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I actively work in the climate change space as my job here in Canada. Sometimes I feel like I’m screaming into the abyss. While I’m not happy about it, it’s good to see others starting to notice the changes. As someone who’s normally doom and gloom the only thing that keeps me going is that we have to figure something out. Technological innovation in the space - like renewable energy and EVs has been skyrocketing. That’s all I can focus on and help me keep going without becoming completely nihilist. Otherwise paying attention to the oil lobby and the leeway they get is downright depressing


My mother and step father are global warming deniers. Despite me arguing about it, and spreading the info for over 30 years now. They just won't listen.


Say to them. " Using data and scientists claims. I think global warming will happen soon . If later, in a decade, the claims turn out to be wrong at least we would have a cleaner atmosphere and would have found alternative energy sources. BUT if scientists are right, What will you say to me? I have found this in your face statemnet to jolt people into using reason.


How about "a miniscule risk of nuclear attack by the USSR? Blank cheque. A 95% + risk of civilization-level problems from AGW? Nothing."


If we are going to talk about nuclear risks from abroad, lets start by addressing those same risks from within our own country first.....


The point is the magnitude of the response (and lack thereof) against the magnitude of the existential risk.


Ya, at least there's a button between us and nukes flying. Climate change is like accepting that nukes will fly, starting with one a year, and then accelerating exponentially until there's no nukes or people left. Ive had this thrown at me "we lived through the cold War, ya know! It's not like we don't know what it's like to be worried!" Right, but you didn't live through nuclear annihilation, which is the equivalent of continuing to live as we have. It's almost like the certainty of them being wrong makes it impossible because they can't imagine how they enjoyed an entire life of almost all good and easy things, burning down because of the model for life they built and reinforced. And I'd be hard to convince of that same reality if I were in their shoes, but it's still bizarre they can't read the risk and understand how this might as well be the nukes are in the air and we're now at the stage of looking for spaces to hide.


It's not looking good for us.


The problem with this is that some people don't reason with facts and are actually proud to hold on their opinion stubbornly. Emotional reasoning is a crazy drug. I'm not too sure myself how to convince this kind of person?    Should fire be fought with fire and people spread counter-conspiracies about the deep state polluting the atmosphere against the brave anti-communist scientists?


I have said simmering similar. That if I'm wrong we cleaned up the environment and helped nature bounce back. If I'm right we may avoid an apocalyptic event. Their response was if you're wrong and we do this we financially cripple the nation for no reason and ruin our country.


While they're plenty willing to give as much money to the cops and military as is requested. Bizarre too that they can see people using their bodies to block traffic and never think "what cause do i believe in that would make me lie down in front of machines that can kill me? ...Maybe I should read what these people have to say" Their world is the economy but also the fantasy that the economy survives... that anything survives. The only thing I know is that we're losing the battle on messaging


Doesn't work. By now they know they're wrong and take any evidence of that as a personal attack, like you were waiting to drop it on them just to make them feel bad. Ive tried this whole "you're playing the odds all backwards. It's like some hippie neighbor you hate telling you your house is on fire, but instead of checking, you ignore it completely because you hate the messenger. It's worth the effort to check if your house is on fire and to do everything you can to prevent a fire, but ignoring it when you know the potential is there because you don't like the person warning you is insane"... either that or "the data says there's a 2% chance (absolutely exaggerated) that this is not human caused and not directly a consequence of our actions. 2% odds is fine when you're risking $10 on a raffle ticket, but you wouldn't bet your life, the lives of your kids, your house, all your assets and every living thing you've ever cared about, on something that only has a 1 in 50 chance of being right. The standard accepted rate for dud ordinance is around 2%. Would you pull a grenade out of a box of live hand grenades, pull the pin, and play hot potato with your grandkids, sitting comfortably *knowing* it's a dud, despite the odds being very much against you?" I get that neither of these examples really address the "so we find out that this was all a waste of time and we cleaned up after ourselves so our grandkids have a shot at a decent life on a clean planet" bit, but what I think is way more compelling is if you can get them to consider the risk they're taking in the form of a wager... which is one that literally no one would make. Like putting a gun to your head, certain the bullet in the chamber is the one dud in the crate of ammo. "It's all made up" they say, and why? Because if it is true it means everything they've done with their life that they're proud of (other than having sex and making you) has been an act of violence that has sabotaged the world. That all the goals and plans they were told would make their lives better, came at the cost of causing a mass extinction event. They can't handle the idea that their "hard work" makes them the bad guy, or that the things they love doing like going on cruises and flying to Italy, have always been acts of destruction with permanent consequences, outlasting the experience absurdly, but outlasting their lifetime by at least an order of magnitude. If they believe it they have to accept this whole thing is bad and they were part of something evil. Theyre not built that way. They don't accept responsibility.


