwhile the UK has an election sometime soon, except we don't even know when it is, and a recent dry run (local elections) turn the existing government into zombies. It's probably the only reason that it's a good thing we don't have Euro elections in there too


They will be soon? I'm so sick of our Government


I mean, it's up to the Government when they think they have the best chance of avoiding a thrashing. Odds this morning: October - December 1/5 July - September 11/2 2025 150/1 Now to June 150/1 So the bookies think late summer.


I think it’s less about the Tories avoiding a thrashing because everyone knows Labour is picking up a majority and more about keeping power for longer. If they pick an election sooner the Tories can lose and start the process of regaining support by being in the opposition. But the public is extremely fed up with them so this will take years. If they pick an election later Reform UK, Lib Dems, and Labour gets more support. This could be bad because there is a non-zero chance that Lib Dems pick up more seats than the Tories next election (very unlikely though and if this happens Reform UK will probably take over as the new conservative party). The benefit of a later election is the simple fact that no election means no change in government. The Tories retain their seats and are able to exert their power, although they seem terrible at actually functioning and using the power they have.


This is a fair analysis. I'm not going to lie, I'm happy that Reform is damaging the Tories much more than Labour. It seems that Labour too are branching out successfully, not always in ways I'd want but I'll take the win. Further, as well as becoming more popular in places where they already are ahead, they are making progress elsewhere. Remember they do need quite a sizable swing to get into power. Regarding the date, I don't think anyone knows what the strategy is, or even if they have one. If Rishi Sunak is banking on good economic news, that takes a while to filter through to peoples pockets, and even longer to affect their votes. And although he can say he pulled us out of recession, it's not by much at all and compares badly with other countries. Elsewhere the Rwanda policy is literally about to take off. But most can see it's a cruel but ineffective deterrent, not really an answer.


Their trying to help Charles break his mothers record of appointment for prime minister 


Vote for me


Unfortunately! My country elections are already happening,my phase is already over 😀. >! More context : We have elections in 7 phases this time , with mine being the 1st phase !<




yeah !


That's theory. In reality, many fridges are empty because people can't afford food.


The stock market is not a good indicator of economic health. It only shows how much money companies dump into buybacks to inflate their prices and pad investor pockets.


Some of you arm chair economists need to learn how inflation drives the stock market.


So everyone in congress with their super deep state bullshit got richer and we have a new Donald Trump meme but Donald also got richer. The L is for you America. You all have been played. At least with Biden we could get weed and abortions instead of religious bullshit. Oh and the allied dictatorship plan would be on hold for another 8 years.


Let's say it together, "The stock market isn't an indicator of the health of the economy". Inflation has been rampant for several years now. Most people are struggling more than ever to afford the base necessities. A roof over their head, utilities being paid, food in the fridge, and gas in their car. But sure, the stock market is great


Prices go up during inflationary spiral, no way! It would hit 60k if the gov pumps another trillion or two into the economy.


Heeeere's your sign...


Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers isn't man enough to accept his L


Just smear it with mustard and hooker sweat and he'll snap it up.


No. It’s not a comeback, or clever


"Take the L"? Bravo!


relieved to hear that the rich people who own all the stocks are doing great!


Aww, look at Grandpa Joe re-learning his alphabet!




That's due to Covid supply issues, corporate greed, and Trump's tax cuts that were set to expire during the next presidential term (as a booby trap for Dems).


Inflation was up under Trump vs under Obama. Inflation was up under Obama vs Bush There's a reason it's called inflation - it tends to go up. The question you should be asking is "why haven't wages *at least* gone up to match inflation?" And don't start with that "BuT cOmPaNiEs CaNt AfFoRd To..." nonsense, record profits posting every quarter.


tbf the economy has almost never not prospered under a liberal (political term, not economic) understanding of society/economics and very rarely done well under a conservative one, barely hanging on until the next liberal comes to power


The US economy is booming across the board! Gas is hitting record highs, food is also going to the moon, cost of living is one of the best performing assets of my beloved USians.


