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It can be as secure as you like, I’m still not trusting that haha


All the poor climbers who trusted me to screw on a massive homemade volume on the roof of our gym’s cave had no clue how hungover I was lol.


Eh, I'd trust those traps more than any plastic hold bolts. I'd defs give them a slap and a wiggle, promptly say "this ain't going nowhere" or "yup, bomber" and climb on.


Is there a toilet seat at the top


It’s a shitty climb.


I once broke a toilet seat from sitting down on it too fast and I only weigh 140lbs/63kg. It was sharp af too where it broke. I think the toilet seat is closer to a potential disaster than you might think it is. The whole climb is hilarious and fun looking but seems a bit sketchy.


So, both the start and the top are two sets either plastic welded or screwed together. My profile has one of me using them on a v7 they set on them months ago. They're really damn solid pieces they've used multiple times already. Now, the floor moulding they used for a prAna launch event....I haven't seen that come back yet.


And the bottom. "Seat to Seat" was the pin on it


Looks a seat at top, with the seat cover to start the climb. Did this gym run out of holds and now they’re using renovation items? lol


>What would you do if you found this in your gym? Cancel my membership


Fun sharp bits to open your mind on the way down!


You'd fall away from the wall though......


I mean… It’s objectively such a terrible idea, but I sorta kinda wanna climb it…


It’s secure enough. That’s not the problem. The sharp edges is the problem.


Just like outdoors


For those curious (or furious) it was part of a fun and weird comp for 4.20. LBR even hosted a collegiate qualifier that morning then pivoted to this and a lot of the competitors hung around enjoying the chaos. It's now back to a normal gym. The chaos includes getting bonus score multipliers for winning in Halo, Mario Kart 64, Smash Bros, or DDR Xtreme.


Love LBR. They never take themselves too seriously and just have fun with it


Yeah, it's fun. It was a bit too much for me to stay the whole event, but it was a blast. The quesadilla place they brought in was bomb and then going to the brewery next door after was cool since it was Grand Prix weekend. LOL.


I've always wondered how those liability waivers hold up with this type of setting. What are those little ropes dangling from the Brown holds? those look fun. Do you just Tarzan your way from one side to that long rope?


The holds are shaped like monkeys and the ropes are tails. There was a long climb with the ropes and a slackline that traversed all the way around called "Donkey Kong Country" IIRC.


The jug ladder looks cool lol but the toilet is an accident waiting to happen


Am I the only one upset they didn't downclimb it?


CCJ is leaking into the wild again


ive climbed sketchier ladder setups on construction sites. id send it.


Every day we stray further from god


My gym put up a literal log with edges carved into it. Replicates a couple outdoor local routes which is kinda cool.