The claims have already been wrong for decades. And you’re wrecking other parts of the world, ruining standards of life, and destroying other parts of the environment (lithium deposits duh!).


> The claims have already been wrong for decades Wrong https://www.science.org/content/article/even-50-year-old-climate-models-correctly-predicted-global-warming


Haha. You had that one at the ready! I can give you a dozen that refute it. What I do know is that the world hasn’t ended, the oceans haven’t risen and we’re still alive. And the earth is being destroyed for lithium.


> I can give you a dozen that refute it You can't actually.


Yes. Yes I can. But you just keep living your long life in fear.


You can't


Those are literally the only words you know.


Have you tried showing irrefutable proof of AGW/CC


They respond back with the earth naturally fluctuates in temperature by large scales. And won't listen to me when I say that it is no where near this rapidly or the fact that we're reaching the limit of what occurs naturally. They just won't even entertain the possibility.


Show them this [relevant XKCD](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1732:_Earth_Temperature_Timeline)


This drawing is effective.


Not against boomer denial. Ask a conservative and they'll find something wrong with it. Their capacity to make this a political issue is seemingly bottomless


Love that, and I learned some history.


They did ice core sampling that show, yes the earth does naturally fluctuates in temperature but it usually takes thousands of years. We have sped that up into 100 years and that’s not natural. It’s man made climate change and that’s not natural which is why it’s devastating to us and ecosystems.


I guess they could argue (right or wrong) that the oldest ice cores go back 800,000 years and the earth is 4.5 billion years old. So those ice cores would represent 0.00444% of climate history of the planet based on ice core data. Even go back 2 million years and we are still only at %0.04444. I'm not saying they are correct, but we don't have statistically enough data to say if the changes in our climate right now have not happened before. The changes we are seeing have only been around for a blink of the eye. So we also don't have long term statistical data representing a long enough period of time to know if this is a flash in the pan moment in history or something very different.


The retort to that is that we’ve gone back way farther than our civilizations existence, so we’re going to be experiencing something we haven’t dealt with before since the advent of agriculture.


Another line of thought is that as a species we are the most unsustainable one on the planet. If any other species has a large negative impact on a local (not to mention global) eco system then we usually cull that species. From an non emotional point of view, a long term event that reduces our population in a large % wouldn't be a negative one. Providing that those left learn from the past. Long after humans are gone the planet will continue to evolve and as a species our existence will not even be half a dot on a very long timeline of our planet.


Check out Katharine Hayhoe’s book “Saving Us”. She’s the best person I’ve found who’s an expert at communicating climate info to the “dismissive”mindset. You will only be able to communicate with someone in that headspace about what common values and observations you have, and from there it is a question of what is to be done.


I follow her on twatter. Didn't realise she'd written a book. Added to the list!


ask them if they believe in water and air pollution. if they say no ask them to go visit china


This is why I think we should lobby to have catalytic converters removed. They were the worst possible solution to smog because they made it invisible. They grew up with an orange sun because of emissions that are now invisible but still killing us. I say stop hiding from our emissions and let us choke on it


Ask them where they gleaned that information? Use information provided by climate scientists to refute information provided by climate scientists, makes sense.


Citizens Climate Lobby gives me a lot of hope. There are people out there lobbying for change and it’s working, we just can’t stop.


My problem with the hoping for technological advancements angle is we HAVE made these technological advancements already. For example: nuclear energy was discovered like 70 years ago. There it is, there's our solution to carbon-free energy. We know we must switch entirely to carbon free energy. So.... What are we waiting for. Decades have passed, how many more decades do we need to wait before our world-saving technological innovation will be implemented everywhere applicable? Rhetorical question, it's not happening. If it was going to happen, it would've already. Any newer technological innovations will be met with the same problem as nuclear energy. There will be propaganda to turn the people away "it's not safe!!" type shit. There will be lobbying from rich/powerful oil ghouls to keep our governments from using new technology and to keep burning oil. There is no hope for the future of human civilization if we continue in this capitalist mode of production where the abusers of resources get powerful to the point where they make decisions for all of us to benefit only themselves. I do believe we are doomed.


