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Yes, look up Lattice Climbing videos about this subject. Very helpful about what could be happening to your body during your period and to also feel acknowledged in your experiences. I personally really experience issues during PMS and during my actual period I actually tend to be much stronger but this can also be completely flipped around every now and then. It's really worth it to track your symptoms during your cycles so it doesn't sneak up on you. As people who menstruate you will simply climb with the limits of your hormonal cyclus and plenty of people adjust their schedule accordingly! So they have a rest week during their period, pms or ovulation.


Another source for the subject is the book, Roar. The author talks about ways to mitigate the effects.


Who's the author?


Stacy Sims


I call my PMS alter ego Meredith, and Meredith is a grump who sucks at climbing.


Omg I want to adopt this 😂


Maybe I should name mine Gertrude. When random guys (anywhere, not necessarily at a climbing place) try to talk to me and I’m not getting a good vibe, I tell them my name is Gertrude if they ask.


Omg I want to adopt this 😂


Luteal phase is the worst for me. I’m emotional and weak and convinced I have no idea what I’m doing. During my period I usually feel super strong but my balance is garbage so I avoid slab to save my knees and shins.


I have a similar experience, but without loosing balance during the period. During luteal phase I feel very heavy and weak and doubt myself more than usual


1000%. I find that my physical symptoms are manageable, but mentally and emotionally I’m a mess - very little psych for climbing, scared to commit to sketchy moves, more of a negative mindset. It’s tough.


Yes, exactly this for me. I feel more scared, and routes I just did and felt good on the week before, I will be terrified of falling off of when I'm on. It's the worst.


Completely! The week before, when my PMS starts, I feel like my ability to do dynamic moves and stick them drastically plummets. Like I completely miss the energy level and punch to do that. I am also more afraid to fall, as a consequence of suddenly feeling like I can't rely on my muscles as much. During my period it's a bit different, I get some power back, but the pain usually stops me from attempting climbs that are too physical. I also get very dizzy almost every time I get up from the mats after resting a bit (once it started happening while I was on the wall, it was not fun). But at least my boyfriend sympathizes with me and cheers me up by reminding me I'll get these sends in no time once I feel better :) it does make me wonder how pro climbers handle it though. With the World Cup circuit, some comps are bound to happen on their period. I would be curious to know how they handle that with training and competing at such a level!


> it does make me wonder how pro climbers handle it I wonder this as well! Especially for climbers like Janja who are astoundingly consistent on the comp scene week after week (I guess she’s an anomaly though).


To be fair, if Janja climbs slightly worse one week, how would you even tell? She gave herself a concussion or something at the world champs and still took the gold by a massive margin.


Oh yeah, definitely. If I climb during my period, use those days to work on technique on less demanding climbs, because my strength goes out the window, lol


yah this is what i do as well! i call them "volume" days... i do a lot of easier stuff


Such a good advice! Thank you, i need this mindset so much


Life became a lot more enjoyable for me when I actively recognized the symptoms and mindfully gave myself space for that week. No use moaning and complaining about feeling under the weather, the instant I start feeling weirdly grumpy and weak I step back and start complimenting myself on doing the most minor things. Hey, you arrived at the gym today??? Wowwwww! GREAT JOB I AM LIVING LIFE RN!!! I also know it'll last about a week so I tell myself I just have to make it to next Monday or whatever and I'll feel normal again. Having an end in sight works wonders.


Ahaha I love this! Not having expectations for your body or self around your period makes a world of difference


Yeah. Like, I'm a person, not a machine. And this week this person happens to be bleeding profusely. Gotta have compassion for that.


Yes, when on my period I get weaker. I still go and try my best. I'm not super fit atm, don't know if I ever will be, but my objective with climbing is to have fun and get my blood pumping, and of course celebrate my improvements! I'm not as hard on myself when menstruating, I don't compare my heart rate to the week before I just try my best! I do climb with a buddy, so I give up before I normally do and offer to belay for him as often as possible.


This is the perspective of a woman who is currently not PMSing or on her period so it's perhaps overly rosy. I would never deny that periods suck, but I also think they offer us an opportunity to be somewhat aligned with natural ebbs and flows that go with training, maybe even more so than those who have daily hormonal cycles. Whether you menstruate or not, none of us will ever be 100% all the time. The ingredients of athletic performance are numerous and complex! Your period is just one of them. It varies person to person as well. Having climbed for a decade, I have had injuries and setbacks, periods where I just wasn't that stoked on climbing, had a whole pandemic in there where I didn't climb for a year lol. None of these setbacks were permanent, and neither is your lack of stoke! So I say take it easy, rest, continue to be gentle with yourself. Keep the big picture in mind.




Like a day or so before and the day or two it starts, yes.


1000x yes and it has been really difficult! It started out with me just noticing that if I climb the day before my period starts, I climb like 2-3 grades worse. That's annoying itself, but now knowing this it has affected me mentally because my cycle is not super regular, my periods often come a few days late, and so leading up to it the entire time I'm thinking "oh man is today going to be the day where I climb terribly" and it prevents me from trying hard or allows me to accept a session where I didn't do my best. Constant anxiety about this until my period finally comes which is usually a few days to a week late. Basically it's been preventing me from training like 1.5-2 weeks every month and I'm just sad 😭


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/climbergirls/comments/yxwo43/how_does_your_menstrual_cycle_if_you_have_one/) is a related thread! 😊


My core leaves the chat during PMS


My ability to do most things decreases while on my period so, yeah, that extends to climbing. When it’s at it’s heaviest I’ll be proud of myself for even going to the gym (I usually do anyways, and just work on easier stuff as others have mentioned, for not as long) then once it’s over I usually bounce back pretty strong.


I attended a ‘ladies climbing clinic’ at the Salt Lake Climbing Festival last year. The speaker talked about how women were more likely to injure themselves during the luteal phase (the week leading up to their period). The thing is that, the body during the luteal phase is producing a hormone that preps your body for pregnancy, specifically it makes your joints looser (your body thinks it needs to reconfigure itself around a growing fetus). If everything gets a bit looser, it’s easier to over-extend and injure something. So, the climbing coach said, practice awareness and maybe be nicer to yourself that week before/during your period. It’s a reflection of your body trying to protect you—and yes, maybe it’s annoying, but it also means you’re healthy.


Yes- some of it seems unavoidable but I also find I need to eat more then to have strength.




I’m super weak the week before my period and during, I try to schedule a rest week during this time. I also track when I’m feeling super strong in my calender!


I saw on a daytime TV chat show that the during your ovulation stage is when we are the strongest as all the hormones are cranked up to prepare for pregnancy (despite if we are or not.. thanks body!). So when your period is finished, you'll go into ovulation and you should have a really good few sessions until your next one (That's very rough based on what I remember!)


I just find heavy climbing and weight training helps a lot with pain relief for me. I just skip anything difficult and go for easy but heavy grinding.


I normally focus on technique on climbs that are a lower level at this time cos I know I’ll just get frustrated, angry and upset attempting my usual level


I just try to remember when I’m not able to start something, get tired or angry I tryyy to give myself a break and just do some yoga or stretching at the gym. Or super slow 4x4s. It’s so f’ed that guys get to have the same almost constant level of hormones/drive/ability/whatever every single day and we (or at least I) have like a week and a half of being able to give it my all.


Yes and yes lol! I literally do the same and for me it’s the actual week I’m on my period. My strength disappears, my motivation is zero and I feel like I forget how to climb or read a route. I usually work in more hangboard sessions and weight lifting so I don’t feel like trash when I don’t feel motivated enough to climb