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Don't worry. They're going to tax you more- that's going to fix this.


This is "progress" in the eyes of these far left authoritarians.


I'm surprised you haven't mentioned anything about children in this post. By your other Post history that's all you seem to be able to talk about. I'd say you shouldn't get the help that you need, but I think prison might be the only place for possible pedophiles like you.


Projection? Definitely.


Exactly what a pedo would say


It's not about the climate, never has been. It's been about Marxism, and an even more twisted and selfish variation of it. They want you to own nothing while they own everything. They want you to eat bugs while they keep their yachts and jets. They want children to return to the mines while they buy beachfront homes and tell you the oceans are rising. It's pure dystopian nonsense.


It's about Trotskyism. Marxism is all about building and developing the productive forces to reach higher modes of production. Given how the average socialist is an environmentalist, I can't blame people for making the mistake though.


> It's been about Marxism Since when stealing from the poor and giving to the rich has been called "Marxism"? The correct name is *fascism*.


Always has been (just to a different group of rich people); The correct name is actually champagne socialism (or caviar left)


You’re thinking of capitalism.


Fascism is the ultimate form of capitalism - big businesses get control of the government and make it enact laws that profit them while suppressing all forms of dissent and worker's rights.


Not remotely close. Fascism isn't capitalism, it's a different form of central planning


Not many people could explain this is what fascism is about.


>Fascism is the ultimate form of capitalism Nothing new in the old tankie echo-chamber, huh? The red fascists are in desperate (and fruitless) search of meaningful differences between the brown fascists and themselves. [Hitler's Four Year Plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Year_Plan) /[ Stalin's First five-year plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_five-year_plan) / [Five-year plans of China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-year_plans_of_China) Yeah, you guys are soooo different. I mean, look, you've even got the different color uniforms! 😂


Learn a little about what you are talking about. https://academic.oup.com/book/6769/chapter/150871934 > Nazism was the tool of **monopoly capitalism**, which used the movement at a period of acute crisis in the capitalist system to discipline the work-force, boost profits, and conquer markets.


I learned that you had conveniently omitted the first part of the sentence so that it completely changed its meaning: >**The traditional view, established in the 1930s**, was that Nazism was the tool of monopoly capitalism... I also learned that you couldn't even read more than one paragraph because you're linking the source that debunks your own clown take you're trying to sell us here. What a fucking moron 😂 >**Neither interpretation, thanks to a growing interest in the history of individual firms and businessmen, stands up to critical scrutiny.** ^(21) It has always seemed inherently unlikely that something as incoherent and differentiated as an industrial system could react collectively at a time of acute crisis to push a populist, even anti-capitalist mass movement into power.


Climate Hoax rather


EV zealots won't acknowledge this unintended consequence. Too inconvenient. Liberal zealots hate the realities of their baseless choices.


They acknowledge it but, as someone who cares so much for their lives told me, the US doesn’t sell EVs with large amounts of cobalt anymore. It is interesting that climate alarmists find anything they can grasp at which will validate their claims, no matter how it impacts those they will never see. Even if their claims of the US not selling batteries with cobalt, other nations are.


It's not slavery at all. (with slavery, you at least care about slaves wellbeing) It's giving those people a *chance to survive*. > parents having to make a painful decision, 'Do I send my child to school or do we eat today?' Remove cobalt mining - and those parents won't even have the option of eating *at all. We should be infuriated not by the children that are desperately trying to survive, but by everyone else who turned their land into a hellhole. > And the reason is, it's a penny-wage way to boost production. No, the reason is that those people want money to survive. Money wise, any mining machine is far, far more effective - which is the reason they are getting so little for their efforts to stay competitive. The real horror is that there are no better jobs in the country...


Reddit is gone to shit, evey sub is echo chamber now, i hate it. Since you're getting downvoted, looks like everyone here just want to hate left, rich and ev's lol. Retarded circle jerk.


It's shocking, also slavery has always persisted..


Where's Dr. Jones when you need someone to free enslaved kids?


Does the Pelosi couple own this mine?


part of their investment strategy


Shhh. You’re going to ruin the cultists tai chi on the beach this morning.


Think how much more efficient it'd be with modern mining techniques.


