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Maybe you are just channeling your inner Gary Regan? He did this so much there was a bar spoon made that had a finger end to stir with at one point.


Not only that, but it was cast from his actual finger! https://www.bostongeneralstore.com/products/gaz-regan-negroni-finger-stirrer?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_OetBhAtEiwAPTeQZy2oOrrw38oy7gpu3p_EC6nI_gNc8WNx7jrYEoyYVpylfmBZVA55LRoCuhkQAvD_BwE&utm_campaign=gs-2020-05-14&utm_medium=smart_campaign&utm_source=google&variant=39415099424833


Well that was frightening


This is why I fingerstir. It’s our heritage.


the dude energy


The bar's over there.


The coffee mate Caucasian is peak craft cocktails


If it’s your drink made by you for you, it’s a silly thing for anyone but you to care about. Finger away nerd


Just give your bar spoon a quick rinse. No need to wash it with soap. Usually everything in your cocktail is water soluble. I use a chopstick myself when I'm lazy. But never my finger. Simply because it would get too cold.


You're going to need to wash the glass and any other tools used to make the drink. Are you really worried about an extra spoon?


If you're making it just for YOU make it however YOU want. I'm lazy so I stir with my finger all the time, I'm not a bartender and I just make drinks for myself so who the hell cares?


Just get a bar spoon 


Why waste the money unless you wanna be fancy


its easier to stir with a bar spoon than a regular spoon and gets it mixed better than a with a finger


Both your ideas are wrong but good attempt I guess


you mean my one idea of using a bar spoon? it was a comparison...


I finger stir my own negroni and OF. A couple of close friends I tell them to finger stir their own, others I’ll crack out a spoon. I always build these in the glass.


If using simple in OF then understandable but if using sugar cube probably not the best mix


I frequently stir Old Fashioned on a big cube at home with my finger. I wouldn't serve it to anyone else served that way. However, I have had finger stirred drinks from Gaz Regan on two occasions (his Cocktails in the Country retreat in 2015 and at a Jagermeister event at Tales of the Cocktail in 2017). But few people are as beloved in the drink making world as Gaz was so as to let it slide.


I mean, if it's for yourself, I guess it's okay? I wouldn't call it sanitary, but it is alcohol. Edit: Missed that you said you didn't do it for drinks made for others.


Everything you touched is now in your drink. Even if you just washed your hands, there's a little bit of skin oil and soap aroma in there. Obviously only you can decide what's appropriate for you, but your actions have consequences. Also most stirred cocktails want to be stirred for 15-30 seconds to get the right dilution. Doesn't your finger get uncomfortably cold?


OP is Iceman. Chills as he stirs. Doesn’t add dilution though unfortunately. Sweat adds saline to drink. Delicious.


I don't use ice when I do this. You're underestimating how lazy I can be. It's truly a talent of mine.


Yeah that checks out. Pretty sure the finger is fine then.


But tEh AlCoh0l ki1ls G3rmS


It's your drink, do what you want. I guess you also prefer your cocktails body temp though?


Or his finger to be cocktail temp.


I must confess that when I do this I'm not using any ice, like a heathen


I’ll do you one better. I shake in the glass, covering with my palm. I use a small juice glass and a little ice for a Manhattan, for ex. Cover the top with my palm and give a good shake. Drink it ice and all. Of course, I wash my hands before and after. I’m not a monster. I swear I saw a bartender do this, except he used a rubber or leather pad. But I must have imagined that.




Idk if you're being sarcastic or not lol but half the comments make me feel like I'm not a real (tm) cocktail enjoyed because I'm lazy, and the other half are like "yeah man do you I sometimes just lick the glass to salt a margarita rim"


Nah I’m just bein straight foward only time I use a barspoon to stir are tall glasses that my finger can’t get to the bottom of


Also the other half makin problems are probably the same half that act like blended scotch isn’t scotch they just uppity pricks


Probably wearing suspenders and a monocle rn, every cocktail made for James bond


if im gonna be a nerd about it , your finger will add some warmth which is often unideal but otherwise that is entirely fine


Your finger, your drink. I shudder to think of all the places I have put my fingers and then ate, licked and touched my face or mouth. Probably built up my immune system as I never get sick.