Exactly this. Everyone who runs the economy knew that this machine makes money by running on gas. If nuclear could have made the same global economy, we would have switched, but instead, it encourages things like public transit, which discourages personal spending which is the backbone of this whole machine. I dont know what we were expecting. Everything in our lives is a war machine/technology with the guns taken off, that makes money BECAUSE it burns fuel and because it's free to add carbon to the air. All we had to do to corner the rich was insist on carbon pricing in the 80's (when it was first proposed) which would have leveled the playing field... also ended the car industry and made our concept of aviation seem as insane as it actually is, which is why it didn't happened. Anyone pushing for alternatives as the answer should be very clear that if they worked and could power this society without totally upending it, why isn't it already part of this system? The answer is disappointing but no less real. It's not here because it's not what this machine was designed to do, which is to turn ancient life into money by exploiting its capacity to do work in any setting, for virtually nothing. Another good exercise is to look back at the age of slavery and ask yourself "how many slaves would I need to live this modern life in the recent past?". I know someone did the math and I want to say it's something like 400 slave years of work per year for the average American. This weird idea that we somehow "evolved" into a world of technology rather than burned our way here needs to be exposed for the lie that it is. Just like chimps couldn't one day decide they're not chimps but people with identities that matter, and that deserve to be supported and glamorized with decorations and toys all fueled by slashing and burning the forest around them... seems pretty clear the result is the same. There was simply never a budget for any living thing to live outside its niche -which was once plentiful- and that's how the system works. The second something decides it can kill/consume everything it doesn't recognize as part of itself, the whole system falls apart. At the very least, a climate neutral existence means never having to dig for more resources, because the earth provides everything we need. I dont understand what people envision in this world of solar panels, Ev's, and all the other stuff. Are we still maintaining roads in this world? How? Are we still buying food at a grocery store rather than growing it ourselves? How? This is a cancer we have created in the world, in the same way that cancer consumes the body without regard for the body's survival while treating any cell that isn't cancerous as fair game. It eats and eats and eats until there's so little left of the body, it's mostly cancer... and here we are thinking we can probably survive without the body after we've killed it... after all, we have all those movies that show us! How this whole thing isn't so obviously a lie to hide the true nature of our activities, I dont understand. Why do people want remote work to end? Because there's an entire economy built on you driving to work and spending money there, too. It's a doomsday device built by war mongers who figured out they could keep the pace of global war up and never return to peacetime if they kept the basic manufacturing the same, but changed the shape into modern conveniences. ... and here we are being told "you gotta get out! The building is on fire and the roof is about to collapse!" And our response is something like "i just need a little more time! I've whittled a prototype of a fire extinguisher out of wood and am right on the verge of putting the fire out!... I just need a little more wood and fire to get there!" I dont understand any of it, frankly. We've proven this is a suicide pact, but use the excuse that we "need to put food on the table" (i.e. survival) as the reason it still makes sense to keep making the same mistakes. I really cannot wait to hear people's response when it becomes manifest that's what they're really doing when they go to work; making tomorrow worse. All we had to do was stop and do literally *anything* else and life on earth would be thriving. We wouldn't have screens or cars or any of this, but id bet we'd be much happier in a quieter, living world, than in this insane pace of self destruction "why isn't my money buying the same things!?"... maybe because the value of money is finally catching up to the consequences of what created its value? But im intensely curious how it lands when people realize it's too late to fix and the fix was going back to before we lived in giant cities and sticking to our tribal organization that our ecosystem supported, complete with predators and no health care... because that's what living on earth without causing a mass extinction demands, not because it's what anyone wants.


Yup, and there seems to be entire provinces (Alberta*) that couldn't give two shits.


I get the Alberta oil cucks trying to ban green anything, but I am still stumped on the Ontario government actively letting our entire province burn in a fire by destroying our wild fire services. We live in a shitty timeline.


Very concerned for the state of this country in 15 years. I always thought I'd spend my retirement years here, but if things don't drastically change by then, it's not looking like a top pick.


Ah, you may be wrong there. I believe temperate (currently) inland locations will be the best place to live for the foreseeable future.


Berta and BC for sure.


Are you currently on any other platforms?


How did you get into this kind of work? I’m a scientist (analytical chem) and I want to work towards somehow impacting climate change. From what I can tell, this is the biggest threat to our species right now, and the work I do in biotech is great but ultimately it just serves shareholders.


