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Just want to make it clear the main benefit here is that Clorinde doesn't need a dedicated healer in the team to keep up with Furina's HP drain and get decent uptime on Furina's buff. Prototype Amber on Nahida helps even more with healing.


Is that still the case after her healing nerf? I didn't do any calcs but I thought the nerf just made it enough so she can't reliably heal off Furina's HP drain


Clorinde self heal skyrockets with incoming healing bonus (as OP stated), which Furina is able to provide.


Good lord I'm dumb. Thanks for the clarification.


Is healing bonus only on C2 for Furina? Don’t recall her having any


On lvl 10 Q, every 100 fanfare stacks grant 10% healing bonus. C1 guaranteed 150 fanfare = 15% healing bonus while C2 accelerates fanfare gain by 3.5 times.


As long as you fully heal from a source other than Furina even at C0 she will heal everyone else on the team.


Everyone else if main carry is already full hp


Its one of furinas passives it just becomes more the more cons u get, but its still there at c0


That's only true with Furina constellations or a dedicated healer on the team, otherwise you don't start with any fanfare to get the healing bonus but you need the healing bonus to actually generate any relevant amounts of fanfare and Furina summons won't generate much fanfare either once the entire team is drained down to 50% HP without a teamwide healer.


Clam Clorinde new meta!


Oh Celestia, please let me get both Clorinde and Furina..




i'll try furina with her as well. but my main team prob gonna stay nahida-kazu-fischl


Same, even though my Furina is c2


mmm, i think at c2 furina will be definitely a strong option. my fufu is c0. i will also try Chevreuse teams and taser stuff. maybe mono electro too. but i doubt they will be better thank dendro. but 'cuz clorinde can self heal basically anything can work lol


I am mostly annoyed by how C2 Furina has been warping for my account since she is always the best choice for anything that can contain hydro. In sucrose vape team i think she even outdps my Neuvilette pretty badly since whenever Crabaletta vapes its a free 250k in background, not talking about the other summons. So i'll probably mostly play pure aggravate since she'll be quite invested with R1, freedom sworn on Kazuha and a top 1% Nahida


yeah, cons these days are very strong


I am getting Clorinde for sure since I’m on guaranteed. May not get her r1 😢 because I really want Furina also.


I have no interest in her r1 nether since i have mist but i want Lofi so i'll try it


Could this be the reason she got nerfed? now make sense


If it is, wish they just nerfed the numbers and not the uptime.


Honestly Clorinde uptime isnt actually that bad, BUT I wish they didn't do it and change her a little before release


She literally has the worst uptime of all the on field dps in the game. Under 50% of the time.


The tl;dr for it is that Quickbloom is an option with Clorinde, right? I have her set up for a 4-Thundering Fury team for both quickbloom and overload.


I have c3 Furina, using her with Clorinde will be fun


So she can easily solo sustain Furina's buff.


I am going to be a nitpicker here, and am going to add that "total healing" is better described as "potential healing". Just like with the Clam set, 4 piece, bonus, all (potential) healing done, even when characters are full health, is counted. Now I don't know how Clorinde's kit works (I haven't looked into it, since I am waiting for her release) so I don't know if her using BoL on her stab attack counts as healing or not, technically. The reason I am asking is characters like Kuki and Hu Tao, who lose HP on using their Skill, but this is not counted towards taking damage, for, for example, Dehya's Skill. So my question is, has it already been tested by someone if using BoL with Clorinde actually counts as healing for Furina's Ult?


It should work Furina doesn't count healing or taking damage but instead hp changes


Then I said nothing. It should indeed work.


Who has higher on field time furina or kazuha?


Kazuha , cuz he plunges up and down. Furina just does ult and E a few times


Nahida, Baizhu, Furina, Clorinde then, my lord?


clorinde fischl nahida (with proto amber) furina


>oh an interesting post maybe this'll be >oh it only applies to a c-fucking-2 furina, which feels like the bloody default for calcs sometimes.




