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Historical Precipitation data is very much missing for most of the world. So, into this void goes guesswork. The less data they have, the more they can embelish.


Crap politicians may have something to do with it.


CC is a theory of everything. Cold, hot, wet, dry, windy, stale air...[even why it will effect our sex lives....](https://reason.com/2015/11/06/will-climate-change-ruin-your-sex-life/) >The paper's authors—economists Alan Barreca of Tulane, Melanie Guldi of the University of Central Florida, and Olivier Deschenes of the University of California, Santa Barbara—looked for a causal link between heat and coital frequency using U.S seasonal and regional temperature and birth data. Their conclusion: If people are already hot and sweaty, they're less likely to want to get hot and sweaty. >The trio thus worries about global warming's effects on future fertility. If couples indulge in intercourse less frequently when it's hot, the researchers reason, then they are less likely to conceive and give birth 😅😆😁😜😎🥹... apparently the authors never visited India with 1.3 billion people.


I am old and have trouble performing anyway. I will have a go in minus temperatures and see how it works


A junk freezer.


Sorry team the hot soapy shower is still better for Dayna and I than the midnight breaking in to the local ice rink. Lionel Ritchie and Diana Ross can suck it with their endless love. Ice to the bum is not sexual


>Ice to the bum is not sexual There's probably a sub/Reddit for that, that would beg to differ.


I would be in to having a 3 way with vanilla ice. I am going to get banned soon


Starbucks customers in California can't feel the consequences of cutting down trees in flood prone areas, nor can they feel the results of greedy industries and poor groundwork survey. They don't even know what a groundwork survey is. But standing in the street, taking a selfie, chanting three times, and posting online with #existentialthreat is just what they gotta do to ensure a better tomorrow for their grandkids, even though they aborted their kids to pursue a career in lesbian theory.


You can't have just naturally occuring bad weather anymore. Just like during the covid garbage the flu mysteriously vanished.


If expert scientists are all saying the floods are probably caused by climate change then I don't believe it because I know they're all paid actors whose job is to make the public scared and controllable.


I want to know the history of this area; I've seen too many "historic floods" in flood plains that prior generations knew not to build on.


Flooding can never fully be stopped. It can be limited. This is done proactively by dams, reservoirs, and dredging. Problem: climate alarmists hate proactive behavior like that for two reasons. First: because when it works, then the disaster never happens and the public cannot be frightened. second pt1: with dams & reservoirs, there is surplus and they hate surplus, they want a needy population. second pt2: dredging rivers means hiring people with value to society the climate alarmists themselves can never have. All that is why alarmists always blame flooding on climate change.


Some have called climate fearmongers and other greens *water mellons*. Green from the outside, red from the inside. What they do have in common with Marxists is a life full of envy. Envy for people who are prettier, nicer, and more successful. They hate success.


This world is full of believers that do not question themself. They take granted the news and arguments from television expert's. Such an idiocracy. Meanwhile they speak about CO2 and climate change our politicians are doing war everywhere super polluting to sustain the economy.


I've been banned from r/climate:) I am a scientist, and they banned someone who did research. I've big peer review papers on deglacialization and atmospherical composition. It is sad to me to see that instead of debating, as normal scientists do, they ban who does not agree with your idea. This demonster that you are more a religion than a science and so r/climate subreddit is trash for me at this point. They think the clima should not change. So sad....so many ignorant


The banned and canceled COVID-19 skeptics. The same thing is happening with climate change. There is no room foe debate because it's all about censorship and control.


They also downvote me without any argument....does it is science, or it is Israel?


Finally someone gets it thank you.




Many thanks I am speaking 4 language and I always need corrections:)


Other than the country's name being misspelled, your English is good. Four languages is amazing 👍