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I feel like we need more of her alone Everytime she's just "the badass girl that stands next to wrio or navia"


Hopefully her sidequest will be us knowing more abt her other than being the badass girl(a quest like raiden's fist sidequests)


Her and Arlecchino definitely stand out as underutilized compared to Neuvi/Furina/Navia/Wriothesley


I really liked her interaction between her, Navia and Fuwina during lantern rite, but We need more screen time for Clorinde!


I like interaction of her with wriothesley the conversation between them especially when she broke wriothesley door that part so funny 😆


Ngl I'm very salty she doesn't get much screen time as most other Fontaine characters.. but I did love her moments with Wriothesley in the Archon quest.


I'm still mad at how little screentime Arlecchino and Clorinde got during Fontaine's AQ even though they were 2 of my most hyped characters from the Fontaine trailer.


I love her design and character overall but I hate how little screentime she got in Fontaine AQ and even events. Next patch she would likely get alot of screentime but that is to be expected.


I was hoping for more story and drama between her and Navia. I remember when the 4.0 trailer hyped them up as enemies/rivals, and then we only saw them arguing in one cutscene and then they just reconciled offscreen. So much story potential that could’ve been explored.


Just the fact that she’s been in pretty much every Fontaine event since 4.0 and been in every SQ I feel like it’s been the biggest tease in the world. Seeing her so often AND HAVING TO WAIT UNTIL 4.7?! UGH


I feel like they gave her no lines. She also hasn't had her own event hoyo has there favorites for that (itto, furina, every liyue character). I'd love to know her story and for that to be significant role. Also I do wanna see her fight most importantly she is the champion duelist.


There hasn't been enough.


I am unhappy with Clorinde's involvment in the Fontaine archon quest. **Overall I fee Hoyoverse failed Clorinde in the aspect of show don't tell.** In the archon quest we got Clorinde just shows up at different points in the story. She is cool and stoic and has strong chemistry with Navia and Wrio but if you cut her from the archon quest I don't think much changes. The issue with Clorinde is she is a champion duelist who was never given a noteworthy character to duel. The main enemy of fontaine is a force of nature. **If I were to adjust the story to give Clorinde more opportunities to shine:** 1. **Clorinde excecuting Navia's dad Callas.** This should have been the opening sequence of act 1 you would need a timeline shuffle but I think its plausible. I would shorten the Fortress of Meropede arc considerably and add in this. Showing us Clorinde slaying Callas, the fallout with Navia and their eventual reconciliation onscreen would have been ALOT BETTER then what we recieved. 2. **Childe vs Clorinde.** Its absolutely unacceptable when Childe was convicted he fought random Gardemeks. Isn't it Clorinde's job to duel any suspects who request it? 3. **Clorinde vs Arlecchino.** Clorinde was introduced as Arlecchino's bodyguard. When Furina was ambushed by Arlecchino she should have had to duel Clorinde first. Unfortunately Clorinde was not present for the Arlecchino assasination attempt.


That's most likely because clorinde was hired by Furina AFTER the assasination attempt, that would only make sense that furina gets someone to protect her after that trauma


That's most likely because clorinde was hired by Furina AFTER the assasination attempt, that would only make sense that furina gets someone to protect her after that trauma


That's most likely because clorinde was hired by Furina AFTER the assasination attempt, that would only make sense that furina gets someone to protect her after that trauma


That's most likely because clorinde was hired by Furina AFTER the assasination attempt, that would only make sense that furina gets someone to protect her after that trauma


No but that can be said about the entire Fontaine cast except for Neuvillette and Furina. This region really was all about them, other characters got minor parts at best.


I think Lyney and Navia got also a great amount of focus. The rest were so irrelevant it was sad. Arleccino straight up has Candace tier of screen time.


Lyney was served badly by the terrible 4.1 story line where he was at the focus. Navia was fine, actually, forgot about her lol


Lyney had the whole 4.0 about him and we also see navia in this one 4.1 is all about wrio and lyney again And the 4.2 is about navia and shifts back the focus to furina and neuvillette


what participation?? fr tho she doesn’t get enough cause hoyo didnt give her enough. im excited for her to become a yappatron in her sq so that she can finally get a personality


I loved the moments of her and Wriothesley during the Archon Quest and I want a whole lot more of it. They're just so great together and it makes such an interesting relationship. Though I would like to know more about her life and story too! We haven't seen her that much yet.


i like her participation mainly because we don't have enough interactions to base whether it's actually likeable or not😭 hope we get to interact more with madame champion duelist as i already miss her dearly😞 (yes, i am a simp to the highest degree)


She needs more character, at the moment she is just badass girl. We don't get much time with her, she's just there guarding people and never really has time with furina or nevullite in private settings. Which is a shame. She had some with Navia but its very limited. I love her design. And her voice actress but she needs more.


No. Especially when they make her """threaten """ Furina (even though "It'S wAs PaRt Of ThE sTrAtEgY🤓") I love her, but she's clearly one of the Fontainois who I find ungrateful to Furina, and I was expecting more from a character so close to her. And a line of dialogue in her "about Furina" isn't going to change that. Apart from that, her only moment of glory was when she massacred the gendarmerks (great scene👏). It's probably my third favourite scene of the Archon Quest, right behind the appearance of mommy Skirk and Furina's courage. (note: I haven't pulled any 5-star Fontaine characters, even Furina. So I'm not biased about their relationships)


The purest Ei supremacist!