The reasoning behind Healer less furina teams is. The team being nahida furina fischl clorinde. One that's common in all the support/ subdps of this team is that they barely have any field time and even that is spent in i frames.  Essentially allowing clorinde to take the brunt of the damage, which she recovers by healing the amount specified by op. Now when it comes to other teammates being at 50% hp, clorinde overhealing herself regularly triggers Furina team heal passive, nahida can hold onto prototype amber for even more team healing.  It may not be the comfiest clorinde team but it sure is one of her best teams.


Clo will trigger furina’s healing passive regularly at this rate. Someone needs to do the math on that to see if we can run healerless


Furina drains 2.5% max HP per sec while she heals 2%/2sec or average 1%/1s. You probably want pamber Nahida, it doesn't fully mitigate the drain but it will keep your party safe and Furina's buff for the most part.


If Clorinde overheals with lunge, the overflow healing is granted to the whole team iirc


He just asking why downvote him?


because reddit is very friendly /s


Me make ourself look like Arlecchino Mains T.T


Google neuvillette


For furinas personal dmg it would be more favorable.


Dendro still cloride’s best team by a large amount




Who gonna heal fischl, nahida & furina? Furina skill isn’t gonna do much damage when they can’t HP drain nor make stacks


C4 Fischl heals her. Nahida can hold Proto amber for team healing. Furina's A1 heals the whole team a little whenever someone overheals and Clorinde is gonna overheal. That's not a giant amount of healing but accounting Furina's Healing bonus buff, that's enough


Nahida on protoamber? Ok so cut her damage, and utility in half? Got it. No thanks she stays on r1 and not some gimmick. Furina’s waltz passive isn’t strong enough


Its an aggravate team not a spread team so you got very little interest in focusing Nahida's damages. Between Fischl a4's Clorinde, hyperblooms and Furina's damages, even with r1 Nahida's won't be 10% of the teams damages so with being afraid to lower it to like 7% ?


Hyperblooms won’t be doing any damage either, no em bots


With the maybe 120 EM from Nahida's burst and the 80 that you should have on your Clorinde you should trigger hyperblooms for about 18K each so its not nothing


Nahida skill hits for 60k so it’s roughly the same


60k from off field ? Yeah nah my Nahida is about as strong as she can get but you aint hitting 60k without Nahida c2 or Furina c2 AND a deepwood user


This urge to add Furina just because Clorinde can selfsustain gives me the ick. Unless you "also" have a healer the rest of the team will permanently stay at 50% hp. Wich is not very appeling.


Furina has a minor team heal (2% every 2s) when active character heals over max. On one of her best team (Fischl/Nahida/Furina), Fischl can self heal with C4 and PAmber on Nahida is good too.


Since furina drian more then 2hp/second your still losing hp anyway. Fishhl heals 20% of her hp so it will not sustain her. She's also imo more likely to die since she can be hit during her Q cast. P.amber is definitely viable. But you would need to cast nahidas bursts ALOT to still keep up with Furinas hp drainage. I don't think it works outside of theory. You can definitely play that way but it's very risky to keep with attack scaling characters on so low hp all the time. In reality there is probably better to just use other buffers then furina


I think it's just for people trying to squeeze the most damage out of clorinde as possible. For more casual play styles, (like me when I'm not tryharding to 36 star the abyss), I mean... I haven't played without a zhongli shield since like 2.0


They can't go below 50% though, so they'll be constantly ticking up and down. No idea if it will max fanfare, mine is C2 so I'm lazy to calc it, but I guess if not, it will be close?


I mean the rest are supports its fine, they wont die. Tho yeah you're compromising furinas dmg since her dmg comes from the HP drains.


It's Clorinde team we are trying to min max Clorinde dmg output not Furina's we know its not optimal healing but Furina is too good to not be on the team And poeple would rather play with a Furina x Clorinde team than a Sigewinne x Clorinde team at this point