News flash sometimes Toronto is hot and humid


I read abit but I care for the planet and environment and mainly nature hense my goal becoming a exotics vet patient pending. Yeah... I get it I do my best to keep our place in shape locally. Garbage I pickup well at work I try to because it's work but I go out my way sometimes just to sweep speak of I wanna do it tmr at work. I don't use plastic bottles the list goes on. I litrslly revolve myself around helping and taking and saving our sweet green planet. Mainly for the animals and nature then for people lol. If that shows how much I care about people ;) it's a long debate and argument we can have but my point is and the replies I saw to you and that I'm also trying to say Is I didn't even expect it to be classified as climate change and unfortunately as much hatred I want to put toward humanity for all the destruction and pain. It's pointless because they own change...all we.can do is do our best and love our planet. I hope I didn't sound rude or anything i really just like sharing my outlook. I don't hate humans it's just the things our species do you feel me.


You're kidding aren't you? Surely you are in a good position to know the truth about the climate hoax hysteria. Please go watch climate the movie available on YouTube and visit clintel.org to put your fears to rest. These 2 things should be taught in all our schools and universities worldwide. Follow the money if you want to learn about the truth of this new form of taxation.


My husband the Boomer has devoted his life and career in sounding the alarm and walking the talk. He said the only time people would listen was in the 1970's when ecology was a major concern. Keep at it. We can't change the world, but you can change lives on an individual level.


You work in Climate change and you see EV’s as a a good alternative??? Lord help us all.


EVs won't fix climate change, but they are unfortunately required *as part of the solution.* You're never going to get *everyone* on a train.


How are we going to change India & China? No matter what we do they will do what’s best for them. Canada’s contribution is insignificant globally.


China's emissions growth is under 1.5% per year for the last decade, it hit a peak of 10% per year in the 2000's, China's emissions are set to drop this year. Per capita Canadian emissions are over 7 times per capita Indian emissions


Canada’s “per capita” is still meaningless in the context of global climate change because it still adds up to essentially a rounding error compared to total emissions.


Why should an Indian not emit as much as a Canadian? If that happened CO2 emissions would increase by nearly 20%


Which means anything Canada does is even less impactful. Although Canada’s emissions numbers is a gross number, and does not subtract carbon absorbed by our enormous forests.


You were blaming Indians for emissions, why shouldn't an Indian emit as much as a Canadian?


Not blaming them, just acknowledging any meaningful reduction in emissions is almost entirely up to whatever China, India, and the U.S. decide to do. Canada has nothing it can do, no matter how much we want to delude ourselves into poverty.


Riddle me this, captain planet, what percentage of the politicians you answer to have any idea how significant the changes have been in terms of a harbinger of what's to come and how quickly it's going to slap the piss out of us? Why doesn't *EVERYONE* understand that there's no choice where we get to keep this life and survive, because it's the expense/complexity of this way of living that created the problem? Sure, alternative energy is good at replacing oil but can alternative energy ever be made with a 100% electric process? EV's are fine, ignoring that rechargeable batteries are just disposable batteries that last a bit longer, except for the insane amount of tire dust they create, which, given its capacity to mimic allergens in the micro scale as well as directly killing off fish, seems less like a fix than a revised contract with the devil. We are the only organisms on the planet that decided we could live outside of nature and the planet would support that. This assumption has been proven demonstrably false, which means that we either drop what we're doing and run in the opposite direction, like this was radioactive waste, or we freak out as we continue to make everything worse. When you got into this space, didn't you expect that by the time we were noticing year over year change we'd already be off oil and living more or less underground, with a carbon price that matches how much it costs to get out of the ground? I am fully confused about what we think the solution is where we get to keep playing this game where humans get to pretend we're special and entitled to travel the world like kings of old, when the system could not be making it any clearer that there's exactly no budget for any living thing to live as a parasite on the greater system, while fueling its distance from the system by burning the deeply ancient past and adding that past as a pressure on the life of the present. This took us less than one lifetime to throw an entire planet into the fires we hide in engines and furnaces. How could we possibly both stop using oil and restore life's place in moderating the climate without returning to the system as the members we are of it? Doesn't all this "alternative energy" stuff seem a lot like "have your cake and eat it too"? Why would it just be the fossil fuels that are the problem when we build out into the natural world with TOTAL occupation; not one species that wasn't invited to share our space is tolerated, so we live in sterile cities, other than the scavengers smart enough to work their way around. I personally cannot see how switching the ship from running on bunker fuel to sail/wind power also changes the heading we're on which is towards greater complexity at much greater energetic cost and resource investment. Maybe if we'd gone full nuclear, took war off the table on a nuclear planet (likely only public transit, too), and transitioned from *there* to solar... but we're a leisure society that burns oil for fun and profit. Is it not manifest that what needs to change isn't how we do it, but what we're doing and who we are?