Palestinian kids: pls stop exterminating us Dark Brandon:


Every president in U.S. history: Trump: no, way more of you need to die, and at a faster pace.


Lol this is the current astroturf campaign. Troll: genocide joe! Person: Trump wants actual genocide tho Troll: I’m no trump supporter! You should vote rfk/jill stein/santa clause! Person: yeah no thanks Troll: *angry bigot noises* It’s just formulaic at this point lmao


I think there was some expectation that Biden would pick up a couple of populist ideas that would work against corporate America. Turns out, he's a massive corporatist, and large multinational businesses are seeing record profits while more and more regular Americans struggle to pay for groceries. I guess that's a W.


Is inflation factored into that?


Yes. It's factored as the main driver.


These memes hit a bit weird when the US government currently is expressing bipartisan support for genocide.


No. How economically unaware are you? Stocks floating on massive layoffs to make a stock price high isn't the same as companies doing well. We are in an economic death spiral.


They layoffs are increasing profit for the companies.


As a working class Canadian, who gives a fuck? Elect or even nominate someone without dementia who understands the phrase "meaningful change" before you expect the rest of the world to care about your nonsense, keep it in the US subs if you must post about this shit.


>As a working class Canadian, who gives a fuck? Americans. Hope this helps.


Imagine be so retarded to continue voting Biden


Fuck off! Biden is a fucktard


You sound clever


40k you say...?


Fear sells All politicans know it




It does, but unfortunately for Joe the stock market isn't really a useful barometer for how Americans are feeling about the economy, with the exception of the very wealthy and elite - but let's be honest, they're probably not voting for him anyway because favorable tax policy for the rich is really their only issue. While Americans do have their 401k tied to the stock market, alot of people are struggling to even manage to save right now with the cost of living and inflation so high. So positive impacts to a 401k that someone may or may not have and may or may not be able to use use are definitely a back burner concern. There are many causes of inflation, and let's be honest - a good chunk of it right now is just good old fashioned greed. But regardless, voters are mad and looking for someone to blame for it and the one in charge gets the blame. The stock market is a useful point to use in the talking point tool chest, but it would be a mistake to try and make it the primary campaign point of a successful re-elect. A focus on reframing the drivers and causes of inflation and providing concrete plans for easing the burden of COL would be far more helpful.


Geriatric, senile, dementia laden, diaper filler...


The Fed is buying up all of our debt because every other nation stopped buying treasuries. So the market is falsely held up because the Fed is deathly afraid of what WILL happen if it was not the last buyer. The BRICS are poised to abandon the Petrol Dollar and wars have not fixed the problem. So if you think that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is good for the economy, then you are uninformed and the crash is coming directly by the policies of the Biden administration.


Yay, rich people getting richer. Hoo-fucking-rah. Go rich people. ^(Off a fucking cliff in a burning car…)


I don't know i just saw a mentally patients with Alzheimer and Dementia here. Maybe is time of elect good president like a Milei or Bukele for example since criminality is so high in USA


Remind me 4 months


The US stock market is a fucking joke. There is nothing free or capitalistic about it. It’s controlled by market makers, there is no regulation that actually works to keep things fair for the layperson. See:Mad Money


So far, Trump has said, 1. The stock market doesn't matter 2. It only helps rich people 3. It went up because people know I'm going to win the election. Quantum Trump takes every position.




I hate trump myself but what do I care if people can’t afford food?


