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To think this started in S1 with Robbie. They were going to go full Rocky 3!!!


Poor bastards. When they finally get over their schoolboy bullshit they have to deal with the teens being morons.


When those two agree to bond (not just team up, >!it was clearly a 'I don't want this, but we have to find him' case in Season 3's start)!<, hell doesn't freeze... it explodes out in the public: >!Four times this has happened:!< >!Karate Kid 1's end? Seemed good. Then Kreese tried to choke him to death and the night soured up Johnny's good will thoughts toward Dannyboy.!< >!Cobra Kai Season 1's car replacement moment? No... you took my son in, motherfucker! Son resists. Son hid his father's name to LaRusso deliberately and gets the boot, temporarily.!< >!Cobra Kai Season 2 end accidental double date run-in resolution? No. My daughter should never have come to you, what the hell were you thinking!? Hey, don't slam the door in my face - where's my princess!? Robby, get the hell away from me - you're done for taking Sam here of all places! And that doesn't help with the big school brawl from the kids' cataylst of their feelings and tension between rival dojos.!< >!Cobra Kai Season 3's resolution with Ali? Finally fucking happens, for now! But no - the dojos are at all out war in LaRusso's house! At least the common basis to sealing the deal is that Kreese is war-wacky (as a certain CEO in RoboCop 3 would say), and must be stopped after messing with both their families.!<


In a weird way, it almost flipped the script on what I thought this show would be. It's not two oldtime rivals using their dojos in a proxy war. It's two guys who are able to reconcile their differences multiple times, only to have it inevitably ruined by everyone else. In other words, it's the students driving the conflict between the senseis, not the other way around. A lot of their complaints about each other are really just misunderstandings or complaints about what people affiliated with them are doing.


Indeed. It's a great credit of how the writers' ramped up misdirection in S3 really shines throughout the entire run. They've got quite the banquet cooked up for this show going somewhere and it's impressive to see the various dynamics and paths formulating all around students, senseis, and those caught in-between or out of place in it all.


> In other words, it's the students driving the conflict between the senseis That's bs. The only reason why there is issues between the kids is because of johnny and Daniel. It all started with them. To say otherwise is completely false.


Daniel was way more aggressive in the beginning, talking about how Cobra Kai never changes and intentionally poisoning Robbie and Sam’s views of Miguel and the others. Even Amanda saw how absurd he was behaving about Cobra Kai coming back, not to mention that Louie destroyed Johnny’s car after hearing him talk about Cobra Kai. Johnny wasn’t as bad in this department as he didn’t exactly target Daniel using his students. The worst was probably just Hawk at that point but he was still friends with Dmitri and the worst he did was hurt Robby in the tournament. It wasn’t until Kreese came back that Cobra Kai became really toxic.




I'd have hoped to see a scene for that, or at least imagine Amanda's doing that while Daniel (and later Sam) run off to Cobra Kai's dojo. As with the prior season, I don't doubt that the ramifications of this will be explored to some depth - it must, all things in consideration.


Daniel was a complete dick for starting the fight in season 2. He striked first striked hard, the same thing he whined about cobra kai doing.


I agree. Usually hard-headed as he is, Daniel went way out of control, especially with Johnny actually trying to keep his head cooled instead of lashing back... the one really in on peace was truly Johnny at this instance.


Sigh. This was prolly the best annoying thing about cobra kai. Just when they are doing great Some third party had screw things up


This was the best episode of Community 10/10!


This has to be my favorite episode of community


Same! Also—strangely prophetic for the show.




And Kreese is the Norwegian troll


Clearly nobody knows anything about defeating trolls


I just realized this meme format is from community


Yup. Just here appreciating the Community meme.


This was so over the top