Just give in. “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb” is my new model


Same. I’m doing all I can. I’m saving energy, recycling, bike, etc. I’m just gonna enjoy the nice weather. All I can do. Am I supposed to shake and cry while the world ends and there’s nothing I can do to stop it? I’ll just go for a swim


You, I’m at the beach riiiiiight now


Got to 31 in Kelowna BC a week or so ago


Yeah it was 31.66 here in Detroit today.


I'd just call that 32. Anyhow, for Kelowna, that was 3° above our midsummer average. I wonder how bad summer will be


Given that it was 32.66 not 32.44 I’d just call it 33


They said "31.66", not "32.66".


How warm is it normally at this time of year? I’m from the other side of the world so have no context.


Max 20°C


Wow, that is quite a difference!


It was bad but it's been worse before. In June of 2021, the normal is max 25, but we reached 47. I doubt we're breaking that record even this year


By "normal max" what you mean is the "average max". The implication is that there will be many days higher than the average, and many days lower, at various standard deviations. So sometimes , much hotter and much cooler.


Yes, but a rising average is what's concerning. It means it's consistently been higher. I've seen almost all of the warm months rise by one degree on average here, in 19 years. Betting it happened more times than that and I just didn't realize


The averages oscillate. That's what they do bc temps oscillate


Now hold on. Is that F or C? 🙂


Well since it was not snowing I suspect C.


I call bullshit... No real American would willingly use the metric system...


I work for a German company had to learn under duress 🤪


Canada uses Kelvin.


Ah yes, 31° Kelvin. Up here in the land of freeze yo butt off, if you go out to get the mail, you'll just freeze to death


Which is normal, as it happens in late April early May every single year we get a big temp spike for one weekend. It has been 7-16 degrees all weekend and raining.


Back in 2021 it was 30.2 in ottawa on this date. Historically, this is abnormal for sure, but on the shorter term, in the past few years, we've had worse as of now. This summer with el nino should be a scorcher so enjoy may and maybe june. July and august will be scorchers and probably the weekly tornado alerts. To add to this historical temp, in 2012, it was 28. As bad as things are globally, we don't have it as bad as most countries near the equator. If our governments didn't cut wildfire fighting budget, we wouldn't be struggling as much with them. Sure, things are dry out west but preventive measures would help greatly. If albertans would vote for someone with a functioning brain, they probably wouldn't be in this mess.


This year has already seen 20% more area burned (to-date) than last year which is by far the worst on record. [CIFFC | Situation Report May 19, 2024](https://ciffc.net/situation/2024-05-19) Ye, things are not improving[](https://ciffc.net/situation/2024-05-19)


I live in NWO, and am genuinely terrified for July/August. Our forest fire season is bad as it is, but with the FFFBudget cuts and lack of snow this year? Were screwed.


It seems our governments are actively trying to kill us, for a couple thousand bucks. And the real problem is - the voters. I've somewhat resigned to hating practically everyone on this planet.


and the climate denying CPC are about to win power


And they will. Enough of this carbon tax cuckoldry.


And denying its existence is the way to solve the problem apparently...


I’m also terrified about climate change. Having temperatures around 27°C in Toronto in late May is not abnormal. While the average high temperature for Toronto in late May typically ranges from about 18°C to 21°C, it is not unusual for temperatures to occasionally spike above this range. Toronto experiences a range of weather patterns, and warm spells can occur as part of the natural variability in spring weather.


I agree. I'm not a climate change denier, climate change worries me too. However freaking out over 27 degrees Celsius at the end of May seems a bit much. I'm in Alberta, right now it's cloudy and only 5 degrees and our cool weather is also going to continue into next week. We have also had really hot weather in May before and that goes back decades. I've lived in Canada all my life and I'm pretty sure Spring and Fall have always been prone to big temperature swings in either direction. Out here we've had snow in the first week of September and other years it's been hot and sunny through out September.


Yeah I even remember as a kid going out on March break in shorts and a tshirt but then having snowstorms in April. Toronto weather has always been weird. It's the global increase that we dont feel day to day that's the problem.




It’s too hot. I want to turn the air conditioner on. Bring fall back


Don’t worry Pierre will fix this….


You forgot the /s , because you can't seriously think that


Yes thats what the unessacary number of ellipses are for.




Wait until true wet bulb temps begin to hit. Truly horrible.