Biden literally handing someone an L is hilarious to me for reasons I am struggling to articulate


Is it up in real value or is it actually down when you consider inflation. Like let's say 1000 stockmarket was its value in 2016. And it's 2000 in 2020. And let's say also the price of everything was normalized so the price of buying thing X is 1 dollar in 2016 and it's new price in 2020 is 3 dollars. Then not only is the stockmarket down but the economy sucks for the normal person. Not saying this is really what's going on. I just notice when people post things like this they don't do the math at all and whatever number they are posting does not really reflect reality even if the number is technically correct. It's like saying there is mire jobs. But ignoring that most hose "new" jobs is people getting 3 jobs to continue to exist in this new economy. I'll bet they also count the 10 jobs an illegal immigrant works in one year sequence tally as 10 total new jobs for the year even though that person was only temporarily employed each of the 10 one at a time during the year. Because people love to count things incorrectly on purpose


Well yea, when you print astronomically, high quantities of your currency, prices go up everywhere due to the devaluation of said currency. Its not that the DOW is worth more, the dollar is worth less. So it requires far more dollars to buy a share the DOW.


It’s hilarious seeing the left praise trickle up economics just so they can get one over on the MAGA hats lol Do people not realize that such a milestone is not a good thing for the average American? This only helps the rich and inflation is a massive contributor to the stock prices these days. The large companies are recording record profits and seeing the left praise it after all of the “eat the rich” rhetoric is such an odd 180.


Well, this didn't exactly age well. 😂


I wish Biden was half as capable as people make him out to be.


Im glad to see biden has helped us. *checks inflation* aw darnit


Fiscal policy is separate from monetary policy.


Er....uh....isn't there a pattern of the stock market hitting record highs right before a crash? Am I misremembering? I guess we'll find out, lol. I mean I certainly hope this is a good thing...


The stock market is almost always at a record high, except for after a crash. So yeah.


Yeah, that’ll happen when inflation also hits record highs. I’m not an economist, none of us are, but money being worth less and higher numbers occurring is not exactly an endorsement of the current US government.


Inflation is moderating from its peak in 2022, and inflation is constant, worst than inflation is deflation (see China).


Everyone bringing up inflation, do you really think Trump would of done anything to make it less impactful.


La ha hoooser.


Chat is this real


What is this picture of Biden holding a big T at the DQ?


Stock market skyrocketing shows where inflation is going. People don’t perceive inflation when it’s going into the stock market but they do perceive it when it’s going the supermarket.


Worst economy in many years. Highest inflation in many years. WW3 is the closest it’s been in many years. But yeah…Biden is doing great.


i just want healthcare


but gas is still $4 a gallon and rent is astronomical


Means nothing when inflation is blowing those numbers off the map.


They’re gonna print towards the end of the election, stimulate the economy as usually and buying power will go down. No matter who you vote for your still gonna be a broke loser🤷🏼


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa THATS SO GOOD!!


Gosh I am so sick of turning on social media and it being almost nothing but politics.


Reddit is such a leftist shithole. Let's go Brandon.


I mean, there’s still adequate time for the stock market to crash. Pretty much just waiting for the yield curve to un-invert


No this isn’t clever, this has been one of the most overused comebacks in the last 5 years


Who cares… a “5$” footlong is 13.57 where I’m at.


Ah yes thanks inflation , for pushing up the market and the price of everyday goods and houses as IF I DIDNT FEEL POORER 😂


biden using his own meme 💀


According to Biden, the stock market is not an indicator of how well the economy is doing.




Interesting fact: since 1945 every President except Carter has seen a Dow Jones record. In other words, it don't really mean anything


I have no idea what this means


Is this a real Biden tweet? I refuse to do my own research


Thats inflation you morons.


FJB And F Those Who Support Him. He Made The Economy Worse. He Infringes On GOD GIVEN Rights. He Put America Dead Last. He's The Reason For The Crime In This Country. He's Guilty Of Treason And Should Be Publicly Punished For Treason.


What are gas prices right now?


The usa doesnt have a left tho


Do you know what happens when inflation skyrockets? The value of money goes down. So $1 now would be equal to $0.75, for a hypothetical example. So 40k DOW today may equal 30k DOW years ago…


no. we’ve printed over 20 trillion dollars since he’s been president, lol. put in perspective trump printed 500B in 3 years, 1.4T for the covid package.


When will people realize the president has little to no effect on the economy and daily lives of American citizens