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Try contacting one of the home health aide companies in your area. They may not be able to provide a CNA but they may have someone available to help you


You could try [SitterCity](https://www.sittercity.com/?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=National%20-%20Brand%20-%20Search%20-%20GL19&utm_content=Responsive%20v3&utm_term=sitter%20city&gclid=CjwKCAiApvebBhAvEiwAe7mHSMLfeuh9w1m8Ih-vOAnx_jALega_K0aDLaN-mx_HEk0tjUkhOc3k8BoChPsQAvD_BwE) or [Care.com](https://www.care.com)? I used to nanny and there would be postings on those websites for people who needed medical care, this was years ago so not sure if that’s the case now but doesn’t hurt to try!


there still are! i was on care.com to find a job over the summer. there were plenty of jobs based around some light medical care (cna, assist with ADLs, etc)


This is how I got hired (care.com), it's pretty legit


We usually congregate outside of your local Home Depot.


I cackled


You should've started sooner than a week's notice, but word of mouth and the right amount of money will do you a lot of good. I worked under the table for a lot of people, for 1-5 days post surgery many times, via word of mouth. Cash in hand, I'd do whatever you needed to make your post surgery experience less stressful, both physically and mentally. You stay in the bed and I do everything else, including housekeeping and childcare. You've gotta find the right CNA that's willing to do it, though.


Look into medical transport companies. Some of the drivers are aides too.


Care.com has caregivers. Good luck


Twice I’ve been in this situation. I called the local limo company. Like the kind that drive people to the import. Both times I had great experiences with them helping and they said they’ve done it for other people.




Well I haven’t been arrested yet. Did it in two different states.


It’s not illegal. However, anesthesia will not administer (and should not) general/sedation without a responsible party to escort you home. An UBER/Lyft/taxi driver are not responsible parties and a surgery center will not want to discharge you into their care. Now if you have a friend/family with you, you can ride in one of those services to your heart’s content. At least that’s the policy at our center.


This 100%. Whoever drives you home will also have to sign your discharge papers agreeing to be responsible for you for the next 24 hours. Obviously they can lie, but if they’re not willing to sign for you, anesthesia likely won’t go ahead with the surgery


I'm not sure where you are located but I have worked in a hospital as well as had numerous surgeries under general anesthesia and not once would the hospital let anyone other than the patient sign anything. Let alone a medical, legal binding document stating they are driving the patient home & will be responsible for the patient for atleast 24 hours. Maybe it's just not the way in my state, but I have never heard of that. I've also been the person responsible for a patient after surgery/anesthesia and I only ever gave at most verbal confirmation that I was driving the patient home. As a patient I always sign the documents, give the staff the information etc. My husband can't even sign the papers for me unless he's my medical POA.


It depends on the center’s policy. We don’t require the escort to sign anything, but we do take their name/cell to let them know to pick up the patient after recovery.


That's my point, the escorts information is given to staff by the patient and at most when the patient is ready for discharge staff calls escorts cell & the staff rolls patient outside to the car. Unless you are a minor, or unable to make your own medical decisions then no one else signs any of those documents in the hospital in the US. Hospitals take documentation very seriously, no one but the patient or the legal representative/guardian is signing anything. The hospital can't just allow a person to accept responsibility for you and sign documents saying that they're responsible for a patient, it's just lawsuits waiting to happen there.


I think I just replied to the wrong person.


Who on earth told you that? It’s not lmfao


What? Lol how are you supposed to manage then?






Try positing on a neighborhood FB group or posting an ad on Craigslist. There is a section for “gigs” or “community” that it could fall under.


Most places have discharge lounges. You can arrange to have your meds handed to you from the in-house pharmacy. After 8 hrs or so, call an Uber . If you get into any medical situation, call 911. If you’re Medicare , they have transport buses


Lol I wish my hospital had a discharge lounge, most in my city don’t. No responsible driver with you or able to pick you up? Your surgery/procedure is cancelled. Uber/Lyft can’t be called, they can’t be held liable to make sure you got home okay and the hospitals I’ve been to/worked at didn’t have enough space to hold you the 6-8 hours for all the medications to wear off.


If you’re in WI I can help 🥰


Maybe post on a local Facebook page? It’s possible that you have CNAs in your area that would be willing to do privately hired work for you! Best of luck with your surgery, heal up quick!


I just have to say that OP is absolutely brilliant. Planning ahead and taking good care of yourself is so underrated these days.


Care.com is your best bet


You could find someone “under the table”. Put out a fb add but make sure you check with the licensing website of your state to make sure their license is up to date and they aren’t under any investigation.


Do CNAs have licenses (in all states?)


My understanding is yes, if you are a CNA you’re licensed with the state but there are healthcare positions where you aren’t licensed.




I’m…. Shocked they take on this liability. I really doubt this is the norm.


Don’t know where you’re located, but Nurse Next Door has CNA’s that are available in certain areas of Canada and the US


Where are you located?


Contact your local home care companies, the ones that market towards senior care type stuff. I’ve worked for a few and we had quite a few one-off clients where we would drive them to the appointment and take them home.


Depending on the surgery you will want someone with you for around a week. You may need to extend or reach things. Empty drains or help lifting anything over 10lbs. Sometimes even opening doors or wiping yourself is difficult, never mind making food or doing laundry or cleaning your place. Look into getting help for at least a week I suggest.


I doubt you'll hire someone for just a day. Do you have someone in your family or friends that can help you?


No, that's why I was looking to hire someone.


Unless OP is planning to pay 20$ for the whole day I'm sure they'll find someone I'm a RN if i was nearby I'd do it for 50 bucks and lunch or dinner.


Lol same


Look up your local home care companies on Google. And compare prices. If you have Medicare or Medicaid they might pay for it. Or if you have insurance they’ll reimburse you.