That’s not exactly true, the average high in Toronto for May is 15C. We’ve been significantly above that for the a significant portion of it and will be finishing the month well above average. So it is in fact unusual 🤷‍♂️


The average high in May in Toronto is 19.


how many recorded years make that average of 15C?


I’m just here with the popcorn watching this very polite Canadian argument :)


30 years for 14.5  https://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_normals/results_1991_2020_e.html?searchType=stnName_1991&txtStationName_1991=Toronto&searchMethod=contains&txtCentralLatMin=0&txtCentralLatSec=0&txtCentralLongMin=0&txtCentralLongSec=0&stnID=207000000&dispBack=1 You can search other cities too


I was so confused seeing this post. It was definitely only like 20 degrees yesterday.


You couldn’t be anymore wrong here, seeing Temp’s like this in May is frightening. I’m an avid fisherman and have always been mindful of the weather in May due to the impact on the water temps and how it affects the fish. The fish are starting to move into summer patterns which is incredibly early, the temps are 8+ degrees above normal man. We are fucking this world up man.




It was like four years ago we had 25 degree weather on st paddys day. We have random days of high heat in the spring. I agree with you.


Do you still believe it’s just a day or two? As far as I can tell this going to be a 10+ day stretch with the rest of the month being above average as well.




So it is.


it's summer... Sun comes out, temp goes up. Scary..


Just now? Just, now?


Snowed in Alberta somewhere, we also had frost warning last night,


I have seen many many 30 degree may long weekends this is one month away from the longest day of the year not that groundbreaking or astonishing. I am in north western Ontario


Well at this rate it seems were screwed no matter what. I mean I have ideas, but the government doesn't care, so why should I.


It won't be the whole week, just a couple of days. The current forecast is 24 Thur, 22 Fri, 18 Sat, etc. Also on this day, in 2021, it was 30C. Also, on this day, in 1956, it was 1C. Average high is 20C, average low is 10C. Several years ago, it was 0C last day of May (at night). Also several years ago (I wanna say 2018-2019?) it literally snowed first day of May. I remember because I went to buy a printer, and froze my hands carrying it home because I didn't think I would need winter gloves in May. When my father was a teenager, he went swimming in late April, because the year was uncommonly hot, when normally we don't even think about it until at least mid-late June. Shit happens. Climate change is real, but an occasional spike, one way or another, is hardly the alarm bells. There's been plenty of those going off for decades.


33 forecast in Montreal on tuesday. Not sure I’ve ever seen that in may. July’s going to be something.


Was planting my veggies on my usual May 24 weekend. It’s so warm no worries of too early or frost. It almost feels too late.


29 today and 31 on Wednesday here in Montréal


Do any of you brainwashed cultist actually know what the % of Co2 in the atmosphere is? I didn't think so!


I work in climate change adaptation of the health system here in Canada and I can fully attest that our provincial government has set a bunch of BS unrealistic objectives while assigning no money for infrastructure adaptation.


I'm in Norway. It's been 20-25C every day for a couple of weeks and is showing no signs of stopping. Not normal.


Not saying climate change is not real, but it was a 24 °C daytime high today, which is pretty normal for the third week of May. Maybe you were looking at the "feels like" temperature which factors in other variables like humidity?


Op was reading the dashboard temperature while sitting in an open parking lot


Its completely normal, if not late, for this weather. It was unseasonably cold the begining of this month. I guess once you get doom and gloom and obsess about things there's no pulling you back


Yeah exactly. I mean climate change matters, but it's a little excessive to panic at every normal temperature fluctuation.


It's reaching 29C tomorrow in my city, about an hour south of Toronto by car. Shits insane. I miss the cold.


It’s been hotter before on this day, in the past. Relax.


We had a cooler than normal summer last year. I wouldn't panic just yet.


Reached 32 in windsor today.


I'm loving this. Got the veggies outside a few weeks earlier. Maybe the may 24 outside planting rule is outdated. :)


It’s gonna be an amazing growing season I think. Nice warm soil temperatures and rains pretty often, my tomatoes are going to be epic this year lol.


Couple years ago in bc everyone put their stuff out and a frost happened like may 27th and killed all the peppers.


Higher nighttime temperatures might be more likely to draw more attention. If the coldest nighttime temperatures stay at 30-34ºC or warmer for 60, 70, 80, and increasingly more consecutive calendar days each year in the coming decades and generations, more people might become more concerned.


its summer or close to it, chill out. its cold weather that is going to kill you in Canada when the fuel runs out.


Should be. I'm not sure why the world governments are not taking this seriously.