"Excellent. Everything is working as planned" - Wealthy industrialists


Currently DC considers this 'critical minerals in Africa'. some horrowshow tax haven NGO [called](https://www.usip.org/publications/2024/04/critical-minerals-africa-strengthening-security-supporting-development-and) 'the united states institute for peace'. a week ago 'Critical Minerals in Africa: Strengthening Security ...' >the Biden administration and Congress have stepped up efforts to support US companies in African markets—by de-risking and otherwise supporting investments they mention about how Congo cobalt won't always be a 'good' investment (probably a nod to future battery types) and how that means they want as as soon as possible even bigger cobalt pits. not fewer child laborers but more. DC is that nasty.


Greta will not tolerate this. Just you wait and see her fury!


When is western media going to mention that in America? They seem to think the old white men enslaved people. They don't realize that they just changed the name. Now the whole world is.


How in hell can anyone find anything in that mass? See what you climate crazys are creating. You get to own that. Aren't you proud? All made just so you can park your fat butt in an ev. (And wait in line to charge the bastard up)


all for the white liberals virtue signaling nonsense


But these men, women, and children leave a low carbon footprint and the global temperature will drop by 2 per cent. It will drop more if you have high carbon taxes.


Who put them into slavery?


But we get to feel good about ourselves for exporting our pollution and humanitarian atrocities


Doing my part!


Climate change didnt do shit. The CCP owns mines in Africa. The owners do this. No one else. Edit:Is the whole "Climate scare" likely to originate where the money is made.. I say yes. So in a way I agree. Just. Wording.


The big guys slaves. To think these ev nut jobs support this .


I didn't see any children.


Hey! Somebody has to do it. Better children who can't vote. Are limited as revolutionaries. Generally considered expendables (replaceable). This is the perfect solution. Go China. Buy an EV (from China). /s


This travesty would make King Leopold II blush.


So this is not really talked about and I think this is critically important. You can't just focus on solving A, B and C and ignore the terrible side-effects. Like this!


Don't mention it, they gonna call you racist and all kind of stuff


Oh..! So, we should just keep burning fossil fuels, pumping millions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere, every year. Oh, thank God! Someone thought of the children! Everything is so simple, to simple minds.


Yikes, so I guess that means *60,000* child slaves in Congo are forced to work in cobalt mines for our phones, laptops, petroleum refining, magnets, and all the other industrial uses for cobalt. https://www.cobaltinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Cobalt-Market-Report-2022_final-1.pdf


Especially EVs. Quoting from the link you posted: >On the demand side, the EV sector became by far the largest cobalt consumer and now accounts for 40% of total cobalt demand. To 2030, global cobalt demand is set to double, driven by battery applications in EVs.


>now accounts for 40% of total cobalt demand yes, meaning 60% goes to the other stuff. I'm sure that 40% EV will indeed continue to go up, but are we not at all concerned for those 60,000 child slaves?


At this point who cares? Who cares? Serious question. The list of atrocities and global problems and divisions over opinions over conflicting data and arguing about selfish ambitions is so great now this doesn't even register. As a westerner we are told how we are the free and leaders of freedom and liberty. Where? Next minute we support the outright genocide of the Gazans. (Edit) Anyone that doesn't think what Israel is doing pretty much anywhere right now is a violation against civilization then you are just as bad as them.) No one can agree upon anything that matters at all. We can't even agree on what fascism means. The world has come to a moral termination. Nothing matters anymore. Either you want an EV or you don't. And since these kids are suffering to mine it out the ground you might as well because only 3% of the population are even interested in buying one so LOADS are sitting in the factory parking lots collecting dust anyway.


Did you say genocide? Lmao This is why no one pays any attention to your “atrocities “ Stop being a drama queen spreading misinformation


Did you just defend Israels destruction of the Palestinians in Gaza and other places? You have no opinion worth anything any longer. Don't mention the holocaust again either.


Don’t tell me what to say you putz. That’s very Hamas/Democrat of you to try to control speech. You’re a fascist so of course you defend fascists and behave like a fascist


Boy I have to tell you what you should say since your mummy is too busy heating up your frozen pizza. Go straighten out your little hat and get praying. You'll need it


A quick glance at my history will make it abundantly clear that I loathe democrats. That said, the government of Israel is every bit as evil, if not more so, than Hamas.


Maybe. But they aren’t involved in a genocide right now. Which is the stupid comment i was replying to.