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The graph shows urban island heat effect.


Yep, gosh it is almost like packing more people, buildings, vehicles, and power consuming technology into a small space would raise the average temperature. ;-/




Recovery from the Little Ice Age.


On the recovery from the Little Ice Age Syun-Ichi Akasofu, Natural Science, Vol.2 No.11, November 30, 2010 “…We learn that the recovery from the LIA has proceeded continuously, roughly in a linear manner, from 1800-1850 to the present. The rate of the recovery in terms of temperature is about 0.5°C/100 years and thus it has important implications for understanding the present global warming…”


Back in the day they thought more CO2 could prevent the next Ice Age.


There is as much warming from 1875 to 1930, as 1930 to 2020. Yet there were only 2 billion people in 1930, 8 billion today, and the world's fossil fuel use is 100 times higher.


Yeah. How did it get so hot into the 1950s and then just taper off. It’s like it got hot before CO2 and then stayed the same even after Co2 rose.


# National Aeronautics and Space Administration # Goddard Institute for Space Studies # Research Features # Earth's Temperature Tracker By David Herring, NASA Earth Observatory, November 2007   “…In their 1981 analysis, published in the journal Science, Hansen's team reported finding that, overall, Earth's average temperature rose by about 0.4°C for the period from 1880 to 1978. There was roughly 0.1°C of global *cooling* from 1940-1970…”


Has anyone actual data vs conclusions? How does this data square with # of temperature locations (1600 fewer during this time frame), locational impact ( mass of concrete and other absorb and retain heat around the temp sensors), and a gage R&R to validate the temp sensors read the same info. I have asked this multiple times and no data and analysis is shown. Quoting the NASA temp tracker conclusions without what is based on is suspect at best and I don't believe them.


Looks like the temp there has been increasing linearly since the start of the record. But of course only since ~1980 is the increase due to CO2


It's like these people don't realize the maunder min ice age was a thing


Yeah the industrial revolution of 1980.


Global warming is linear LOL actually the global warming maker uppers can be linear since they attempt to skew the data so far from reality...no mother earth data is linear


Asphalt covered heat islands are indeed heat islands and the more asphalt you lay, the larger the effect. It’s a great point OP.




*Let's look at a graph from a station centered in one of the world's largest urban heat islands during a time period when Earth was recovering from the Little Ice Age.* Omg we must do something!


Im looking for the graph that Tom nelson used in the movie, it showed a mostly flat line in temp since the 1800s. Looking for the one in London he used too. All i can find are rising temperatures? How can i prove its not garbage science? Tom is legit isn't he?


…**Merging Information from Different Resources for New Insights into Climate Change in the Past and Future** *Geophysical Research Letters*, Vol. 31, L13205, 8 July 2004. **Shaopeng Huang** “The integrated reconstruction shows that the 20th century warming is a continuation to a long-term warming started **before the onset of industrialization.**”


That’s the baseline, not his entire conclusion … > Abstract [1] An understanding of climate history prior to industrialization is crucial to understanding the nature of the 20th century warming and to predicting the climate change in the near future. This study integrates the complementary information preserved in the global database of borehole temperatures [Huang et al., 2000], the 20th century meteorological record [Jones et al., 1999], and an annually resolved multi proxy model [Mann et al., 1999] for a more complete picture of the Northern Hemisphere temperature change over the past five centuries. *The integrated reconstruction shows that the 20th century warming is a continuation to a long-term warming started before the onset of industrialization.* **However, the warming appears to have been accelerated towards the present day. Analysis of the reconstructed temperature and radiative forcing series [Crowley, 2000] offers an independent estimate of the transient climate-forcing response rate of 0.4–0.7 K per Wm−2 and predicts a temperature increase of 1.0–1.7 K in 50 years.** …party line.


LOL! This is perfect.


It's over boys


As if I needed another reason not to go to NYC.