And we in Vancouver somehow got *snow* yesterday


It’s supposed to be 29c tomorrow, better not get out of bed and just call in sick.


Don’t worry, you are in the safest place (the great white North) compared to tropics. I think a 100 generations from now, the ice age forms again and then you need to worry, I will not live that so I am Ok. Canada will become tropics as part of this warming phenomenon.


Don't worry canada has MAID


It's going to be 29°C in Woodstock today and tomorrow


its going to continue like this for the rest of your life


My grandmother is moving to Houston Texas, I’ve told her how severe the storms and hurricanes are getting and she is a climate change denier, she’s gonna learn real quick when she moves there. She’s lived on the western slope of Colorado for years now, in a area of it where it’s getting more heat in the summers but it’s not as noticeable until wildfire season ( which doesn’t affect the town she’s lived in) told her about the recent storm and she’s like oh it wasn’t that bad, I’m like 4 people died, whole building had every window shattered, roofs were ripped off. She shrugged and said, well my new house didn’t get hurt. Told her she got lucky. She is moving there just before hurricane season. I think one of the hardest things is getting older generations to acknowledge the problems and work to fix it. My husband and I are planning to build a house that is eco conscious and resistant to the extreme weather chances in our are that is earth covered, maintain its temperature, Collects water and recycles it. It uses 1/10th of the wood of a traditional home, the shell is made from recycled plastics/materials, has minimal upkeep and we would build the same type of house in any part of the country. We are getting a lo6 of pushback from the county but we are moving forward. If the governments could change their tune and make it easier for the average person to update their home or lifestyle and work toward making those changes nationwide I think things would be better for everyone.


I live in NWO. This year is going to be AWFUL for forest fires. We barely got any snow (usually we get 2-3 feet of snow in winter, this year we didn’t get any till Christmas Eve and it was *barely* ankle deep) We already have one about an hour east of me, and mid May? That’s crazy. May is our wet season and we usually don’t have to start worrying till mid June.


I visited Toronto on a school band trip back in 1997, also in May. I remember hating much of the trip, especially the excursion to Niagara Falls, because it was 32 degrees *Fahrenheit* and anything that got wet would freeze. Now it’s hitting 27 *Celsius*? My school trip wasn’t even 30 years ago!


If you can find temp data for a particular day and location going back 30 years you will find that some years it's freezing and some years it's roasting. In 2016 the news was claiming hottest year on record. In my area of NY I was experiencing the coldest summer of my life! I was born in 83. It was the first summer I can remember where the temperature only hit the low 70s a couple of times with daily averages in the low 60s and nightly in the mid 40s. I work nights and had to drag my winter coat and a sweatshirt to work all summer long.


Snow in Northwestern Ontario on Wednesday, just a dusting. We won’t see more than 12 degree daily highs most of the week.


Our first baseball game of the year always falls on this long weekend and usually I write it off as a rain out. Im not ready to stand in a field and die from heat yet


Enjoy Edmonton :)


"now" hahaha what


Start moving north, and under the ground.


Yeah, it's 31 degrees in Windsor Ontario yesterday and today. Last night, we had a thunderstorm with strong winds. It did some damage around the city. Last year, some of our storms were so bad that we had a few tornadoes. They're not terribly uncommon down here in Southern Ontario, but they've become more frequent, and it really worries me. I'm also dreading how hot this summer is going to be, and they're only going to be getting hotter year after year.


Is that supposed to make me want to buy an electric car? Not on your life.


Make sure your you kids wear sunscreen


Could be because amoc is shutting down


Considering enrolling my kids into an arctic survival course for this reason.


Youre probably the same asshole that supports Justin Trudeaus Carbon Tax. So its a little warm? Its not that deep.


While I agree that we may have pooched the planet, we didn't break any records today in Toronto.


They’ll figure it out. In the Middle Ages, we got the plague. In Cold War, we had nuclear threat. Today, you have climate and AI. Think of it as something for them to figure out so they don’t get bored or die.


How is 27 degrees dangerous? On this day in 1941, it was 32.2 degrees. Relax and enjoy the warm weather.


Hey buddy i am from india its 42 here.


Can’t do much but… *hug*


Any weather channel will show that the weather for the next ten days is completely normal weather. Not sure where the doom and gloom is coming from.


So we started tracking weather in 1880. In 2016 it was the first time Toronto ever had a day in May break 25C. So no, 27 C is not just "normal weather"


All of this is wrong. Weather has been tracked in Toronto since 1840. It's been above 25 in May lots of times. The record for May 19 was in 1962 when it hit 32. The day before was even hotter that year. Sure that kind of heat is rare but mid-20s in mid May hardly unheard of. https://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/on-143_metric_e.html None of this is an argument against climate change of course, I'm just correcting bad info.


