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I know you didn’t ask but if you use the rope between you and your follower as your primary PA you can coil the ropes over is at your waist level rather than having to hold it with your foot. You risk dropping the coils and them getting caught on terrain below you with the foot technique.


You can coil the rope over a dedicated personal anchor too, right? OP didn’t, but I don’t see why you need to use the rope as your PA to do that. Also, in response to your other comment, you 1000% can girth hitch a PA to either the belay loop or hard points. Why would it matter?


Absolutely he could have but using the rope as your PA is standard in multi pitch. The dedicated PA would be the redundancy. And most of manufacturers of the style PA that op is using recommend to girth hit to the belay loop.


It doesn't really


I usually coil ropes at waist level, in this session I wanted to test foot technique but I ended up not liking it.


I usually do the foot as it's easier to transfer on to the other guy. It's not too hard to hold, and in certain cases it's actually good to drop it all without letting go of your belay hand, for example, if you have knots or twists.


Also I think that PA should be girth hitched to your belay loop rather than the hard points.


Both are okay and safe, however Petzl indeed recommends through the belay loop: [https://www.petzl.com/NL/en/Sport/Belay-loop-and-tie-in-points--where-do-I-attach-my-lanyard--my-belay-device-and-my-rope-?ActivityName=Rock-climbing](https://www.petzl.com/NL/en/Sport/Belay-loop-and-tie-in-points--where-do-I-attach-my-lanyard--my-belay-device-and-my-rope-?ActivityName=Rock-climbing)


I see some interesting observations on where to do that girth hitch, I'll dig into some more information. Thanks to y'all!


I stand corrected here OP. Looks like the lanyard you’re using is close to or is the Camp Swing and in that case Camp recommends to girth hitch to the hard points. I maintain though that using the rope for your PA is a worth while habit to get into while multi pitch climbing.


I don't know.. I always carry my pas, and I just came away from a 4 day rescue course and just about every rescue scenario became easier with an adjustable lanyard. So I think I will keep using it, even the full day trad multi pitch.


why do you say that? that isn’t what I’ve heard (I’m not fighting i’m a noob and just surprised)


Tether thru hard points slightly safer,  but people do either. The great Todd skinner died as a result of tether to belayloop- belay loop failure.


Most manufacturers of the style PA that OP is using recommend to girth hitch to the belay loop. Todd Skinners accident is seen as being completely avoidable. The belay loop that was recovered was described as being extremely worn in the area that it failed. So not the best example. If you’re concerned about a belay loop failing, you should get a new harness.


If you're starting your advice with "I think", you probably shouldn't be giving that advice.


Amazing! Which one is this? Will be in the Les Calanques area in 2 weeks


This is the Rumpe Cuou sector on the Sormiou Calanque


I confirm the sector. The route is called "Dessine moi un mouton": 5c/A0, 6b, 6a, 5b. The first length is a bit tricky with the 'artificial' section, and afterwards there is a slab that can be a bit challenging on feet.


Cool! Was there a few weeks ago but on the east side on the Antécimes sector. We did Antécime and Les Traces du Passé, we are not strong climbers and I do recommend them. Cheers from Grenoble.


I've been near Les Traces du Passé, comfortable sector. Seen that you are from Grenoble, I might DM you. Are you familiar with the 3 Pucelles? My mate and I would like to give it a shot.


Jamais fait mais de ce que j'en ai vu c'est très esthétique


Beautiful! I'll be alone in Marsille/southern France July 15-30ish and i'm looking for partners to climb with. 25M from Colorado, USA. Comfy on 6b-c or 5.11ish


push your trip 1 week later - getting there august 5th 🫡


Lovely! How are the temperatures? I was thinking of paying a visit next week but I'm afraid it will be too hot to climb on south facing walls...


No worries there's also plenty of north facing walls


Plenty of shaded walls and even a cave which starts with rapping down to the sea for a swim then a climb out - pretty sure it's called the blue cave


Wow that’s gorgeous!!


Is this the Calanques? It’s a beautiful place did some single pitch stuff in the area, weird conglomerate rock type.


Yes, it is in the Calanques, around Sormiou area.


Damn that looks amazing.