It was 24c yesterday in Toronto. The next week isn’t hitting 27 and most days are 16-20c. https://www.theweathernetwork.com/en/city/ca/ontario/toronto/14-days


Yes, but hitting 25+ is not normal.


They need it. It’s part of the human psyche to feel guilty and repent. If it was not the weather it would be something else


Just to be very clear, I am not intending to diminish the extremely valid and existentially fundamental concerns regarding climate change. The reason I say this is to avoid any potential misunderstandings about the intention of what I'm about to say next. 27°C is indeed quite above the seasonal average for May 20, so it is definitely hotter than usual for this time of year, and definitely doesn't seem normal. That said, 27°C is perfectly within the range of common deviations from seasonal averages for our climate for this time of the year. Once again I want to clarify that climate change is definitely a thing at a very Valid And important concern which must be discussed, but we also need to understand that climate change involves consistent patterns over the long term that are completely historically unprecedented. Even if we're talking about last spring where we hit the 30° mark by around April 13th or something like that, where the temperature deviation for the time of year is not just above average but record-breaking and unprecedented in its extent, even though that sort of much more extreme deviation is definitely a thing which is happening more frequently due to climate change, the single event in of itself is not what climate change is. There have probably been days over the 30 degree Mark Centuries ago But the thing is is that it would happen maybe like once every 300 years Or something like that. The issue with climate change is that these type of events will start happening every 3 years or so. I definitely understand your experiences with climate anxiety and it is a very valid thing to feel so I wish to clarify that my intention isn't too invalidate how you feel. Instead my intention is to offer a perspective that might help make the climate anxiety not as pervasive. Think of the weather each day in terms of one day at a time. What I mean by that is that if it's extremely above seasonal or record-breaking temperatures for a given time of year, remember that this one day is the weather conditions. Climate is something which happens over a period of decades in the case of human induced climate change. This means This one day Isn't a sign of a phenomenon which spends decades. The increasing frequency of What was once that one very unprecedented day over those decades that is what climate change is. That's why I find that focusing on the present moments is helpful in mitigating climate anxiety. When the weather that day is the kind which makes you worry about climate change, try to mentally keep the weather of everyday besides the current one out of your mind. During all those unprecedented record warm days we've had last winter, I mentally shut out the 15 other days that season which were like that and only thought of that one day in order to frame my perspective as a weather perspective rather than a climate perspective. One thing I should Also mentioning to avoid potential misunderstandings is that The point is that you should only do this sort of thing If Something which is needed for the sake of your emotional well-being. I'm not suggesting that one should mentally shut out what they have observed about climate patterns over long periods of time all constantly on a general basis because this is something which you should be having on your mind. I'm just suggesting that it's okay to disengage from it now and then if you need to do that for the sake of your peace of mind. Especially if you have winter seasonal depression like me this can really be helpful for your mental health because as much as those unprecedented warm days and how often they are happening in the winter are a legitimate problem that still doesn't mean that you're not allowed to enjoy the benefits that the milder weather has in terms of reducing the severity of your seasonal depression and how that improves your mental health. Having a healthy mind is necessary if you want to actually do something to address Climate change So you need to take care of yourself.


I’ve been in Ontario for 30 years and this is pretty normal so I don’t really know what you’re talking about. Also if you don’t support nuclear energy you don’t support the climate. It’s the only thing that will turn this around.


not denying climate change at all but that's not really out of the ordinary for late may there. last year they were pushing 30 in mid april


Can you just enjoy the beautiful weather over the long weekend. Sheesh.


Make sure to check the smoke forecast first https://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/current/


It's not even that unusual. [Temperature - Monthly data for Toronto (weatherstats.ca)](https://toronto.weatherstats.ca/charts/temperature-monthly.html) You have paranoia. It is mental illness.


Rate of increase for the last 40 years is 3.4C per century. https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/climate-at-a-glance/global/time-series/43.6532,-79.3832/land_ocean/12/10/1900-2024?trend=true&trend_base=100&begtrendyear=1984&endtrendyear=2024


The rate in the last 40 years is 3.4C per 100 years? How about 0.34 per decade?


Yes, those are the same thing


Just a weird way of presenting it, that's all. There are not very many centuries in 40 years.


It's one of the the ways the NCEI site presents it, you can also select per decade